News Notes From All Over Oregon Gleaned b y th e W e s te r n N ew sapor U n io n fo r B u sy P e e p le ilA 'Y 27, 1925 Jack .McGuire of the University of O r e g o n w on the Pacific coast finals of the national oratorical contest from a field of seven participants represent­ ing universities of tbe coast. McGuire Is now qualified to enter the national contest to be held in Los Ar jeles. June 6. WM. S. CULBERTSON PAGE 5 GENERAL DOREY A R R O W GARAGE, Gansle Bros. U . S. & C. T. C. T iro s N ew , lo w -p ric e d G ill M o re service B a tte rie s fo r and F o rd , N o m o re cost o th e r S tar, S k ille d A u to re p a irin g s m a ll cars C h e v ro le t A u to accessories M O R E S E R V IC E F O R LE S S M O N E Y Dedication of the new Umatilla bridge on the Columbia hlgfWay has been postponed, owing to the lnabll lty of some of the principal speakers to be present. The Intended date for the dedication was May 22, but the celebration will probably be set some­ time In June. J«.ck Smith, 1«. was drowned In the Willamette river above Corvallis while In swimming. Bar elim inatio n » which were to he ketd In Salem July 14 and IS w ill be keld os July 7 and 8. Work on Oregon's new railroad The Clackamas county Jersey Jub­ route east by the Southern Pacllfc ilee was held at the Clackamas county through south central Oregon, by con­ fairgrounds near Canby. necting the Strahorn line with the At a meeting held at Halfway the Nevada-Californla-Oregon and rebuild­ date* for the Pine valley fair were set ing the latter road to standard gauge, for September 24 and 26. will be started, probably, before the Several hundred residents of Clat- end of summer. tpp county attended the annual Scotch Elwood Mead, commissioner of krooaa celebration at Columbia beach. reclamation, with headquarters at With a crowd estimated to be the largest ever attending the annual strawberry carnival was held In Rose­ burg. Fire losses in Portland for April totaled 663,632.82 and Involved four deaths, according to Edward Grenfall, fire marshal. RURAL E N T E R P R IS E National Birthday Uncle Sam Still as Defense Day After the Dough Attention of Several Govern­ President Favors That Date ments Called to Agreements tor Test Rather Than Made By Them. Armistice Day. Washington, has invited Governor Washington, D C. — The United Washington, D. C. — Formal disap­ Pierce to accompany him on an In­ Gen. Halstead Dorey, who has been State« government has taken steps ,to proval of the war department's selec­ spection trip over (Jbe Baker and Vale W illiam S. Culbertson of Kansaa named assistant to G overnorG eneral oollect not only the w ar debts owed tion of armistice day for the holding irrigation districts. The governor has vice chairman of the Federal tariff Leonard Wood of the Philippines. by Europe, but the reconstruction of h second defense test and a recom­ accepted. The dates have not yet commission, who has been appointed loans made after the armistice. mendation by President Coolidge that been determined. minister to Rumania. Several debtor governments have It be held on July 4, were announced Bids for work on five Oregon high­ failed to pay either Interest or prin­ by the W hite House. way projects will he opened In the cipal on reconstruction debts and in The president. In a letter to Acting Labor conditions In Oregon have office la Portland of C. H. Purcell, dis­ consequence the Washington govern­ Secretary of W ar Davis, suggested trict engineer of the bureau of public greatly improved, according to the ment has callsd their attention to the July 4 as a “more appropriate date” monthly report of the United States roads, June 10, 11 and 12. Sixty- agreements negotiated at the time the and directed the department, if It Philadelphia.— In justice to business seven miles of highways will be im­ department of labor. loans were made that there would be chose any other day than a national there should be a curtailment of fed­ proved by the government, which has Osaka, Japan. — Eye witness ac­ eral bureaus and commissions engag no dtcsrlmlnation In the discharge of holiday, to hold its plane in abeyance Salem w ill be the scene dt the next set aside 66(6,540 for the work. until the authosity of congress I» so- counts from Toyo-Oka and Kinosakl, ed In Investigating the Industrial ma­ obligations of this character. Oregon state encampment of the Odd­ The ballot title prepared by the at­ agree that scenes of horror sim ilar to Belgium Is said to have paid Great cured. fellows. It was decided at the clos- chine. Senator W illiam M. Butler of torney-general for the referendum those witnessed In Toklo and Yoko­ Britain about £8,000,000 on post arm­ The president also advised the de­ iar session of the order at A shlar* Massachusetts, chairman of the repub­ measure attacking the tobacco tax law hama during the earthquake of Sep­ istice reconstruction and aid loans. partment