KURAL K N TE K P K lblt PAG« 4 KURAL ENTERPRISE Ao lnd«pood«nt—Not a o u tra l—n ew i- paper, published eveiy^Weduesday, MF Waa. H. W BEKLKB - - - --- ------- ■ . rank among the m anufacturing commonwealths, and the pro­ ducts of her fields and flocks | and herds will be in ju st so ! much more demand at home. International ( l x R « V F B F I T iW A T M . D D.. • f th a *T «aln < 9«boel, M o o ty B ib le s tltv t« «7 C fclotf o ) Fairy Talel HALSEY STATE BANK I By M ary Graham Bonner, Copyrighted | by Western Newspap per Union --------r , .-.a- Halsey, Oregon 't t lilt. Western N«»epa>er Ualaa.) HELPFUL BUNNIE BONNIE SI.SO a year A fter several months of inve sti­ gation by hundred* of government 1 agents a ll over the country 268 Furniture manufacturers have been indicted fos conspiracy whereby retail price* a ll over the country are kept at from two to four times pre war figures. I f the government stops this robbery that faot w ill be a contrast to anything it ha heretofore done in the trust-bust ing line. | D addy s Evening S. S. Lesson| Lesson for June 7 C A P IT A L AND SU RPLU S $35,000 Melly was UL She was feeling very [ sick and tbe doctor came and PETER'S BROADENING V ISIO N though ha was as Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited kind as kind could LESSON TE X T— A cts 10 1-11:11. be, be did give OOLDEN TE X T— o r a tru th I p«r- cslv a th a t Ood Is no raapaciar o f per­ her most horrible s o n a — A cts 10 94. medicine to take. PRIMARY TOPIC— A S tr a n g s S ig h t FACTORIES WILL COME I t made Melly W hich P tta r Saw be sold at Campwood, Texas, J ud « feel a little bet­ JUNIOR TOPIC— W hy P s t .r W ant 18. A bum ber o f Oregon goat The amount of possible water to Cassaraa. ter, but she still IN TER M ED IA TE AND SENIO R TO P­ wen expect to-atteud. power on this coast can only bo felt sick. IC—P stsrN B roadenin g V ision. H er head ached vaguely estimated. It is almos; TOUNO PEO PLE AND .ADULT TO P­ IC— The G ospel Intended for A ll Men and she felt quite beyond belief. But the cost of hot and very bringing it into use where there Through the conversion of Cornelius, tired. is a demand for it is an element the “middle wall of partition” was Allle Bna never that likewise can be only dimly left Melly. When The Dobeny o il leases have beer broken down (Eph. 2:4). Laundry sent Tuesdays I. Cornelius (10:1-2). visioned. M e lly couldn't declared void by a federal court at Agency Hub Cleaning Works 1. Ills Official Position (v. 1). play Allle Baa The popular idea that indus Elevan-year-old T revor Kaya- He was a Roman officer over a com­ didn't seem to trial enterprise will come wher­ Los Angeles, which says President I la u g h o f D ryden, W ash., saddled of 100 yoldlerg. want to play. ever there is power is erroneous. H arding had no power to transfer pany Allis Baa Never 2. Hia Character (v. 2). She wasn't rest­ hih horse at 11 p. m. on the night Left Melly. There is unestimated power in a u th o rity io the m atter to F a ll's (1) A devout, pious man. less, nor did she of M ay 2 , apd rode a m ile and a the foothills of the Cascade anti departm ent and also th a t the pay­ (2) He waa a praying man. show In any wny that she wanted to Coast mountains, but great ment* of 1100,000 to F a ll was (8) He was charitable. You may not purchase a p air of do anything else but stay by Melly's h a lf to a telephone sta tion to re­ (4) He was respected by his family. side, and give her what comfort she port a fire to the forest ranger. glasses (or commencement, but mills and factories (aside iron: crooked. B u t F all has not been The Lord chose Cornelius for the could. lumber mills, which find their The n ext day he carried w ater and we have a line of g ifts in our store Npt only did Allle Baa behave so lunch to the fire fighters and th a t w ill iutereat any graduate. raw material there,) do not go convicted. I f be had stolen th irty transition of the gospel to tbe Gen­ tiles because of his character and