TH O R NAME WAS LE6Í0N! wound lilm—and then It'd ba worse Why suffer from headache»? Have vacation YOUR EYES Examined I F . M. F re n c h & Son > < Jewelers, Optometrists > f Albany, Oregon 1 M a ¿e. Y ^ / I núco ¿», Ac «Mer »N V Servica CCcutluued) » v I e CHAPTER III A C aller Let« that night Bart Rogers sat again la the office nt Leon Barrows The mind of Bart Hagers was the abiding place of only vague realisa­ tions; It seemed unable to centralise Its functions At last, however, hers came the sharp aonnd to qnlck step« la the ball, and the hanging of the doer as Leon Barrows entered. The thla-faeed attorney glanced toward Bart and went to his desk. “Well.” he asked In hia snappy, sar­ castic manner, “why haven't you gone to bed?" “I was waiting for you. I didn't want to go until I was sure everything had been taken care of." “I told you that I would do It, didn't ir "Tee—of oencse.” "Then, that should have been tbe end of tt.“ “You’ve taken care of everything?" “Certainly.“ “Will—will there be tbe necessity for an tngueat?" "Aa inrseetr Tbe attorney looked at him sharply. “For what?” " I— I didn’t know. I always thought it was necessary to have an Inquest when a person died without medical attentloa." "You're erasy" Tbe attorney said It la a Jdrky, unsympathetic manner. "Braeybody knows what was wrong with year father. It's all ftxsd up. Looked after It personally. Hoffman, the undertaker, has got everything ar­ ranged. Isn't anybody you want to send for?" "No"— Bart Rogers shook his head — "there's no dhe who would be Inter­ ested.“ “What I thought. Any other reason for delay?" "On—on the funeral? I don't know of any." that she had gone on, content that he would know, in that silent demon­ stration. of her sympathy and her sor­ row. Yet wtthal. ha wondered If she had stopped; vaguely, uncertainly, he iWt that someone was looking at him, looking rteadlly and fixedly. He raised hia head and turned— to stare with something et surprise. The girl was lest In the M ur ef the crowd. But Old Jtm had remained, to «tend halting and undetermined as thoogh some­ thing were on his tips, something he repressed only through the force of his will-power. But at B art’s first glance, he. too, turned and hurried on in the wake of hia mistress. Three hours “ I— I Can’t Take the Chenoa.” than ever. I —I can’t take the'chance My hand wouldn’t be steady. I —I'd miss. Then he’d get a greater’ re­ venge than ever. H e’d ruin her life— and yours!’ "Mlue? Ruin my life?" me th^t before I leave this room I” Bart Rogers smiled nftrthteffOy. " e re discussing a good many things that may never happen. But, If It'll help you any. Jim— I I I promise.'' Then Old Jim left. And through the night, as Bart sat hy the window, alone In his grief, there Were moments when, in spite of his sorrow, his mind reverted to ttie visit of the shadowy Oltf Jim. nnd his strange, mysterious request. I t brought questions— a myriad of them. And some answers. More than once. In the years which had followed their first meeting, Bart Rogers had wondered why Anita Frannlston al­ lowed herself to suffer the cruelties which must be her lot at the hands of her father. This was an independ­ ent age. Rogers told himself an age Go somewhere this summer. Plan to make it the happiest vacation you ever had. Low Roundtrip Fares are in effect throughout the sum­ m er season. I t’s amazing w hat they will enable you to see and do. ’ So g o —this vacation. K now < (O regon. V isit Tillamook Beaches, M N e w p o r t B eaches, Coos B a y ' Beaches, Mountain Resorts,Crater ' Lake, Oregon Caves. A nd rely upon our agents for | full II travel information. Ask for o u r illu strated b o o k let , " O re g o n O utdoors." à. V Southern Pacific c . P. Moody, sgt. Phone 226 later— By his window in the darkness of Ms room, Bart Rogers aat watching, yet seeing nothing Alone, his brain had begun to form pictures— of a man who had slushed shoulder deep through the swift water of an irriga­ tion ditch, too excited to even feel the swift touch of the water. H e saw the picture of a man light­ ing a lamp— and lighting it In a trem­ bling manner which belled the casual words of his lips—a man who, a mo­ ment later, was to be robbing at his father's