M- (5 Xl / A g rc u ltu re H o rtic u ltu re L iv e s to c k . A W eekly C hronicle oi Local E vents and P ro g ress on Linn C ounty Land D a iry P o u ltry HALSEY. ORE6G « W ool MAY 77, 1V3S * H a l s e y H a p p e n in g s a n d C o u n t y E v e n ts Doings o f O u r Populace C h ro n icled in Brief P a ra g ra p h s Oren Stratton, the Browns­ ville fruit man, was in town Saturday. The Elkton schools close Fri­ day and Miss Nettie Spencer, the principal, will be home in Halsey soon. ed to Rex for a stay of a month or so.‘ H .. L. Straley and wife were in Harrisburg Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Zimmerman were in Albany Saturday. July 1 Shedd postoffice en­ ters the presidential class, with a salary of $1100. Mrs. Billie Abraham and in­ fant son returned from Long Beach, Cal., Saturday. The directors of school dis­ trict No. 40 met at J. C. Por­ ter’s last Monday evening and hired Mrs. Joe Elliott as teacher D. A. W hlnney of the Waterloo neighborhood has discovered a rich for the next term of school. vela of aluminum ore on his farm In Albany Saturday from the above Lebanon. Manganese and um­ Potter community were Mr. ber paint are fotfhd In quantities be­ and Mrs. J. C. Porter, Hari’y low the aluminum. L. L. Graham, district pass­ enger and freight agent of the Southern Pacific, with head­ quarters in Eugene, was in town Friday looking after busi­ ness in his line and incidentally became a subscriber to the best newspaper published in Halsey. The railroad company is paying a good share of the taxes and spendirig some $30,000,000 in improvement and extensions in the state and is confronted with an automobile situation that makes it necessary for it to be a go-getter in securing its share of the traffic. The old man who runs the Enterprise would sell out on favorable terms to anybody who would continue to serve this community with a news­ paper. He could sell the print­ ing plant to somebody who wants to start a paper in some larger town, but he does not wish to do that if it can be avoided. Failing eyesight is the growng handicap of the present publisher. To this he attributes his failure to correct many errors in the proofs, like the spelling of “lightening” for “lightning” and “rains” for “reins" last week in the narra­ tion of a fatal accident. Miss Ruby Schroll has return. Albany’s only EXCLUSIVE OPTICAL PARLORS EVERYTHING OPTICAL Bancroft Optical Co. ' 313 We»t First street, Albany, Or Porter, Mr. and Mrs- W. A. Muller, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Freerksen, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Abraham, Mr. and Mrs. George Githens and Mr. and Mrs- Elmer Munson. A Gospel tent meeting will be held in Halsey again this year beginning June 7th. Rev. 1. N. Hughes, who has held meetings at Shedd, Lake Creek and Peoria, will do tbs preaching. P i n e G r o v e P o in ts B ra n d o n B its