po­ quietly, but Allle didn’t want to do cents he m ig ht be. there. Cheap power is but one W ris t watches helped in th e ir work. sition. anything while Melly waS 111 except inducement, but the sawmills 12 size model E lg in Watches The fire threatened valuable II. The Supernatural Preparation for stay by ber side. Rings use chiefly steam and let the On page 2 we are told that the Transition of the Gospel to the Not long before Melly had been yellow pine tim ber. Scarf Pins water flow on to the sea. this country imports $100,000,- Qentllss (10:3-38). On hearing of the event Secre­ given several pet rabbits. They were Sport Chains Until electricity was harness­ 000 worth of flax and flax pro­ In order to bring this about: darling tittle rabbits Their noees wig­ tary of A g ric u ltu re Jardine wrote 1. Two Visions Were Given. Lockets ed water power could not be ducts yearly and th a t the Wil­ gled and their whiskers shook as they Trevor a letter of commendation (1) The vision of Cornelius (v. 3-8). smiled at Melly. Three Stran Pearl* concluding : “ I ana w ritin g this transported long distances from lamette valley produces the While engaged In prayer, an angel Melly knew they smiled at her! letter to th an k you on b e h a lf of W a'dem ar Chains its source for profitable use, be­ finest flax in the world. There of Ood announced that his prayer Some people would not have seen that the departm ent of a griculture, Combs cause of expense and loss of lies a suggestion for Oregon. and alms had come before God as a they were smiling. But Melly loved C u ff L in ks power on the way. Electrical A hundred million dollars is memorial, and Instructed him to send her rabbits and they loved her, so the which is charged by Uncle Sana transmission greatly reduces some money. to Joppa for Peter who would tell knew they smiled at her, Just as she with ta k in g care of our forests. By discovering th is fire and giving the second of those items, and him what to do. smiled at them! notice of i t so that it could be put (2) The vision of Peter (v. 8-18). But a sad accident had happened to those who casually view the Canada ia helping to supprr s He saw a certain vessel containing two of the rabbits. Dogs'had put an out p ro m p tly you have rendered a subject are wont to assume that t ie smuggling of booze in to the it affects the first in the same United State*. England is not. clean and unclean animals let down end to their little Urea, and Melly had very real public service and are from heaven. This vessel let down been very sad. entitled to tbe thanks of tbe gov­ way. When we look a t a little from heaven and taken back Indicated She cried, and Allle Baa had snug wire th at is hringing thousands She pursues tbs same |. s, d that both Jews and Gentiles were ac­ gled up Into Melly's arms and had ernment. I have not the opportu­ n ity to shake bands w ith you and of horsepower hundreds of miles polioy ss when, at the caunrn’ s cepted on high. tried to say as best she could: te ll you th is personally, so I am the feat, though we do not un­ inoutb, she forced the Chinese to ‘Dearest mother, I am so, so sorry.“ 2. A Messenger Sent From Cor doing the next best; th in g , letting nellus (vv. 17-22)? Allle’s comfort and sympathy bad derstand it, looks simple and receive her opium. Peter was greatly perplexed over helped a great deal. And then tbe yon know o f m y appreciation by easy. what he had seen, but not for long, favorite rabbit of all had been res­ le tte r,” But it costs money, and a That youth has the Boy Scout The Portland chamber of com­ for messengers from Cornelius made cued In time. good deal of it, to build and Optometrist Tbe harm bad been done before any spirit. Inquiry at the gate for him. The merce is sponsoring a law ohserv m aintain high-power transm is­ Spirit Informed Peter of the matter, of tbe family knew what was happen­ sion lines, after a power plant nice campaign. Wonder i f that and hade him go, nothing doubting. ing. But