one sf hla father It was caid— Outgoing Mail fSle wheu be reached the top of tbe ghastly cold. Suddenly treahllng. ha hill, a cabin where the rays of tbe rose, and faced the form In the chair A t tbe Halsey posterities mails setting sun had blazed the windows T h e ir N am e W as Legion "Dud!" he called. “D a d !” But the close going north ’ at 11:50 a. m . to ruddy gold, as though In prophecy, Look out lor faint reflected rays of the lamp showed aud 5:20 p. m. * and where awaited the man to whom n T l... I no answering light In the set stare of (Continued from page 3) Going south, 11:10 a. m. aod B art Rogers longed most of all to give the eyes. The mouth was dropped and to watch w ith something o f aiaosvd in­ the news of happiness and of wealth. drawn. The features were fixed. 5:20 p. m. “ Ws’r« meant to live some­ 'T v e got to be careful w ith him ,” Again Bart Rogers called In a voice To Brownsville, 6:20 a. m. and terest as a car lurched over a hill, how— aia't we?—even when Morning stage to Browns­ bore down upon him, then, in a swirl he said to himself. "Got to break It tbat bore a note of agony. Feverishly 12 m. Raybestos Hi-speed Brake our ’eart« is busted ! Ob, of dust, passed him on the way to easy— mustn’t get him too excited. Bet­ he grasped tbe Icy hands and rubbed ville goes on to Crawfordsville, Service Station ter not tell him the whole truth— bet­ them— hoping against hope. H e buried Holley aud Sweet Howe. town. Gawd ! i t ’s you as puts the “ ’B ull rrannieeon.” mated Roger« ter let It grow day by duy— yes, th a t’s his head against the cheat where as strength io our ’earls to cry 412 East F irs t st. A lb ,a y , n„ r ee he eyed the dust-hazed forrp of the It— better Just tell him that they've a touale-headed boy he often had rest­ ao’ forget. An’ somehow the s k a ti- r R -j , Card of Thanks brought In oil enough so that we man at the wheel. "Sure 1« hurry­ ed. praying— hoping— But B art Rogers' when it ’s all too much to Phon • * won't have to worry— “ ing. Oueea he must be beating It father wus dead. to bear we live, don’t ws?’’ We desire to thank our many Then, through sheer w ill power, he Into town to find out how bad he got There’ll be a tear ia your friends for their kindness in our whipped In the elect I o n " restrained himself to a walk so that 9 eye wheu sad bereavement and for tho Halsey Railroad TJme Soon, however, three more machines bis own excitement might not betray 9 Fowls Need Protein to roared p ast, and he once more re­ the true Importance of hla message. NORMA TALM ADGE many beautiful floral offerings sumed his Journey, wondering slightly Then his eyes beaming what his lips N o rth South Keep on Producing Eggs received. lives that part for you Ï the cause of four racing machines, could not say. he forced him self to a No. 32, 3:20 a. m. No. 17, 12:09 p a Mrs. J. W. Hussey and family, Many farm flocks get little or no 18, 10:48 a. m. » . 7;„ £ £ each loaded to Its lim it. But only for leisurely pace and approached the ALBANY protein In tbe w in te r and as a result Mrs. R. C. Powers, a moment; then the throbbing of other house. • Sun,— Mon.— Tues. 34, 4:25 p. m. . 31, 11:34 p. m. are overfat and make a poor produc­ Mrs. Ed- Kincaid, engines from the rear reused him “Hello. D a d !" It was the usual eve­ • May 31 —June 1— 2 No. 14, due Halsey at 3:02 p. in , »top» tion. Farm hens are often given a again to stand aside. Mr. H. H. Hussey. • ning greeting. Placing his hand upon to let off passengers from south of whole carcass to feed In one month In straight aoecesaion three blue the shoulder of the slumped figure, be Eugene and no meat the next. Ax a result they tered by, nor did the occupants seem waited, as he always had waited. In Nos. 31 and 32 stop only if flagged. In Memoriam are thrown out o f condition and often to heed his waving signals as he the vain hope that this might be the Nos. 31, 32, 33 and 34 rnn between Port­ Halsey Happenings are poisoned by spoiled meat. land and Engene only. strove to flag them. A t la s t however night where there would come an an­ We wish to express the sympa­ Passengers There are three ways in which ani­ for south of Roseburg »hould In obedience to hia frantic appeals, swer, when some faint vocal sound thy and gratitude of the church to (Continued from page 1) mal protein can be secured. A steady take No. 17 to Eugene and there tran»fer an overloaded vehicle came to