MAY 6. 1»2S P u t i t u p to Ú s and You’ll Have It up to the Minute* ri^HERE is one very im p o rtan t th in g about tn is store th a t you m ay have lo9t sight of in th e shuffle. W ill be glad to meet with all old customers-and new one* News Notes From A ll Over Oregon Gleaned by th e W estern N ew sapor U nion for . B usy P e e p le stantlal gain in building permits com pared with the same month last year Bank clearings lor the month amount ed to *171,403,677 compared with *159, 139,035 for March. Building permits Issued during the month numbered 1353 for a total value of *3,281,740. Governor Pierce is being besieged with requests to commute to life im­ prisonment the death sentences im­ posed upon L, W. Peare and Arthur Coveil, who are scheduled to be bang The Lane County Bankers' associa­ ed May 22. tion will meet at Eugene Thursday. About 1000 citizens of Lincoln coun­ W. Hal McNair of Ashland was re­ ty assembled In the streets at Toledo appointed a member of the state board In a mass meeting to oppose the Im­ of pharmacy. portation of Japanese labor for oper­ A ware of Intestinal Influenza has ation of the Pacific Spruce corpora­ been prevalent on the University of tion’s sawmill. Oregon campus during the last week. Dr. Maurice Butler, dentist with of­ Establishment of eastern Oregon fices in Independence, suffered the headquarters tor the Oregon Humane J loss of his right eye and a fractured society in The Dalles is being consid­ ekull when an automobile in which he was riding skidded off the Salem- ered. Dallas highway. Funds aggregating *117.705.77 were An analysis of the stomach and turned over to the state treasurer by the state land department during vital organs of Mrs. R. L. Gimlin, who died suddenly at Coquille about a April. month ago, and whose body was ex­ The third annual meeting of the humed for exsmlnation recently, show­ Old Wasco County Pioneers’ associa­ ed only negative results. tion was held at the civic auditorium Establishment of a game reserve to la The Dalles. take in the land on which the Ore­ A new moving picture theater to gon caves, in Josephine county, are have a seating capacity of between located, is advocated by Governor 1400 and 1500, will be erected in Salem Pierce, members of the state game during the present year. commission and forestry officials. According to reports from the city A marriage license was Issued at health office there are more than 200 Mobile, Ala., to Jonathan L. Bourne, cases of influensa in Vernonia. Only ex-United States senator from Ore­ one death has resulted, however. gon, to wed Miss Frances Baker Turn­ Mrs. Florence Qarver of Portland er. The ex-Oregon senator gave his was sleeted state war mother at the age as 70 and the bridge-to-be as 29. first annual state convention of the Announcement was made in Port­ American Was Mothers In Salem. land of the building of a new main Qr. Stella Ford Warner has arrived line railroad approximately 160 miles in Salem from the east to act as di­ long from Bend to Klamath Falls, cost­ rector of medical service for the ing *6.500,000. The new mileage will Marion county child health demon­ be an extension of the Oregon Trunk stration. railway. A meeting of county judges will be • Helena Ulbricht, 3, and little held in Portland May 19 to consider brother, Arnold, 17 months, children what is termed the “auto-tramp nui­ of Mr. and Mrs. Gust Ulbricht, farm­ sance" and the best means of taking ers, living one mile west of Free- care of it. water, were drowned in the Pleasant W. A. Dalzlel, private necretary to View irrigation ditch which flows Governor Pltrce. has been appointed a past their home. member of the board of survey and Petitions for the Initiative or refer­ adjustment tor the federal reclamation endum of a measure shall contain a department. minimum of 9094 names of qualified Contracts will be let in a few days voters, according to announcement for the construction of Camp Jack- made by the secretary of state fol­ eon, as the annual encampment at lowing receipt of a legal opinion from Medford of the Oregon national guard the attorney-general. In June will be known. Umatilla county has five market Rapid Increase In gas consumption road projects either under construc­ la Portland has necessitated construc­ tion or to be constructed as a part ot tion of a new gas holder by the Port­ the 1926 road building program. It is land Gas A Coke company, at a cost estimated that the county will have of approximately *352,000. available