to emphasize In its latter» to lican national committee, declared The Salem district of the Portland Rumania also Is understood to have governors that participation of their enacted at the last session of the leg­ tember 1, 1923, were enacted there here in an address to the Textile Man­ area of the Methodist Episcopal islature, Is sufficient and legal, ac­ made substantial payments to nations states in tbe test is "purely volun­ Saturday morning. The earthquake ufacturers’ association. church held its annual conference at cording to a decision handed down al which advanced relief funds, but Has tary.” came very suddenly. The residents, The time has arrived, he insisted, 8Uverton with 86 out-of-town visitors Salem by Judge L. H. McMahan of panic-stricken, tried to escape to the when business, "seeking to stand four­ made no move to pay the United The war department w ill accept the in attendance. the Marion county circuit court. open but many were pinned down by square with the government," might States. president's suggestion and hold Its de­ T. H. Lonergan, national chaplain The Jugo-Slavian government incur­ fense test on July 4, It was said to Plans are under way to make the tbe falling debris *and died In the ask congress to give it credit for of the American Legion, w ill attend annual state championship trapshoot. flames which Just as quickly followed red a number Qi reconstruction debts, well-informed quarters here. “good Intentions and sincerity of ac­ the state convention of legionnaires which will be held at Eugene, Friday, the shock. but has not made payment to any of Acting Secretary of W ar Davis de­ tivities" by halting the multiplication to be held a t Prineville next month ns Saturday and Sunday, the biggest her creditors, and for that reason Is clined to authorise any statement The newspapers print varying esti­ of supervising agencies. not held to he In the same position J pending his formal answer to PresF the gueat of the Pendleton post. trapshooting event of the year In pre- mates of the casualties, late reports "Tbe government, with justice to j dent Coolidge, which la expected that Flood waters, the result of a cloud­ gon. Eugene sportsmen, aided by placing the total at 1500. Property the members of the great American as Belgium and Rumania. The debt commission sees no dis- * latter part of this week. burst, tor« down Rlack Horae canyon Eugene merchants, have raised a large damage was reported to be between industrial family, can go further,” he tinctlon whatever between pre and and swept through the town of Lex­ sum of money to be used for added 50,000,000 and 75,000,000 yèn. oontlnued, “and begin an elimination post armistice debts Insofar as the oh-j z ~ . ington? leaving In their wake dam­ prixes. of certain of tbe boards, bureaus, de­ ligation of the debtor nation to pay x J l L a l I v O I U l C r i l Ml Sir John French, W ar Hero, Dies. age estimated at least as high as Warrenton is without fire protec­ partments and commissions of Paul- Deal, England.— The Earl of Ypres, is concerned. 640,444. Prying activity, and accomplish a sub­ tion and minus a city commissioner Some consideration Is being given j The Orhgon Laundry Workers’ as­ ss the result of the action by Com­ better known as Field Marshal French stantial saving of the public payroll |>y the Washington government of- , — — — — British World war hero, died here, sociation held Its annual convention in missioner Warren, Fire Chief Lacey without any loss of public service.’’ ficlals to a proposal to publish a list ! s t Paui jjln n . — A muilon-dollsr aged 73. He underwent pn operatlqn Pendleton with over 1U0 deelgates in and 21 members of the volunteer de­ on March 19. Soon thereafter he was of all debts owed the United States, motor bus and freight company, hack­ N. P. Sued for Burke Blaze. attendance from practlcaHy every city partment. in submitting their resigna­ reported to be recovering but subse­ showing not only the amounts due, ed by Great Northern railw ay Inter­ Wallace, Idaho. — Thirty damage in the state and many from Washing­ tions to the city ooaamisstoa. Inter quently his condition became worse. suits, totaling 6180,611, were filed in but in each case the total payments ests, filed articles of incorporation ton and Idaho ference by City Manager Francis In federal district court here against the made on post and pre-armlstlce debts. here. The company, known as the Arthur Coveil, crippled mystic and the operation of the fire and water Williams Named Missouri Senator. Great Northern Transit company, w ill Northern Pacific railway as a result of student of the occult, and L. W . Peare, departments was given as the cause. Jefferson City. Mo — Judge George operate a fleet of passenger kueseo fire which destroyed part of tho town farmer and mountaineer, were hanged Members of the battleship Oregon H. W illiams of St. Ixiuis was appoint­ and freight trucks, according to Uzw of Burke, Idaho. July 12, 1923, and In the execution chamber of the Ore­ commission ore at Bremerton navy ed United States senator from Mis­ articles filed. gon state penitentiary at Salem for yard to arrange to hare the old fight causod a I ors of approximately 61.000, souri by Governor Sam baker to sue The directors include Louts W HI1L murders committed in Coes county. 