News Notes From A ll Over Oregon G le a n e d b y t h e W e s te r n N e w s a p o r U n io n fo r B u s y P e e p le Fred W earer of Coos river was kill­ ed by lightning. Roseburg's annual strawberry carni­ val will be held Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Otto Meyers, 14-ye-r-old son of Mrs. Nellie Meyers of Forest Grove, was drowned while swim ming in Gales creek. T i; " S 'S a i l i s t s csaTcatiBb of the disabled American veterans of the World, war convened in Corvallis with close to 100 delegates present. MAY 20 1*23 oucted by representatives of the stai„ board of bar examiners. An act passed at the recent session of the state legislature will create the office of county auditor for Clackamas county May 28, and it is expected that an appointee will be named ty tho county court so that he will be able to take up bis duties June 1. At a special meeting of the Oregon City city commission Chris Schuebcl. city attorney was instructed to start suit against Clackami.s county ter the collection of $39,635.49, alleged due as the result of taxes collected by the sheriff in the last five years. B RURAL ENTERPRISE PAGE 5 Make up your mind to see this « © Clothing! D ecoration D ay J E v e n th o u g h y o u h a v e t i c - c id e d n o t to h a v e a new s u it • fo r S u n d a y , y o u 11 m a k e u p * y o u r m in d to c h a n g e y c u r j m in d —q u ic k ly . o 3 A R R O W G A R A G E, Gansle Bros. U. S. & C. T. C. T ire s N ew , lo w -p ric e d G ill M o re s e rv ic e B a tte r ie s fo r N o m o ro c o s t , F o rd , and S k ille d A u to r e p a i r i n g ‘S ta r , o th e r * a c c e sso rie • s« e v iv r o ic le i, t s m a ll c a r s A . u to [ C v u h w ’ ( < < < MORE SERVICE FOR LESS MONEY M o d els t h a t y o u c a n n o t > a r g u e w ith w ith o u t g iv in g in • th a t U ncom m on c lo th s o n a s p a r k le lik e h e a d lig h ts b o u le v a rd . • Featured by registration of dele­ gates. automobile trips to scenic £ points of Interest about The Dalles. ’ (j) and an address of welcome by Mayor Stadelman, 300 delegates and mem­ bers of Neighbors of Woodcraft held & their state convention in The Dalles. P r ic e tic k e ts t h a t a r e p a y - 9 a b le w ith o u t a b a ttle w i t h # y o u r fin a n c ia l c o n s c ie n c e . 9 Fire, thought to have been caused Automobiles w ill not be able to by a spark from a locomotive, swept 9 cross tbe McKenzie pass for a num Troutdale, 15 m iles east of Portland f ber of w eeks yet, unless the snow Is and before it was extinguished, burned taken out by machinery. It Is reported. the principal part of the business sec­ © Fire losses In Oregon, exclusive of tion of the town, as well as several residences. The property loss was es­ Portland, for the month of April ag­ gregated $186,811.45, according to a timated at $75,000. $25and up report Issued by W ill Moore, state fire Frank C. Bramwell, superintendent A ll o f A lb a n y ’s s to r e s will g of banks, has ancounced that the final marshal. b e c lo se d d e c o r a tio n d a y . so g dividend will be paid to the depositors Bids for the construction of 40 miles d o y o u r s h o p p in g F rid a y , $ of road and several bridges will be of the Nehalem Valley bank of Wheel M ay 29. considered at a meeting of the state er, which closed several years ago aon osi highway comm ission to be held in Eight par cent Is being paid the com luerclal repositors and 17 per cent to Portland May 28. the savings depositors After 17 years of active service as For the third time this spring an adjutant-general of the G. A. R.. de­ Irrigation canal of the Klamath Irrl- partment of Oregon, C. A. Williams [BLAIN has asked that he be relieved on ac­ gatlcn district broke through Its banks and inundated The Dalles-Callfornla count of bis health. highway and surrounding country, ac- Crews of the state highway depart­ Frederick C. Hicks, former congres» cording to reports received at Klamath ment have oiled tho macadam surface man from New York, who was ap- OREGON Falls, when D canal, 234 miles west • A L B A N Y Miss Lucille Atcherson, recently ap­ polned by President Coolidge as alien of the Mount Hood loop highway from of Malin, broke its banks. pointed third secretary of the Amer­ property custodian. D E . L L L A I N N D Hoocf River to ttfe bounds of the D R H E t S S S b W W C L H D SUCCEED Right of way for the purposed Mc­ ican legation at Berne, Switzerland, Is Mount Hood national forest. Kenzie water