Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, May 27, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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    M A Y ¿7. ÌW5
6y Courtney
Ryley Cooper
© zy ih r ò ri!.Jy/MÍxWe Aa.
WNU Bervtee
'T h e v«es are a l couhteo yet No
chance for Jcrdan to win.”
S p ls n d ld a to rle e h a v e b e ts w r it t e n
a b o u t m in in g , c a t t le r a i lin g , r a ilr o a d ­
•'Then If you knew, why did you ask
in g . i l c , . In tbo
m er There Was an exasperating air
W a i t , b u t e q u a lly
go od s to rie s a b o u t ubokt Leon Barrows which a. ways
th e n e w w e s te rn
stirred a sleeping resentment. “ I'm
s o u rc e o f sudden
w e a lt h , o il. h a v e
only telling yoQ what .1 picked up.
been a ll too te w .
•‘All right, then, It's wrong."
C o u r tn e y R y l e y
C oop er, w h o has
“Very well. Anyway, It won't take
been c irc u s m an .
long to find ou(. The pplH( will he
m in e r, n e w s p a p e r
roan, n o v e lis t, e n ­
closing in ten minutes. They
lis te d
a nd
to know pretty Shortly after tit
f in a lly
• c o m m is ­
s ion ed officer In
the mayor’ll be,.”
th e U n ite d S ta tee
“Who i you vote fo ri”
m a rin e s , has also
been th r o u g h th e
o il boom s. In th io
"Oh. you did! Why?" ,
v iv id
A m e r ic a n life , he
The exasperation returned.
w r it e s ju s t as he
"In the first, pl^ce, because I wanted
C e a n a e r R y le y
does In hie o th e r
C o e p e r.
h ig h ly In te r e s tin g
to. In the second place, because 1
ta le s , fr o m f ir s t ­
don’t like -Bull’ FranfiUtofi. Ahyway,
h a n d k n o w le d g e a n d e x p e rie n c e .
that Isn’t what I came here to talk
W i t h h is m e m o rie s o f th e w a r a n d
hie e n th u s ia s m as a L e g lo n lte , I t w a a
about. This check, M r. Barrows, la
n a t u r a l f o r U r . C o o p er to m a k e his
o il- c o u n t r y ro m a n c e a ls o a ro m a n c e of
for you.”
th e A m e r ic a n L e g io n , o f th e fo r m e r
‘‘For w h a t r
s e rv ic e r a i n in tim e s o f peace. In th ia
"For w h a t r Barf Rogers stared.
s to ry h e h a s th e m p e r fo r m in g v ary
a c tiv e a n d e x c it in g ro le s In e n e o f
"Why, for part payment on that mort-
th o se m u s h r o o m o il cam p s o f th e W e s t.
started—my rather wrote me about IL
Thut was just before be had his first
stroke, snd that’s been more than a
year ago. Then they moved me down
to Arizona and I was there four
tionths before they discharged me."
“Guess that's right." The attorney
looked at him appraisingly. ’T o u rs
all right n o » r
"Oh, yes. Fact ¡A I was all right
when I got home from France.
I couldn’t argue the doctors Into I t '
"That's the trouble with yort fel­
lows." Leon Barrows said It thinly,
sarcastically. “I never saw a man yet
who'd ever been In the army who
didn't have something to kick about
Can't understand It. I f you’ve got
so many kicks, why do you wear that
“T hat b u tto n r Bart Rogers looked
down at his lapel, toward the star of
the American Legion which showed
there. Then, for the first time during
the Interview, he grinned. “I guess
you don’t know soldiers, Mr. Barrows.
A man hasn’t been In the army un­
less he's learned to kick against every-
thing In the world. That's what makes
him a lighter, because he carries a
chip on bis shoulder.
But Just be­
cause he kicks that doesn’t make him
any the less patriotic.
