ö )O A g rc u ltu re lio rtc u ltu re L iv e s to c k A \\ evkly Chronicle of Local Events anti Progress on Linn County Land L) a i r y HAL8EY. OREGG a M W H a ls e y H a p p e n in g s f a n d C o u n t y E v e n ts the ™t | blind? D a ir y J u b ile e Cleona Smith was at Browns­ v ille Saturday. _ P in e G r o v e P o in ts B ra n d o n B its (By an Enterpiise Reporter) 'E nterp rise O orre.pond.nr«) o f L in n C o u n ty 13, 0 2 5 P o u ltry W ool Mad Dog ! Mad [Dog ! Look Out ! Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bierly were . . Doings of Our Populaco . . u » S ! "J e T ' A m e r ic a ’ P. A. Pehersson was in Port­ at the Quimby home Sunday. .Chain I p Y our Pet and land a few days last week- Chronicled in Brief son’s and with her mother, Mrs a llo w s Its Right to Miss Joy Starr of Bellfountain , Harry L. Chr-nce was at • Save His Life...The Paragraphs th e Title Hannah Cummings, at the end visited Iona Albertson Sunday. Glenn Chance’s Saturday night.1 Plague Spreads of the week. Glenn Chance and family Mis. A. L. Knighton and The King Kiner sawmill on Mc­ Saturday, the 28d, at B ryant daughter were Albany visitors spent Sunday in Shedd with Mrs. * As to the strawberry, it was Mian R uby Schroll earn« hotr.e Dowell creek was totally de­ park, A loany, are th« day and ” ■ - r i...— >--------- | under a cloud last year, but thia Monday. Monday. *« » r I Chance’s r parents stroyed by fire Friday. Twelve place for the Jersey jub ile e of the ___ ______ of an Curtis Veatch and family season there is promise Mr. and Mrs. wer?A?hinv aI*nt T h a t new roof on the Koootx men were employed and the cut cou",y , wt>'cl‘ has more Jersey m ost^of Sunday a t’ the abundant crop and satisfactory and Ray Hover other in Oregon, etoie has been finished. was about 10,000 feet a day. ' c,“ e lhan B,iy ■were Albany Quimby Q„imhv homo prices. A good deal of money home. which s la t-, niuortg other Jersey callers Friday. will come into Linn oounty for A ll the Halsey O. A . C. hots Harmony school will be out honors, contains two of the three Bert Haynes and family visit- ,closed ,l asi, this crop this year. • were at home over the week end. Friday. The teacher and pu­ medal of-m erit Jersey sires in the ed Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Spring- Tho the state examma-1 Canning will pn probably start Homer M ornhinw eg and wife pils are planning a picnic on cousit'y tions come this week. I next Monday. of i gate, near Rowland, Sunday. the banks of the Muddy in Mrs. I t is not surprising, in view have another daughter in th eir Rabies is epizo-otic at Sweet A federal veterinarian was!* M r. Veatch. Mr. Sinkele and Mae Smiths pasture. tbefacts, th a t United States Jersey Pvrtlaud home. M- nr nr . .. „ [h r id tra dub L in n oouoty “ the in this neighborhood last week Henry Weger attended Wager’s Home. Dogs, various domestic 5 Ir - a? tL M r8 D i d u lle r . I Is of Am erica.» The c ity council Monday n ig ht applying the T. B. test to a sale in Brownsville Saturday. animals and men are suffering definitely decided not to be subject from it, though in the case of i t ‘ Freerksefc Oregon’^ fdrtner-governor hat number of herds. ______________________ The Brandon ar.d Rowland to the w orkm en's compensaliuu and J. C. Porter attended the te ta tiv ie ly promised to be present humans prompt steps have been act. Mbsdames N. E. Chandler, R. school picnic was at Pence’s taken which will probably pre­ Jim Sheriden funeral in Albany and address the B ry a u l park gath- K. Stewart, Myrel Settle and E .! grove Friday. The time was vent loss of life from it. Thursday afternoon. tueeting. Meedamee A. A . Tossing, C. P E. Hover attended the mission- sPomt in visiting, playing ball Despite all efforts to prevent Horace Addis writes , “ A Jer- Moody and B. M. Bond attended Mrs. O. B Stalnaker v is it-d _ l „ , i , ary meeting at Mrs. George and eating ice cream. its spread, the plague has al­ , , sey b u ll to. q u a lify for a sliver the Eastern Star at Shedd Wed­ i le 1 attons several days and , medal, gold medal or medal of Bayne s Ih u rs d a y afternoon. Kirk schdol had a big wiener ready spread