pipe line from Hayden the first woman to enter our diplo­ W echter 4 Hughes, Salem contrac­ bridge to Eugene Is now being ob matic service. tors. submitted the lowest bid for tbe A far greater handicap Is the pros tained by agents of the water board general construction of the new home pect of a shortage of men In tho fleet and it 13 expected that the contract in Salem for the Young Men's Chris­ Fully 30 per cent, It is said, will no for the construction of tho line will tia n association to be erected this re-enlist when their service terminate! be let lu the near future. Bonds for year. The bid was $89,320. July 1. Conditions on the coast guard U. 8. Serves Notice on Nine this project were voted April 15. The Salem Amusement company, ships call for unusually hard work New York, N. Y.—Internal troubles Timber sales by the government on Nat ens Time Has Come ■with headquarters In Portland, has and few and brief shore leaves. Tliest national forests of Oregon and Wash­ are proving*handicaps to coast guards­ are sufficient to Induce the guardsmen W ashington. D. C. — Dismissal of been Incorporated by A. B. Holt, W. men blockading New York's rum row. For Settlement. ington during 1924 totaled 704.380.000 complaints agalnat Hve western lum­ T. Pangle and J. C. Heilig. The cor­ to seek other occupations board feet and brought $1,449,898 48 Six members of tho coast guard have ber companies has been announced ty poration hac for its purpose the opera­ according to statistics made public been courtmartialed for smuggling tho federal trade commission. Tho Washington, D. C.—The American Disnop of Olympia Consecrated tion of a theater In Salem. liquor and three for Intoxication, it by C. M. Granger, district forester, San Antonio, Texas.—Rev Simeon complaints, naming the Coeur d'Alene government has advised Its European Frank L. Chambers. Eugene banker, United States forest service. There Is admitted. Huston was consecrated Mill company, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; debtors that in Its opinion the tim e has presented to the University of were 1692 sales during tho year. Officers have refused to discuss the Arthur bishop of the u'loceso of Olympia Grande Ronde Lumber company, has come for settlem ent. Oregon a strip of land about 1000 feet affair, but it is known that 19 men Two addresses by Representative In a communication addressed to Wash., In the presence of seven Epls Porry, Ore.; McOoldrlck Lumber com long and varying In width, along the have been confined for varying per south bank of ths mill race, where Hawley, election of officers fcr the lods in the county Jail on Staten Is copal bishops here. Bishop Hustor pany, Spokane, Wash.; Deer Park nine nations, It has expressed an earn­ ensuing year, adoption of resolutions land, awaiting courtmartial. Six con­ has been rector of St. Mark Episcopa Lumber company, Deer Park, Wash., est desire that the war debt question the annual canoe fete Is held. aud Shevlln-Hlxon company, Bond, be brought to a solution without and a banquet featured the closing \ Cleverly hidden In a cove on the sessions of the annual convention at victed of smuggling have been sen church here for four years, coini'ii Or., bad charged the companies with further alelay. here from Baltimore, Md. He will tenced to six months Imprisonment hrt^nks of the W illam ette river about Salem of the Oregon Retail Jewelers soiling w esters plno as western while The nations so notified are France, aixV miles east of Newberg, one of tho association. A. Fred Glover of Klam and three got throe months each fot loave May 23 for his new post. pine. The complaints were dismissed Italy, Belgium, Roumanla, Greece, ___ _______ _ ■ ' Intoxication. laiA W t moonshine plants ever uncov­ ath Falls was elected president of the on the ground that before they were C zechoslovakia, Jugoslavia, Esthonla ered', in Oregon was found by federal association. served on the respondents the prac­ and Latvia. and s t officers and destroyed. agneto electric co tice complained of had been discon­ The nations addressed made up the Information received by General ^ / ^ Í b a n y j ^ / ) i r e c t o r y Official Stromberg carburetor serv tinued. Commissioners Thompson and Sevet *1 hundrld n.iunils of f i b - whole list of Important war borrow­ Frank T. Hines as to the conclusions ice station. CouScrvative price;, All flax s e e < to be f l e d oul on Lane coun' work guaranteed 119-121 W - Second Nugent dissented from the dismissals ers except for Russia, where there la ty farm s were received by O. S. of Major Radcliffe, who has been no recognized government to which studying the proposed veteran’s hos Fletcher, '.county agent, and will be arinello parlors a notification could be addressed. pltal site at Portland, is favorable., a d ylce. you hve GEN. MILES DIES SUDDENLY - every ne.