a. ■4<9 £i(. A g r c u l tu r e H o rtc u ltu re L iv e s to c k ^^V eekh Chronicle oí Local Events and Progress on Linn County Land HAL8EY, OREGON Halsey Happenings and County Events Doings of Our Populace > Chronicled in Brief Paragraphs took an outing at Newport last week. A bumper year for atrawber- nes- Bert Clark sedan. a 14 18 has a new Ford ; Tent Meeting: E. E. Gourley and family were in Albany Tuesday- • New railroad tim e table, page Mr. and Mrs- George S tarr 6.......... visited Eugene Friday. A. C. A im strong and wife Mr. and Mrs. William Van- were in Albany Saturday. nice expect to attend the Mon­ • Harry Commons and family mouth summer school. • visited a t Wallace and T. B. W. A. Cummings and wife * Sprenger’s, Shedd, Saturday. are putting in a few licks on Col. Sudtell was one of the their Newport property. auctioneers a t a Jersey sale at Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Robert­ Marion last week where 35 ani­ son and Wayne and Kenneth mals brought $5440. Cross put in the week end at A. C. A rm strong and wife a t­ Newport. , , « < tended Sunday school and If the Brownsville baseball church Sunday at Eugene. Nine­ team is allowed first place in teen ministers were ordained thai the league this year Halsey ties day. for second. , B Twenty-one days of tent C. V. Curtis has been advanc­ meetings will begin Sunday on ed to track walker a t Coquille the lot occupied for the same and his fam ily will follow him ' purpose last year by the Meth­ there in a few days. odist church. • Mrs. Nate C. Smith and sons After a lon r Illness, Peter D. 011- Wayne and Fleming have gone hert, former mayor of Albany, who for a visit with their parents had been operating a grocery store and grandparents a t Wasco. H A L S E Y . JU N E 2 1. N. 7 to a converted drummer, evangelist • • S e rv ic e s 2:30 & 8 2 •Spiritual S in g in g ffo s n e / ^rea c/iin g \ 2 One block west of Pine Grove Points Brownsville Briefs (By an Enterprise Reporter) iBnterprlae Corr*apond«nc«> iv»y w v r orove .u yru e NIiss Gladys Hoy was a week Ray n Hover drove io to Myrtle Point Monday, returning Friday j eD(f guest at the Burson home, evening. | Fields and gardens are look- Miss Nora Pehrsson was *ng tine, owing to the fine rains, home from W illamette U. for | Mrs. Emma Harrison has re- the week end. j turned to her home here for the Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McNei) summer, drove to Brownsville Thursday ) Ed. Bowers is building a fin» to have dental work done. , new stock and dairy barn on hia Thelma Knighten visited her home place. grandm other. Mrs- Emma Mrs. C. E. Stanard is visiting Knighten, a t Albany last week. her daughter, Mrs. W ayne Rev. Robert Parker of the Whealdon, in Portland. Halsey M. E. church gave a n .. _ splendid memorial address a t ' „ / 1° * I where they will be guests of Sand Ridge cemetery Friday to Mr. and M Howe's son do some work there. | Lyman T here will be a chicken pie j _______ supper a t the Pine Grove school- William A. How. is »»eking rec- house Friday evening a t 6 :3 0 .'toration to citizenship, which he A fter the supper members of forfeited in acquiring land in Can. field visited a t Lee Ingram 's Saturday. E. D. Isom and Lee Ingram went to Albany Friday. Chester C urtis and family visited at th e Chas. Tandy home A dozen local members of near H arrisburg Sunday. the Past G rand’s club and six­ Mrs. A. E. Whitbeck called on teen from Brownsville held an ___________ __ Mrs. A. Powell in Halsey S atur­ the Albany chamber of c o m -.flda. all-day m eeting with Mr. and day evening. merce will give a program. Graduate From (J of 0 Mrs. A. A. Tussing Wednesday gene taking treatment» from a Pine Grove Jersey cattle took J Prospective graduat^ a t the and feasted and had an all- Chrrles Straley and family physician there. around good time. attended the m ilitary tourna­ Lake Creek Locals i heir of ht on^ ^ i u . T ^ r o m ^ ^ i y X Mr. and Mrs. Andy Brown oi m ent a t 0. A. C. and Mrs. S tra ­ Jersey jubilee at Albany last a r e M ary Enid Veatch in m athe- C. G. Ham er and family are ley, with the children, visited Saldm called a t E. D. Isom's week, the Gibson herd winning m atics and Helen A rm strong in having an outing in Idaho and (By Special Car respondent) Sunday afternoon. several aw ards and Carl Nichols Romance languages. Montana. Mr. Ham er is a ma­ her irother, Mr». E ith er Rike Thomas Palmer spent Saturday J. H. Rickard and fam ily"at­ receiving first on senior yearling C harity grange will picnic at Miss Veatch ia affiliated w ith chine sheep shearer and they in Corvallis. tended church Sunday a t the Pence’s grove, a t Kiser bridge, the Sigma Beta Phi sorority and bull. travel from ranch to ranch as T . J. Jaokson is driving a new is a member of tha Mathematics next Saturday McFarland church. 