I r.ACaiOu ••«•»'••16) *>. l . i . H Vjfc b ? Z • » Tk n 1 * IÌO L ook o u t ! •M a V 1/2 m . :hool o « <9 <9 : Q Annual Clearance O O e 0 Sale 4 Satu: da; Announcing our • ‘ i# • i E- B. Penland took his wii ‘ I and If. C. Davi3 and Mis. C . V* imubner to Albany in his ear iday. 1 ? Tornado Ir w Y o u ’ ll n i.rv e l ■( it, M Mrs. J. YV. Miller has been id few days and hei , the past . __ __ _. . ___ daughter, Mis. Harold Steven I son of Brownsville, has bee: with her. e i ian;c 4 a,'«Steele ! Y o u ’ll g a-p at it» g ig tu lic litrtlie ! Y o u ’ll be swept o ff »our feet in a w b irlw iiid of love a ml w bate am i |> : • • G LO 3E Af.flAXV H u ,,,— M o « . ) 2 d a y e M a y 24 j only Halsey Happenings E. Russ liad (Continued from page 1) G ilb e rt G ire v wat. 1» , .Mis. J. C. Porter, Mrs. P. t. Freerksen, Mrs. YY’. A. Mulki 'and Mi3. Fred Sprenger an »on Byrd were in HarrisLu: ■ Tuesday afternoon. , j YY'. A. Carey and wife ha their daughter, Mrs. C. E. Gi í !‘.t of Portland, with them ovt ' the week er.d. tie f,„ Portland over the week end' Prof. Robe of the Elmii high school v,a3 a Saturdi vis,tor i t E. S. M arsters’. C eil Minckley and YY’- C aiter took ; couple of true loads of lambs to Portland Mo day. J- H. Vaanlce had as Frid; ji’ght guests Mr. ¡: id Mrs. Jol i ’itz.iugh rnd daughter, form l ’eoria residents. B. M. Miller and daught' Cardie and Miss Beulah MU', were a t the Methodist» re v iv a t Albany Sunday. Mr. and Mis. F. O. Sr-’mr hnd children attended the M. CrosMn church at Albany Su flay. Harmony school closed Fi i ay with a picnic in Mrs. Mr Mmitli*» grove. t,„. ,»-c, er J ! .« Ida Allen, who has lie* . staying with Mis. P. H. Fieeii f°r ^!er home nei .»hodd in the evening. K u U rp rite © o o 9 F o r th o s e 8 (Java y o u will find p r ic e s re d u c e d ° ii th e b e s t o f f u r n itu r e , d is h e s a n d d r a p e r ie s (a n d o u r p ric e s a r e alw ay s low). T h e n w ith th e r e d u c tio n o f th is big s a le y o u w ill e av e fl » Act.»» Negotiations on W ar C e t i **«> Beg n Soon. 9 I Paris.—The cabinet approved t ! « I sugfestloa made bp both F.aance Mis later CaUlaux and Foreign Minis,?: Brand that the way te prepared foi a settlement of French war debts ant directed these two ministers to sludj the question with a riew to Institu ting early negotiations. Active negotiations. U was said a. the Quay D Clrsay. probably will beg r within IS days, but It was thought si the ministry of finance that this cpin ion was too optimistic because Franc, can make a definite proposal f*.r t a sottlament only after the bud-et b voted for 1»2S By the budget ro t. I « ill be seen whether the French pa Bameat approves CaUlaux' plan l • ate the receipts under tho Daw. Plan out of (he regular state rave-iu ac'.ouut end u»e them la pan for de MUlciisent end In pnrt for the ccwpl. If Ion of r jcenstruc .on woik in the d vasteted areas of the north of Franc CHAIRS dining room furniture R a d io F ree 9 » H. Rider Haggard, Novelist, I» Dead Lontoo Sir H Rider Haggard, dl. ngulahed Rrltish novellai, died a fth . »•«9 cf M. ¡•»••»•••Maooi»»»#«,,,,,, D iv id e n d A n lo u n c n iv n t T3L0VVA ROY YLTIE3, Inc.. P «id its r e g u la r m o n th ly d iv id e n d o f 1 ¡.9 AJ iiv « O & ® P ’i t e n t 1., t „ all « to e k h n ie e rs o f r e o rd A p ril 2 ’. T „ is „ iako8 a to t a , (if • i t J-2 p e r c e n t in 14 nouth.