MAY 43. 1925 • I • MAIKFR JL i n up- u; V d ' i ü Mr" : Will carry all S P O R T IN G A th le tic G oods F is h in g T a c k le Cutlery Will L’e ALBANY gun store GOODS News Notes From All Over Oregi o n <9 A R R O W G A R A G E , Gansle Bros. « U . S . & C. T. C. T ir e s N e w , lo w - p r ic e d G ill M o re s e r v i c e B a t t e r ie s f o r N o m ore co st i F ord, am i S k ille d A u t o r e p a ir in g ! S ta r , o th e r . , • C h e v r o le t s m a ll c a r s A u to a c c e s s o r i e s I G olt and T en n is G oods G uns A m m u n ition meet with all old customers—and new ones PAGE 5 PREMIER PAINLEVE ROBERT DOLLAR («rœerly of H am er Bros , ht< ooened the old MURAL ENTERPRISE MORE SERVICE FOR LESS MONEY aecoruiug to an acnouncemeni maue at police headquarters. A total of 34,112 applications for cash bonus and loans have been re­ ceived since the creation of the sol­ diers' relief act in 1921, according to announcement made at Salem by George A. White, adjutant geueral. Rum Row Endurance Arms May Be Is Wearing OuU Sold to Nations G lea n ed b y t h e \ \ e s t e r n > ie w s a p o r U n io n fo r Slashings can be burned up to May 15 without obtaining a permit, accord­ B u sy P e e p le ing to announcement made at the state forestry department. After May The tenth annual convention of the ls jt wiu be neceBsary t0 obtain per- Oregon Musk- Teachers' association m„ 8 from , he gUte forester cr hi3 was held In Portland. agents. The 18th annual convention of thr K. L. Hall of Eugene, who has the Oregon Retail Jewelers’ association contract to grade nearly three miles convened in Salem Monday. of the Eugene-Florence highway in the Opening of the Rpokape, Portland Blachly section, is establishing his & Seattle Railway company's new sta construction camp just west of Blach­ tion was celebrated at Astoria. ly, and expects to begin grading Wcrk ;Estacada will hold a special elec this week. tioa May ,29 to decide the question of Portland telephone service was the annetation of more territory. paralyzed and almost 15,000 tele­ Voters of Cascade Locks voted phones were put out of commission unanimously to authorise a 820,000 as a result of a fire which broke out hood issue for a high school building in the basement of the Pacific Tele­ Dates for the stxth annual session phone & Telegraph company's main of the Pendleton summer normal exchange. Close Blockade By Coast Guard Ban on Sale of War Materla,s Almost Comp etely Stops Landing of Liquor. to Private Parties is Voted at Conference. Geneva. — The smaller countries Washington, D. C.—The war to the represented at the League of Nations hilt between the coast guard and the International conference for the con­ rum runners has spread out into new trol of traffic In anus and munitions sectors according to reports showing won a signal victory when they suc­ increased intensity of the fight and ceeded In securing general approval effective blows by both sides. of the principle that liberty of traffic. Rum row off the New York and Instead of prohibition, shall be the New Jersey coast has begun to break basis of the convention. up, according to advices received at The campaign of the smaller coun­ Memphis, Tenn. — Caught in tha coast guard headquarters here. While tries for this point wss inspired by Washington, D. C.—With the Ger­ man and American delegations con­ swirling, muddy current of the. Mis some of the 43 hosts originally on the fear that they would be placed In curring, the International Council of sippi as she attempted to Btaggef! scene with liquor cargoes still are an unbearable position of dependency Women adopted a resolution urging ashore, the United States government ; sticking It out by moving about'tn the on the great arms manufacturing coun- Its constituents to work for the in­ steamer Norman, was overturned and same general area, others have head­ I tries for legitimate supplies of arm» clusion of all countries in the League lies In 35 feet of water Just below ed south. Retreat northward was cut and war materials If prohibition of Coahoma Landing. Miss. With her In off by the sending out of a second I export of such materials remained the of Nations. The action was taken without de­ a wateiy