oh, fortunate Indeed bud W hy abolish merely the income Opticiafc has been installed at no small iiody could convene a quorum i l Thus we see that both had hegn pre­ been the fact that they had driven the ■tax and leave the widows.and the A L B A N Y OREGON. dogs away before poor Uttle Bunnle cost. .very member who breaks the pro pared for each other by God. poor people to pay taxes on th e ir 3. The Meeting of Cornelius and Bonnie had been attacked. • The greater part of the elec­ hibltion law or the anto speed law Peter (vv. 23-33). How hla heart had raced, how he homes? L e t’s just elim in a te a ll of trical power used still come» vere out of town. ‘«oi. W hat a rush of settlers and (1) Peter took six witnesses along had trembled as he had tried to bide • from coal, though the water •'apital to a land w itho ut taxes I — from the dogs. (V. 23). power of the country is rapidly , How happy he was when he was res­ H a llw a y H erald . He had the good Judgment to know l»eing corraled 'by m onster as­ Emma Goldman sgys she wants that on a mutter of so great lmpor cued and when all waa quiet again. He and Melly had become greater sociated electric power com­ to return to America and B ill tance, he must have witnesses. Put a spnng-oottom can run of good All work done promptly and reason­ (2) Cornelius waiting for Peter (v. friends than ever after th at He fol­ machine oil od every wheeled Imple­ panies for possible future use. tlohenA dicrn says he wants tc ably. Ilione 769 lowed her around, he loved to be held ment that has a place to carry one. The coal of the country is retu rn to Germ any. W hioh w ill 24). and fondled, he showed his devotion * * • He called together his kinsmen and mined under the mosit wasteful In so many ways. And it was ««’nice friends. A D M IN IS T R A T R IX ' N O T IC E Young chicks are killed by'klndness system known, and if the succeed first? Make your hets, that Allle Baa was not Jealous of (3) Cornelius about to worship Pe­ , of a p p o in tm e n t when they are fed before 48 hours a ft­ strikes and lockouts and inter­ gentlemen. Bunnle Bonnie, nor waa Bunnle Bon­ ter (v. 26-28). er hatching. Nature has provided that Notice is hereby given fhat the under­ nie Jealous of Allle. m ittent periods of employment Peter repudiated his act and pro­ they live on the yolk of the egg dur­ signed by an order of the Countv Court But now Melly was 111, and poor Secretary M ellon says a taxation tested that he was but a man along­ and idleness are not eliminated ol Linn County, Oregon, has been ap­ ing this time. Bunnle Bonnie waa very lonely. pointed adm inistratrix of the estate ef • « a the time will come when watei si stem set to the tune of “ Soak side of Cornelius. He waa so lonely he couldn't eat. He (4) The reciprocal explanation (w . will play its part in th e power the rich ’ ’ cannot win. R ight, Perennial . vegetables and small Bert M . W ilson, deceased. A ll persons h av in g claims against said estate are didn’t understand why Melly didn’t 27-33). scheme. fruits may be profitably fertilized with Mr. M ellon. Y our pile is safe. Peter explained to him how God had bring him hla food. He didn't under­ o good dressing of stable manure. lie required to present them w ith in aix A pound of coal can be turned We eoalc the poor. months from the date o f this notice, taken from him his Jewish prejudice, stand why Melly didn't come down to liberal with the application and culti­ w ith the proper vouchers, to the under­ into power equal to a day’s la­ and asked that Cornelius state the the end of the garden where were his vate It into the soil early In the spring signed at her place of residence at A l­ bor of a man, and it is still the purpose of his having sgot for him. house and private garden. bany, in Linn county, Oregon. Dated "He Won't eat," Melly's mother said Right, youog fellow ! Go ahead Cornelius explains how God had ap­ least expensive source of power and first published lliis 6th dav