• J M Y M MJS I w W W W IM M M M A A e e M A e t houlexard Drexel boulevtWd Jack- sou park, llllnota C entral trains. T er rltle. yes. bnt they w ere electrifying. Going to make ’em run by electricity, you know Things w ouldn't look so dirty, after that. H alsted street. Longest street In the world. • And, "Ah, yes," said the general, po­ litely.’ "Ah. yes. Quite so: Most In­ teresting.” (Coutluusd) ten, Dallas. If I thought—I'd go back to Hollis A Sprague's and begin all over again at forty a week If 1 thought you’d—’’ The rich black loam of High P ra i­ rie. A hint of fresh green things Just peeping out of the earth. Hothouse», t'jld fram es. The farm. T u t I thought you said It w as a small farm !” said General Goguet. a* they descended from tfce ear. He looked abobt at the acreage. "It Is small,” Dirk assured hint ‘Only about forty acres.” "Ah, well, you Americans. In France we farm on a very sm all scale, you understand. We have not the land. The great vast country." He waved his right arm. You felt th at If the left sleeve had not been empty he would have made a large and sweep­ ing gesture with both arms. Selina was not la the neut. quiet house. She was not on the porch, or In the yard. Meena Bras, phlegm atic and unflnstercfl, came lp from the kitchen. Mis' D eJong was In the fields. She would call her. This she proceed cd to do by blowing th ree powerful b lu rts and again three on a horn which she took from a hook qn fhe wall. She stood In ’ the kitchen doorway. PAGE 3 RURAL IfX TEU PR ISE b '-Vby suffer Iron» headaches? iW »T! Have YOUR EYES Examined G o somewhere this summer. Plan to make it the happtest vacctior* you ever had. F. M . French & Son Loiv Roundtrip Fares Jewelers, Optometrists A lb an y, Oregon a WWW (AAAfVVN** • io a low voice: ’"There, th a t’s w hat I mean. T hut's w hat 1 m ean when 1 say I want to do portraits. Not por­ traits of ladles with a string of w a rts and one lily hand half hidden In the folds of u satin skirt. 1 mean char­ acter p o rtraits of men and women who are really distinguished looking—dta- tl-ngulshedly American, for example— like' your m other.'' Dirk looked up at her quickly, half smiling, as though expecting to ttnd h er smiling, too. Rut she w as not smiling. “My m o th e r!” "Yes, if she'd let uie. With thut fine splendid face all lit up with the light th at comes from Inside; und the Jaw- line like th a t of the women who came over in the M ayflower; or crossed the continent In a covored w agon; and liei eyes! And th at battered funny gor genus bum old hat and the white shirt- are in effect throughout the sum­ m er season. It’s amazing w hat they will enable you tosee and do. So go —this vacation. K now Oregon. Visit Tillamook Beaches, N ew p o rt B t aches, Coos B a y Beaches, Mountain Resorts, Crater Lake, Oregon Caves. And rely upon our agénts for full travel information. Ask for o u r illu strated booklet “ Oregon O utdoors.’* "And guess," thrilled Paula, "gifess who's coming with him. D irk ! T hat wonderful Roelf Pool, the French "Don’t " sculptor I” "W hat d’you mean—French sculp­ Chapter X V I tor I H e's uo more French than I am. He w as horn w ithin a couple of miles General Goguet and Roelf Pool had -by. of my m other's farm . H is people wefe C. P. M oody, agt, Pliotie 220 Dutch truck farm ers. H is fath er lived been In Chicago one night and p art of In High P rairie until a year ago, when a d a t Dirk had not met them—was to d jl-t them at P au la’s A in e r that he died of a stroke.” , r 5" When he to ld Selina she (lushed like evening. He w as curious about Pool a girl, as she sometimes still did when hut not particularly interestftd in the glo ssy s j i i n n o u i r a s i never rto.gert. A she w as much excited. "Yes, I saw It warrior. Restless, unhappy, wanting hath lie thought, dully, autom atically. his heels together w ith a sharp smack in the paper. I wonder,” she added, to sea Dalhis (he adm itted It, bitterly) he dropped Into her studio at an un­ bent from the w aist, picked up Selliw'i Then, quite suddenly, he flung tyutself quietly, "If 1 shall see him.” on the tine sllk-cnveted bed. (ace down, T hat ev.enlng you m ight have seen accustomed hour alm ost Immediately und lay there, hla head la his arms, her sitting. Angering th e fnded shabby after lunch and heard gay voices and 9 very still. He w as lying there half an time-worn objects the saving of which laughter. hour la te r w h en -h e heard the tele­ D allas In a grimy smock and the 9 Dirk had denounced as sentim ental. phone’s shrill insistence und Sakt « The crflde draw ing of the H ay m q rk et; scuffed kid slippers was entertaining