; A g rc u ltu ro H ö r t c u 11 u r e L iv e s to c k ^ 2 ^ 2 ? / ( lllo n iv le o t L o c a l E v e n ts a n d P r o g r e s s o n L in n C o u n ty L a n d MAY 20, 1925 H a lse y H ap p e n in g s and C o u n ty E vents died Bt Albany Thursday, A i h J s5 x L ak e C reek L o c a ls P in e G ro v e P oints P a ir y P o u ltry - W ool A lfo rd A rro w s H a lse y M a n K illed d wlfe were in (Cy Special Correspondent) (By sn Enterprise Reporter) (By an Enterprise Reporter) Glenn Hill was here from Junior Williams has been D o in g s o f O u r P o p u la c e Lee Ingram made business Bert Haynes and family were H arnsourg Thursday. visiting in Eugene this week. C h ro n ic le d in B rie f in Albany Tuesday. I trips to Eugene and Albany Sat- J Mrs M. E. Bassett has gone Miss Rena W alker of Halsey urday. P a ra g ra p h s Elmer Settle and friend ox, to visit friends at and near Eu­ was the week-end guest of Miss I b y a T h u n d e rb o lt W . H u s s e y S tr ic k e n D ow n in a F la s h L a s t M o n d ay Eugene spent Friday evening a t ' Mrs. Ingram and Thelm K K . Stewart's spent Sunday evening a t A. L i H- W. Steinke and family re­ W hitbeck’s. I , u- u The first c * e of - 1925 — m *-* «trai < n w - I J. W. Hussey, 56 years old, ra- Mrs. Charles Gibson and son Ierries was brought into Lebanon turned Sunday from a Hillsboro . Velda Curtis spent Friday "idln« ‘>n the Robnmt fa rm , be­ of Corvallis visited friends in visit. May 9. night and Saturday w ith Hen- tw?en here and B row nayill«, waa this vicinity last week. s tS U irie s 1 /n o ? P e rie tta Starnes. Jin s ta u tly k ille d by a stroke o f Albany has begun work on Mr. and Mrs. E verett Hover U 6 !ater but Deo Rolfe returned home last 6:40 Mond>y thr-t much-needed new bridge to bigger of H arrisburg visited E. E. Bryant park. : ,* e e k from Tillamook, where h e | Mr. Hussey had been plowing Hover and family Sunday. I has been working. [ wHb a fo u r. bow . d lK and X u d v ’ Stafford’s cousin, Mrs i nian' From eight grade cows and one , Mrs- L. E. Eagy and sons J » » y’ £?d husband and Miss Leone Palm er gave the registered Jersey W . C. Westeii- i i . Lester Bond of Albany visit- lur bou,,,■ Alighting to open * visited at M . S. Conn's home, house sold 1218.50 w orth of m ilk bany,a called^on C.’? : S u n £ y Al‘ j' 7 ,be d l ,b ed his sister, Mrs- E. D. Isom, b*. had ju st remounted the to tho Seio ooodeusary io the near Oakville, Wednesday. Saturday night and Sunday. Mt‘x ,P '0R to pick up Some people got more rai’ n Friday“ ^ PUP'1S ° " month of A p r il. the raina when the bolt etruuh him Rev. Mr. Coffey, the Free Mrs. Florence Hawkins «.,« „„ ur»„ p and on the bead, passed through bia . «hx-n they wanted, but it was c j A fter a visit w ith her father, jrand for spring grain ar.d did presiding elder, daughter Helen Jean of Port- body, burned » spot in tbe iron UndaJ ^ ests at the J. B Methodist J. C. Standish, and wife, Mrs. , not iiarm th a t which had surv’v- ^ lc.e'y,ood home deluded Mr preached a t Pine Grove Sunday ast week at A. E. »«»t as though a b lo w -to rih had Whitbeck’s. I been held against it and knooked and Mrs. PnnV Cook and daughters morning Fred Taylor went home to P ort­ ed the winter. tim e hjiees senstkta. T » o of the Oil,-to o U «_ I and grandm a Coates- land Saturday. William Jr-y Curtis of Ruesel Knighten brought his T and J r Quite a hole has been made _ soon recovered and tba Mrs. George Taylor had her this year in the hay that has i , ’ Hfl,nnah Cumming3 of mother rn d aunt from Albany Lebanon called for a short time anim al» ta a ll rig h t uow. . The b a r. sister, Mrs. Fred Overton, and accumulated in recent years. 0 Lia caey and dau8hter, Mrs. G. Thursday to visit at A. L. at the Chester and Ellsworth other ties» traces were broken. Curtis homes Sunday afternoon. family Sunday. -------- - Her brother W. Frum shipped a ecu ole of ? G. ' Stevenson of Beaverton, have Knighten’s. Mr. Hussey came from N orth and a brother and sister from carloads Saturday i been visiting relatives here this Miss H attie Dannen, who has D.ikola lest fa ll and was a very A doctor from Corvrilis was Stockton, who hr-ve been visit-1 j ’ . . , j week. been visiting her sister, Mrs. popular r ,----- -----... mau in Halsey. . He waa » « h e « , left fo r home S u n d a y . | B. L. Cummings o f -— , called to see J. A. Johnson Fri­ E. A. Starnes, left Friday even- superintendent of tha m . e