«». « to c k b o ltle rtj o f le e o r d M ,v 20 w II DavHhle“ ? ’ " • '» ‘»»«ihly d iv id e n d pa. .• I,. J u „ o Io a „ , t <(f rpcoj(J M 31 »1 I p {.ir t i c p a t , in EXTRA D IV ID E N D pa> a b le J u n e 20. U y © u © Ar.d » S E C O N D A N D B R O A D Y U D IN ALBANv 0R E> “ Complete Home Furnishers ” •nt part in keeping the cost of living town on the farm that every farmer wn afford to take a few day, off he early part of t |„ a»alun ,ow nd piaiit rife tardea. € J in e g<’.oo rarnter keeps L mnelf und his farm well posted. • • • A handsome, durable, convenient !’Z , M" “* ••» YVhereas, the ail-wiso i a th e r hath caned our beloved Control Tom ato Blight into the new J e ru s r’em, w here by Spraying or Dusting happily she hath heard the sig­ Tomutoes are very largely Injured by leaf »pot or blight, which by In­ juring the leaves prevents the ma- turlty and development of the fruit Ihey al,„ are likely to be sun scalded »ecause of no protection by the Jeuves. # Ttds trouble can be controlled to a cons.derable extent by spraying or * llh bordeoux- which Is profitable on rich soils, but may not »e profitable on poor soils. The ef­ fects of the trouble can largely be avoided by setting out only stocky « ell-hardened plants enrly m the spring. e The disease lives over in weeds raer“ r ' nd rUbb” h ° f t,"f Barden' «nd therefore, much can be done in the *k y of prevention by keeping the garden clean. Bulletin No. 1288 of • he Lnited States Department of nal of her release on th e l^ells of the holy city, the chimes of eternal peace,” and she having been an ardent worker in the teaching of Friendship, Love and Truth, therefore be it Resolved, T hat P urity Re- ^ekah lodge No. 130, in memory oi her loss, and to express its Rebekah love, drape its ch arter in mourning for th irty days and th r t we tender to the fam ily of our deceased sister cur rincere condolence and th a t a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family. Emma E. True, Mary (1 Koontz Committee Donna R. Cross. Reekefsllera* Church Calls Or. Foadlek ,f ««<*> enough io take prix -, BaseLail New York. - D,. Harrjr Emerioc the fair. It will s,|| We„ / 1 H a le sy was defeated on the local Best K ernels to Select Fosdlck. .term center of the funda ' enough for fuuudutlou fur Æ J d iam o nd by a score of 6 to 1 X r i . *UkUrv mentallit-nodernlst controversy, hat* production. as Seed for Corn Crop d a y . Jttnciion C ity ad tn in i» lc ,« d been called to the pulpit of the Park Whether to »elect »mooth or rough Ihe N o rto n su b stituted Avenue Baptist church, known as th, b x ec v to r ' s notice rorn for seed |s „ of general ‘Rockefeller church.“ because th. (<>r W o o le y in the fifth inning, latere«. Many farmers believe that Notice is hereby given that the fin»! aim er mad^ llm on* 101». • Rockefellers, both father and ton stxtmn oì Citte 1*. Stafford a« executor smooth, flinty kernels indicate deterl- cratlo,, ln qual|t7 aQd ,o w In n in g . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 or the H .t will ,„d , woishlp there nn I rice, deceased, has been filed to «bile other» maintain that tliev secure Ju n ction C ity 0 0 4 0 I) 1 I Q O.Q lin n n c itd K e p rn p c n titiv o g the County Court of Lina County. Stale - r hlgheft yleld, from 7 u7 b8egceu~ Unitarian Clergy t 0 Q „ Penalona B«iscy 00 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 i r r . o M ‘Ì " ' be *” d’ » °( J«” * < > « cr,I oh^rvntlon and experiment. t> T n ree of the four ru n s j n t ha Boston. Maas _ M inister, cf H25. at 10 o clock ». ri ha» twen dulv f ° r " nU“ ’ th ird »» re ( |lc re . u |, q( * fl t(j t nttarian church who have reached appoint, ib v ,„ d c -„ .r t for the bearirg her o V 'ta ra 'bjectlun. to Mid n a il »ccounr ... I bar o rutl,er « ’«’•’iMlvely *' ' . ficid io a d iffic u lt p o s itio n . 65 years of age and have a record 01 ot tl.esettlen.ent l t wh '* n aL-n T ’ ,he kernel’ *» , v h»ll hit t|,» fet,C(J anj l ( ,e|| -0 years In active service will receivr ary neraon tnterested ta M td e,tate u.«v •• sign of deterioration ln quality »ppe»r and file objections’ tberilo In 1 ( -led in i.. ;he g ra .s , where it bid a pension of »«too th l, y „ r , i, l*t iit l . ynd s - I u n til the n a ile r came tro ttiu g nostneed at the annual meeting of tht writing and contest the same ' * ‘•>1 au«l fir.t publi.hed' April 2-t borne. Vaitanan Service Pension socket, Clive P. St.ffird. ’ 1« 1» now known that rough kernel» 4,,,^. 1 T h w t t o r Aforesaid. i Chance helped Lyle Amor A. Tttaiing. Atty. for pKr oh lid fence last week. Whiskey Made From H air Tonle Defy th e T herm om eter Chicago.- Prohibition agents analy ADMIN’ IS I R • TR I \ ' MOTICR Mis. Ora Albertson entertain­ Y» s,»»», ib » iii.rc o rv snara • nd ted ,ome of the 70.000 bottles ot of -vppotnIntent 'l 'h '* her'.hy * ” re" fh” ” >snn»'ev- V tur t-in p rr a tu r» U-gitt« ed the P otter sewing club last rtt« Y * “Haig and Haig,“ " P e e r Daweon- b ie ^ e.i hv an , „ ,i , r , he , purtt it wiii i u, r n the ««her drier YYednesday. Eleven members J f uncoinf.ii tu b ,- there ¡.hallo“ «era«e5ette. r ,d I« Oll» " " h its Horae' and "Sandy McDonald* o' I me countr Oregon hat |^»n selied here and said that It apparent • ff Itia th o l o f r» li» f— answered the rollcall. The a f­ ' K o ' n w "."n ,,,7 ,nx " ,r l.v had been distilled from hair tonic "ert U . W ,l» „ . a e n .^ ,! Al, p , ^ , , '* ce ’•’■►"M ” A» long il i- ternoon was spent in knotting a perfumes and commercial alcchoi. ius l - o f to ,r» iwgrevi»e claim» «raintt »»1,1 «e,,.e quilt and sewing quilt blocks. Il Will lamia r r bottom t»>intT~ii t., j-raent them within » , I »V *r barm you Kat n ni licit aa " «nt .. tro-R die .».te of t..,» LCtce? A lter the business m eeting Preeldent Rejects Deftnae Day Plai» natu*«" »mrcM 1 the one k i ' T A L ’y . ¿? 'b - "Sdc*- Lse clean seed. unch was served by the hostess, Washington. D. C. >re,ldeitt Cool * 0 4 ’ *,’*» * « < *» fv e » „ U . v «i»» «t tu«ne fur ht i dar». v. a.