gentle deferential rap a» th« bedrqaut the wipe-red cashm ere d re s s ; some two tru an ts from Chicago society— Gen. Emile Goguet and Roelf Pool. door. ft i> faded brittle flowers. IT U E END.) P aula w as giving a large—but not They seemed to be enjoying them selves too large—dinner on the second night. immensely. She Introduced Dirk as She w as very anim ated about It, ex­ casually as though (heir presence were P A S H P A ID for false teeth, den- cited, gay. “They say," she told Dirk, a n atural and expected thing—which L tai gold, platinum and discarded " th a t Goguet doesn't eat anything but It was. She had never mentioned them jewelry, llo k e Sm elting and Refining hard-boiled eggs and rusks. Oh, well, to him. Yet n o w : "T his Is D irk De- C<-,. Otsego, M ich, th e others won’t object to squabs and Jong—Gen. Emile Goguet. We were together In France. mushrooms and things. And his hobby cam paigners is his farm In B rit^ n y . Pool's stu n ­ Roelf Pool. So were we, w eren't we, Amor A. Tussing ning—dark and somber and very white Roelf?'' Gpn. Emile Goguet bowed formally, teeth.” lawyer and NOTARY P aula w as very gay these days. Too b u t Ills eyes were twinkling. He ap­ ________H alsey . O bkoon gay. It seemed to D irk th at h er peared to be having a very good time. nervous energy w as Inexhaustible— j Roelf Pool's dark face had lighted up DELBERT STA R R and exhausting. Dirk refused to ad­ with such a glow of surprise and pleas­ mit to him self how Irked he was by ure as to' transform It. He stro d e over Funeral Director and Li­ the sallow heart-shaped exquisite face, to Dirk, clasped his hand. "D irk De- the lenn brown clutching fingers, the Jo n g ! Not—why, sny. don't you know censed Embalmer air of ownership, fie hud begun to m e? I’m Roelf Pool!” . Efficient Servi«*. M »“ » Hears». "I ought to know you," said Dirk. dislike things about her as an u n faith ­ G to w n s, b rid g e w ork an d n n in g o . It wlrl Lady A tten d an t . . -. “Oh, hut I mean I'm —I knew you ful spouse is Irrltuted by quite Inno­ p ay you to get m y p rices oo Jiour d e n ta l work, Brownsville__ . . . . - -------------- - Grenon 1 c en t m annerism s of his unconscious when you were a kid. You’re Selina's m ate. She scuffed her heels a little Dirk. Aren’t you? Sly Selina. I'm C usick b a n k b u ild in g , A lb a n y when she walked, for example. It driving out to see h er th is afternoon. m addened him. She hud a way of bit­ She's one of my reasons for being W . L- W R IG H T w aist—and her hands! She’s beautl ing the rough skin around her carefully here. Why, I'm —” He was laughing, f u t She'd make the fartions at one He Picked Up Selina1» Rouob Work Mortician & Funeral Director tended nails when she was nervous. talking excitedly, llke a hby. D allax facing the fields, blowing, her red Halsey and Hitrrisbtirft y«.. all agrin, was enjoying It Immensely. leap. You'd See!” '. Worn Hand and Kissed It. •'Don't do th a t!" he said. checks puffed outrageously. “T h at Dirk stared at her. It v as ns though "They've run away," she explained C all D Tavt.on. HaJsey. or D allas never Irritated him. She rest­ brings her,” M edia assured them : und he roeld not comprehend. Then he rough work-worn hand nnd kissed It W. I.. W a ic a i, H arrisburg ed him, he told himself. He would arm to Dirk, “from the elaborate program went back to her work. They citing And then, as she smiled u little, un­ him self against her, but one minute th at wus arranged for them this a fte r­ out on the porch to aw ait Selina. She turned In his chair to sta re nt hl» certainly, her left hand at her breast, m other. Selina waa talking to Roelf. a fte r m eeting her he would sink g rate­ noon. I don't know w here the French was out on th e west sixteen—the west "And yntfve done all the famous her cheeks p la t, Roelf, too, kissed her fully and reslstlessly Into her quiet got their reputation for being polite. sixteen th a t used to be unprollfic, half- men of Europe, haven’t you. Roelf ! To hand tenderly. The general is a perfect boor, aren 't depths. Sometimes he thought all this drow ned m uckland. Dirk felt a little thtnk of It I You've seen the world, •'Why." «aid Selina, and laughed a you? And scared to death of women. was an assumed m anner In her. uneasy, and asham ed th a t he should and you've got It in your hand. Little soft trem ulous little laugh, "Why. I'va "T his calm of your—this effortless­ H e's the only French general In cap­ feel so. . Roelf F o o t And you did It ull alone. never had my hand kissed before." ness,” he said to her one day, "is a tivity who ever took the trouble to Then they saw h er coming, a small In spite of everything.” She stood on the porch stepa and l e s m English." p o s e , isn't It?" Anything to get her Roelf leaned tow ard her. He put waved at them as they were whirled “W ere all going,” announced D allas, dark figure against the background of /ap tlce. sun and sky and fields. She came sw iftly away, the four of them. A • 'T a r tl y ” D allas bad replied,am iably. and made a dash for th e stuffy little swiftly, yet p lodding#, for flic ground his hand o v e h e r rough one. “Cab­ J. W. STEPHENSON. bages a re beautiful." 