-d) distributed among the farmers who (A beauty aid for ever France has been Informed by Am­ The completed report has not been I AlbaDy> trade iu Albany ; if you live have ugreed'a^n experiment with It. St. Franci# Hotel prep.. W innifked R ose . End Comat While Attending a Circus bassador Herrick that the American The three s \ rvey ' rews now at work received, but it is expected to contain .,MOI„ e other town, trade in tliattown.'' Performance In V/aehlngton. government would be pleased If a the data and recommendations to Jus- Hut in the«e automobile days msny re between B en d \a n d Klamath Falls on ,h . con.iructlon =, . h . £ '" b “ .¡ i en and money are best when French commission would be sent to Washington, D. C.—General Nelson the proposed 04 «son Trunk railroad it least part of their baying in the ___ busy. Make your dollars work in larger town. Those who go to Albany our savings department. A lbany S tate A. Miles, veteran of the Civil war aad discuss any funding proposal. Inas­ will be Joined ft’tertly by a fourth without delay much as Prance Is now tho largest The thousands of camp fires that to transact business will find the firms B ank . Under government super.ision. famous Indian fighter, dropped dead crew, according ¿s' Guy LIntnor- debtor, this phase of the general debt named below ready to fill their require­ here. Ho was 86 years old. will burn in the forests of Klamath ments with courtesy and fairness. chief engineer of tba* Oregon Trunk. iss Sue Breckenridge General Miles was occupying a re­ move was regarded as not without Four p a v t/g plant* will be operat­ luring the summer months will be Hemstitching. Stamped goeils served seat at a circus here when he some significance. The French debt T IK E S 333 West Second street, Albany, Oregon ed In Marlon county th is season, ac­ checked by a United States forestry 2 A x C C E S S O R IE S AND Auto Supplies Phone 452 It suddenly fell forward on the heads appeared to be the bub about which cording to* members \o f the county prevention officer. It is a new post- J. H. A llison of thoge sitting In front of him. He a gigantic debt wheel revolved. court. A (, jtal of 16 miles of road is ion, created by the forestry depart 442 W est First St.____________________ Simultaneously with the disclosure J^O S C O E AMES H A R D W A R E was dead when his friends reached of the move to devolop action on the to be pavef , Tbe plants will be locat­ ¡nent as a result of the heavy fires him. Death had resulted from my .hat prevailed not only in Klamath LIN D A H L, hard w are,. ed at Sail >m, Stcyton, Scollard and carditis and acute dilation of tbe piu-t of foreign nations, sn ezpres- Dinnerware The Winchester Store ] Jut la other timbered sections through­ SUlvai-tan I ■Ion emanated from official sources Tin shop in connection heart. ror a c< »nsideration of anont »110,- out Oregon last summer. 35b W. First St. A lbany, Oregon ' “ flM S O N T H E SH O E DOCTOR that the American government could Born in Westminster. Mass., in 1835, 000 the M ealey brothers, timber and The largest Douglas fir tree known Second street, * opposite Hamilton’s Miles was educated at Harvard, not permit a distinction between loans lb a n y F lo ra l Co. C u t flowers sawmill at in e r t near Foster, In east­ was dedicated at the Oregon caves store. „ . „ Brown and Colgate, and first entered for prosecution of the world war, those and plants. Floral art for every "Sudden Service.’ ern Linn 1 :ounty, have sold their tim­ Sunday when the Oregon Cavemen the military service In 1861 as a first for post-war relief or unpaid bills on and all occasions.' ber holdtb gs of 3104.96 acres to Louis held their annual meeting at that Flower phone 458-f. aldo Anderson attorney-general for the diameter than the largest previously Used Pianos. W O O D W ö R iH D R L’G CO. adler-general in 1864, a major-general ences set down between the various referendum measure attacking the so- known. It Is about a quarter of a Ip 1865. He served as a brigadier kinds oi loans. Brunswicks and Victrolas astbnrn Bros.