grave went more than n blockading fleet from New London fundamental principle of the confer­ Either drowned or killed by the bate after the German delegation had score of a gay excursion party that school will be from June 22 until As the rum ships scattered the ence. The resolution proposed by the shock of falling in the cold water, July 24. blockading fleet detached speedy, smaller countries and adopted by the presented a statement expressing sym­ went for an outing. Eugene’s \postoffice receipts for Lola Shaver, 18-months-old daughter pathy with' the high Ideals of the Twenty-three persons are missing heavily armed craft to give chase and conference provides that the basis of April amounted to 810,574.06. an in­ of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shaver of Pine­ league. The statement was received and it ls believed the bodies of 20 keep In close touch so long as they the proposed convention shall be; crease of about 15 per cent over hurst, near Bend, was found In a with loud applause, particularly from are imprisoned In the cabin of the remain close enough to the American j Flrat, the prohibition of exports of small irrigation ditch near her par­ the English and French delegations. ooast to undertake contact with the - arms and munltlona to Individuals, steamer. April. 1924. Of the dead 17 were engineers or shore. Coast guard seaplanes also arc and second, freedom of exports to The council voted 247 to 99 to sup­ The annual session of group 2, Ore­ ents! home. Edward E. Brodie of Oregon City, port France In her policy of security. members of their families, who came kept busy scouting. governments under certain conditions. gon Bankers’ association, has been The starvation blockade has result- The council decided to Include in to Memphis to attend the first con­ Some delegates favored total pro- set for M|y 22, afternoon and evening, United States minister to Siam, has in almost completely stopping the arma abandoned his proposed tour of Eur­ the resolution urging a world disarm­ vention of the engineers ef the Mid ed at Woodburn. l l r . 1 t / . w n t t t ' T , ! , . rs A le s s v etas«« H /.» /, / lit '» , South. Other victims were members liquor supply being run ashore. Own under conditions to be laid down by ament the phrase demanded by the ope and will return from his post at Joseph?B. Hill, well known resident ers of rum row boats In their despera­ of the crew. Two were negroes. the League of Nations. • of Lane county, died suddenly at his Bankok directly to Seattle, arriving French delegation that no nation can tion to keep in touch with their craft The cause of the tragedy has not be expected to disarm until it has Turkey was the only nation dissent­ home near Eugene, where he was June 21, according to a letter receiv­ guarantees of personal safety and been determined. It is believed, how have been forced to employ airplanes. ing when a vote was taken on the ed from him. born 65 years ago. T h e. coast guard believes their ever, that the boat struck a snag security. question of prohibiting sales of muni­ Will J. Roberts, principal of the Dr. Carl Doney, president of Wil­ This action was taken after a sharp which tore away the after part of method of warfare Is making rum run- tions to private parties. lamette university, arrived at Salem West Side high schdol at Ontario, has tiff on the floor during which Mrs. the hull and crippled the steering nlng too costly for the "enemy" to __________________ Saturday after spending a year in the been selected by the land settlement Phillip Northmore, head of the Amer­ gear. keep up their resistance for any con | _ - . W7 committee of the chamber of com­ slderable length of time. . . F id e o f l m W RFlfS east recuperating from illness. ican delegation, announced the Ameri­ The bootleggers ashore, however,1 A two-day state conclave of the De merce to manage an Oregon bureau at can delegates were hopelessly divided. Maintenance of soli fertility is not a are showing no signs of woakening Molay order convened In Medford Groen River, Wyo, during the coming The United States, howaver, east its prerogative ; it ls an obligation. In their declared war of revenge and • • • Frldgy with