•• • PAGE 6 RURAL EN T E R P R IS E (M A Y 13. 1925 with broken teeth and comic shoes and Paid-for Paragraph« tragic ere*—drinking great draught, of coffee and telling her woe. to Selina_ (5c a lin e ) Sulrey tiampish ladles smelling un- ! pleasantly of peppermint and persplra- ! (Continued from page 3) PRESENTS Gooseberries fur sale. No Sun tlon and poverty. "And he ain't had • Sunday — Monday— Tuesday Even Dirk could see that Dallas' a lick of work since November—" day business. Ruts. canvas was almost insultingly superior • May 1 7 - 1 8 - 1 9 Three toiles east ol Halsey. "You don’t say! That’a terrible!" (o that of the men and women about He wished she wouldn’t. her. Beneath the flesh on her canvus Sometime« old Aug Hempel drove Fur sale—Buckwheat, 4c a pound there were muscles, and beneath those out there and Dirk would come upon G. G. Hockensmith, R. 1. muscles blood and bone. You felt she the two snickering wickedly together hud a surgeon’s knowledge of anatomy. about something that he knew con­ Card of Thanks It was after eleven when they cerned the North Shore crowd. emerged from tbe Art Institute door It had been years since Selina bad We want to thank all our friends way and stood a moment together at said, sociably, "What did they have for and neighbors who so k io d ly paid the top of the broad steps surveying dinner. Dirk? H ’mt" Tracy’s hospital b ill. Words can the world that lay before them. Dal­ "Well—soup—" w ith • las said nothing. Suddenly the beauty nut express our appreciation. Sin “Nothing before the soup?" corely, M r. and Mrs. W in. Zellm er ft the night rushed up and over- "Oh, yeh. Some kind of a—one of and children. those canape things, you know P h y llis H a v e r Caviare." Old papers for sale at 5c a Lundle "M y ! Caviare!" at the Enterprise office. Sometimes Selina giggled like naughty girl at things that Dirk had ••••••••• taken quite seriously. The fox hunts, Application for water right! on the for example; Lake Forest had taken Halsey Happenings to fox hunting, and the Tippecanoe North Santlam river filed by Robert crowd kept kennels. Dirk had learned Simpson of Salem will be protested by (Continued from page 1) to ride—pretty well. An Englishm an- Salem authorities. The city officers certain Captain Stokes-Beatty—had charge that the filings made by Mr. Glenn Chance and family Initiated the Nortfi Shore into the mys­ Simpson, if approved by the state en visited in Shedd Sunday. teries of fox hunting. Huntin’. The gineer, would interfere with water North Shore learned to say nec’s'ry rights previously acquired by the Mr. and Mrs. A rm strong were and conservat’ry. Captain Stokes- municipality. Beatty was a tall, bow-legged, and ■ t W. F. W h ite ’s at diuner Sun- somewhat horse-faced young man, re­ day BRIEF GENERAL NEWS mote In manner. The nice Farnham girl seemed fated to marry him. Paula Fred Sprenger and wife and had had a hunt breakfast at Storm- Mayor George E. Cryer of Los son spent Sunday a t J. C Par wood and It had been very successful, Angeles was reelected at the muni­ te r’s. though the American men had balked a cipal primary. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Wahl little at the deviled kidneys. The food Tho navy department has awarded had been patterned as far as possible spent Saturday night at Cor­ a contract for erection of a mooring after the pale flabby viands served at vallis. English hunt breakfasts and ruined u n it for dirigibles at Pearl harbor Mrs. J. S. McMahan went to in an atmosphere of lukewarm steam. Hawaii. Lncle Joe" Cannon, ex-speaker of The women were slim and perfectly Portland the last of the week tailored but wore their hunting clothes the house of representatives, observ­ for a visit. a trifle uneasily and self-consciously ed his 89th birthday at his home in Mr. and Mrs. Frank Workin- like girls in their first low-cut party Danville. 