about *130,000 for market Return of the state banking depart­ roads during the year. ment from Portland to Salem Is de­ The Southern Pacific system had manded in mandamus proceedings' fil­ net operating income of *40,733,741.63 ed in the Marlon county circuit court during the year 1924, or *10,176,686.18 by John Carson, district attorney. , less than during 1923, according to the In the past 18 months 10,997 coyotes annual report of the corporation filed have been killed by trappers In east­ in the offices of the public service ern Oregon, according to Stanley commission at Salem. Jewett, predatory animal Inspector of The Oregon state fish commission the United States biological survey. has authorized the building of a new Chester Clerk, United States cus­ fish hatchery on Rock creek, a tri­ toms collector at Marshfield, In his butary of the Umpqua river. The monthly report on business (hone by hatchery will be ready for operation lumbering Interests shows an export in the fall and will take care of 7,- of 11.205,037 feet of lumber during 000,000 or 8,000,000 eggs. Charges filed with the state su April. t he battleship Oregon, will ah is to preme court a few weeks ago involv be taken over by the state of Oregon ing Clyde N. Johnson, ex-district at­ under an appropriation authorized at torney of Lane county, were found to the last session of the legislature, wlU be unwarranted, according to a report be ready for delivery in Portland har­ prepared by the grievance committee bor on June 15. The old battleship Is of'the Oregon State Bar association now at Bremerton navyyapd, where The public service commission has It is being repainted and otherwise extended until May 23 the time for put In condition by the Untited States filing annual reports by public utili­ government. ties operating the state of Oregon With a proposal for higheir fees than The extension of time was granted those provided In house bill 413. * at the request of a large number of measure* for the taxing af passenger utilities which were unablo to com busses end freight trucks on e pas plete their reports by April 30. eenger mile or 10-mlle basis, R. W. The state land board has exempted Sawyer, Judge of Deschutes county, Coos, Lane and Douglas counties from end R. 8 Hamilton, member of the the payment of royalty on sand and house of representatives, -are initiating gravel taken from the Umpqua river a measure to be plecad before the for the improvement of the Roosevelt and Umpqua highways and a number voters of Oregon. The public service commission has of market roads in those counties. vacated an order suspending new Almost universal Indorsement in rates sought by the Spoxane. Port central Oregon of the movement ini­ land A Seattle Railway company and tiated by The Dalles Wasco county the Spokane, Seattle A Portland chamber of commerce to combat the Transportation company. The propos referendum on house bill No. 413 call­ ed new ratea. which are a slight In ing for regulation of trucks and motor creese over those now In effect, will busses is being Indicated by response become operative ns soon as tae com received to telegrams sent other com­ Plated tariffs are filed. mercial bodies In the district. Improved business comCtlods it Mrs. Helen Bair, 20. who was being Portland daring April were reflected transported from Bend to the Indus bj increased bank clearings sand a sub trial * school. tor «glrle-at,’ Salem, t to Wb * RURAL ENTERPRISE PAGE 3 A R R O W G A R A G E , Gansle Bros. U. S. & C. T. C. T ires New, low -priccd Gjll B atteries for More service Ford, and N o m ore cost S tar, o th er Skilled A uto rep airin g C hevrolet s m a ll cal's A uto accesso ries MORE SERVICE FOR LESS MONEY * <1 » o It’s th is: th a t when you leave th e style o f an article up to us you a re never left out. W hen you dep en d on w hat we say as “ H oyle ” you are alw ays leading tru m p . A nd when y o u p u rch ase a piece ot ap p arel h e re you nev er look as though som ebody had sold it to you. W e ll pass on before we p ass o u t fashions th a t have to be rolled o u t in a wheel chair. • M ichaels-Stern and •> C lo th cratt Suits $32. d O to * and new M allory H a t s ..... 5.00 5 O th er S uits.................... . 