* k PAG E 6 R U R A L E N T t R F R IS K MAY t. 1923 Fatal Assault Near Halsey A protege of th e game commis­ ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • from the in ju rie s receiv. >1 when , , . , , • hi» team ran ewav and threw him sion lost bis life yesterday a fte r­ D ent wonder what J S h o r n the wagon, breaking hi» noon when „ uvu „ he „ attacked ^ L lo lu y /u d W G il J. J collar bene and fraoturing several A . r . , „» ,c c , . i n i . become o f Sallyl • • • rih .. . „ Ho 1 I . « ... . . i . h r . - J ■ L - . „ h . ; CDrist ta n d a rd (J ta tio n , c h ri,t of the ,he S Standard O il s station, ♦ rib». He ia paat threescore and 41, t ’ . J.'le n and Buffers from asthma a n d A lb an y, a couple of miles north of ■ Z Z^M e flB l" it d ifflo n lt to bold to the poei- Halsey. 11 tione ________ ____ | M r. Gi.' Ichrist was coming this tio n a in which ____ the r _____ doctor would j lik e to keep h im while the bone» way in his auto when hi* assailant 11 k n it together. I ro«e from the d itch, grabbed a _ •i J "1 "1 W I Iffirtr ' > • • • k jc lllj i handful of glass from the w ind, .1 shield and b it G ilc h ris t in the CALIFORNIA LAW IS UPHELD face with it, c u ttin g a big gash ini oec|glon M ay Return M illion« to his forehead end p ittin g part of Income Tax Payer«. bis face w ith smaller scraps mi tba! San Francisco. — A husband and when washed up by D r. M arks be w ife have the rig ht to file separate income tax returns under the C ali­ looked like a sm allpox patient. The assaulting p a rty , a tn a l- fornia community property law The decision, which if upheld by Chinese pheasant, lay in (be auto with a broken neck when the af­ the United States supreme court, w ill fray ended. mean the return o f approxim ately ALBANY Plan for a Complete Sunday — M onday— Tuesday • May 1 0 -1 1 — 12 J J Watch for her 5 Electrical Home Laundry X tttS M M M S H I for that big housecleaning week wash Halsey Happenings (Continued from page 1) New shingles adorn a large section of the Koontz store .1 uilding. Ellen Vannice was hom>' from Willamette U. over the week end. Charles W. Gibson shipped t> load of lambs to Portland early in the week. D. J. Hayes has gone to look after putting in the crops or his Montana farm. Carrie Overton is adminis trato r of the estate of Lincoln Overton, valued at $7950. Genevieve Wells and Pearl l ’ehrsson were borne from Mon­ mouth over the week end. Lavelle Palmer left Saturday for a in,ssionary convention and to visit Amanda M itztier iu land. The heaviest la u n d ry w o rk o f the y e a r comes when y o u ta k in g down the c u rta in s and la u n d e rin g the w in te r blankets. begin These two e le c tric a l servants m ake the w ork easy. « Second-hand pianos are offered economy prices at the Daven­ Outgoing M a il port Music house. A t the Halsey postoffice m ails j Card of Thanks close going north at 11:50 a. m. and 5:20 p. m. We wish to th an k our friends Geing south, 11:10 a. m . and fo r th eir sym pathy and assistance 5:20 p. m. at funeral of our son and brother. To Brow nsville, 6:20 a. m, and | B, M. W ilson. 12 m. M orning stage to Browns­ M r. and M rs. L . R. W ilson v ille goes on to C raw fordsville, H olley and Sweet Home. and son and daughter. 4 « The Enterprise ! one year for one dollar P ort­ The Paper will Stop Coming at th« end of Mrs. L. V. Chance entertain- her sister, Mr« Theodore Höflich of Albany, several days last week. Mrs. hospital sister, trained her- Bert S. Clark is in a at Corvallis, where her Mrs. Charles Poole, a nurse, is caring for A. W. Haynes and wife of Eugene called on Mrs. Haynes’ uncle, old man Wheeler, and wife S unday and they all visited the Smith cemetery. Ray best os Hi-spced Brake Service Station at J B. Hughes was in town F ri­ day. He is stopping at Browns­ ville while closing up his af­ fairs there. ed Reconditioning Shop 212 East First si, Z .lb i.i/ beai the sleali - R $77,000,000 to taxpayers in California, Phon was handed down here by U nited States D istrict Judge Partridge. T he decision upheld the constltu- I tio n ality of the state statutes provid­ Halsey Railroad Time ing that husband and w ife may make North South separate Income tax returns, as No. 17, 12:09 p. m against the government contention N t. 12, 3:20 a. m. 1», 10:48 a. m. 33, 731 p that com munity property must be in­ 34, 4:25 p. m. 31, H :34 p. m. cluded in a single return. No. 14, due Halsey at 5:02 p. m., stoos to let off passengers from south of Eugene Paid-for Paragraphs Nos. 31 and 32 stop only if flagged. Nos. 31. 