111. ger were in Corvallis and A1 dresses. Most of the men had turned Sam B. Amidon, Democratic na bany Monday. stubborn on the subject of pink coats, tlon.l committeeman from Kansas, but Captain Stokes-Beatty wore hla P. H. Freerksen attended the Th#y Had Sandwiches and Coffee at handsomely. The f o x - a worried and died suddenly of heart disease In his office at Wichita. an All-Night One-Arm Lunchroom. monthly creamery m eeting in somewhat dejected-looking jinlinal_ Secretary Work has announced an had been shipped In a crate from the Albany Thursday forenoon whelmed Dirk.' Gorgeousnes, and lawdrlneus; color and gloom. At the South and on being released had a way annual reduction of »555,000 In operat­ Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Veatch right the white tower of the \V rig.'ey of sitting sociably In an Illinois corn ing expenses of the general land of­ were a t Cottage Grove Friday building hose wralthllke agulnst a fleld Instead of leaping fleetly to cover. fice through its reorganization. at the funeral of “Bab” Veatch. background of purple sky. At the finish you had a feeling of Senator I.enroot, republican, of Wis­ Just thia side of It a swarm of Imp­ guilt, ns though you had killed a cock­ consin will seek congressional investi­ Mrs. Albert Miller spent the ish electric lights grinned their mes­ roach. gation of the recent failure of the week end with her daughter, sage Dirk had told Selina about It. feellti" Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul rail In scarlet and white. In white: Mrs. Florence Leeper, in Eu­ rather magnificent. A fox hunt. road. gene. TRADE AT “A fox hunt! What for?" The results of the Honolulu war "For! Why, what’s any fox hunt Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bateman then blackness, while you waited for?" games were said by war and navy of Brownsville and John Ed­ agulnst your wUL In red “I can't Imagine. They used to be department offlc,a,a t0 hare ,llustrat. for the purpose of ridding a fox-in­ ed dramatically the deficiencies of the ward. were at W. H. Chance» T H E F A IR island defenses. country ut of a a nuiBHnce. nuisance. HflTe Have . i fested ----- - '«aaa.e.j Sunday. idaokness again. Then, In a burst of ‘he foxes been bothering 'em out In Mrs. M. M- Ward has lieen. « noth hi colors, «. in bigger letters, and — In - | bake Forest?” Spokane Gets Northwest Greeters | "Now. mother, don’t be funny.” He visiting her daughter Mrs I thBt hurled I‘»elf »‘ your Portland, Or.—Spokane was selected S S ° m a n ,,‘ t told her about the breukfaat. "Well, but It's so silly, Dirk. I t ’s as the city In which the 1926 conven smart to copy from another country tion of the Northwest Greeters will SAVE SION'EY the things that that country does bet­ be held, following a spirited contest ' The county hits the road from | city — ------- does gur- i between delegations - - ------- - from that CI[V Ixibanon to Cascadia in good Straight ahead the hut of the Adams ter than we do. England condition for the expected tush street L atutlon in midair was Vene­ dens and woodflre, and dogs and audent than usual. T h ii had bored her. her I of state this week. tisem ent this week. Clean un K" ? her a llnle alr * belplessneea-of "They’re nice.” she said, "but they and paint up. Look at the artis I gu,V " ,ha( ‘,r,,U8«d «» hla tender- don t have much fun. They’re all try tic fittings and at r a n e n i.'n t i i . J T“ Herka“,u® <■'« him a warm ruah The desire to k ill something la» to be something they’re not. And the HUI Store Th?n*™ u «n of pure happiness-until be .aw her ‘ Ing Cain hats such hard work. The women been handed down to us and follow the e x a m p li° h° n**‘I ei‘ e“z - ,he way at u ® ---- at seem» to have started tbe ball were always explaining that they lived pimply young man who lorded It over the shining nickel coffee container, as In Chicago because their husband’s ro llin g , and we have ht-en at it I J * 1«* Picked the lock or. «he told him that his coffee was business was here. They all do things ever since. W ith our present pretty well—dance or paint or ride or c iv iliz a tio n we ought to get it out. | Mrs Ringo s garage and carried grand. write . or - — sing— enough 1 ofi her spotlight. Other spot- - but “ not " i " well ' h enougn. our eyetem ; otherwise we mav ih e y re professional amateurs, trying I take a notion to dem and an open ‘£ ht? ^ vt‘ ,been stolen here­ C h a p te r X V or . 