9 $40.00 18.00 lo 27.50 [ blaim CLOTH ingco ] « Conciliatory Pose by Hindenburg D R E S S W E L L A N D S U C C E E D ’’ which she had been committed after pleading guilty to a charge of liquor • possession, was kidnapped by a man ' driving an automobile bearing a Cali­ fornia license plate, while the party stopped at a Hood River service sta­ tion. J. Van A. MacMurray, asalstant teo- Congressman Theodore Burton of ret>ry of gUte ie|eeted by p r„ , dent Ohio, who is chairman of the Amer-| Coo|,dg. , ftnceed Jaeob G. Bchur- ican delegation at the Geneva eon man aa minister to China. ferenea to regulate international trade in arma and munitions. killed 208 men. women and children and injured 400 persons at the fun era) of General Georgehief last month. A bribe ot *80 was paid him he said. J am m ed H it Finger» Receipts Are $67.541,349 Less Or. Marx Believed Slated for in First Quarter Than in the Same Period Last Year. Some Important Honor By President-elect. Washington, D. C.—Income tax re- Old Gentleman—What are you cry­ ing for. my little man? Bomb Outrage Confessed by Sexton Little Man—Boohoo! Dad spanked Sofia.—The sacristan of Sofia cath­ me 'cause I jammed my fingers. edral. a man named Zadgersky, has ‘‘I’m sure that wasn't your fault. confessed to allowing a conspirator Where did you Jam them?” “Boohoo I in the Jum-Jar.” to niece e—’ llrht the bomb which Hanover. — Political leadera who have been In consultation with Preab dent-elect von Hindenburg In the last few days believe that he Is determin­ ed to reconcile the German Catholic electorate to the outcome of the eleo- tion and that he will single out Dr. Marx of the people’s bloc for some MPERIAL CAKE. 209 'V. hirst prominent appointment or political Harold G. Murphy Prop. honor. P h o n e ¿65 This procedure not only would be W b NfcVBH CLOSB In keeping with the field marshal’s desire for complete national unity, agneto electric co . Official Stromberg carburetor sen- but also would insure continuance of ice station. Conservative prices. All neutrality which the center party has work guaranteed 119-121 W. Second been according to the Luther govern­ ment, thus removing from the post- ARlNELLO parlors (A beauty aid for every need) election situation anything likely to St. Francis Hotel engender a parliamentary crisla. Prep. W jnniprbd Rosn Von Hindenburg la said to have en and money are best when quietly apprised a score or more Ger­ busy. Make your dollars worn in man princes and lesser potentates our savings department. A lbany S tate that he would be greatly obliged if B ank . Under government supervision. they would spare him displays of ardent Importunities and other affec­ iss Sue Breckenridge Hemstitching. Stamped goeds tionate demonstrations regarding hit 333 Welt Second street, Albany, Oregon election. Phone 452R The general expects to arrive hl I'.erlin a day before hie Inauguration J^OSCOK AMES HARDWARE May 12. The delicate problem as to whether The Winchester Store ' he should wear a frock coat or a •QTIMSON THE SHOE DOCTOR military uniform at his inauguration . . ------ Field kJ Second street, opposite Hamilton's is said to have been solved . by Marshal von Hindenburg According store. ' ' Sudden Service. ” to the present plana he will wear a Prince Albert, but with It a number aldo Anderson dt Son. distrib ­ utors and dealers for Maxwell, Chal­ cf war medals. mers, Essex, Hudson & Huoinoblle cars. Accessories. O pnlies. 1st & Broadalbin ^y^banyz-^/^irectory I ----- V ____ This is good advice: advice : “ If vou five in Albany, trade iu Albany ; if you like in some other town, trade in that town,” But in these automobile days many re­ siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of their, buying in ihe larger town. Those who go to Albany to transact business will find the firms named below ready to fill their require­ ments with courtesy and fairness. ACCESSORIES ANO TIRES -£> Auto Supplies J. H. A llison 442 West First St.________ M M M hardware, Dinnerware M A • J. • LINDAHL, Tin shop in connection 350 W. First St. Albany, Oregon Albany Floral Co. Cut flowers x a and plants. Floral art for every and all occasions. Flower phone 458-f. B r u n s w P H i O c N k O G R A P H S at W O O D W O R T H ’S Music company offer»- Piano-case organ, good as new W D avenport Kstey organ, good as new Used Pianos. _____________ ___ igthurn Bros — Two big grocer» E Y E SPECIALTY HHOPPE hemstitching and stamped goods. »lores, 212 W. First and 225 South 41« W. Second St. Albany, Oregon ,\b in. Good merchandise at the right p n owner, Irene McDaniel. ces. _______ __ _____ lite Cafeteria and confectioner» E ings. Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ New Courteous, efficient service. We make our own candies. W S. DUNCAN. X FURNITURE AND FARM MACHINERY bought. sold asd exchanged at all times ilm s developed and printed We mad them right back io von. B E N T. S U D T E L L Woodworth Drug Company, .Uhauv, Or­ egon. __ 2 Phone 76-R. 123 N. Broadalbin st, Albany F ijR D SALES AND HEKViCE Tires and accessorie« Repairs K ibb -P ollak M otor C o . FARM LOANS ortmiller Furniture Co.', forni­ Write lor booklet describing our 20- ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. F Funeral director». 427-433 west First year Rural Credit Amortized Loans Tbe loan pays out in 20 payment», re- tiling the principal. Cheap rate» No B ram L and C o ., uller gr < kry , 2»5 Lyon delay. 133 Lyon street, Albany, Ore. (Successor to Stenbcrg Bros. ) Groceries Fruita Produce Phone 2b3R strceL Albany, Oregon. _____ F OLMAN & JACKSON Grocery—Bakery E verything in the line of eats Opposite Postoffice H ub Candy Co., First street, next door to Blain Clothing Co, Noon lunche». Home made candy and i«< Cream. J 7 FARM LOANS at lowest rate of interest Real Estate Insurance Prompt service. Courteous treatment. W m B ai », Bopm 5, First Saving« Bank bmlning. Albany Il * ‘ Income Tax Recipt; Are Falling Off Britain Has an Aims Control Plan . ceipts were *67,541,369.41 less In th t first quarter of this year than la the same three months of 1924, It was shown In the first official flgures on quarterly receipts by which the rev­ enue producing power of the present tax law was compared with the former rates. The comparative statement ahoy» total Income taxes of *519,228,820.98 for January. February and March, this year, against *686,780,190.39 for the same three months of laat year. Receipts for each of the three months of 1925 were: January, »33,054,831.92; February. *47,457,051.34, and March »438,726,- 937.72; and in 1924 the receipts were: January, *39,864,856 60; February, *57,179,527.67, and March »489,935,- 807.12. Officials made no comment on th* statistics, explaining that the total for the quarter this year had been about *8,000,000 above tbe estimate which they had used from laat sum­ mer as the basis for calculation of government requirements. Railrodas Plead for Better Freight Rates Washington D C.—As anticipated for *ome time, western railroads have petitioned the Interstate commerce commission for an Increase of freight rates. Practically all of tbe carriers west of the Mississippi have united 1n th« request. It Is pointed out that west­ ern roads have not received the 5% per cent fair return permitted by law. The commission Is asked to ent«r, “appropriate orders” raising rates enough to Increase returns to (hat point. The west would pay an additional bill of »150,000,000 annu­ ally If the commission should grant the rite asked. The railroads have not filed spe­ cific schedules of rates they desire to Increase. They do not suggest or point out what rates they think should be raised Rather by the move Taken this week they have shot ths question of the “fair return’ up to the commission, and asked that body what it intends to do about it. If the application is pressed It will bring from the oommlssion an Important _n «_a_^ — * "tale itiswft** decision a« — to what eW tbe “fair M return” provision of the transportation act means. —— — I Geneva.—Reports that the British dolegatlon would present a substitute pian at the international conference for control of traffic in arms opening here Monday, were confirmed by British spokesmen, who said they probably would also offer other sug gestions, as will the American dele­ gation A draft convention prepared by a special committee la to be pre­ sented as the ba»!s for its discus sions. Representatives of arms manufac­ turers have come to watch the conference which so directly af­ fects their business. Other potential opponents of some of the proposed _ ___ taiait flint regulations are states tkat that Iw insist that the “sacred right of revolution” must be protected. This latter feeling Is recognized as a difficult problem by the conference Air-Cooled Plane Engine Invented. Washington, D. C. — An air-cooled lesdortr who fear that conferment of the right to send arms Into a coun­ airplane engine of 40 per cent loss try would give the great powers _ a weight than the Liberty motor, built dangerous measure of diplomatic ,or the navy, baa given a satisfactory _____ . ____ pressure, enabling them „ to assure assure vie vie performance in a teat flight with tory to a revolutionary party they » torpedo plane from Patera«», favored. ’ 10 Washlngto*.