of May, to the doctor, “and I think Melly would A lw ilda W ilto n . in many places. Those 117 Angora goats recently 1925- and use B ull Durham “ tobacco." peared unto him and Instructed him feel better, too. If Bunnle Bonnie were A d m in is tra trix Aforesaid. im ported from South A frica w ill Reports ju st issued by the I t is more than h a lf alfalfa, and to send for Peter. allowed to see her.” A m or A. Tussing, A tty for Adnix. III. Peter's Sermon (vv. 34-43). tw elfth federal reserve district alfalfa is good for calves. Bunnle Bonnie was brought to Mol­ 1. The Introduction (vv. 34-86). show th at there were a total ly's bed and with happiness shining In Ha showed that God la no respecter h is little p i n k of 106,629 industries! users of We have 240 more state law* in of persons, but that In every nation A little overhauling now w ill save yon a big haul later. D on’t elwstric energy in Oregon. frffeit than we bad two weeks ago, those who fear Ood and work right­ eyes he nestled down by Melly's run yo ur car on the loose bearings and burned valves. I t takes Washington, California and the eousness are accepted of Him. side. too much gas and ruins yo u r motor. B ring yo ur car and let Inter-mountain states, A year and there were more than 240 too . 2. His Discourse (vv. 36-43). He ate some me look it over once a m onth and ¿ee if i t is O. K . I t won’t m u iy before.that. In the discourse be touches briefly clover now. He ago the number was 94,373. C° iL ^ u U tt cen? I. am ^ ere ,0 8ive y ° u service and sntisfaciion. 1 upon the mission of Jesus shbwlng I'he reports received were had a good meal We have a fu ll line of Tubes, Tires and accessories. U uiou 1 that by means of Ills baptism and an of carrot And from only 20 companies in the The league o f uations 1* doing nolntlng with the Holy Spirit, He was Gas and O il. A ll work done in th is shop is fu lly guaranteed. I I entire district, but included all business, w ith soviet Russia and qualified for His work aa mediator. Melly felt better, specialize in a ll makes o f cars and tractors, magneters, s ta rt-| too. the large ones. ing motors and batteries. I want jobs where others have failed , the United State* on tt)e outside. He then exhibited the work of Christ: Oh, bow quiet The sale of electric energy (1) In His life (vv. 38-38). I f you need me phone 16x5. ' nnd good he was! He went about doing good, even for industrial purposes fo." Feb­ He seemed to un- casting out demons as a proof that papman ruary of this year was 360, <1 e r s t a n d that God was with Him (v, 38). 393,643 kilowatt hours as com­ M e l l y waa n o t (2) In His death (v. 38). very well and pared with 346,995,149 for Feb­ The Just suffered for the unjust Gosling* at first might have stale that he must help ruary of last year. breed and milk. sprinkled with sand, that He might bring us to Ood, being to make her well. M anufacturing plants will lots of water and green food such as put to death tn the flesh ( I Pet. 3:18) I T h e r e th e y (8) In Uls resurrection (vv. 40-41) | Melly Felt Bettor, continue to be located where glass or sprouted oats with the bulls were, M elly and God raised Him up the third da; ' Too. raw niaterial, labor and tra n s­ cut off. I'he hulls should not be Allle B a a a n d openly that Christ was His 1 portation facilities are conveni­ given to the young goslings. After showing little Bunnle Bonnie, all upon the big Son (Rom. 1:4), and that His saertfl bed tn tho old bedroom. ent. la b o r is the only one of the first three or four days, they will clal work was satisfactory (Itom take a mixture of four parts corn And the next day when the doctor these th at can conveniently go meat, three parts bran, one part red 4:26). came ha said: to the mountains, except in the. dog, and after the first week add 5 IV. Th« Holy Spirit Poured Out ( w "That little rabbit has helped me a lumber industry, so the moun­ per cent of high-grade beef scraps or 44-48). great deal. MeUy