7 T ? • on,e,hln< ‘ bey don’t feel; season on g a m . wardens - I u no about. The thief may take on© G L O B E *«•“*"* • k° E ___ THE ’ MIDNIGHT: : EXPRESS ? : Elaine Hammerstein ! Î ! Watch for the tornado J Halsey Railroad TJme North South No. 32, 3:20 a. m. No. 17, 12*9 p. m 19, 10;4a a. in. 33, 7 ;ll p. in 34, 4:25 p. m. 31, 11:34 p. m. No. 14, due Halsey at 5:02 p. m., stops to let off passengers from south of Eugene. ' Nos. 31 and 32 stop only if flagged. Nos. 31, 32, 33 and 34 rnn between Port- land and Kngene only. Passengers lor south of Roseburg should take No. 17 to Eugene and there transfer No. 15. Halsey-Brownsville stage meets trains I 18, 17, 14, 34 and 33 in order named. ' TORRANCE Reconditioning Shop Ray bentos Hi-apeed Brake . Service Station 212 East First st. Z.lbiny the skati r , Phon • > California Alien Land Law Uphald Washington. D. C .- T h e provision in 8 i8n law of CallforDla Outgoing M ail ship the burden of proving that their ... Posing upon aliens Ineligible to citizen 1 A t the Purchase of agricultural land was not Cl0Se g0,Dg n orth . to ± too many and get into the spot­ light in a courtroom. V d°n? feel a,r‘,n’ ^ ‘ io» C ity Time. * ardens- •neat tonic for hot days. J " latloas between his country and •oiMwJiat dl«dent I ’nlted States. 1T0 be continued > "• I S,“"' H :5 0 a. m . court. » Ä el MÌ' . . . Alwilda Wilum. A - « , s 4 * dn,” " 8‘ r»tr.x Aforesa.,1 Amor A Tnssing Atty for Admx a m and 5:20 p. m. To Brownevllle, 0:20 a. m. , qJ A n en t tbe c ity b all, the m unici­ 12 in. M o rn in g stage to Browne pal father» are advised to read the v tlle got» on to C rawfordsville H olley uud Sweet Home. ’ advertisement of H ill Co. à The Enterprise one year for one dollar ffl The Paper will Stop Coming at the end of the term unless the »ubgcription is renewed. The money w ill he used in m aking a better paper fo r the 8Ubscr,ber tha life o f ,he »ubecriotion. not in im proving It lor the beuelit of suuiei.ody else'the next J ear. C redit Is w aits. Bookkeep. ing and collecting consume tim e, an I tim e money -ome debtors die, some move away, some go bankrupt and some are dow nr.ght dishonest persons. Those who pay $1.50 cover these losses. 1» Any Linn County Farmer not the Enterprise can have it on tr ia l now ta kin g 25 weeks for 25 cents and i t w ill »top coming to him w hen'the tim e expire» ,let ° rd ‘ " ? C° " t i “ - d' One (>r two c o Z m ight n o t give a fa ir idea of the work the paper i» oing “ ■ ^ ir . 'V ,-t after 25 ¡weeks' acquaintance suburiber I , v 1 ,x ’i ,r or n o t i t ia w orth J1 a year, Pb 7 •9a‘' h t0 861)001 puPils who procure these i t . 8Ub,T , ptlOn# ,roin ,a r™era in W rite or ca ll for p articula rs. L in n Those who have farmed fifty rear» hsv» 1 • .......None k’ ; ; : £ ■ ; , T h e E n te rp ris e e“ bie“ " P“ ^ "o " O T j »ill continue to improve as feet <“° " “k” poe- '7 F a rm F e a tU re ’ T 7 “ ,- ' “™ ’ r U" d' r •i» I I « COO. E'«» o m m i,, ' . , d itta . 7 county. o o n iin u . l.r m e , c o le .r o J uno' The things that had mattered so make It worth while expressing." f vitally didn't seem to be Important, She admitted, though, that they did i somehow, now. The people who had ™ « r s u X ™ * M a rk a h ° m e ° v e '’ 1 AH the banks in the countv »< anted so desirable had become sud­ ¡Sn*2KUtS l^ > H JfUnd f° r P,izes denly Inslgnlflcant The games he had writers, painters, lecturers, heroes. 1 ?26/ * 15 and $10 for the Played appeared allly gataea. He was they entertained lavishly and hosptt . K Y iv -.