Sun. day. Mr. Johnson is some bet­ ing for Oregon City to visit day school. A widow and eight At the annual m eeting of the Chance’s S aturdry and then Biver, who has been visiting te r at present. relatives. children suryiv«. Ona sou waa in Oregon x-etail jewelers F- M. went home with Ilenrv Bateman ’^latives ilerc> left for his home C zltfo rn , ia , one in W aabington and Mr. and Mrs. Myre! Settle Mr and M r« r- « f «- it» French, the Albany veteran in of Brownsville. . i Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. v . Is- Mercer one in North Dakota. A daughter the trade, retired from t h e 1 | Cummings accompanied him. ’ home in C alifo rn ia and temoon and visited secretaryship a fte r 18 years’ ' o , • c - p - Stafford had as Mr from Eugene and spent Satur- one in M iu oa so u aud a brother service and was presented with ' cUnday «uest3 herself and expect‘ to s ta rt F rid a v ^ n J Mrs. Jack Craig. day night and Sunday a t the resides in Idaho a smoking jacket and an Indian h Fs ja n J Mrs Otto Smith, her v S t to M r’ A r d r v f old hnmC la tte r s home. ) The Fisher.Fraden undertaking Mrs. W. G. McNeil and Mrs. robe in token of his lo n g - tim e '™ '- aad husband and two ¡ “ ’K X X n b Tom’ haa S t Mrs. A. E. Whitbeck enter- P‘ rl,ur» Albany will have charge Albertson__ a ttended the m is- « * » • Ch,' i r e " « * • I S J o h o m o “ « d o l T y X a id fidelity. in honor of her guest, " f * \ 7 ? ^ " hiclb "J“ b* sionary m ^ctuig at Mrs. o ha rle . tamed ’ P' ■ There h»v«* been mure than a iomas McManus, a cousin thi3 is Mrs. A rdry’s first trip Shaw’s at Peoria Wednesday af­ Mrs. Florence Hawkins, with a X party Friday night. Music and * 7 e l.t ves n, « . i L d £ 'f d-Z-n ap p lication s for the Hulsey of D. S. and Jim McWilliams, °*>t of Oregon. Everyone is ternoon. sr-ho it princip ale hip lo r the n e xt, whom they had not seen for 42 wishing them a pleasant journey The Pine Gnove Cemetery 1 terhi. The s< bool boatd is w ait- * years, years, was was a a t t the the home home of of D D. S. a:id safe return. jug for Mr. Davie to return the Went M r- and M ls- Cook of Santa associrtion met Thursday even- Those present were Lee Ingram b« “ from the™ s k i« U rT a ' J X In contract given him before m aking over fiom Halsey and the party Claia, Cal., are >he guests of ! ? £ “ d_ m^ e a n -an«emen.t 9 / O il ‘' ad family, L. H. A rm s tro n g t b . roo° of to . r . s id . L a of John a new one. D iv is ha. taken a came back this way and visited Mrs Cook’s b ro th e r T S n a » r cleaning the cem etry before and family, Mr. and Mrs. A- C. iToutmsn, two or thtee miles un-re attractive position at Salem. memorial dky. Arm strong, G. W. W orkingei southeast of Shedd, and aiaar- Co-eds at W illaru'-tta n n iv e r.itv, a d tuuul/. j tneir j ourney to Portland and Mrs. Inez B. Smith of Albany aud fa m ily , E. A. Starnes and ranged the Inside more sr lees, set- attacked by a protect a g iin st their Last week Mr. and Mrs. L. E. spend some time a t other Ore­ came over Friday and gave the family, E. D. Isom and family, ‘ ting the pl»ce on fiie . Mrs. T ro u t- tnavpold dance by Salem people points before returning examination in physiology to Miss Lillie Rickard, Velda Cur- «>uu and a d a ig h ta r, on tho porch D-ajn of Albany celebrated the gon < alio thought it immodest, lia ve i there being tis, George Bias, Virgil and of lh < b uilding, were not seriously started a protest a g iin s t «Unwin«! . “ anniversary of their m a r-1 bornG' Until recently Mr. Cook her sixth grade, was one of the large bean raisers no seventh or eighth grade pu­ Charley Warden, the host a n d 'f|u r,• Troutm an was butchering people w ith p ru rie n t instincts to coinc.dent with the end hostess and the guest of honor n “ * bed •<»*»• distance away, aud, of California. pils a t Pine Grove this year. attend th e ir entertainm ents—a years of the Blain Cloth- and daughter. ( acoordiog to John C ornatt, who pretty pat rejoinder. inf? ccrnPany, Tuesday after- ---------- ------------ • | brought tha report to Halsey, waa The Pine Grove orchestra fur­ h iu t 1 nocn they were guests of the nished music for the Peoria B row nsville Briefs j t0 lh* grjuud bu‘ •ro” B ran d o n Bits indfi-p\ndPm me»r ’ ° r C»h C°,Unty chamber of commerce, where school program, which was given J «,<- and m em ber of the legis- their long years of service to at the Peoria schoolhouse Sat- The asks ____ the county to* -------------------- ___ city ___ (Enterprise Correapondonce) it, the community were testified to A Long Career Ended urday evening. The Peoria help in keeping dogs out. 1 1 . by several , speakers and both Albany's r ____ - -------------T,’ ™.,'" of i John Banich school ha-d planned a picnic at is w orking, at strange dogs were killed in town ' Samuel P. Barger, who wa9 them made responses. Similar Glenn Chance’s, out y Smith Grove for Saturday but last week for fear of rabies. sent a couple of years ago to observance of the day was made Saturday did not prove to be Mrs. Elizabeth Tindle asks the Knights of Pythias home at 'EXCLUSIVE a t the Blain home bv the Glenn Chance and family picnic w eather so the program Brownsville to pay her $500 f o r ' Yanc<>uver, a fte r having resided K iw anis tlu h , — — — — went to Eugene Saturday af- was given a t the schoolhouse in injuries received in a fall on a in Brownsville siijce the. early i temoon. OPTICAL PARLORS the evening. A supper and ice bioken sidewalk about two seventies, died there Tuesday of •pact! Sujsq m ou srnj ■ — - - 1 I a <» W Il-— a I was a in «-. •anrjs ojnsnn pun mapua on onvid George Walton was a t the cream were served afterw ard. years ago. — His funeral Brownsville says last week A number of Pine Grove people -«a him esptrq .«3D aqx xueqiy re Glenn Chance home Saturday E V E R Y T H IN G O P T I C A L the Brownsville B aptist church ’’No.’’ attended and report a very en­ raAjj eioooBiRo eqj mao as?|jq ooo oit helping Mr. Chance. , I and he was buried a t Sand joyable time. »»u aqj joj suopepunoj 3tijp[inq j - b B an c ro ft O ptical Co. Blair Isom was badly h u rt Ridge. Curtis .Veatch and family qof eqj ao wd uaaq oabq nauutJOAl when a car in which he was de-1 77T ' .—¿.C7T- « j •ill \Ve»t First street, Albany,Or. visited r-t the W agner homo livering Brownsville bak ery ' f" u * C0° . . . “ »rmpaihiea, ooeht to Mr. r,nd Mrs. Charles Hamer» C o Under known th a t the animal was mad, * Local sentim ent wa$ n n e ll nnd Parthena W hite. i who have been visiting Mrs. Hells Do Ring, M e rrill S U fton . but the existence of rabies in ^ r’ the Brook fam ily! their annual reunion a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Her- Ì L ook Y outhfui , in G ingham for NATIONAL GINGHAM WEEK “ K a l h u r n i o ” 32-m ch. fa s t c o lo rs , 25c a y a rd foilr- d u N o r d e ” 32-incli. 32c a y a r d p rin t» ,.3 6 -in c b . ijOc a y a r d k -V. KOONTZ CO. HALSEY, OREGON Song a t T w ilig h t, Herman Koontz. Polka M ignounr, Jean nnd Don- aid McAfee. Folded Wings, L il.ia n Reynolds. Sot g W ith o u t Words, Dorothy M axw ell. Viennese R efrain, M ary S m ith. Irn ia M azurka, Janet A rn old M arch ««I the U hlan*, Elizabeth W ill elm and Donna Cro.s, Dream Memories, Groce Batch- we|). The N ightingale, Jean Me • f«e. T riptupha I March from Aida, ... L y«l« G r-g o ry, Dorothy Abraha tin. F ifth Nocturne, Hope C lay. M ilita ry M arch, Agnes Chaud ■ ' 4 ' Little Lindon Bramwell Itr. In I ha Prociasior,, • Louise Rol severely tore his ear on a b a n oett, Cleona S m ith. A gora Chand­ wire fence, but is mending. ler and Donna Cross, I that Germany’s wheat and rye pros , poets are the best In decades. Swept by a near-cyclone, Columbia I Mo., suffered a property loss that estl nates Indicated would exceed >100. 000. All nations of the world were call ed upon to outlaw war In resolution? adopted at the closing session of tb« Associated Advertising Clubs of the World convention In Houston. Texas The federal pure food law oMdalf are giving spoclal attention to Inter state shipments of butter to deterrain« whether they are short weight or con tain less than the 80 per rent butter fat required by the legal standard. tim e was ju s tic e o f quarantined •cbool diet trier» 118 ' fo r a - - - - ’ the peace. * 55. 92. 62. 7». 106. 70, 82. 112. A dozen years ago Mrs. Bar­ 6«. 181, 87, 56, 135. 59. 88, 13.8», 16. 28. 115. 3. 52 an.l 74 and tbe ger died and the aged man lived citiez of Lebanon and R row usville, alone in his home until increas­ Pine Grove Church » iin d sv school 10. Preaching, 11, Prat er-tneeilnir Thursday 8. ing feebleness made it advisable to place him in the home of the 1’ythians, of which he was a charter member in Brownsville, He was a genial old gentle­ man and was 86 years oft? when he died. M. E. Church Robert P a rk it pasinr. Hiimlav school, 1(). Preecbing. 11. Leagite,