PAGE 4 M A Y to. 1925 M URAL EN I L K P K lN B i ■^•'Daddy’s Evening International Fairy Tale I S. S. Lesson A lit t le o v e r h a u lin g llow w ill euve you a big h u ll I t ie r , IJ q u ’ i A ij* ran jo u r oar on tile loo-e hearings and burned V lives. I t tsk e s « An Indtp«n d eu t—N ot n eu tra l— new» £ loo much gee a m t ru in s y e u r tno i-rr. H y in g v«ur c ir wnJ Jet 5" AT I n r n m p t By Graham Bonner. Copyrighted pftpur, p ublished e v r iy W edutedey, . s e v r m riT z w x T e n r> n o»»« me l(M,g it over oip'e a tnonlh anti sen if i t is 0 . K. It won’t ® V I Iliv v in v jj by W«st«rn Newspaper buion | ia •»» t h * Events«« ek-hvol M> o d s B ib le 1« U» rtiu. II. W l l t i l Kit $ cost you a cent. I am here to give you service and satisfaction • • tir in e v t C H U « « « » 1*11 ile«t»rn N«*r>pap«r Ual—■> We have a full line of Tubes, Tires aud acieseories. Union • Fariner at Bottom l ì M a. tr TILE FARM’S SPRINGTIME Gao and Oil. All work done in this shop is fully guaranteed. I ( • Next, Proti teer a t Lesson for M a y 10 specialise in all makes .of cars and tractors, magneters. start- « A dvci liking, 2Uc an inch ; no ditcoui When everyoaa was fast asleep la ing motors and batteries. I want jobs where others .have failed J the Top i (or lim e or »pace ; do charge (or con P H IL IP A N D T H E E T H IO P IA N the farm bouse and on the farm. M is­ una» non 01 Clange» If you need me phone 16x5. * V TREASURER tress Springtime u “Pala-fot Par«.-a»ha.'* te a Maa. (A plea by the Southern Pacific! U L K A L E N T E R P R IS E A Comparison Bui !■( Q p waved her sprlng- »>• advertteing dlarulsad aa » « » » papman 5 Halsey Garage LESSON TEXT—Acta «:«-«». 11 m e greetings Mr. Producer: Suppose you OOLJPEN TEXT— "The en tran ce of over them all so jad a farm or a factory with a Thy word» g lv erh UgfcV’— Ps. 119:130 that when they PRIMARY TOPIC—A Man L>td W hat T H E ONLY JUtìT TAX FLAN obysical value of $10,(XX) aod you Ood Told Him. got op the next vere subject to tha same goi eru JUNIOR TOPIC— P hilip and the E th i­ morning they all opian Treasurer. neat regulateoo as the railroads The only just system of taxa felt that spring INTERM EDIATE AND SENIOR TO P­ You would be limited to a return tion io the on» wa are «»Iced t, IC— How P h ilip Won the E th iop ian. was In the air. 4 1675, or 61 per ceut on the TOUNG PEO PLE AND ADULT TO P­ outlaw for fifteen year«— the in­ “Neigh, neigh 1“ IC— The Use or the B ib le In E van - value of your property. Out of said the good old gellein. come tax. We are aelted to do bis *575 you would have to pay horse. “Spring la thia to encourage the immigration the interest on money you hid I. Philip Meeting the Ethiopian In the air. 1 feel ( w . 26-30a). into the atate of men who m alt- lorrowed for improvements and IL I most be 1. Leaving W ork by D ivine Direc­ ready to plow the If the operation fortunea off the public and ate not quipmeut. tion (v. 26, fields now. 4 your farm or factory did not C A P IT A L A N D S U R P L U S $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 willing to pay tbnir share of the The Lord called Philip away from “ There Is lots ring in a return of $575, that coat of the government which pro­ vould he your loss, for there would that mqst be done a great work in Samaria and speclfl Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited tecta them. The Euterpriae oe >n no guarantee that the difference On Their W ay to now t h a t the cally directed him to thia man. Abra hamlike, he obeyed the divine com spring has come School. lievea that we do not need nor de- vould be made up from any and I really do mand not knowing why be should aire any more of that kind of source. feel lta gentle Influence In the air. leave the work in Samaria and go Into If your return was more than "Somehow It feels like spring to­ a desert place. Aa he Journeyed on grafters. Better leave a few acree #600 you would have to give half day," said the farm er. “I must start by faith he aapled tha atata chariot of uooa cows are k e p t; poor cows of our wonderful forests and a of the exeses over $600 to the my planting.