can sit up today on A* tbe gospel was ent4Kng upon Its the back porch la the eunshtne." tain, (or its power) m ust come mLx with milk, always mixing a lit­ tle fine sand with thia ration Feed widest embrace, the Spirit ’came In to mahomet. "Oh. what Joy there was that day. new power. You could have teen It to each of their W « it* From the Baker sawtni.ll* them three or four time* a day at V. Peter Vindicates H it Ministry to first, and three times a day later. A l­ ,<"1 SeeU ,h em — M eliy and a* fuel by the South Baker at« am ways give plenty of green food and the Gentliee (11:1-18). Allle Baa and the little, soft. fnrr, p la n t of the Eastern Oregon L ig h t all the water they will drink. Being'called to account for visiting black and whits Bunnle Bonnie I and Power company perm its gen­ °*r “ * c a s h ia iu p and eating with Gentiles, Peter re­ eration of electricity by tte a .m hearsed the whole story tn such a way C o n u n d ru m t alm ost aa cheaply aa by w ater that bis narrative took the form of ? , , k “ fro“ 70,1 you power. logical argument, and showed how get I t 7 Your portrait thut Ood had aet H it seal upon the The world is estimated to ba re Gne of the most satisfactory annual What Is It that requires many an­ available water power equal to hay crops In the northern states where work by tbe miraculous gift of the swers. although It never asks any Spirit. • 138,000,000 horsepower. Of th ia the climate Is comparatively coot and questions7 A doorbell. the U nited State* is credited w ith the moisture la abudant. Is a mix­ Whet It that from which yon ta i» Soy bean seed la frequently de­ 34,500,000 ef which 9,000,000 is ture of oats and Canadian field peas. stroyed by a pest known as tho com­ away tho whole and yet some la left? Whole-some. ' The field pea being a legume adds to developed, and Canada 18,250,000 mon bean, weevil. Almost complete the protein compounds la the feed and What Islands produce the best tin« potential and 3.225,000 developed. control of thin Insect can be secured No other country has nearly a.« the mixture comes more nearly taking by exposing the need to sub-aero tem­ era? The Canarien tbe place of clover than most other much. These estlina'es do sot emergency crops. The crop can be peratures. Place the beans outdoors T h t R ta to n include the water in the Bell T ele, grown In all of the states north or the In a sack on a cold day and teevs Sister's Suitor—How ts i t Johnnie them from 80 to 48 hours. ! W,th En‘ “ B °f A rm y a, t h . photic stock, a ll o f which is ilo v d - Ohio river, and In the highest altitudes that you have such a dislike for me? 5 W h „ . Shield H o « ,, W M ayfair avenue, Po.tUn.1, Oregon. o p o d tu A producing. of the western states. Both oats and 1 have never done anything to de­ Overcoming Evil peas grow beet on a coot, moist clay serve I t * . | Oregon, called tec uncut ms Ion By bravely enduring It. an evtl which loam soil but they will grow on a l­ Johnnie— Yes you have. When yoU among . the states, will' in most any sot) that ts mol at and wall cannot bo avoided ts overcome.-— com« to see Kate she puts tho clock American Friend. another q uarter of a cenrturv supplied with plant foo< back and It makes a e late for school. d rertising , 2Uc an inch ; no discoun for lim e or space ; no charge for coui poaiUoa or c usages, l a T a lc -for paragraphs." to a lino. Ma a4««rttauD* dlsgulaad a s new s. Boy of 1 1 Years Wins High Praifie I Hia Prom pt Action Saves a Valuable Timber Tract A Modern Barber Shop A B E ’S P L A C E Cmmencement Time E. C. Meade, H. Aibro, F. M . G R A Y , . D R A Y M A N p Always Give Plenty of Green Feed to Goslings Halsey Garage ! A m e ric a n E a g le Fire Insurance Co. Hay is worth just as much in storage as you might get for it in ease of fire. T h ) |A m erican Eftgle Fire Insurance company Mixture of Field Peas and Oats Good for Hay G. P. SI AFFORD, Agent :.... — • ....... Any Girl in Trouble The wisest girls keep out of trouble