approximately 200 dele­ tourist season. vote against Germany ab­ gates and other members present. Purchase of Lipman, Wolfe & Co., stained from voting In protest against Give your boy a colt ; both will grow retaliation. Sniping at enforcement Washington. D. C. — Expression In agents and patrol boat orews from official quarters her« and In Paris of in more ways than one. Oregon has one of the lowest In­ pioneer department store of Portland, the resolution. behind trees and fences has been re­ Ignorance of any important develop­ fant.death rates In the United States, was completed when an option held sorted to on Long Island. on the property by the National De­ ments towards settlement of th« according to Dr. Frederick D. Stricker, AGNKTO ELECTRIC CO. French debt have failed to erase th« secretary of the state board of health. partment Stores, fbc., of New York, Official Stroniherc cnrlmrctor serv ice station. Couserv-ttive pries. Al| HOOD RIVER HIT BY BLAZE belief that at least Informal negotla- In an effort to lesson the number of was exercised. The deal Involved ------------ 1 tlons en the subject have been re- work guaranteed 819*121 U'. Second, deaths by drowning each summer, the about $2,000,000. Apple Vinegar Plant and Warehouse Buraed Klamath Falls American Legion post An American Legion controversy AR1NELI.O PARLORS □ urn With Loss of 8200 000. j Blgnlflrahce given recent events by This 19 good advice; ‘.’ If you live voted to purchaso a pulmotor for the over a political appointment will hold (A beauty aid for every need) n Albany, trade ill Albany ; if you live Hood River. Or.—The huge plant of -some observers here has led to the city. v up Indefinitely the proposal to estab in some other town, trade in that town.” St. Francis Hotel Prep., W in n ifr ED R ose the Hood River Apple Vinegar com ! impression that the debt refunding llsh a national guard company in But in these automobile day« many re- After having been shut down since pany and a warehouse of Kelly discussions are proceeding with a view elsewhere find it advisable to do December 18 as the result of a fire, Klamath Falls, according to word re­ iding an and money are best when Brothers, local merchants and apple to establishing a starting point for t least part of their buying in the ceived from George A. White, adju busy. Make your dollars work in the plant of the Portland Vegetable arger town. Those who go to Albany shippers, (burned Sunday morning, en- inter exchanges. These events wore Oil Mills company has resumed opera­ tant-gencral of Oregon. o transact business will find the firms our savings department. A lban v S tate tailing an estimated loss In excess of the return from France of Under 8eo- H ank , tinder government suptrvision. amed below ready to fill their require- tions. April brought four fatalities as the tents with courtesy and fairness. $200,000. It was the most disastrous ' rotary Winston of the treasury with iss Sue Breckenridge Oregon Trunk surveyors who will resiilt of automobile accidents, four fire loss In the history of Hood River an optimistic view of France's flnan- Hemstitching. Stamped goods lay out two proposed lines from Bend deaths In a fire, two suicides, one ACCESSORIES A Pl D T I HRS The vinegar plant. In the boiler i rial outlook and news report! tha$- 333 West Second street, Albany, Oregon Anto Supplies j to Klamath Falla arrived In Bend Sat murder, one drowning rnd one death a »• room of which the fire originated from Finance Minister Calilnux will place Phone 452R j . H. A llison urday and left Immediately lor the in­ from alcoholism, according to the undetermined causes, was the largest hia program before parliament empow- 112 W est First St. monthly report of Dr. Earl Smith, terior. ered to make It a question of confi­ west of the Mississippi river. O O S C O tt AMES HARDWARE J. LINDAHL, hardware, The management was unable to dence If neAssarv. F H McGowan, 65, picked up from Multnomah county coroner. • Dinnerware Officials here, while pleased at In­ give any statement as to plans for the highway by a atage near Deer The Winchester Stored The state printing board has fixed T in shop iu connection rebuilding, although the hope was ex­ dications