32, 33 and 34 run betweeo Port­ (5c a lin e ) land and Engene only. Passengers for south of Roseburg should Old papers for sale at 5c a bundle take N ft 17 to Eugene and there transfer No. 15. at the Enterprise office. Halsey-brow nsville stage meets trains 18, 17, 14, 34 and 33 in order named. will be at the G LO BE TORRANCE Ao Electric Washer 9 9 « the term unless the subscription is renewed. The money w ill be used in m aking a better paper fo r the subscriber d u ring the life of the subscription, not ¡ „ An Electric Ironer im proving it for the benefit of somebody else the next te ar. See them on d is p la y at MOUNTAIN STATES POWER Co. So Big Cutting Out W aste a. lot o f money.” “I think so, too But then, n i al­ ways think unytblng over nine dollars It qnlte a lot of money. You see. 1 I Lee Cunningham and family ms cigarette end viciously into » u _ a. ------------- u w v - u I to V x get r i I tw W enty-flvt V H IJ -D V I C FDl used cents apiece for of Stockton have been visiting a tray, blew a Anal. Infuriated wraith I? k ° 7 • lleDt- n* r b* uv'1 sketching hats for Oage's " i V a tin t t i n t quietly, n ilia s tlv » V , «I - reat ..- a — Mr. Cunningham's sisters, Mrs. of amoke. and picked up the telephone l lly el lent, but composedly, She was undeniably attractive. "And George Taylor and Mrs. Fred connection on his own desk, “o ne of fully silent. now you've arrived. You're aucces« those 4— d temperamental near-aritats “I'll tell you the sort of thing we Overton. f» l." trying te be «road.“ he muttered, tils want. M is t O’M ara .” H e told her "A rriv e d I Heavens, no! I've j hand over the mouthpiece. "Here, Miss When he hnd finished she probably Robert Edwards and Everett atarted." Ny« o f Sweet Homs were laut Ib i w l l a g s - n i talk to her. Switch her would burst out with three or four “ Who get» more money than you do plans. The others had done that. weak sentenced iu the justice over." for a drawing?" When he had finished she said, 'T il Mine—uh—O M a ra . This is “Nobody, I suppose." court a t Albany to $2000 fine M r. •H elio, think about It for a couple o f days DqTong talking. I much prefer “ W ell, then?-' and six months in jail for tliut. you come to iny office and talk to while I ’m working on something else "W ell. then. In another m inute I'll I always do. I'm doing a soap picture •parating a atOl and appealed (No more of this nonsense). be telling you the story of my life .” now. I can begin work on yours H er voice: "Certainly, If you prefer Judge H a m ilto n reversed tba ease: She smiled again her slow wide I s m ile : turned to leave. D irk derided | Appeala from other boose convic It. 1 thought the other would save ua Wednesday.“ "But I'd tike to see It— that ts, I'd both some time, r i l be there at four- lions are pending that while most women’s mouths wer, like to have an Idea o f what you're thirty." H er voice was leisurely, low, merely features this girl's was a decor C. L. Falk, who was h urt in wunded. An Hilmlrabie voice. Rest­ planning to do with It.” Did ahe think atloa. going to let her go aheud with a -runaway last week, will lie ful. (T o be continued I out consulting hla Judgment I »m ie time yet in recovering "Very well. F ou r-thirty,” euld Dirk, "Oh. It w ill he all right. But drop crisply. Jerked the receiver onto the lute the studio I f you like. It will H as the lad d u ll because he hook. That was the way to handle 'em. take me «hunt a week, I suppose. I'm failed to make his grade? Tlieae female« of forty w ith straggling No over on Ontario In that old studio hair and a bundle o f drawings under His mother had unkn ow ing ly neg building. You'll know it by the way tlietr arm. One boy or moat of the bricks have fallen out of looted his eyesigfht. The female of forty with