as far this way nesday. her husband came Sunday and m erit, must have three daughters The program given by the r°ast Friday night. Most of as Crawfordsville. Mrs. Am erica Sayer, a pioneer, took her home to Corvallis next that have woo medals in th eir re­ school Brownsville is under quaran- Friday evening was I _ e neighborhood were invited aged 82. m other of Mrs. Rd H ollol day. spective classes. There are 52 It was a nice evening and every- tine, no dogs or cats being per- Jersey cows qualified for medals of much enjoyed. The main fea­ body enjoyed themselves. way of B row nsville, diea in that mitted to run at large. 3 lie four $10 prises for denial ture was a two-act musical city F rid a y. m erit in the Jersey close. Of I There is no such thing as essays by school children were woo these Oregon has 18. Just three play, “The Enchanted Wood.” being too safe. The W orneu’s M issionary society bv, Doris Height of Maple school, have qualified in the 305-aay class The stage, trimmed in flowers, A l f o r d A r r o w s This terrible disease has 'been Albany. Barbara Price of Madisoo of the C hristian church w ill meet green branches and real trees, and all are Oregon cows.” chronic among coyotes in some next Tuesday, March 19, at the school, same c ity , Lo's F alk of Lady M ary of Ashburn, w ith a veritable “wood Lulu section® east of the mountains church at 2:30. There w ill be a Busey d is tric t and Arnold Mew- 14,619 pound» of m ilk aod 844 63! M cNeil a» •' •* M other Goose,” Goose (By an Enterprise Reporter) Em­ man of Brownsville. i for years. Last season food con- silver tea at the meetiog. pounds of b u tte rfa t to her credit, ma Johm oo as “ The O ld Lady Lee Ingram made a business ditions were such that an un­ M r. and M rs. Charles M o rn h in -! People w ith radio» w ill be able 19 a m ature cow bred and owned who lived in a shoe,” Verne usual invasion by coyote9 came to hear Thomas F. Green of the by J. M . Dickson & bon of Shedd. Eagy as Tom, the piper’s son trip to Albany Saturday. weg and lit t le daughter of Mc- sta ff council of »he Red Cros9 at over the coast range, they, as .«i--, | Miss Betty Johnston of Port- and Rose McNeil as “Little Miss Glynn were wenk-end visitors at 8 o’clock next Saturday evening, well as bears, preying upon G k E. Jackson, who will ex- of'thZ '!'nd visited her uncle and aunt, Muffett,” were a few of , . « _ A E Whitbeck, livestock along the western Claron Gorm ley's. vi the . < , from the Oregonian broadcasting periment with flax, was report- characters, though all the rest « J 01“ Mrs. foo’. b ilh . H e has just returned . ed from Albany as a Halsey mah were there from “Simple Simon” ! &una*F- Mrs, Bert S. C lark expects to he sta tio n . cut o f the hospital in a day or two from a lour of the east in which and so called in last week’s to "Mistress Mary.” Gertrude It is presumed that near Mr. and Mrs. Will Ingram and ¡Enterprise. The Harrisburg! Nichols as “queen of fairies” , daughter, and go to her m other’ s, in Leba­ he spoke in tw enty large cities. ___, Mrs. Johnson of Port- Sweet Home a dog had a fight non, to complete her recuperation. T wets Sunday visitors * ”“ at 7 with a rabid coyote and came J. D. Pittman and wife and bulletin claims him for that and her six small fairies were li— land, out alive but infeoted by a bite B M. Bond, cashier of the H a l­ little daughter Doris left Mon- l°cahty and says he will sow two lovely in their dainty costumes. Lee Ingram’s. from the wild animal. Rabies acres of the fiber plant, instead I A song and drill, “Ladies of sey State bank, and J. W. Moore, day for a visit to relatives at csshier of the H arrisb urg N ational San Jose and at the oil city of of one, one on good land and Japan," by Margaret Heinrich * Miss Gladys Willbanks has aPP«ared in Sweet Home and bank, w ith th e ir wives attended the Morgan Hill, Cali. They expect one on soil that has been over­ Ida McNeil and Helen and Jen­ gone for a trip thru Eastein h»d * cousidsrab'e foothold be- cropped. That will be instruc nette Settle, . in costume, was Oregon with an uncle and aunt fore it was oorrectly diagnosed bankers’ m eeting in