“Guess that’s right. But I donl like
kicking. I like a man to take bis
medicine and not make face» about
It—." He halted suddenly as the tel­
ephone Jangled and swung about In
his chair to answer It. "Hello" he
. ri»1
hy suffer from headache
le w
R o u n d trip Excursion Fares
F. M. French & Son
Jewelers, Optometrists
Albany, Oregon
F . » » » •-/. J»»« », > •)
and the color faded, giving his fea­
tures a ghastly, pasty expression.
The thin Bps seemed to lose them­
selves in the white of his face.
“All right.” came at Inst. "1 under
stand. Yon've got a little more than
an hour. That’» plenty of time. Go
ahead with that proposition we’ve
talked over— and work fast 1 I nder-
stand me? W ork fnat!"
A second more he remained at the
telephone, to receive his answer from
the other end. Then the receiver]
clicked Into place, and the tall iiibd
leaped from his deek that he might
hurry to the window and stare Into
the street below, in front of the main
election booth was a knot of men, one |
of them Bart Rogers. And upon that
figure the eyes of Leon Barrows ceu
tered. eyes which suddenly had as-
every day th ro u g h o u t th e sum m er
season. Stopover wherever and as long
as you please w ithin final return limit
—O ctober 31st.
Now plan you r vacation journeys to
the east. Let our agents assist in fixing
your itinerary. A nd include
either goingor returning,or both ways,
if you choose. See it’s manifold won­
der at little, if any, additional expense.
Ask any Agent
Southern Pacific
c . P. Moody A gent
Phone 226
ballots In here yeL The other four has to do with the keeping ef thg
preotnets gave a majority of about peace, aad that’s the marshal. I'm gw-
100 to Tam Jordan."
lng to give you that Job. 1 want bias
"Did they honestly ?” Bart Rogers tha kind ef a fellow that’ll pinch mr
believed he caught a tone of hope to best friend If he’s done wreeg aad U «
tier voice.
me th ge to h—1 If I cease along and
“Then— then Father’s beaten?’
try to get him oaL O adorstandf
" It looks that way.”
•Tm so sorry ” Bart Rogers looked
“A ll rig h t Bart Rogers," aad a big.
T h e s to r y p o r t r a y s w i t h r a r e e h a rm
at her qalckly, wondering If what »he friendly hand found a place on the
a n d f id e lit y th e a tm o s p h e re a n d ro ­
The narrow eyes bllOked quickly
m an ce o l a n o il boom a n d I t b rin g s
said were the truth.
younger man's shoulder». ’T v e hem
Leon Barrows came forward in his
out th e fin e s p ir it w h ic h a c tu a te s L e ­
“I f you’re sorry. I'm sorry, too, Miss looking over the herd considerable, and
g io n m en -
O ne c o u ld n o t a s k fo r e m o re m a n ly ,
rrannlatom.” He moved closer to her I ’ve Just about come to the conclusion
“You’re tiflklng riddles. "What mort
ho n est, u p s ta n d in g A m e r ic a n th a n th e
’’But to tell the truth, I voted the that you're the critter I want. W hat
c e n t r a l c h a r a c t e r o f th ta ta le , B a r t
R o g e re , e x - s e r g e a n t o f m a rin e s , c a l l ' d
other way.”
“On thè farm. Didn’t D id give yon
upon t e a c t as to w n m a r s h a l o f B » l-
__i tmderstand.” She healtated and
la ln s . W y o ., a f t e r o il h ad b e tn s tru c k
"But I don’t know anything about
a mortgage when he bdrrffwed that
a n d th e p lac e w a s s u d d e n ly o v e rr u n
tornml away aa though to hide tha ex the Job.”
w it h th o u s a n d s o f a d v e n tu r e rs , good
prearioa which a bitter memory had
a n d bad.
T h e r e w a s an absence o f
"Didn't know anything about wax
"He signed nutest”
... . .
la w office rs to cope w it h th e s itu a tio n
brought to her feature».
until you went Into it, did you?"
“So aid I.