side. He felt again the cold touch of the handa, and of the cheek, the pang of realisation as he bent to the quiet breast, the horrible dutch- lng anguish, as, a shadow In the night, he staggered toward town with the news that— He turned quickly, with the dazed nervousness of a person awakened from a bad dream. He waited, tense, motionless. Then It came again—a slight, almost I imperceptible tapping at the door. “Who’s there?1 The answer did not come In words— only In a repetition ef that clicking, nerv,ous tup, as though some one were rapping with their fingers, trusting to the sharp, telegraphic clack of the nails to carry the sound. Rogers stum bled through the semi-darkness toward the door and opened It, to Instinctively stand aside as a bant, gray-halred fig­ ure slid from the fstnt light of the narrow hall Into tbe shadows af the room. “What Is It?” Vaguely Bart Rogers had Identified the ahadowy visitor as Old Jim “Could— could I trust you, if I talked to you a little while?" The voice seemed tense, almost frightened. “Tell me what U la!" Rogers ejacu­ lated. At last came the wonla: “Mind If we sit down?” "Not at all." Bart brought two chairs toward the window. Jtm halted hia a( a safe distance. Paint J time You are invited to inspect and price our new q and complete line of £ • Lowe P o s y .f c and • • Bros.’ a dines Varnishes? H IL L Oregon Ä Dr. C. FICQ, Dentist “ PLATES THAT their way to the broad, wooden stair­ way which led to the office of the at­ torney. There Old Jim tugged at his arm. and when Bart turned toward hhn, asked guardedly; “ What la It? What does he want yon for?” “I don't know. He told me this afternoon that he would want to see tne tonight. He said he had some things to talk over with me." 'Is it about money?" There was a sharp Insistence In the older rnun's voice. I don't know. I suppose so—about what my father left and that sort of thing It all has t<^ be settled up and— ” "Then be careful 1 Understand— be careful I Don't do or say a thing with­ out being sure of yonr ground. Don't make them any promises—" “They?” “Yes. they've been up there talking for an hour. He called me from the window and sent me over to the hotel. Lawyer Barrows didn't send me. H e—" "Whom do you mean? I ddht— ’’ But the question and answer were ended by a flood of light from the of­ fice of Leon Barrows. The door had opened, to dlacloee the attorney stand­ ing there In wait. Old Jim turned hurriedly and descended the stulrs. Rogers went forward, and walked to­ ward the desk, where sat the one man In the world he had regarded as Sn enemy. "Bull" Frannlston! F IT ” GroWng, bridge work and fillings. It will pay you to get my prices on your dental work, Casick bank building, Albany be the sole right and property of aald Egbert Fruhnlston, 1( Is agreed and understood that any and all debts In­ curred by the testator during hia life­ time and by tbe said Barton Rogers before tbe death of the testator, at this time owing to the said Egbert Frannl­ ston, including notes, deeds, chattel mortgages ar any other paper of in­ debtedness, shall be declared by the said Egbert Frannlston to be null, void and canceled, and without recourse In law." * It was the Joker In. tbe w lU I The thing which gave Barton Rogers ev­ erything—yet nothing I “Let me read that again!" can« huskily from Bart. “In case that—’’ you don’t understand “I understand tbe words," came somewhat thickly. “But not the meaning? I t ’s simple enough. Jfist th is : Frannlston takes all oil oh that land and cancels the debts yon owe him. I t was a bargain which seemed to be all on the side of your father. Frannlston hfire w|U tell you that I said that vary thing to him the day the will waa signed— all throe of ns wore up here In ttys office. Your father thongbt this would be the last place In the world whero oil would be discovered, and told as so. I thought the aame thing Frannlston thought differently. He said that he was Will­ ing to take the gamble and. would 4«od your father q to |10,0<» for IL That you didn't gat tbo motley is—“ “I ’m willing to pay up the rest to show that I'm on the square.” Fran- nlstvn was lighting hia cigar. Bart Rogers turned on blm. “Are you?" he Jeered. "A wonder­ ful philanthropist, with millions In sight I” “I didn't know It when I mads tba bargain.” " I’ve gut a different opinion of that. Besides, I w ont believe tbls until I see tbe signature and— " "Look on the bottom of the page, then," came acidly from Leon Barrows. "Is that yonr father » w n tia if The eyes of the yeung man cen­ tered. "Yea," came at last. Bart could not qndarstand— but be did recognize the slgauture as his fa­ ther’s, Then Barrows spoke again. “Now look at the second signature,“ he said, acridly. "Have you ever seen that before?’ “It looks like the signature of Sher­ iff Graham. "That's correct.'’ continued Barrows, “anil I ’m not going to argue with you much longer about this, Rogers. I t ’S “I figured It that way. Told Hoffman ‘You care about her, don't you? I've when a girl was forced' neither that we'd better have the funeral to­ aeen It. boy." Old Jim rose now. “I through precedent nor public opinion morrow afternoon. On account of this saw It In your eyes this afternoon— to countenance Indignities cr mistreat­ boots thing. This town's gone crazy— I saw It there tonight. That'S what ment. Thia was an age when a girt, and It'll get worse every minute.” CHAPTER IV made me come here. I want to g it rather than submit to cruelties, could Baft nodded In dated fashion. Leon your promise. make her own way In the world, and Barrows shuffled a few papers of one A rgu m en t ‘Then his voice trailed away. Rogers had wondered why she had of the orderly plies. "My promise? To what?” answered not done so. Tonight there had come "You know Frannlston, don’t you, “ Very well, then," came Ms conclu­ Bart. an answer In an unanswerable mys­ Rogers?" Barrows asked. “This, ac­ sion. “Glad you look at It In that tery. Was It Old Jim, who through cording to the legal phraseology,” lie way. Thought you’d be sensible; there “That—that you'll marry Anita. the fear of wjiat he knew inevltuhly continued In his usual, sarcsstlc tones, why I told Hoffman to go ahead. I've IT 'Is the last will and testament of gotten you a room over at the hotel. ’’Y es!" Old Jim had caught him by would descend upon her, who had kept No. 21. Here's the hey. Go over the arms now, and waa holding Ih a her In the unkind hands of her father, Franklin Rogers, recently deceased 1 rather than allow her to go forth to there and go to bed." grip that Was almost spasmodic In Its intend to probate It at Mannington to­ apparent security, and by the excur­ Bart Rogers rose and stared hazily Intensity. "You care about her—I morrow. Therefore, I thought thut sion bring even a worse fate upon about him. “That's better," he whispered. “No­ know you do. I want you to marry I ’d better read it to you two inter­ “Thanh»—far looking, after things body ein see ua from the street here. her. You’ll have money—plenty of IL herself? What was that fata? What ested gentlemen tonight.” for me. I t ’s rather taken me off my He seated blmealf. and hia thin hands Yon can go away— to New York, or was the evil thing which “Bull" Fran “Just a minute I” Rogers rose heat­ knitted. At last: “You own the land maybe across the water—some place nlston held In his keeping? What sort edly. “I object to this man being fe e t I — " of a power could this man hold, which, right next to where they've brought in “Go on to bed!” where »he couldn't get his hands on Here. I — ” Tbe lawyer nodded curtly toward this pH?" her and torture her and teur the beert through a fe # Words, ehuld control the "Oo ahead and object, If tt will do destinies of two persons? “Yes.” the door In dismissal, and Bart Rogerr out of me I I ’ll help you—I give you you any good. I put up the money “I t ,U be worth a lot of money—If my word that Til help you! Til pre­ Breakfast, than the perversity of obeyed. A moment later be found for you and your father. I'm here, and you'd want to sell out. himself on the crowded sidewalk. tend to hate you, I ’ll let him think nature, demanding sleep after deny­ I'm going to stay here. I'm Interest­ ing It, tent the fatigued man to a few "It should— that la, If the otl keeps that tt will be a living agony to me There was noise, there was bluster, ed In this will, and I ’m going to hear to see her married to you I Then he’ll hours’ reat. After that—a cemetery, It