>sisted by her daughter, Mrs- Idge ha« definitely decided to reject « f. f t Unit cne-»tv. O/egoi D ... i boo Ramsay and her sister, the war department's recommend» so;' first tmtgihe.» ,h'i, t , h a , . ' ’ « * * '• " Faon. Mrs. Joe E llio tt Mrs. B ertha Hon for a national defense test ot ’ *’ ■ • • • a A.!m,v.,stratrtx AforcM iJ Armistice day. ™ Redmond, Oregon, Trent potato ieed with » Autor A Tutting. Atty for Aj m, ®r corrosive ..11,11,™,,» fo' «"^e h y d e nd Mrs. Elien Zimmerman were B. Kt5£ C • A tlûü • «2S y « n Bulletins v Í» © © © u » » 9 © Ü > Fisher-Braden Co. O © U © 9 « a farm garden Is no longer I (A 4 Running boy’s job. I, , ,i« „ , U(.h |n)iK>r « « « G O G Ô 9 © © © © Complete W e a r e Kiv in x »,»,„• a nB„. rad i(( e ,„ n p |e td With b - t t e r . » . , tu b e s, l„ ,1 aUBak,j r , o tc „ ,,.e e W ith e v e r y d o l l a r v a sh p u r c h a s e y o u Ket a s S a v ° Ver i r ° m ^ c r a to lU . k T « / . ' h l? Yi' l<’ h ' cl< (o n ly h oy ‘ j * ' r" ,6n ,i «nd road Improyemenu, diet 9 Alberta Kocntz an 1 File. from hoart dUc‘ M s “= " i l l fit tin s luck) th e ra d io is y o u r s free . * Vnnnice, from YVillamrtte. i m-f * at hl» ll°°« her«. T b o la rg e r th e p u rc h a a o , th e p io re k e y s y o u irC15‘ly’ . “ ra8 w‘d> Rev? Mi Haney Stays on Shipping Board g et. A ll th e k e y s in u i t be tfivon b a fo re th o JuCOormick, who preached in Washington. D C .-P resid sn t Cooil t ie Methodist church he.« Sui - • o e 9 e & D A V E N PO R T S D R A PER IE S A N D NETS DISHES Ö K IT C H E N CABINETS aid BEDROOM SUITES Z> 9 s, $, $. V she p ...ir,..„ed her d ep artu re gh» Reed general ho»pa*j. Death was du. 1» reiHUIed i.„ p r..v |.,g „¡eely no« ■ to a blood clot on tho brain 212 East First si The efficacy of the "com-crlb cross*' Ucki the shall has again been demonstrated. Tbe • Fhou - same experiment has demonstrated also tbe worth of tbe pure-bred cross. Here is the story: Over In the state of Iowa the experiment station offi­ cials decided to go across to the Outgoing Mail neighboring state of Arkansas. Into a A t th e H a ls e y postoffice m a il, section where feed was scarce and what cows they had were poor Indeed, «•lose going n o ith a t 1 R 5 0 u and 5 :2 0 p. “ ’* and buy a few of them, bring them home, feed them well and breed them . £ ” ' n K south, 11:10 a. n). anj to pure-bred bulls. Such an experi­ o:20 p. in. ment. they reasoned, would demon­ To B ro w n sville , e :2 0 a. m. O strate the value of good feeding to 12 m. M a n ,m g stage to B m w u ,. men who had herds of similarly poor v il e goes on to C ra w fo ,d l v i||r cattle and It would show how such H o lle y and S w e it H o m e. & herds could be Improved from genera­ tion to generation. Seven cows, four yearling heifers and two heifer calves Ha'&ey Railroad T(me f» were purchased. They were small and undernourished. Ncrt’1 South Got Same Food. Nc. t2, 3:29 a. m. Xo 17 12 ov n m " hen they reached their new home, •H. 4.25 p. m. 31, Ii:A4 p m however, they got the same fend ami care us the cows in the station herd No. 14. due lla:»cy at 5;O3 p Instead of hay la winter and pasture to Jet oft pafckenger* from kcuth hi summer, they were given alfalfa, Eu?ene. silage Rod a well-J>alanced menl ra­ N o ? 313 V DV 52 T - P, ° n' \ if BcW 1- tion. Instead of ¿different housing Ao». 31. 32. 