that France would give early Island, where he was found apparently the price of the 1925 session laws at î5b W. First St. Albany, Oregon Q T IM SO N T H E SH O E DOCTOR pressed that such plans would ma­ oonsfdcratlon to the debt question lit died shortly after being taken to 82.40. This includes postage necessary O Second street, opposite Hamilton's ture. The vinegar plant annually con­ dented that any formal communication A lbany Floral Co. Cut flowers Rainier. to send the publication to any part of 2*. anc| plants. Floral art for every store. sumed Hood River valley's entire ton­ on the subject had recently been dis­ "Sudden Service.’ Work has again been started on Oregon. The session laws contain 550 tnd ail occasions. nage of cull apples. Unless rebuilt, patched to Paris. the Cohen mine near Gold Hill. In pages. 50 pages less than the laws for Flower phone 458-L a ld o Anderson & Koii.«distrib- growers the coming fall will feel the the '70s this mine was a large gold 1923 session of the legislature. avenport Music company offers utors and dealers for Maxwell, Chal­ loss of this outlet for cull apples very HIGHWAY MEN TO MEET producer, but has been Inactive for An order will be made soon closing mers, Essex, Hudson & HupmoWle cars. Piano case organ, good as new keenly. Hundreds of growers and some years. Salt creek, Fall creek and Wtnberry Accessories, o prlies. 1st At hroadalbm. many business concerns of the city Kstey organ, good as new Purpose Is to Designate Internal« Work on the 17.3-mlle stretch of creek districts In the Cascade national Used Pianos. __________________ oodworth drug co . owned small blocks of stock in the Roads In Western 8tates. The Dalles-Callfornla highway from forest to camping after June 1, ac Brunswicks ami Victrolas concern, which had grown to be Hood istbnrn Bros.—Two big grocery Washington, D. C.—State highway Rand,creek north, which is being built cording to Nelson F. Macduff, super Radies stores, 212 W. First and 225 South River's largest manufacturing plant. officials of 11 western states will by C.' Nyberg, will be completed by visor of-the forest. The same ruling Main, flood merchandise at the right Pianos sold on easy terms meet at Ran Francjaco May 15 to was made last year on account of fire September 1. price». _ __ _ No Change In Banking Department. designate the Interstate roads In those E SPECIALTY SHOPPE hazards. Rankers from the eight northwest­ hemstitching and stamped goods. lite Cafeteria and confectionery Olympia, Wash.—Harry C. Johnson, states to be uniformly marked us Thomas Tweet, civil war veteran ern counties of Oregon gathered in Albany, Oregon Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ 318 W. Second st. newly appointed supervisor of the United States highways, the bureau Owner, Irene McDaniel. Courteous, efficient serviee. Astoria Friday for the annual spring and Bend pioneer, has been named as ings. state banking department, stated that of roads announced. meeting of group 1 of the Oregon a member of President Coolidge's hon W e make our own candies. W. S. D uncan . no changes In the personnel of his The meeting Is one of the regional orary bodyguard In connection with Bankers' association. department are contemplated at thia conferences decided upon at the re­ the anniversary of the first Norwe­ The old house in which Homer ilm s developed and printed. New F U R N IT U R E A N I) cent gathering here of the Joint board time. Davenport, famous cartoonist, lived in gian settlement In America, which We mail them rig h t back to you. on Interstate highways, which decided Silverton for many years is to be torn be observed at Minneapolis the first Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, O r­ X*1 FA R M M A C H IN E R Y to eliminate the confusion 'caused by Chinese Ruled Out of White Schools. egon. _______ down or moved to some other location week In June. w bought, sold acd exchanged at all times overlapping of many named highways Jackson. Miss.