read.” the laughter of women and girls min­ up. Old Jtm laid a hand on hts arm consent to It—because he will think and a caustic, snapping-tongued man. gled with the shouts of men. Bvery- Barrows, meanwhile, had turned a “Boy," came In a low voice, " I wqnt It Will hurt me. Bart— ’’ the man's who accompanied him back to the cold eye upon tbe younger man. where was the enthusiasm of new­ hotel, only to leeve him the moment to tell you something. I can't tell any finger nails were digging deep Into the found wealth, as though every person “To my son. Barton Rogers," con­ they reached the door. were to share In It, and as though each body. I'm "— then there was a long tight-clasped «arms now— “I'll do any­ tinued the biting words of the at­ "Going to send for you tonight," slleuce—" I’m putting myself at your thing In the world for you If you’ll one of those who crowded the streets torney, Ignoring Bart’s protest, " I give, la this outburst of Joy were a part mercy, In a way. In eveh coming to only promise 1 I ’ll crawl on my knees waa his parting. “Don’t ga running devise and bequeath all my real und around. I want to know where to put owner In that great outpouring of see you tonight. I f he’d ever find It to you. I ’ll— r [lersonal belongings with such excep­ But why— why should you think ray hands on you whan the time comes. tions as shall he noted below, all liquid gold that was spraying against out— ’’ We’ve got to talk over some things." “You mean 'Bull'?" that she would marry me? That she the starlit sky ont there on the black­ moneys, goods, chattels and effects, and (Continued on pure 6) 'T il bq In my room.” “Yes." even thinks of me other than Io be ness of the plains. the sole right and title to 180 acres of "Very wall, m count on that." "You mean— " grateful for that night on the road? It was through this milling, Jumbled land comprising the northwest quar­ /^ASH PAID for false teeth, den- Theo he turned Into the crowded "You mat us on the road one night, ta! gold. platinum and discarded Why— ’’ throng that Bart Rogers, his eyes set ter of Section 83, Township 8, Range stAet, leaving Bart Rogers alone, once jewelry. Hoke Smelting and Refining •Maybe she doesn’t, but I ’ll help. and staring, his lips tight drawn, his come cryptically. Rogers recoiled In 74, to have and to hold, and with all Co., Otsego, Mich, horror. I'll talk you up to het^— I know the more with hia grief and his conjec­ rights and concessions to do with as features old and haggard, was forced “He would beat her? Again?" He likes yeu better than anyone .else tures. The motley collection of hu­ to make his way to the hotel. That he will, except as follows: man riffraff that flocks to every oil ha sheuld have been a pert of It, he rose and paced the room, at last to Aad I'll try to make her love yon.” “To my good friend, Egbert Fran- boom town was present In full force felt Instinctively—yet It waa all halt beside the older man's chair. Then he stopped. Bart Roger» below In the street. nlston. In recognition of his unfail­ LAWYER AND.NOTARY strange to him, all out of place, and, “Good Gqd, m an! you don't stand for waited long for him to continue, but ing friendship— “ But up In his room, Bart Rogers la a way, cruel. For Bart Rogers that? Haven’t you an ounce of red no words came. The clutch at the “That’s a lie !" shouted Bart. “I blood In your veins? Haven't you— watched dusk and then night come H alsey . O rkoow could only think of tbe patient person won't believe I t l" younger man’s arms released slowly. But the thin hands spread hope- with hardly a thought of the milling who had wafted silently by the window ’ — In recognition of his unfailing Then the old man turned despondently , lessly. throngs So near. Ha had left word away day after day, who had undergone suf­ friendship and hia succor In time of at tbe desk that he was not to be dis­ " I— I can't do anything. There are fering, even privation that ha might need.” went on Barrows, “I give, de­ I —I guess I ’ve been a fool," came rqasons why I can't. I — I’ve Just got turbed by any one save a messenger play hia part—only to lose In tbe end. vise and bequeath all oil and mineral to stand and look on. That's why be st last. “Just forget