But I always thought
a n d B a r t ’s p ro b le m w a s f u r t h e r c o m ­
Then, the dog-llke Old Jim once more
p lic a te d by th e f a c t t h a t hie b itte r e s t
“No ; »bet’s true."
they Were secured by a mortgage."
e n e m y , le a d e r o f th e d is o rd e r ly e le ­
following her. she went on. But Bart
"All right; the tame thing goes her»,
“Did he ever say s o f
m e n t, w a s a ls o f a t h e r o f th e g i r l w it h
w h o m B a r t w a s In lo ve .
What aay?”
“Of coi'rsr hot. In the week or so
represented more than a pretty, Ilk
W h a t c o u ld a n h o n e s t m a r s h a l do.
"Can I hare a little time te think it
after I Y °t home there whs SO much
w it h his h e a r t to r n b e tw e e n lo ve and
able g ir l; she was all and nothing— an over?"
l u t y f T h e p ro b le m te o n e f o r a c le v e r
n o v e lis t to E
a k
s e
s s
e a
a -----------
h ig h ly 7
anattalnable Ideal.
h a e n r d " le . ’ I u t m
"Sure— a week if you want i t ”
things'generally. He SIhiply told me
n g a num ber
In t e r e s t in g s to ry , c a ir r r y l in
To Mm she represented the gap, the
o f , s u rp ris e s , m u c h b r is
ie k
’* a c tio n an d
“I guess I ought to know by that
that he'd gotten Some money f t 0» ?ou
m a n y t h r i l l i n g s itu a tio n s . T h e a u th o r
to Urte him over and thermit I needed
h a n d le s th e p ro b le m In a s a tis fa c to r y
aad "B all” Franataton. her father, a
w a y w it h o u t s a c r ific in g th e h o n o r or
any?' more I cou(d get It fit the same
gap which dated back to the night be­
p r in c ip le s o f a n y o f th e c h a ra c te rs
Then that sécohd .stroke hit
w h o possess th e m .
T h is a u th o r o f
fore Bart had left for France. He bad
w e s te rn n o ve ls a n d o f o v e r 300 s h o rt
hlzn, and. ns you know, he lost his
Grown«, bridge work and filling»- It wl|l been walking aloag the road toward
s to rie s o f c lre u e lif e an d ju n g le a n im a l
li f e hae g iv e n a n o th e r e v id e n c e o f his
pay you to get nay prices on your dental work. t«wu. when suddenly he had stopped
v e r s a t ili t y a a d a d ded a n o th e r c h a p te r
posed— ”
at tha sound of a girlish scream, fol­
to th e li t e r a t u r e o f v ir ile A m e ric a n is m .
Cusick bank building, Albany
"YbU've • always supposed wrong
lowed by the hoarae, anger-burdened
There’s no mortgage."
voice of a man. He had turned, and
“I ’m glad of that.
But there are
aunied a «naltellke glitter, eye» which running hack the road, had leaptul to­
the notes.
I want to take some of C ilie ff.-------- --------
the transmitter. "Beg pardon. Very had become deep-set and vicious, eyes ward a man ahd a g lri-4 h e girl ertag
them up."'
sorry, but I can’t see you now. W hat a which spelled for the tnotnent the true tr< aaa frightened, the man bellowing
N o M o rtg a g e
A thin smile pulled slightly at the
her, fist clenched for another
that? Yes." A slight pause. Then: story of the brain behind them. And
A t If by Instinct, Bart Rogers Inva­ comers ot the attorney’s Ups.
ns those eyes watched the young man Mow
Theo Bart Huger» had feugtit I
riably liesltatud as he reached the
below, the lean hands writhed and fought with all the strength In Mm
"M iyb e they're paid already.
door which proclaimed, on Its glass
twisted, twisted end writhed, one Into fought against superler odds. And he
“But tliey're. hot.*’
. . .