—The stste supreme to provide ground space for a new Six million feet of pine timber on ORD SALE* AND KERV.CE court ruled that Chinese children are and definitely to mark the most Im­ state armory to be erected thia year. 640 acres of land owned by theeYam Tires and accessories B E N T. S U D T E L L Repairs not eligible to attend the white public portant routes by the same number» say Land & Cattle company was sold W. L. Gilchrist of Albany was cut Phone 76-R. 123 N. Broadalbin st.. Albany K irk P ollak M otor C o . schools of Mississippi in reversing and throughout their lengths. 1 J several place! about the face and to Prentice Pucjett, Klamath logging The meotlng will be attended by remanding a case brought from the jrtiniller Furniture Co., futni- h in d s near Halsey when a China contractor, for approximately 810,000 officials from Oregon, Washington. circuit court of Bolivar county. tare, rug». linoleum. stoves ranges. P Vasa nt flew Into the windshield of The timber Is located in the 1 amsay California. Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Funeral directors. 427-433 west First Mr, Gilchrist's car with such force as country between the Sprague and Wyoming. Utah, New Mexico. Arizona T h ree K illed In Plane Crash. street, Albany, O r e g o n . ___ Williamson rivers. to Shatter the glass. Salt Lake City. Utah. — A. Claron and Colorado. Articles of Incorporation of the ULLER OROCRRY. Wft Lyon VFj Iter Ford, 9, La Grande school Write tor tiooklet describing onr 20- Nelson, former superintendent of the (Successor to Stenberg Bros ) boy% kwas dangerously injured as the Canby Chnal company were filed In year Rural Gredit Amortized Loans western division of the air mall serv­ C o u n ltr O ffensive W ith 100,000 Men. Groceries Fruits Produce Paris—The French reinforcement« result, of boys playing with a pistol. the county clerk's office at Oregon I'bone 2t»3K The loan pays out in 20 payments, re­ ice, and two passengers. Grant Chris­ • tiring the principal- Cheap rates. No tensen and Russell De Ix)ge, both 16 from Algeria, which have tn a greet Hegwmi shot through the neck end City with capital stock of 8100,000, delay. B eam L and C o ., OLMAS & JACKSON mA ch blood before medical at- is the intention of the firm to Irrigate years old, were instantly killed at part arrived In Northern Morocco are 133 Lyon street, Albany, Ore. Grocery—Bakary the land lying between a point five Woodward flying field here when the being sent to strategic points along tfntlon w as obtained. i t vervthing tn the line of eats commercial plane Nelson wss pilot the front. At the same time opera­ Stat^ highway officials of Oregon miles east of Canby to Canby com Opposite Postoffice tng went Into a tall spin and fell from tions continue with the object of re­ will meet with those of 10 other west­ prising some 5000 seres. ub Candy Co., First street, next lieving the French outposts still sun Oregon pensions have been granted an altitude of 100 feet. ern state« at San Franclsao Friday to door to Blain Clothing Co. rounded by Abd El Krlra's Rtfflan war­ designate the Interstate roadi in those by the pension office as follows Noon lunches. Stetson Named Minister to Finland riors Military men here believe Mar­ at lowest rate of interest states to be uniformly marked as Uni­ Lee Morelock, Portland. 815; Hort.-nse Home made candv and ice Cream. Washington. D. C.—John B 8tetson shal Yyuatey will need 100,000 troop« J Gott, Port And. 830; Llzxie Randall. ted States highways. Jr., of Philadelphia, son of the hat to drive the Invaders out. The gov­ The Dalles. 830; William F Reed Ten were killed in traffic acclder s manufacturer, has been appointed min ernor general*! force! now number > ir“ I C o n ru Roseburg. 31S"; Susan Driscoll, Rose In Portland during the first four Phone 665 | t f g B ain . Room 5, First Savings Bank liter to Finland. close to 70,000. __ , burg. 812; Levi Knorr. TeTrebonne, months of 1925, an Increase of three 815; William O’Mara, Sutherlin, 812 helloing. Albany W l NgVER C L O 1 « over the corresponding period In 1924. !<* • 1 Captain Robert Dollar of San F ran ­ cisco, to whose interests the shipping board sold its Pacific vessels. Paul Painleve, who accepted the premiership of France and formed a new cabinet. Fatal Upset of Council of Women Government Ship F avors the League France to Settle ^/^Ibanyj2)irectory M A D W E W E Y F R FARM LOANS F H FA R M L O A N S J t t* » w