3 he follows the occupation. Mrs. near Rowland, afternoon a gener- Chevrolet sedan. , Wednesday , , ---------------• .. iciuo, club. Mias Miss Armstrong is a mem- mam- and everybody is invited and Hamer, who was Alma Sickels, Mr. and Mrs. Fred B urkhart a^ housecleaning was given the ber ef Q o|ob , be those who go will have a good Ruesel Herndon spent Sunday writes th a t she is enjoying the of Salem spent several days this Pine Grove church Those help- s anilh clubi el Circulo Cagteli ^ 0 time, if it does not rain- at Bellafouaiain visiting frieuds. trip. week a t th eir farm. ing were Mr. and Mrs. G rant and lbe Frenoh olub. C. S. Williams and family at­ McNeil, Rev Mr. Gillispie and j _________ ' Myrel Settie has recovered Miss Merle Straley, Edward Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hawkins tended tbe m ilitary tournament at wife, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Cum- , from the injuries received in an Hussey of Minot, N. D., and Mrs. of Portland visited a t A. E. Corvallis Saturday. mings. Mrs. Albertson, Mrs. I Common law m arriage has be- B;0)k», formerly Mi»» Hussey, accident a couple of m onths or W hitbeck’s Sunday. M artin Cummings and J. Suitar Hover, R. K. Stew art and Ken-I*>m* valid in Oregon If a cou- so ago and has gone with his Ple. hav? together as man Mrs. Lee Ingram and daugh­ attended the wrestling match at neth Miner. fam ily to the home of Mr. Cor­ and wife for a year they are rell, Mrs. Settle’s father, at ter Thelma called on Mrs. D. I. Albany Friday night. Albany's Isom Friday afternoon. W ith Agnes Chandler valedic­ m arried, and th eir children are M yrtle Point. only Mr». Decie Brook of Halsey legitimate. B. E- Cogswell and son Philip •pent tbe week end visiting her torian and Iona Albertson salu- 0 . W. Frum was toastm aster tatorian* the high school class Wednesday at a banquet of tbe of Portland spent Saturday ano Children in this neighborhood. of 8 graduates this week. The I Sunday a t their farm . . The juniors of Halsey high en­ Rebekahs honoring departing graduates are Agnes Chandler, members. A t the close of school j M r. and Mr». Wallace Sprenger tertained tbe seniors at the C. S. Iona Albertson, Grace Pehrsson, I of Shedd called at the E. A . Williams home Friday evening. Mrs. M. H- Shook goes to P ort­ Gladys Hadley, Rena Walker, E V E R Y T H IN G o p t ic a l Mrs. George Hockenimith and Trum an R land, B ertha W alker goes to her I Starnes home Monday afternoon. dbnett and Freddie „ n « , Rbbnett . «v! , o. ., ' daughter, who are spending tbe Heinrich. Rev. Clifford Carey V n M . parents’ home a t Reedsport and Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth C ur­ Bancroft Optical Co. . t .. . . .... sdelpbia, tbs noted truss expert, the schoolteachers go on their tis and children visited Mr. Cur- school yoar in Corvallis, were home preached the baccalaureate ser­ will personally be at tba sum m er vacation. W ait First street. Albsny.Or. mon a t the Church of C hrist i tis’ sister, Mrs. H enry Brock, Sunday. Among those from here attend­ Sunday night. The class day Friday. HOTEL ALBANY (Continued on page 6) ing memorial services at Pine program is billed for this Wednes­ Mrs. Charles Clover of Spring- Grove Saturday morning were Mr. day night at tbe Methodist church and will remain in Albany Thurs­ day only, I field spent Saturday, Sunday and Mra. E. S. Bass, Mr. and Mrs. and Monday w ith h er sister, Martio Cumming* and M r. aud and the commencement exercises tomorrow night a t the same J U N E 11 Mrs. Lee Ingram . Mrs. Lou Wilson. place. Mr. Seeley says : “ Tbe Sperm­ E. Evans and family of Port­ I Mr and Mrs. Tom Cooper and atic Shield will not only retain any land spent the week tnd visiting Church of Christ I son Homer and granddaughter case ct rupture perfectly, but con­ IJ Madeline of Plainview and Mrs. relatives here. Mrs. Lackey and Sunday School, 10. tract» the opening in ten day» on , W. E. Burton of Portland were daughter of Eugene aud Mrs. Preaching, l l . the average case, being an im ­ Oleman of Monmouth were alto Sunday afternoon callers a t Mrs. Christian Endeavor, 7. mense advancement over all guests of the Evanses. D. I. Isom ’s. Preaching. 