1st raid. Then alight straight little figure In the plnln bedroom off the studio. • h nice poMe though, don t you Well, this w as a bit too Informal. was heavy. They stood facing her, the they both laughed as at some exquisite » Id le blouse and the skirt sputtered ith in jt? ” four of them. As she cam e nearer with the soil of the farm. \y h a t are you going to do with a “Going where?” Inquired Dirk. The they suW th a t she was w earlug n dark Joke. Then, seriously: "W hat a fine 'You'll come out again?" «he had life you’ve bad, too. Selina. A full life,, general, too, appeared bewildered. ggirlihke t h a t ! . sk irt pinned up about h er ankles to sold to Ibillna. And D allas had said and a rich one and successful." Roelf explained, delightedly. “It's ilh-re was the woman who could hold protect It from the wet spring earth, “I !” exclaimed Selina. "JVhy, lloelf, yes, but th a t she was leaving soon for him entirely, and who never held out a plot. W e're all going to drive o u t to and yet It was sp attered w ith a bor­ a Anger to hold him. He tore at the your m other’s. You’ll go, w on't you? der ot mud spots. A rough, heavy I’ve been here all these years. Just Faris, to study and work. ‘When I cam e back you’ll let me do w here you left me when you were u araooth wall of her Indifference, though You simply m ust.” “Go?" now p u t In General Goguet. gray sw eater w as buttoned closely boy 1 think the very hat and dress your portrait?" ,, v only cut and bruised It I a own hands about th e straight, slim body. On ber I'm wearing might he the same 1 wore "My p o rtra it!" Selina had exclaimed “ W here fa It th a t we go? I thought ’ o’.ng It. head w as a b attered soft black hat. I've been nowhere, done noth- wqnderingly. ... Mt because I'm a successful busl- we sta re d here, quietly. It 1« quiet H er feet. In broad-toed sensible shoes, then , , • !'L t u '• lng. seen nothing. When I think of all here, and no reception com m ittees.' Now aa the four were whirled back \ n th at you don't like me?" she lifted high out of the soft, cling­ th e placés I w as going to see! All to Chicago over the asphalted H alsted "K.w \ d° llke you- 1 ,hlnk }0U’re H is tone w as wistful. Roelf attem pted to make It clear. ing soil. H er h a ir blew a tittle In the the things I was going to do!" road they were relaxed, a little jlre d . an . w f i l \ m an' D ans" " gentle spring breeze. H er cheeks were “Mr. D ejong’s m other Is a farm er. “You've been everywhere in the They yielded to the narcotic of sp rln f faintly pink. She w as coming up the * the w ld e/y ed Ingenue. You remember I told you all about ber world." said Roelf. "You've seen all Unit w as In the air. COURTNEY In the ship coming over. She w as path now. She could dfstJnguiah ihetr the places of great beauty and light. Itoelf Pool took off Ills hat. In the v **>' w hat 1 mp‘ n RYLEY C O O PER You kno , don’t w an, me wonderful to me when T w as a kid. faces. She saw D irk ; « tile d , waved. Y ob rem em ber yott told tne th a t your cruel spring sunshine you saw that tlv She w as the first person to -tell me H er glance went Inquiringly to the fnther had '»nee «aid. when you wen- a black hair » a s sprinkled with gray others—th e bearded m an In uniform, little girl, that there wer» only tw< w hat beauty was—Is. She's magnlfl the tall girl, the man w ith the dark, kinds of people who really innttered lu "On «lays like thia I refuse to believe cent. She raises vegetables.” th at I’m forty-five. Dnllaa, tell me j vivid face. Then she stopped, sudden­ "A h! A farm ! R ut yes! I, too, ira A romance o f liquid I m not forty-five." • a farm er. W e ll!" He shook D irk's ly, and her band w ent to her h eart as the world. One kind was wheat am "You’re not forty five,” said Dullas gold — of flowing oil. ., . I »ended son of tol., hand again. He appeared now for th e though she had felt a g re a t pang, and the other kind em eralds. You're wliea; In her leisurely caressing voice. her lips w ere parted, an d h er eyes Selina.” first time to find him Interesting. Also a romance of the K oelfs lean brown hand reached enormous. As Roelf «-.tine forward And you're em erald,” said Selina th a t will win me. I f - ,0 •'Of course I'll go. Does m other over fra n k ly and cla sp e d her strong sw iftly she took a few «tulik, running quickly. A m erican Legion. 