A client r he asked
panel, that beyond lay the office of
“Young man," and the attorney s
’Yea." Leon Barrows tu n e d beck the other; the thin III» drew hack had won. while la the background the
Leon Barrows, attorney at law.
lean finger went «bearer than , ever to to his desk In a fretful, agitated mood. from heavy teeth, and the unwhole­ frightened girl bed crouched In the
Rogers never had sought to divine the desk, "the bent way to handle a
some face seemed suddenly to contort arms of a whimpering, prematurely
the reason; he simply felt the pause debt is to ztvsdt unttt you're called
in an agony of hate, of fe a r-a n d of aged man; only te lenm when once
to be necessary, In the same sort of upon tò pa'y It.
You haven’t been
rictery had been hie, that he had
' .
manner Is which one pauses before dunned yet', have jsouT
fought a father te prevent him from
epeatng the heavy door of a giant re­
"Or n o t”
. „
boating Ms own daughter
"Then /'forget IL
The debt s paid
frigerator. And perhaps there was a
More than ooce had Bart Rogers
BtmUarlty In the Ideas; for the office
Why— ’.”
Frank amaze­
wondeced If ”BuH" Franulaton «till
A New Marshal
e f Leon Barrows was frigid—Just as ment was In the young man's eyes.
etroee to boat hls daughter, and i f Old
Bart's Interview with I »on Barrows Jim Shrunk, whimpering and halplens.
he was frigid—a great, bare room of
“A t / least." there was quick bedg
had been but little different from oth­ In the background. More than once,
log In the attorney's voice, "as far as
plrturel.ess walls.
er» in the past. That Barrows had too, had he dreamed of the time when
In keeping with the room was the I knr w It’s paid. I t lan’t my money
refused to tell the Identity of the per­ the load ef *«bt which now was hls
attorney himself, a white-faced, nar­ Tve,'simply been the disbursing agent.
son who had furnished the money to I ceuld be Uftod that he might think of
row-eyed person whose long features I —"
“ I’ve »sen Leaking Over the Herd
sustain Franklin Rogers during the Other things than work— of a girl, per­
were lengthened by the smoothness of
“ Not your money? Then who's been
haps. a ghd for whom he might strive,
a tbree-lnch bald streak which ran punting up— T'
hospital after hospital did not surprise that the frightened, wlathsl glance time.” Then Bari thanked Jordan aad
straight back from his forehead.
“A friend of your fa tb e rt.”
Bart in the leust. The true »maze ndgfct depart from her eyes forever, started to run home.
, ; .
S»rh was the attorney who occu­ I “But who?"
meut waa the fact that he and hla and glowlag happiness beam there In
A half mile and ha dropped tot» •
“Ask him. An. attorney dtoesn't tell
pied the big, uncomfortable chair at
father had posaesaed a friend whs de­ stead.
But the dream had net come walk again, to ease the pull on hla
the orderly, thronellke desk, and be­ "the business of ills clients."
sired to remain In the dark, for
lungs— for tha mark of a bullet atlll
cause of whom Bart Rogers hesitated,
"But you know I can't get any an­
V Tl'H
So now, as la the past, he waa a remained there, unnoticed moat of the
even with his hand on the doorknob.
swer from him.
He can t speak and
friends, with them, had been very few
watcher, looking after them ae they time, but ready to protest at the first
Yet, withal, he resented tho uncon­ he can’t write.
How— ?"
Seven yenra before they had come
heavy strain. Flva hundred yard«, ha
scious révulsion, for, In spite of the
“D o n i try to rroaa examine me. I
Weet to play with fate In the tilling of made their way down the street.