A lbany Tues­ to be gone about two weeks. tive. very good. day night. from Corvallis. j Six days a week a mail stage Somebody got uneasy about Mr. and Mrs. C- E. Mercer ™ns ff,omn Ha’sei ^ roUf* A couple of men who said the our water supply, so last Friday Mrs. Cross’ Recitals A Musical Visitor sun on tb e ir windshield blinded and Mrs. D. I. Isom from Eu- Brownsville. Crawfordsville and the city reservoir was emptied The public re c ita l by piano pu them ran in to a tru ck carrying gene spent Sunday at E. D. H o lle y to Sweet Home and re- Mrs. James W. Cary, who has and sci uboed. Not a single dead pile of Mrs. Jess Cross at H ar 300 pounds of giant powder in Jef­ Isom’s. 1 1 urn. L< ok out for your dogs I the winter in ferson M onday. L u c k ily there cat or living microbe was dis­ risb urg F rid a y n ig h t consisted of been spending so we breathe (and tw enty-tw o number» and the per San Diego and L03 Angeles, was no explosion, so the o nly dam ­ covered, Mr. and Mrs J. H. Rickard School Notes formers were : age was to the care. When one diink) easy a-gain. and Emery spent last week at (her husband died on shipboard B ro w n iv ille defeated H alsey In 1— Jean Weber, Jean Me Alee finds th a t, fo r any reason, he can- According to Stenlberg Bros.’ 2— Phyllis Holt before reaching Panama and their farm in Benton county, a 13-inm ng baseball game here putting in the crop. survey, strawlierries will give a 3— J suet Martin ■ yesterday. I t waa unanitnoualy was buried at sea) left Halsey -I— Lois Drinkard big yield this year. And Hal­ 5— Mrs. Chester Curtis received 'declared the beet game seen on tbe A lb an y’s Jean McAfee Donald McAfee Saturday, after visiting about sey territory is not raising b— Margaret Moore local diam ond. Tbe final score only two weeks with her cousins, news of the arrival of a new wee 11 to 9. Each aide used two enough strawberries for home 7— Donald McAfee son at the home of her sister, 8— Alma Cartwright Edwin Russ and Mrs. Russ Mrs. Alvin Allen o f C o tta g e hurlers. Wooley substituted for consumption. EXCLUSIVE 9— Mardell Herman Kneeland, for Boston. Grove, Monday of last week ‘ N orton and Overton fo r Tycer. Jean Weber John Standish blew into the 10— A f t t r tbe 8th ia n in g the game 11— Mildred Moody, T helm a Ingram O PTIC AL PARLORS Mrs. Cary was the honor His name is Robert Floyd. Enterprise office Thursday 12— Jean McAfee e erutd a cinch for B ro w n iv ille , morning. He had arrived the 1 13— Wilma Owen guest at several dinner parties. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rickard toua : evening before, on his way from At the S. P. Brock farm Mrs- had several o f their children E V E R Y T H IN G O P T IC A L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Idaho to a job on the daily pa- i L Ê b â ^ t l . Wilhelm, Donna Cross Cary sang a number of Scotch home for dinner and to spent! Brow nsville 0 3 1 0 0 2 0 0—« per at Reedsport, He went on 1 7—I.yda Gregory Bancroft*Optical Co. songs, to the great delight of the day Sunday. They were I Halsey 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 -1 j 18—Dorothy Abraham that evening. t **““ the fiuiab came out : *” u •*■ 313 West First street, Albany,Or. 19—Jean McAfee, Wilma Owen. E l i r a “Mother Brock,” who said Mrs. Mrs. G uy Roberta and fa m ily ¡b Cary’s singing of those songu and Raymond Rickard of Toledo beth Wilhelm 9 10 11 12 13 (Continued on page 6) ! 20—Hope Clay was the best she ever heard. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKee ' Brownsv. 