1 like 'em with tlieir Lw a know you're coming? She has been steps tow ard him, like f. young girl. The general was Interested but un white one. “When you *ny It like thut. hoping she’d see you. b u t she thought T h ere’s som ething a b o u t' . h especially o f those Dallas. It sounds true." He took th e slight figure In the mud comprehending. He glanced now a has fought for 1 .- I don't know « h a t you'd grown so grand—" “It Is true,” said Dallas. spattered skirt, the rough gray sw eater h appy fighter« the th e w atch on h is w rist and gave i It l s - a look in h is e y e - the ™ "W alt until I tell her about the day They dropped D allas first a t the his hand. He n eedn't have been, sue I landed in Pari» with five frnnea In and the battered old h at Into his arms. little exclamation. "But the iliancr Marines. sliahhy old O ntario atreet studio, then O ur hostess Madame Storm ! Il I» ver cessful—though b e probably my pocket. No, she doesn't know we're They had hud tea In th e farm sitting fine to run away b u t one must conn LMrk ut his »mart little npurtm ent, und 1 don’t know. I only know h e - w « t , coming, but she'll be there, won’t she? Legion men, read this went on. you haven't a m ir k on » « » A *<* • I've h feeling she'll be there, xactly room and D allas had n u d e a little bock. Our so beautiful ho’stess." Il Dirk turned Ills key In the lock moaning over the beauty of the Dutch hod sprung to his feet. m ark. I'm not .T ltld x in g y °u- » ut the same. She will, w on't she?’ splendid tale and sec Kaki, the Japanese housem an, slid luster set. Selina had entertained "She Is benutlful. Isn't a lte r' sal you r . «11 smooth.! 1 Uk! T w ha\ “She'll be there." It w as early how readily your bud­ Silently Into the ball making little hl»» them with the shining a ir o f one who Selina. T h a t’ sounds teri lble. It i»n t spring; th e busiest of seasons on the lng Boise« of greeting. On the correct "No,” Roelf replied, abruptly, is robed in silk and fine linen She dies respond to the call I mean a t all. U (Isn't—' farm. mouth 1« sm aller thnn the eyes. When little consols In the hall there was a and General Goguet had got on fa "Oh, never m ind." Dirk said, we“ They w ere down the stairs and off in mouslv from the start, m eet ng "ti the the mouth la sm aller than th e eyp» correct little pile of letters and lu .itu of red-hot action! " I think 1 know w iiat you mean L is­ the powerful car th at seemed to be a t common gm und of asp arag u s coltnre. th ere Is to real beauty. Now Dalla« Uo««. He * ent througli the Italian the visitors' disposal. Through th e living room anil into hi« bedroom. The All other» should read "B ut how thick?” he lmd demanded, . loop up Michigan avenue. Into the for he. too, had his pet m .psragus beds here—” “Yea. me," scoffed Dallas, all osrln Jap followed him. D irk’« correct eve it for its ekceptional South side. Chicago, often lowering , n the farm In D rlttany. “How thick “T here's a grand month fo r you. If « nlng clotJiea (m ade by Fee! the English and gray In April. w as w earin* r softly be W A T C H . FOR IT got the thing. I tell you • • • ’ , It was with him alia walked, when she eral. ”1 do not w lsh’ tA M R n angflo hlml cert-ect Ja p serv in ' i c g re a t.'D a lla s . rem eraW f w h ft I w as silent and th e o th ers talked. It doua, but tliese dinners! M«,h ratll‘ r should. Dirk took off hl* coat, hU A S A SE R IA L IN \ rfray said . . '. ’ study . . , work . . .” v.-ss as though he wan- her one son, Would I rem ain here on thia quiet vest, and threw them on a chair neat Laundr» »eut Tuesday* p lrk was *rretched He pointed out the bed He stood at the bedside look end had come home. H er faee w as ami beautiful farm ." RURAL ENTERPRISE objects of interest to General Goguet. Agency Hub Cleaning Works At the porch stepa he turned, brongbt lng down a t his Feel clothes, at the 1 raiUant, beautiful. Sixty miles of boulevard. Park ays Seated next to Dirk. DaUai »aid. t.m F|pM t in the country. Oraad A B E ’S P L A C E e time is Paint TIME You are invited to inspect and price our new and complete line of Southern Pacific •I • Lowe P o i n f « anA •! •Bros.’ * d i l l lb Varnishes; H I L L & < a Oregon • Dr. C. FIC Q , Dentist “ PLATES THAT F IT ” I BARBER SHOp First-class Work Their Name Was Legion! J CUT FLOWERS SHEET MUSIC HALL'S Modern Barber Shop A