a skid would tell of a return of speech— and No. 15. supply Is essential. Rabbits or dead the family, fo r‘the inspiration we Melba Neal was at Corvallis ding atop, and Rogers laughing, ran a chance for recovery. But there Halsey-brownSville stage meet« train« farm animals when available can be have received from the Christian toward It. was only silence. As usual, Bart p at­ Friday. -ooked and ground or chopped up, life and fellowship of Brother John 18, 17, 14, 34 and 33 in order named. "Just had to flag yon,** he a polo ted the shoulder, lovingly, meaningly, The school cleared about $12 st glzed. "So many blamed machines and turning, groped through the gath­ dried and put In a box where hens can W. Hueeey. eat when they want. Skim m ilk or In the capacity of Sundav school Paid-for Paragraphs passing, I can't keep to the road." Monday night’s entertainment. ering darkness for the lamp. hnttermllk can be put to no more prof­ superintendent, choir leader and "W all hurry up— " The driver was “Got a little news today. D ad," he The Oakplain school had a playing with the hand throttle. “This chatted, as lie shook the old oil burner itable use on the farm than In produc­ all works of the church he wae (5c a line) ing winter eggs. W here a box of meat and scraped the wick w ith the burning . , .likened unto the man whom the picnic in Albertson grove Fri­ thing's to big too miss." or a supply o f m ilk are available all of I r n rj , i u ; match. "They brought la some oil “Thing?" Rogers stared. "What .he time. It may not be necessary to J?.™ J ., ,h i b . J day. thing? What's happened— F over at the derrick. Don't think it put meat scraps In the mash, but If , ' c“ aP*er ° f th® book of M at- For eale— Buckwheat, 4c a pound. amounts to so mnch, but whatever It Frank Hadley was taking "W hat's happened?" The man at 1 th e w . G. G. Hockenemith, R, 1 there Is n shortage o f these It w ill pay medical treatment in Portland the wheel stared blankly at him, as I a It boosts the price of our land. to “ Hia Lord said unto him , well buy meat scraps. Anything that looks like oil. you know, Rogers caught the windshield and last week. done, good aad faithful servant, Old papers for eale at 5c a bundle means money. O f course. It may clung precariously to a footing on the thou hast been faithful over a few at the Euterpriee office. In G od’a Purpose Mr. and Mrs. W. A Cum­ running board as the machine started amount to a lot, and then It may amount to nothing, so I guess we In no case does origin determine things, I will make thee ruler over mings are home from their trip again. "Don't you konw? O il! That's shouldn’t get excited about It." H e value. From the religious point of many things: enter thou into the what's happened!’’ to Hood River. Obituary wiped the chimney and adjusted It. set view, the dignity and worth of man joy of thy Lord.” "Oil? Tou mean over there where the lamp upon a table. Then he went lie In any case In God's purpose con­ M ay the memory of bis faithful Mrs. Martin Cummings had they’ve been drilling?” John William Hussey was to the chair which always awaited cerning him, and that purpose Is not life and cheering words serve as a as a Sunday visitor V. C. Jones "Where else do you suppose?" __ .. . , , . . , born March 5, 1869, at Sten- h im ; the one beside the big. com fort­ affected by the .p a rtic u lar method of " I— I — don't know." A sudden ex­ beacon light to bring others lot# herrv Mo where hs «wnt ht» and family of Benton county. able one where rested the invalid. the kingdom of the Lord. , , ’ Cre he Spent hlS his working.— Henry Churchill King. citement bad swept cool thoughts Yep, Dad. whatever It Is, we’re B. M. Bond. boyhood days. A p ril 28, 2892, Frank Workinger and wife from the brain of B art Rogers. "Do bound to come out ahead. Oh," and he Much D ifference and children were dinner guests you really mean It? They've struek allowed a bit of hla enthusiasm to roll Comm. Mrs. Sidney J. Smith. was united in marriage to oll over there— you mean the derrick There Is as much Difference between at Arch Handley’s in Albany over by my p la c e t' Mra. John C- ¡standish. | Alice Waterman, who is forth In a laugh. "W e're going to get there yet. you and I. Just w a it I self-reliance and self-conceit as there Sunday. left to mourn the sad death of You're Rogers, aren't you?” the and rve. I - ” He stopped. His out- " Nortl? “ n<1 