straggling the building and are scattered over the hair and a bundle of druwlnge under g ir l out of every fo ur has below sidewalk." Hbe «idled a alow wide her arui wua announced at four-thirty Corrected vision andle. H e r teeth w vrr good but her norm al eyesight. to the dot. D irk let her w ait five mouth »-a« too big. he thought Nice makes b righter boys and girls. minutes In the outer office, being still a big warm kind of smile, though. He Utile annoyed. At four-tblrty-flve there found hlraeelf smiling, too. sociably Organ i xed Mav, 1923 entered hta private office 11 tall slim Then he bourne boelueeeUke again Dividend June 15, 1923 . . j v q fUr-trlmmed ahlrt, nnd a black hat at "How much do you— what Is your— Dividend Ang. '5. 1 9 Í3 ___ IX * once so daring and so nlrnple that ewen Dividend Sept 1.5 1923 j <2 a whut would you cxi>ect to get for a a man moat recognise Its French nn Dividend Oct. IS, 197.Ì ......... ” | 3 5 drawing such us t h a t r g ttvlty. Slie carried no portfolio of Dividend Nev. IS. 1923.......... ■» “Fifteen hundred doHara," aaM Mis» Dividend Dec 15, 1923 ............... lb . q dru wings under her nrtna O’Mara. E xira dividend Dec 25, 1923........ 1 % ThrtMigh the m ana mind flashed _ "Nonsense." He looked at her then D l\u le a d Jan 15. 1*74 iV 4 ru_..i__ i V Feb . , . 13. . U>24 _______ -------- ji", Z* q w rlea of uotwalneaallke thoughts aucli I'erhnpa that bad been humor. But ahe Dividend as: "OoBhl . . . Kyes! . . was not smiling. "You mean flfteeo ....’ .IX * Dividend M ar I t 19J4 T hat'« way 1 Ifke to see girl dross hundred for a Mngle d ra w ln g f' Dividend April 15, 1 9 M ... ........ I N * . . . T ired looking................. No, guess Di videa.) Mav 13. 1*1« . . . "For that sort o f thing, yea " ib 5 It's bar eyve—eort of fatigued . . Hatra dividend May ,31, 1924 ........... T i n afraid we can t pay that. Mine ___ 1 Pretty. . . . No. «he lxn t . . yes Dividend June IS, 1924_____ . JV % O M a ra ." Optometrist •be . . . .• Aloud he said. “ This Dividend Jnlv 15, 1924.. ............. | V q Ml»» oee you top- ALLAN It. KIRK CO. •ixaed at her place .1 r m id .m . A, riedly. not,-here do get «may prtoes for your baov. ,n Linn county. Oregon Datod U S Yeon Bbilding M eta 0I8U Now, thia was a new experience for work." and firat publ.ahed thia s,h ,1.» of ¿ ‘a’ ' Eorttland, Or, or D irk Dejong Usually women apt,ke Not any craaler theo the prtrea you " s j W .iro n i te him Ursi and fluently Uulet women lop-notchere gee" A - o , a ^ « ' » ' » ’ ratnx A fore«,d C- P S T A F F O R D Hateey, Am or A. Tuaaing Atty tor Adnix WUU. flB om JMiudswd * lh u e M quite (Continued from page 3) C redit is waste. Bookkeep. ing and collecting consume ti ne, and tim e is money. ■ ome debtors die, some move away, some go bankrupt and «ome «re dow nright dishonest persons. Those who pay $1.50 cover tbeke losses. waxed voluble under his silence; vol­ uble women chattered. Paula always spoke a hundred words to his one. But here whs a woman more silent Ü A 'T- u.inn County «¿r tbe k'n le rPrise Farmer have i t on tr ia l not now ta king 25 weeks for 25 cents u n t i t hWi11 C° m ing t0 him When the ,im e exP i« s unless be orders , t continued. One or two eop.es m ight not give a fa ir idea of the work t h . paper is oing, but after 25 .weeks’ acquaintance subsriber i n - t l n r or u o t i t is w orth $1 a year. i ■ ► t r i ^ Ph’ y Ca8h t0 8,11001 p upils Who Procure ‘ hese W it 8Ub8" ‘ p tlo n ! frora fkiine rs in L in n county. W rite or call for particulars. Those whe have farmed fifty y eari hare ,earned th in g every year. None of u. knows it «11 Every L in n - b ..h ,i. w o rth » o r . Inc. A Dividend Payer s„ „ , Jo u l h . „ )Ufl. The Enterprise “ T “ ’ - '" » » r il l continue to im prove as fast «’« ' • » • » « l . . » . p r o . . . . p “ . ■ « L ‘" " S oun,y f?arm Features -m «o„,inu. a 1° he R1V8I1 prominenee. E ve ry farm er I ? ^ " X r S j C. Meade, H. Albro, Oregon new« ,0 b rie f paragraphs Brief statements of im p o rta n t w orld e v e .t. i J T's evening fa iry tales Join the Lucky Dollar’ & Class £r *lw">ii U — o -? — "n malling a belter P*per in H alsey--a credit to the community