—Two big grocery VV called tobu cco tax law enacted at the mile from tho entrance to the caves. Radios general and major general In cam stores, 212 W. First and 225 South last session of tho legislature was fll Pianos sohl on easy terms palgns against the Indians In the west, T he New S h u r-o n F ram e Main. Good merchandise at the right ed In th a 1 circuit court In Salem by notably against Sitting Bull. Crazy is adm irably suited to all type»] price» E SPE C IA L T Y S H O P P E ces. _____ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ C. C. Cha ,» nan, editor of the Oregon hemstitching and stamped goods. Horse, Chief Joseph, Geronimo and Jj3|ite Cafeteria and confectionery and 10 all ages. It is the aristo- _____ ____ ___________ Voter, and? W. S. U R en, both of Port 318 W. Second at. Albany. Oregon Natchez. qrat of the all-Sbelltex held. We Home cooking. Pleasant surround Owner. Irene McDaniel. land. i During the Spanish war he was the will be glad to show you tbe line. irgs. Courteous, efficient service. senior American officer in command .•an « fa m ilies In Oregon contribute Washington. D U^-A. special tw u B J I W e make our own candies. W. S. D u k c a X. of troops, retiring from the army In qulpy Into the management and flnan approxlt inter. ’ «0 per cent of the In­ New and ring ut the Chicago. Milwaukee ft S t mates of tin ’ state home for the ord sales and service used FARM MACHINERY 1903 as a lieutenant general. feeble-t ritd ed and 40 per cent of the Paul railroad, which recently Wk» Tires and accessorie» bought, sold aud exchanged at all times Shepherd's Trial Opens in Chicago. thrown Into receivership, was orderet wards r* the sta te training school, ac Repairs K irk P ollak M otor C o . Chicago. — William Darling Stiep by tbe interstate cestm srce commie cordln / to a et* tement made by Dr ben t s u d t e ll bord was placed on trial for his life ■ion. J- N. Sm ith,' su»’«rintendent of ,he jrtm U ler F u rn itu re Co., furni before Judge Thomas J. Lynch Mon The commission's order said that feeble- minded bom.', in an address be ture. rugs, linoleum , stoves ranges. Phone 76-R. 123 N. Broadalbin st., Allxuiy day on a charge of murdering hit the step was taken upon Its own mo fore d ’ve stu d eittl o t W illamette unl- ] Funeral directors. 427-433 west First foster son, William Nelson McClln tlon and that the Inquiry would con- I streeL Albany. Oregon. __ _______ vcrslV r at Salem . tock, to obtain his fortune, estimated cera “the history, management, tlnan The Oregon stw te school for the uller grocery ¿86 Lyon at more than $1.000,000. rial and other operations, account« deaf i st 'Salem rar ks among the best (Successor to Stenberg Bro«. I and praotlces of the Chicago, Mllwau Write tor Ijooklst deacribing onr 20- Groceries Fruits Produce of it) ch institution t 1« th e southern year Rural Credit Amortized Doans German Railways to Lay Off 30,000 kee ft St. Paul railroad. In order t« I Phone 2b3R and j ,-esteru states, ^according to Her The loan pays out in 20 paynwmts, re Berlin.—As a measure of economy dpt ermine Ute manner and method Is Optometrist bert E. Day. « p r e s e t t in g the national olman a jackson tiring the principal Cheap rates. NO the Oerman railway administration an which the business of said companj reset rch council, wit.*' headquarters at Manufacturing G rocery— Bvkery delay B eam L and t o ., Bounces that 30,000 employes will has been conducted with a view tc Optician ■tvervtliii'.g in the line oi eats 133 Lyon street, Albany. Ore. Waal Ington. Mr. Dny Is making making a report and stMtb order ot soon be dlsmls led. Opposite PostoBice OREGON. turn ,j of all deaf sctm ols ,n west ALBANY orders as may seem appropriate.** era. and southern sta tes w \‘h relation ub Candy r «>.. F irst stre e t, next The ftt Paul system , one of th< W h y N o t? to J ho advantages e x te n d * 1 t0 door to Blain Clothing Co. “Muther." «aid Bobby, "you hire i Isrgeet In the country, was volunuu* 1’rtiS lea. I » > ' Noon lunchei. wuma«r 5 Music Shop which fall* du< Ip June ___ 3 Ben«co, clerk of the atnie W e neves close * bnilnmg, Albany Alban < surrem e court. * The tj*sts wlH bt .com « » CLOTHIN c T c O] 9 ©«•©•••©©#••• ilflL u Crooked “ Wets in “ Dry’*’ Squads Lumber Prosecution Is One More Parce America Gives Hints to Debtors : M M Me M A .L S A W D E l ’o Investigate St. Paul Failure Y furniture and F . R F E. C. M ead e, H. A lbro, H CUT F L O W E R S H - S H E E T M USIC HALL’S . FARM LOANS FA R M L O A N S