3o and ¿4 ran between Port- *ana anti Engene only. «nil hit-and-miss care, they had a good Fassengers for south of Roseburg should stable and chores were done by the takye. X ° '. 17 to E *»«*n* and there transfer clock. The first year, under this kind >o. 15. of attention, two four-year-olds In the ^ •i^ V '^ re w n S v in e stage meets trains lot produced 3,084.8 lbs. rnllk and Io, 17, 14, 34 and 33 in order named. G 119.24 lbs. fat. This production they steadily Increased until, at seven years of age. they produced an aver­ Paid-for Paragraphs age of 4.907.7 lbs. milk and 229.91 lbs. (5c a lin e ) fal. an Increase of 59 per cent In milk and 54 per cent In fat. Allowing for the natural Increase due to greater F o r gale— B u ck w h e at, 4c a pound. maturity, the increase due to the cu­ <• G H n c k e n s o ilth , K . *1. mulative effect of good feed and care * _______ _ wus 49 per cent In milk and 48 per 01(1 papers for sale at ò c a bundle cent In fat. It was also shown that the younger an animal comes under good at tbe E iite rti-is e office. feed and management the greater will be Its response. Comparing the rec­ YY a . . lt d — j i - - -berries. ords of the two four-year-olds with E n te rp ris e Office. i hose of the older cows In the lot, they Increased 14 per cent In milk and 8 per cent In fut as compared with the Resolutions cf Respeot , mature cows. Those coming as heifers , produced 27 per cent more milk and in memory of Marcella E. Kirk, , -’+ per cent more fat than did those who died April 15, 1925: starlet) nt maturity. There Is a lesson Again th a t unwelcome yet here for the tnogf of us. It is Just pos­ relerttless visitor, Dec-th, hath sible that too much has been said about the Importance of good breeding entered the portals of our lodge as compared with the emphasis that loom and rem o. d a dear sister has been placed on good feeding We to Lie beautnui home beyond- have been In sections where pure-bred H er zealous work in the in­ bulls have been used for generations terests of our beloved order but where the average production of the herds was very low. It was a case and her life laden w ith gentle­ of poor feeding. When we consider ness and kind coeds, have won that these Arkansas cows were as for her the plaudits of the good poor ns could be found, we must con- M aster and wilt cause her name Vtksc ,bai ” ,ere WOuld be verY fe» to oe cherished in the affection­ 3.000-pound cowg. if cow, werf ate memory of our lodge. given a real chance. Friday, May 29 y € 9 lb» Ftah-r-BiS'lett <*<>ir>p.nj Y..'bany, advertís-s some re. -• gaii s in an annual clearanc ale. See j age 6. Albany is building a new bridge to B ryant park and the jubilee next Satin'd;* v.ill be at the fair gound: I A. H u v e ta m and w if- h • ... . their son from Beaverton fj>r " or Y v ’ Xv** ? ° m' visitor again £ .’.urday. Harol i .u t . senator and 0L « Raybestos Hi-speed Brake Service Station Q la»t wia-k PU ' Rßconditionifig Shop t beginning and ending three lines i SUPPORTS Scraw ny A nim als From A r­ kansas M ade Good Pro­ ducers a t Iow a Station. TORRANCE Y> e » Friday, May 22 2003ebsrries for sale. I h t were all gone ,y Monday. CABINET Profitable Cows a o a © o ompany Main 0180 009© i0<)eeetft o 0 here. ’ »te h « C lark s ConíectionerY’ guests.