-r r u T T ---------------- B XEC ’J T O R S N O T IC E three best exhibits of corn a; *i ing things through Dallas O'Mara's • hly In tlielr Florentine or English or the county fair. Linn countv wise, tieauty-lovlng eyes. Strangely Spunlah or French palaces on the North I No,ic* i» herebv given that the final bnri thn county; enough, he did not realise that this C1* '* p as executor I th a t th w ,fl 8hoW ln? Of Cori. ' « w 'He from much the same angle a de of Chicago, m. Especially fo r r î '? , " " ! elgn notables of this description * th e la s t w i .l »„.j te.taroent of Rose Since i« i8 these had descended th e c X ' , ' I eCM*el1’ h" bfen filed Wits at any fair in th© aa tllnf nt which his mother regarded (u„d .1, Amerino ôï O r e g ^ ^ ^ V L ? : ,S ,a,f state last year- | 1. In the last few years tils mother upon Chicago — ------ ----- Plague of locusts .» .w t— ‘ . a « T . n ' J . ,,h* ‘ ft,e l.8‘ d«v of June. had often offended him by her attitude » • plague of locusts, starting usually H25. at 19 o clock a. m has been duly F an n ers -J •„ called - f°r rain. (,’" ard Ihese rich and powerful friends In New York and sweeping westward bv said court for the hearing ‘ Some 1e said satd it was not enoujrh. ° f ,, i * ~ , I‘»'| t Ways, their games, their devouring the pleasant verdure of appointed Ol objections to said fin»i account Then came a downpour Sunday #t“uae“,«n' 8- ‘heir manners. And her greenbacks and chirping as they came. the settle,uent thereof st which time m orning th a t probably satisfied' .’ n V " Tln,* ln ,urn '’ff*nd«d him Keturnlng to Europe, burnt Ing with «ny person interested ia said estate mav them- Durinir the « l i c e I 8 r , r * 'Islts to the farm It termed profits and spleen, they thriftily wrote appear snd file objections thereto in nind.« w “ “ "K m e succeeding to him there was alw ivs aowe d—h writing snd contest tile same t ilin ' th•‘*.1 and first published April 29 was more clever than amiable; beur I5,‘ 5’ Clive P. Stafford. • Insroom or on tbe p o rc h -a woman Ing, too, the taint of bad taste. . . . Executor Aloresaid. North Shore hostesses vied for the Amor A. Tuasing, Atty for Exr. honor of entertaining these notables. H e fy th e T h e rm o m e te r Paul* — pretty, clever, moneyed, A D M IN IS T R A T R IX ’ NOTICE shrewd— often emerged from these of .ippointment " b o n the m e rru rv soars and contests the winner. Her latest catch X " i CÌ ” herebV rv e n that the neder- your temperature begins to mak>* was Emile Goguet—Gen. Emile Go « signed bv an order of the Countv Court n .u uncomfortable there 1» one guet. hero of Champagne—Goguet of ‘ ’r*«00- has been ,,,. effective method o f re lie f— “ »at the stiff white heard, the empty left pointed administratrix of the estate «f coatsleeve, and the score of medals "ert M W il^ n . ,l w ,w ,i. All R-od ice cream.” A . long as i» j. He was coming to America ostensibly h m n g claims against sai,I esiste arc tu ule o f pure ingredients it w ill to be the guest of the Amerloan di­ required to pre.ent thsm w it h ,' I, I never harm you. Eat ,uoch »„ vision which, with Goguet'a French months (row the date of this norie. y o u r nature craves, i f , one ‘ «*¥>8, had turned the’ Ufcrman on ^Gh»h« proper vouchers. ,0 Clark s Confectionery pogtoffice mails at for the purpose of defeating that i “ nd 6 :2 0 P’ statute was sustained by the supreme E E ° ,D* 80 U th - H . 1 0 1| Cutting Out W aste *• near ' n S n i i b n . | F ',n |e S T h e pe’ p e, X S -P X t T i ' X d l,ormioi> ol m e in. e i ; ..........» - " ' • P F . . r , . Su i . „ , . S r Oregon news in b rie f paragraph» Brief statement, of im p o rta n t w orld event. D addy’ , evening fa iry tale» Join the Lucky Dollar Class Have ajhare^nm aking a better paper a sey—-a credit to the community 3' Have You a Friend m r P H * after you have read t ? n ° m " nd E ° ‘ Cr- l>ere of the y©ar j t w iii ' , yoU ,n ail tbe 52 nu™- ‘ be new rate» besides ’’• • ¡ '¡ n g FoU “ - « ^ r t 6 . n v . ( il P b illip io e i , | lnd g *n postage, under ! ‘ rOOW9 aDC,,f1’ pUbliabar - 1 - ° d re*a in *be 1 Q|ted S ta ta . or the j