000. tag craft transferred te Portland har­ ceed the late Selden P. Ralph nudd, W. P. Kenney aad D. J. Construction of a shade roller fac­ bor. The b a ttfa h ip has been condl Salem, Or.— The necessity of addi­ Kerr, all of St. Paul. Mr. Budd w ill tory for the Stewart Hartshorn com­ Honed by the federal government and tional rail aervlco without unnecss bo the president, with M r. Kenney as agneto electric co pany. largest manufacturers of shades will be towed to Oregon waters by two ^ / ^ l b a n y _ ^ ) i r e c t o r y sary duplication of Investment »»" vice-president and F. L. Paetzol-t sec­ Official Stroinherg carburetor terv la the world, w ill start at Bend be­ tugs Six days w ill be required to emphasized by tho Oregon public serv retary-treasurer. ice station. Couservative prices Al fore August, It was announced by E. complete the voyage- Present plans work guaranteed. 119-121 W. Second ice commission ta an answer (lied in The company, which is capitalized at B. Oake, representative of the cons- call for tbe arrival of the battleship tn connection with tho petition of the 61,040,000, w ill maintain headquarters " A r nello parlors Portland on June 14. • pahy. Oregon Trunk for a certificate of pub­ This is good advice; ’. ' l l you live here. (A beauty aid for every need) lic convenience and necessity author­ Members of the state board of con Oregon pensions have been granted in Albany, trade iu Albany ; if you live M r Rudd, president of the Great St. Francis Hotel t r * have authorised the construction as follows: John Ferettl. Portland in some other town, trade in that town." l’rcp.. W i n n ie m k d Rose. izing tha extension of its tine from Northern, said the company had not Bend to Klamath Falls o f-a new school building and cottage 612 a month; Clyde Legate, Portland Uut in these automobile ilays many re­ decided definitely where tbe busses siding elsewhere find it advisable to do en and money are best when It was said that this answer ex­ would bs operated, but ’’tbe plan is oa the site of the children’s farm home 612; W illiam F. Harris, Portland, 612; at least part of their buying in tbe busy. Make your dollars work in presses clearly tbe a lt Rude of the com­ near Corvallis. The strurture will Samuel C. Worrell, Portland. 616; larger town. Those who go to Albany to study the situation carefully, aad our savings department. A lbany S t a t e cost 636.004, while the cottage w ill Henry Friedländer. Portland. 612; W ll to transact business will find the firms B a n k . Under government supervision. mission la eoBBuutlon with recent de­ Where an Improvement la service can named below ready to fill their require­ velopments in the central Oregon rail­ be offered we propose to operate bus Ham McMillan, Silverton. 616; Elmer cost 618,040. ments with courtesy and fairness. iss Sue Breckenridge road situation. Governor Pierce acted within the F. Drake, Bend, 611; W illiam Brolt, routes supplementary to our tra in Hemstitching. Stamped goods Particular mention was made In the soepe of his authority when he re­ Hillsboro, 618; Oeorge C. W hltely. ACCESSORIES AND T IR E S 313 West Second street, Albany, Oregon answer to the fact that under the pro­ service In tho northwest.” moved Dr. Thomas W. Rose as a mem Oakland, 616; Fred W ithrow, Eugene Ta- Auto Supplies Phone 452R posed plan of the Oregon Trunk, its J. H. A ll is o n ,ber of the state fish commission, ac­ 612; Jesse Talbert, Portland. 612. BRIEF GENERAL NEWS trackage would parallel the line of the Suit for. 6540.000 damages against 442 West First St cording to a memorandum opinion OSCOK AMES HARDWARE Southern Pacific company for 80 the California-Oregon Power company .Waded down in Portland by Circuit J. LINDAHL, hardware, E. M. Ammons, former governor o f miles, from a Junction point near was filed In circuit court at Klamath The Winchester Store] • Dinnerware j Udgs Hewitt. Odell or Skookum to Klamath Falla, Colorado died at h it home In Denver. Falls by the Fort Klamath Meadows Tin shop in connection Finishing the year 1924 in 17th place Albany, Oregon -'TIM 8O N T H E SHOE DOCTOR while Identical service might be af­ He was 66 years old and had been In company for alleged flooding of lands 356 W. First St. am png the different states of the union Second street, opposite Hamilton's forded at a saving of more than three falling health for several months. along upper Klamath lake, it was 1 b t * e race for export markets, O re lbany Floral Co. Cut flowers ’ tore. The Anti-Saloon league celebrated and one-hall million dollars through charged that the building of the power nd plants. Floral art for'every gon'ti merchandise shipments abroad and "Sudden Service.’ ’ its 32nd birthday Sunday. It was Joint use of the Southern Pacific company dam caused water to Inun and all occasions. » totaled 670,503.939. according to sta­ founded in Oberlin, O., by a group of tracks between these points. Flower phone 458-b date thousands of acres of land own aldo Anderson & Kon. distrib­ tistics just released by the department churches, throwing aside denomina­ ed by tbe plaintiff corporation rend utors and dealers for Maxwell, Chal­ Phavenport Music company offers of eoaimerce. tional linos. mers, Essex, Hudson A- Hupmobile cart. ering It unsuitable for Irrigation pur ■Aw piano-case organ, good as new Dr. Char lss R Erdman. Princeton, The Oregon farmers' educational Accessories. 19 pnlies. 1st A Broadalbin. DOROTHY ELLINGSON SANE poses. Estey organ, good as new ' N. J., was elected moderator of tho and cooperative union closed its an­ The state of Oregon w ill be glsd to Used Pianos. , , BemWy (he Pr„ byterta» W OODW ORTH DRUG CO. Confeaasd M .trlc ld . to Face First nual convention at Corvallis with the accept all the artillery pieces among V v Brunswicks and Victrolas Degree M u rd e r Charge. church In the United States at the astbnrn Bros.—Two big grocery re fle ctio n of all its present officers the allotment of captured German war Radios San Franoisco. — T rial of Dorothy convention in Columbus, Ohio. stores, 212 W. First and 225 South aad the passing of a number of reso­ trophies made to It, but there are no Pianos sold on easy terms Mam. Good merchandise at the right RUIngson, 17-yoar-old confessed m atri­ British government Is reported frt lutions concerning particularly the stats funds available to pay freight prices. j _ __ e specialty shoppe cide, on a charge of first degree mur­ be refusing to admit delegates from subject of taxes. charges from Newport News, Va. That and stamped goods. der. was sot for Juno 16 by Superior Russia and other European enuntrie« lite Cafeteria and confectionery 318 W. hemstitching At an election In Gold H ill aa Issue reply has been received from t|ie state Second st. Albany, Oregon Judge Harold Loudsrback. Tho girl who proposed to attend annual con­ Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ Owner, Irene McDaniel. off 615.000 water bonds for extending adjutant-general's office at Salem. In ings. Courteous, efficient serriee. was accused of shooting her mother io ference of British communist party, and reconstructing the city’s water answer to a communication sent to We make our own candies. death in thslr home here on tbe morn­ which opams at Glasgow May 30. pvstem was approved by an 8 to 1 every state by the war department W . S. D u n c a n . New F U R N IT U R E A N D ing of January 13. The German government propose« r Xe. The reconstructloa work on the detailing the articles allotted for dis and Dr. J. M. Seanland, medical super Increase tn tariff rates on Imported F A R M M A C H IN E R Y »ORD SALES AND SERVICE used p la t '' con>menc® “ • oon “ the trlbutlon by act of congress. tntundent of the Napa state hospital, gr*ine to hope of stabllslng prices and Tires sod accessories bonds ' V ' ■»»rte te d bought, solJ and exchanged at all times and his staff, seven other physicians, increasing home production. The pro- Repairs Yankees Tsst Canada's New Beer j . . ’ keeping on display or offer K ik k -P o l l a k M oto » C o . presented a report to District Attorney 1>nw<, u n ff automobiles. It IP Windsor, Ont.—Approxlmtely 76,000 «_ , er‘ , 'Im m oral periodicals would B E N T. S U D T E L L Brady, saying that a close observe, „ i s . praattoally bar American mo­ S i i u • "»• • ’ persons. two-thirds of them Ameri­ CVjrtmiller Furniture Co., futni. Phone 76-R, 123 N. Broadalbin at, Albany tion of the girl for a period of more chines from German market, tn t u n -igonment fqr * period cans. slrhsdy have paid between 6160, * tare, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. than 20 days had determined that she , M r r Oeorge E. Chamberlain, w ife to »600 or lmpi provisions oi 000 and 6200,000 here to teat the Funeral directors. 427-433 west First was In fall possession of her faculties 1 ex-Saoator Cfcamberlato of Oregon, * . T n r f ^ e d at a meeting "kick" of the 4.4 per cent beer the street. Albany. Oregon._______________ and mentally responsible In every died az Washington. D. C„ Bunday, I LLER GROCERY, 3M Lyon! an ordinance in trod. ' . first day it was placed on sale. of the S a iM . city cou. ^ ¿ lfh e r w«y. She had bean In poor health for sev­ (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) W rite lor booklet describing ont 20- Groceries Fruits Produce eral years. She had lived In Wash­ Portland m a ilt slued a %vera