The crowd at the curbing moved for gained hls breath again, and once
Iciness of the man. his thln-llpped won’t tell. An o Id ölend of the fam ­
• quarter section of dry, sandy »oil
more Increased bla speed, only to tar»
snapplnesa. his general clamminess of ily helped the V. |o of you out. Your
They had fought for their water rights ward, the workers surging about the
yuddaab’ from the road, lo »too and
appearance and of manner, Rogers father waa very ftrateful. They made
aad obtained them, at las» Then they red faced, somewhat docile appearing
Tom Jordan ae be went forward to re­
could took upon him a* nothing If not a little pact bet\l een them which, to
(Continued on page 6)
had worked aa only a father and »on
ceive the verdict. The election Judge
a benefactor.
me, as an attorni • r. appears’ to be very
can w ort when there la perfect com
grinned aad put forth a hand.
ASH PAID for false teeth, den­
It had been the money which had foqllsh fo r--fo r ray client, the roan
tal gold, platinum and diaeardad
’’So. I'm mayor, eh?” denial, easy
come from his lean hands which had who Is putting up, the money. But he
A dry winter In the mountains, with
going old Tom Jordan, ex-cattleman, jewelry. Hoke Smelting and Refining
filled the breach when Bart Rogeni seems to think It 's all right, » 5 / P®rt
"K Clientl” He Asked.
merely stood and grinned. "Gosh I” Co,. Otaego, Mich,
had come home to find his father suf­ of It Is simply t» e legal ead »’ hieb
ply had taken their savings 1" on*
fering from the slow death of paraly­ must be looked all Jtr by an attorn »7- “Yea. a clienL Coming up here In miromw Then a crop, bountiful and Then «he workers surged »beat him.
sis. It bad been this money which It Is up to nA to protect my eilen,
five minutes. Yon’11 have to gel out. marketed at high prices, had lifted while et the very edge Bart Hogvrs
stood smiling and aatlafled.
had helped rehabilitate the small tract against his own Yo ollahneaa
There­ ’ ^ t that money thing go. Forget IL them te the pinnacle, only to be fol
He had wanted Torn Jordan to win
of Irrigated land three miles from Bel
fore I ordered UM n o t« signed by Didn't come back here trying to give lowed Kg war.
lalne—land which represented the sav­ me. and then f.r»nst erred them to the ma sny more money unless I send for
More than two yearn after the en-y Not tbat Jordan would make a won
H alsky , O rmo »
ings and the toll and the faith of both man to w h V j they really belong, so
you. Understand? All right. Get ouL
lng of the war Bart had been allowed derful mayor, but Roger» knew owe
Bart and his father, which had bought that If hp dOea ndT rare to collect
"Certainly." Rogers already was at t 4 come home and »fart on the win
do the right thing whether l>e accom­
the Seed to sow, and carried them them, we' j and gvod.
I f he doesa t
• he door. "Only I think that It would nlng rued, in spite of an Invalid fa
both until the harvest could come In. and If
wants tu Accept this other he fa ir to me to tell me what this deal thar and the preenure of debt—only to plished the feet or not.
At loot the group shoot the newly
Now that harvest had arrived, and p ro p o rtio n in the eyes of the law
I b and let me know the Identity of my find n Mystery at the bottom of It all
elected mayor parted, and Bart Hagens,
Bart, with hla first check, had hurried whet ,,ie right snd proper time co™ea, l»nefactor. I —”
Who had behn the nttm who had taken
to the office of Leon Barrows, to halt v / , T well- My In te rw t ta ended.
"You'll know that when legal ethics n e t» only a« a formality, who had true to »mall weatera town form, went Efficient Service.
Motor Hearaa.
forward to proffer ble congratulation»
with bis hand on the doorknob; then,
permit me to tell. Now get out I"
Mitered Into a pact with hls
at last, to smile with the happiness of I
Bert gave It np and Joined a little
The door opened and closed. A long
. - - . - - - - O r,R00
plaesa, Juat as be had done with the B r o w n s v i l l e . . .
an approaching freedom from debt
moment passed, while the lean faced ■roup la front of the polling place who
the proposition?’
others wlio had shaken hla h»Dd. Then
and to go in. Leon Barrows look7
attorney listened to the step» of the nurrowded Tom Jordan, the
i "Ask your father."