6 A 0 0 0 0 6- -13 21— Jean McAfee Halsey 1 and 5 0 0 0 3 - 9 22— Louise Robnett, Cleon» Smith, Ag- Mrs. Russ Kneeland and Mrs. of Eugene. Meda Forbes were also guests i net Chandler, Donna Cross. B oth aidas staged rallies in the there. This is our lucky day— the 13:b. L ook Y outhful in G ingham GINGHAM vn rxK SPECIALS <8 Many Halsey people were pre» ent. for Mrs, Cross is popular. Mrs. Cross w ill preseut ber S ledd students in a recital at the -jtiedd M ethodist church Sunday, May 22. at 8 o’clock. Several of the advanced H a ls e f students w ill also take p a rt' 4 f f h j Halsey class, combined with the high s c h o il credit pupils of S iedd and H a rris b u rg , w ill be .resented a t the H alrey C hristian c lurch M ay 23 at 8 p. m. setters complimenting the officer of the state and showfDg the relative standings of the counties In connec tion with prohibition law enforcement prosecutions and the counties' pro portion of fines collected from Jan uary 1 to April 9, 1925. were sent by William S. Levens, state prohibition director. Britain FOR NATIONAL GINGHAM WEEK “ K nlburnio” 32-inch, fast colors, 25c a yard “ Toil© do Nord© ” 32-inch, 32c a yard ♦«dnigtieh pnuits, 3ki-incb, 4OC a, yard . . M. V. KOONTZ CO. H A L S E Y , OREGON Takes No P a rt In Morocco. Lendon.—Great Britain will not In terfere In the French Moroccan sit­ uation. Foreign Minister Chamberlain told the house of commons In reply to a question. He said Britain syro- pathfzes with France, but the affair Is purely a domestic concern of that country. T ro tsky Denies Change In Attituce. Moscow — Leon Trotsky, former soviet war minister, who has arrived In Moscow to take an active part In th e-soviet government, issued a state­ ment denying assertions made In for­ eign newspapers regarding hit atti­ tude toward bourgeois democracy aud the freedom of commerce. Mrs. C. J. Powell and daugh­ ter-in-law served a genuine farm dinner, to the delight of Mrs. Cary and Mrs- Kneeland. Mrs. Cary and Mrs. Kneeland were guests of Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Craig at Brownsville Af­ ter dinner and a visit Mrs. Craig accompanied her guests to l i s ­ ter Walker’s, where Mrs. Cary played and sang. Mrs. William Turner gave a dinner on May day honoring Mrs. Cary. Other guests were Mrs. Kneeland end Mr. Russ, n the afternoon Mrs. Cary .sang a number of Scotch songs and, by request, "The Ninety and Nine.” Mrs. Cary sang at the. Bap- tist church, Brownsville, Sunday liefore last. Mr». I.ee Low rey of Oregon C ity arrived Tue-day evening for a v is it at tbe home of bar parents, M r. and Mrs. W . A . Brock, at Lake Creek. Pine Grove Church Hnndav schon), 10. Preaching, 11, P r a r e r .in s e lin g 1 h u rslsy , 8 Church of Chriit Carl Hill Will Graduate Sundae School, 10. C orvallis, May 4__ Carl J. H ill Preaching. 11. of Halsey is a member of the 1925 G hriatian Endeavor, 7. graduating class, estimated at 530. Preaching. 8. The record class up to th is tim e was th a t of 1922. the big war C liffo rd Caray, pastor group num bering 522. Last year only 422 were graduated. Seven student« are candidates M . E. Church for the m is te r o f science degree,' Robert Parker paeior. 12 fo r tbe degree of pharm aceutical Hnndav school, 10. chem ist, and soma 520 fo r tha reg­ Preaching, 11. u la r bachelor of science degree. Junior L‘‘|g u e . 3, M r. H ill is m s jo fin g in Lusihes« ♦ Ir fm M f flffte Lea’gue, 7. adm in istratio n. He is a membe. Epwortb lesgue, 7. o f O, A. C. ohsmber of commerce Preaching. 8. nd the Psi Chi social fra te rn ity . Prayer-meeting Thursday, 8. th irte e n th , hut Halsey was uaable to score two men on bases. H a l- s»y, both in tbe 9th and 13th, scored with two out. The gam e wa« called at 7:30. Wednesday was flunk day for the seniors and the rest of the» school missed their sinning faces. The juniors prepared to initiate their elders, but their plans were vetoed 'by the prin­ cipal. They had a perty in the evening. Tom orrow afternoon at 2:30 (lie jun ior-se nio r E nglish class w ill present “ A D ay w ith Bobbi« Burna in Bonnie Scotland,'* a var­ ied lite ra ry program to which the p ublic is invited. A charge of ten cents w ill he mads, the pro­ ceeds of which w ill le used to help pxy the expenses o f the Browns- v lie baseball player who was in- j 'red in the game w ith Halsey io .ne early part of tbe seasoo. On the tesignat-ion' o f Mr». Blackburn G ric e Weddle of Leba­ non was employed to finieb ber term as teacbor in tba .Halsey schools. j .J John Standish and. Mearle Straley visited thd school last week. In Friday’s baseball game at Shedd Brownsville won, 9 to 3. Prof. E n g lis h ’s m other and sis. ter of Eugene an(F brother George and w ife of in h é tio n C ity vieited his fa m ily Sunday.