I've ever been from the office of Leon Borrows—even At lest, however, be halted, at a touch rights underlying the surface of the hare. that afternoon as the one dilapidated takes such a delight In It; because he on his arm, and looked down Into the 'I can t do that, Jim.” Bart Rogers carriage followed the hearse to the land comprised In the northwest quar­ Efficient Service. Motor Hearse. know« that I'm suffering. That’s why features of Anita Frannlston. followed I— » ter of Section «51, Township 8, Range waa following him to the door. “But cemetery, a man had scrambled out Lady Attendant. at usual, by the dog-llke, gray-halred 74, the same being the identical sec­ I'm afraid you've asked some Impos­ from the sidewalk with an offer for "There’s the one way out—and Old Jim. tion, township and range mentioned In Brownsville....................... .......... Oregon' sibilities In the first place, a girl his land. * you’d have a right to do It ! “ Bart —■ the previous paragraph of this docu­ "Pm so sorry.'' came quietly, and doesn't marry a man unleas ahe really Not that Bart Rogers did not care Rogers spoke slowly, coldly. “No man ment. Upon acceptance of thia be­ her hand still remained oo bis arm. loves kirn. Then she marries without to sell, either. Right now, however, has a right to beat a woman—much quest, with the right to experiment In “You know, then?” Influence from anyone. If that time W . L. W R IG H T he did not want to discuss the sale less a girl. Understand that? And search of such mineral and oil depos­ "Yen I waa over In the newspaper there isn't a Jury to the world— Mortician & Funeral Director ever cornea, you'll find me watting for of land, or to bicker over price». Ills its, and the free use of such land as ofilce. They're trying to get out an He paused than. The falat light Anita, and If sbe’s willing to go with thoughts were on a different thing, on shall be necessary for such lnvestiga Halsey and Harrisburg extra about the oil strike, and I hap­ from the street reflected the gleam In me. It'll be whether I have money or rke loneliness of a mound he had left Call D. T avlos , Halsey, or Sons, the rental of any needed land pened to aee In the proofs tbe story Old Jim's eyes as the older man half not, and In aplte of what 'Bull' Fran-' behind that afternoon. W, L. W b i C h t , Harrisburg for pipe age. derricks, wells, mines, about your father." rose, hia handa extended, bla Ups work­ nliton or anybody else has to say or An hour he watched the money-mad shafts aad other equipment In case Bart Rogers stared wordlessly at ing convulsively, his features fraught think about it. F ll—" mob In a vacant, detached manner, at of tbe discovery and production of any the sidewalk There was no way with excitement, with hope—than sud­ "Don't I” The appeal bad come In last to rise at the sound of a knock la which he could on»«wer her : denly with fear as he sank Into the a whisper that was almost frantic. on the door. Old Jim was there, look­ o(l or mineral, said rental to the afore he could not find tbe words to chair again sad stared dully into “Don't—please— please, for God’s sake, ing querulously up at him. but this aald Barton Rogers not to exceed 12,50 >, per year, payable at the end of each thank agrio vacancy. or to r don’t I" He looked about him hur­ time be did not enter. calendar year, and with the agreement j the agony ot hia discovery in the little "Lawyer Barrows sent me for you.” and understanding that all oil and min "No,'' came hopeleaUy. “I've thought riedly. “That can't be, Rogers! Un­ cabin that evsoteg Once more be frit of I t I —I guess I'va thought of It derstand— It can’t ba! You can't take "Certainly ” Bart reached for his th* slight (treasure of her hand upon mnre»tonl(ht tban-edar beforw. In,m y bar that, way—you mustn't—bear that? bat and Joined him/ Slowly­ •rals which shall ba taken from the F irs t-c la s 3 W o r k ground, or’ beneath the ground upon hia. asm, U a tin ctlvtli. he kqew Ufe. ’ But I oa» t da IL ’ I might oply You mustn't! You've cat ta prxjilse scended to OS? afreet, ' thap forced UUg w s H jwi N j decrlbed U a i L slmii Amor A. Tugging DELBERT STARR Funeral Director and Li« censed Embalmer BARBER SHOP J- W STEPHENSON. I