8. former method«—exemplifying in- Io Portland several year, died at Good Samaritan hospital. His death follow­ ed s major operation performed to­ nally. Mr. Gilbert served as mayor of Albany from 1910 to 1912. The «late highway commie- sion has advertised for bids for (Enterprise Correspondent) the promised improvement of Beverly Isom »pent Tuesday the Albany-Lebanon highway. night at tbe E. E. Gourley home D rat the rats, and swat ’em, at Halaey. and poison ’em. They carried E D. Isom made a business oft 100 baby chicks at the H. trip lo Albany Tuesday. Davis place, Sweet Home, re­ cently- Mi»» Lillie Rickard is in Eu­ 'EXCLUSIVE OPTICAL PARLORS RUPTURE - EXPERT H E R E Preferred Stock . Canned Goods “ Preferred Stock ” means all that the name implies—the choice of the pack. "W hen you buy Preferred Stock goods you , have wisely chosen incomparably the best, se-i lected for size, flavor and quality. i Make the test yeurself. Compare Preferred ¡ Stock with other brands and it will m eet.with< your discriminating choice i Preferred Stock goods are not packed to meotj a price. They are sold only to those who ap-< precíate first quality. i It is true some brands are sold cheaper, but< they arc sold solely on price appeal. < We are distributers o f about thirty varieties ¡ of Preferred Stock goods. ( M. V. KOONTZ CO. ; HALSEY, OREGON I Mr. and Mrs- C. E. Mercer, Mrs. A. F. Robnett and daugh­ ters D eE tta and Doris of Eu­ gene visited their m other and grandm other Friday night and Saturday. Alfred Savage treated the j C hristian Endeavorers of the Halsey C hristian chdrch to a straw berry feed a t th e E. D. Isom home Friday night. About twenty-nine were present to play games and eat straw ber- | ries. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Roberts and children of Toledo spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mrs. Roberts’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rickard. Mrs. | Jesse Taylor of Corvallis also visited them Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Haw k and two children of Springfield, Mr. and Mrs. H arry H olt and daughter of Salem. Mrs. Kochey . and daughter, Mr and Mrs. Singletary, Mr. and Mrs. Tom | Sheridan, Mrs. W‘ t all of Eugene, John Spriggs and of Spring- The Study Club The study club w ent to Mrs. Elsworth Shedd’s, at Shedd, Thursday for its last meeting before October. Mrs. Sm ith retired as presi­ dent and Mrs. C. P- Stafford, the new president, took the chair and appointed the usual committees. The library was reported as having received 52 new books ahd circulated 2287 during the year. The funds on hand were $50.99. Pink and white peonies and syringas were the decorations. A t each place a t the table a peony bud crowned a flower pot of ice cream topped with chocolate. Mrs. H. F. English and Mrs. M. H- Shook, who are going away from Halsey, were show­ ered wth hankerchiefs. Mrs. B ertha Beck of Albany, Mrs. Pennell, Mrs. Clay and Mrs. Morgason of Shedd and Mrs. J. W. Moore of H arrisburg were guests. ■tantaneous effects immediately appreciable and withstanding any strain or position, no matter what the size or location. Large or difficult caeee, or incitionsl rup­ tures (following operation) espe­ cially i oliclled. This instrumsnt received the only award in England and in Spain, producing resalts without surgery, lujeations.mediosl treatments or prescriptions. W arning— A ll cases should be Children’s day will he observed cautioned against the use of any at tbe Sunday school hour next elastic or web trust with undor- Sunday, the children giving the straps, as same rest where the lump it and not where the opening program. is, producing eomplieations ne­ Clifford Carry, pastor. cessitating surgical operations. Mr, Seelsy has documents from Pine Grove Church tha United States government, Washington, D. C., for inspec­ Sunday school, 10. tion. He will be glad to demon­ Preaching, 11, strate without charge or fit them Prayer-meeting Thuraday, 8. if desired. Business demands pre­ vent stopping at other places in M. E. Church till* sectiou. Robert Parker pastor. P. 9 — Every statement in this Sunday school, 10. Preaching, 11. notice list been verified before the Junior League, 3, federal and state courts.— F. H Intermediate League, 7. Seeley. Epworth league, 7. Home Office 117~ North- Dear­ Preaching, 8. born St., Chicago i ’rayer-mcetiog Thursday, 8,