Sou,h P01* * her huaband. Tongue Twister« • J. W. Clark’s father, M . S. **»• looked at him with a new in­ stretched hand had touched the placid 8 the dlfference ln the w o rld ! • * • In 1900 the family moved to terest. "How much land have you K. Clark of Klamath Falls, M M b m s w - tn - Snssy Susie said she saw Silly Sally Deslacs, N. D., where they lived went home Saturday, after an got?" "A hundred and sixty F selling sausage sandwiches Saturday. until October, 1924, when they extended visit here, * • • “W hat do you want for It?" moved to Halsey, Ore- “I — I don't know. Tell ma about T he two twisted th e ir triceps till Mrs. Dsthman of Hood River is Besides his wife, eight 8hil- the oil. Tlm re lan't any Joke about th e ir tummies turned topsy-turvy. visitiug her parents, M r, aud Mrs. dren are left, John W. of Sacra­ • • • this, la there?" FACE * RURAL ENTERFK1SB M A Y 27, 1925 TORRANCE : The Lady Reconditioning Shop : : « G LO BE Hana Koeh. H, C. Davis, Mr. aud Mrs. Zim merman and Mrs. D. H. Sturte vant visited Albany Thursday. There aro live evaugelistis meet inga in progress at the Harrisburg Methodist churoh eaoh evening at 8 and Sunday at 2:30. A good musical pregram at euch service. M r.. J. S. McMahan, Mrs. C P. Moody, Mrs. B. M . Bond, T , J Skirvtn and Frank Porter attend­ ed the grand lodge of Oddfellows and Rebekahs at Portlaud last week. A flock of 250 sheep and In mb« that wets driven throngh Halsey yesterday ware being taken Iroui H. C. Davis’ farm to tbs Ben T. Budtell farm to pasture. Mr. and Mrs- P. H. Freerksen, Mr. Jim Tate, Mrs. Clark and Mrs. H. Freerksen of Shedd took a trip to Dallas Sunday. C. L. Falk sr. is able to be down town, but does not feel very spry yet after his bone- breaking runaway team episode. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Deth- man and children from Hood River are visiting Mrs. Deth- man’s parents, Mr and Mrs. Hans Koch. Special servioM at the Methodist church et Harrisburg are bsiotr conducted eaeh evening et 8 o’clock eud Sunday afternoon at 2:80 Rev. A kferadorf of «cattle is evangelist aod Miss Mildred Cow of Albany is soloist and song leader. Bring your friends and neighbors and enjoy a good lima. Cor. Other attractions were numer­ ous last weak end the Standard Bearers’ entertainment at the opera houee Thursday night wae not very largely attended, b it thoaa who want got tine satisfac­ tion for their lim e and the small* admission fee Mrs. Hhetwall and I her o - worker» aurely did their part. Methodists ware couepien. •ua among those present. Re- eelpte were about |18. TH E IR NAME WAS LEGION! “Joke? O f course not. ‘Bull' Fran- ulaton brought the word. The well -ame in about an hour ago— lt ’t a guah er. From what ba said. It'll run 10,- <00 barrels a day.” B art Rogers could only repent the shouted announcement of the driver Tan thousand barrels a day— and the well was leas than a h alf mile from Ids division fence I T hat meant— What did It mean? What couldn’t It tneah? Oil pools are not selective things, they extend fo r miles, and this Bart Rogers knew. As the cbuggln motor car whiasad away the last mile, the shouting driver told him of the .possible wealth which lay for 1dm In the futare. Then the car tu n e d the lust baud In the road— And there before him B art Rogers saw a dream come true The sun was Jnst eettkag, and atlhouetted against It *a a the oil derrick, a black skeleton like thing, spraying toward the sky a spouting stra a a of ebony which, dis lutearatlng and drifting with the wind caught the sheen of the dying sun and burst Into myriad rainbows. A float lug mass of colors— such was tbat spray which flew high from the guah Ing well—colors which seemed to wipe r ut for Bart Rogers hla colorless past aud commingle Into a painting of happiness for the future. Nearer and re a re r they came, to the derrick and the thronging persona about It ; then Bart, unable to hold himself longer, leaped from the running hoard of the car a t the machine wallowed In a mud hole and raced toward the derrick. “W ill it la s tF I t teemed to be the only question he could think o f as he forced hla way toward the drillers. “ W ill It—" " L a s tF They looked at him with a ornful eyea. "O f course tt’U lis t. Il's Just tbe heglunlng! Thia coun­ try's going to be a madhouse of money Inside of three niunths. .T h a t's oil, and It's high grade!” B art Roger« turned away, pale with the