suddenly he sobered.
np swiftly from his workless desk _
■•I’ve already told you that I cant young man as they faded down the ly succeaafnl -indtdato Bnrt looked
• B *rt," be said quietly aa he drew
-W ell, what Is I t r
He * » k * j the
hall. Then hurriedly, almost feverish­ around for the other aaplrant; bread
W - L. W R IG H T
him «»Me ’T v e had my eye on you for
question as though he had | /een ¿1». " ’" f re'already told ?ott «11 that I
ly he turned toward the telephone and ahouldered blustering "Bull" Frannl-
Mortician & Funeral Director
turbed. Bart Rogers k'Jtw. (hat he „ an attorney
So there a an end called a number, drumming excitedly ston. but failed to ade him Instoad—
Halsey and Harrisburg
had not. H * went fo rw ard happily, Io
Ha rn»wad forward quietly m a girl a personal question: Are yon as
now ’s that oil « ^ £ " n 0« X
upon hla deak as he awaited the an­
friendly with Bull Frannlaton aa you
T a v lo s , Halsey, or
and reached for the pen a n f ink
swer. At last It came, and the at­ came around the ceeaor a rather [ are with hla daughter?"
ting along »«' ?,a r WM* T Been
W . L . V k S IG H T , Harrisburg
•hildtoh appearing aad wlaffnl fe e fti™
" I want to Indorse a cher fc,” he an­
“I didn't vote for him.
I ’m not a
there lately?"
"Hello," he called In a low voice. gl»I Whe hoadtatdd. then turted toward Frannlaton man, Mr. Jordan,”
“Day before yeatertKv.’
“Go ahead.” The attorr
• Struck anything th at looks like pay ■•Couldn't talk a minute ago. That the bent angular figu reet sn
“Good enough. Bart I I had a hunch
him narrowly, •'You’ve / been out on
party waa in here. You know the one whe «oSow»^ her. and who h»«enod to you weren’t, but I Just wanted to be
stda with a sort Of gog-Kke devo-
the street I"
I mean. Now, go ahead.”
You see. Bart, Tm eeay goto'.
“Te»” , * '
I pretty Interested to w hat waa coming
Something atreamed over the phone 0 « I . e h ^ a n « to her .Ueat cony Tm the sort of fellow, who let» hla
“H»wva the election g olngY*
which caused the ngrrow eyes of the
1 up. but you never can teil.
play with him and do him np
for the rowRs, Waa Fran- yrjends
‘ “Tom Jordnas wlnnk jg."
I -Ought to be doing scraetb-o« pretty thin faced attorney to blink rapid y.
brown, rxther'n aay ’no' to 'em Sc F a
nlaton?” he queattoaed.
••How do yon knot r T' The ques­ soon
They've been fooling.around i n d which »lowly brought a
"Tee.” She smiled qalckly
” »» lodria' for a young feOew with a g«od,
tion came eharpty. V ogers looked up. with that thing for w ore than tlx deepening flush of color to hla high
atrvn« chin. M et I ean aay te: Here
J. W S T E P H E N S O N .
•'Well. I don't kr .ow—of my iw n ' months now.”
His free hand seemed to
ttwreh wdg ew Job to thia t*wn tbat
knowledge. I'm Jtv* * going on " h u t
•Longer than that.
»till '
twist and writhe. Then fcls V 0 »«t
I-eeple are saving ' they »»era to think I the ho^lUJ a tjA u ra ra whop they
YrfiMblfiJPP »
n te a frasqle-" L-
• SPRING P a in t TIME
* T lM E lS r a m i
You are invited to inspect and price our new j
and complete line of
S b “™’ P a i n t s Varnishes t
H ILL &<§• Oregon
Dr. C. F1CQ, Dentist
F IT ”
Amor A. Tussing
Funeral Director and Li­
censed Embalmer
Firsl-clas V^zc.L
• a ♦
* ’ ' » *
» -**