realization of what had happened, trembling w ith the excitement of It. throbbing with the knowledge that hla troubles and the troubles of the mnn who awaited him In the little cabin over the hill were over. "Rich 1" he gasped, and there was an Instinctive reverence In tbe tone. "Rich I Rich I" H e swerved away now, running, plunging through the Irrigation ditch In w ater to hla armpits, then, drip­ ping. scrambled onward, neither realis­ ing his wetness nor caring. A half m ile away lay a little cabin. Just vls- A P o p u lar R e fresh m en t One that ie relished at all times by vouog and old alike ia our ies cream. It is made from pure, unadulterated cream atid flavored with purs fruit,flavors. Try soma whenever you can. There is no more wholesome or delieions refreshment an earth. Parties and families supplied in any quantity. Clark s Confectionery T illy told Lorn to take Theresa te the theater. • • • 6 at T yr J Cal. ; Edward of Minot, North Dakota; George, Harry and Richard of Halsey; Mrs. J. Tom my told T illy to take "T in k e r” C. Green of Sacramento, Cal-; toxa. Mrs. O. F. Brooks of St. Paul, Deep Soil fo r O rchard Minn., and Miss Hope Hussey of The oldest daughter, Plant an orchard ln deep soil on a Halsey. high site. Avoid slopes too steep to Mrs. Nellie C- Forney, passed get over easily w ith a spraying out- from ____ ___ , _ _ , _____ this life _____ May 22, 1915. fit P la n t clean healthy trees; yon j There are also living one broth would not buy a diseased fru it t r e e ? | e r , Hallie Hussey of Nampa, Choose a few varieties adapted to your section, then cultivate low-growing Idaho, and two sisters, M rs. Dor* crops among them u n til they are of Kincade of Davenport, Nebr., bearing age. Protect the trees from and Mrs. R. C. Powers of Grants Insects aad from disease by spraying. Pass. Mr. Hussey began the reli­ gious life when 16 years of age. a r n iu a l £ ) a n c e He became superintendent of a Sunday school when 23 and with the exception of short inter­ Saturday Night vals of time has been superin­ tendent in Sunday school work & • ’. Courtney R y le y FZ mento, for UMBLE INN Bigger aud better than the last one, aud that one was a _xi thirty-three ysars, and aud in all lines of tbe church's of faithfulness and zeal that is scarcely ever excelled. He was one who had inquired for tho old paths and exemplified the holy life Commupion with the Lord was his chief joy. As a neighbor and a man of the community, he no less did Dividend a v p p h ?3 p ? rt ' durin? the Short vlIU r P ayer Stay in this community he en- Organized Mav, 1923 deared himself in a very re- D iv id s n j ja n e 15, 1923.. , IZ markable w ay.. Why one so Dividend July is, 1923*” ......... ji’ % useful and so needed has been DiridMd ik’ ’,«»..............% taken we do not understand but Dividend o^t is ’ io ’ a ............. ,'S i ! we ,a re certain that his life and Dividend Nov. is, 1923*.................... I t* « I works will continue to live and -------’X * bear fruit in this communty. Dividend Jan 15, 1924 ’ i923..:..ij j The funeral was held at the Dividend Feb. is, 1924 *’"*....... iv « local Methodist church, Fridav, Mfly Robjrt 22, conducted by the pas- a d S v : ! . untl S a *rc,hA5' 1924 ....... ¡3 ; : tor. I. Parkei, assized Extra tividend May 3i, 1924 *"i i ' Theodore Mitzner, pastor of Dividend t X ’ ,‘a 5, ,‘oi4.....------iX the Methodist church at Har- Divi.ien.i Aug is .’ i J*;............. !',* J »lsburg. The text was "Pre- Dividend Dividend Sept. c.-. 15, 1914 5 e pare to meet thy God” and the Dividend O c t 15 1 924 ................. | V » scripture reading was Rev. 21. Dividend Nov. 15, 1921 ................ ii? » The choir sang some of Mr. Dividend Dec 15, 1924..7.............. n * Hussey’s favorite songs. The immense floral offering was an expression of the com­ munity’s sympathy for the bereaved family and and an evi­ dence of the appreciation for the Total dividends to date.................. 39 % life and works of this good Tolow. Royalties, Inc., pays . t man. hummer. Inc. A ’ A | HE irresistible stonj of an ex-service / man and his pals of the American Legion who were called upon to pre­ serve peace and uphold law in a wild, over-populated oil town in the Dost. Very thrilling in some of its characteristics and very pleasing in the fine love story which runs through it. Mr. Cooper has caught the romance and atmosphere of an oil boom.