“ the Ethiopian treasurer. The Spirit maintained. T he farm e r who m erely guesses few ton a of andug coal for another government and you could only “I've got lots of Ideas fo r my gar­ of God directed him to go near and • • • that bis seed corn w ill grow, may have Those who wish to start the year another guess coming. T h e gei-mi generation of Oregoniane than spend the other half io certain den this year," said the farm er’s wife. Join himself to the ch ario t The tact­ •aevn» «»til K . , seed. ...» »inn l_ _ n “Tou know It does feel Just like spring ful question put Io the treasurer wrong w ill buy cheap tion »..o» test la a "sure .L thing.” bring a »warm of skinflint para­ definite ways specified by the today.” • • • gained him a seat by the side of this • w • government. sites into she atate. T he children gathered little blos­ dignified officer. The mission which W et days In spring are w ell spent The government would establish Using poor seed, or untested seed, There is a good profit to be the rates of pay for the labor you soms on their way to school and as the at first seemed so unpromising was in cleaning and oiling the harness. may be cheap In first coat, but It's ex­ soft spring a ir came In the school win­ now clear. pensive In the long run. made in developing Oregon’s re­ hire, and would fix the price on dows they found it hard to think of Best Feed for Pullets 2. An Officer of State Seeking the • • e The anything else but the woods, and Way of Salvation (vv. 27-28). sources without relieving of the he things yon produee. Pullets at Cornell University college W h ile New Yo rk is not a beef-cattle The Ethiopian had been to Jerusa tax burden those beat able to pa) (ivernmenf would tali you bow flowers that might be out, and birds o f agriculture lay best when fed uaoy of your farm or factory op- that might have arrived fo r the sum­ lem to worship. Despite his high offi­ three parts of hard grain to two parts state, the latest census allows 63,170 and piling tbs amount on the beef cattle In the state. »rations muct be doue, and require mer, and walks that would be so cial position he was not ashamed of of mash by weight. I t Is very neces­ • • » ahouldera of the farmer. lovely, and games to be played out-of- the worship of God. Tho Journey from you to make detailed reports on sary to feed green food In some form, An Im portant form o f co-operation doors now that It seemed so pleasant Aa shown in figures under the these operations. that far off country required much such as sprouted oats, beets or cab­ on the farm Is co-operation w ith the “Spring has come, grunt, g runt' hardship and expense, but to the one bage. A small amount of m ilk is a If, like the railroads as a whole, first caption in the next column, weather to get things done under right said (irand fath er Porky Pig. “I have whose soul yearns a fte r God, this is all valuable addition to the ration, and weather conditions. the farmer pays hia taxes out of V<>u had been unable for a number a good aprlng appetite." Joy helps to keep the birds in good condi­ e • • >f years to earn the *575 permitted, “So have I, squeal, squeal,** said 3. A Providential M eeting In the an average inceme of leaa than 4 tion. The birds should never be To get early muskmelons— the kind rnu would have considerable di Hi - Master Pink Pig. Desert ( w 28-30). starved, bnt on the other hand they that bring the best prices— s ta rt the per cent on hia investment, ths :ulty borrowing ----- j . in . . --------------- B money to make . ‘I ’d enjoy a good meal now,” said The coming together of these two should be hungry at feeding tim e seed under glass In veneer bunds, aud most efficient railroad in the world mprevements and purchase more Porky Pig. “Ile a lly the spring Is glw men wa» clearly the predetermined The secret of long and continuous transplant to bo field. way of God. out of 4 per cant, banka oat of a quipmeut that would suable you I lD> 018 un appetite iaylng w ith a well-bred flock is to keep d like “ a K bite “ T ™ '*“ myself," said M rs II. Philip Preaching to thd Ethio­ the birds always reasonably f a t comfortable 8 per cent aod those ii attain greater production at less Pinky Pig. oost. pian (vv. 30b-36). who handle the farmer’s products So would I." said Pinky Pig’s 1- The Ethiopian’s Employment on I f , like the railroads, you had mother. Geese Thrive on Grass and manufacture what he huyi iS'iu unable for many years, the Way (v. 30). 'Spring certainly Is in the air. I Treatm ent,both Geese w ill thrive on almost any kind Hia occupation at the time of this take a toll that places their incoin> despite the greater efficiency of hadn’t any appetite fo r quite a while of pasture grass that a cow w ill eat. local and Internal, and has been success­ meeting was reading the Word of God. above that pf any of the olhei ■peration, to earn the *575, and end now I feel my old self again, An oreffard In clover sod makes an ful in the treatment of Catarrh for ovet At the Invitation of the Ethiopian i u o s s who purchased your prod said M is t Ham classes tnantioued. Ideal range. Any meadow composed forty yetn . Sold by all druggists. Philip Joined himself to the chariot icis kept urging the government Squeal, squeal, no one could have and found him reading from the 53d of red elover and alslke mixed, wilt F. J. CHENEY &. C O , Toledo, Ohio Make them pay their share oi noticed your lack of appetite. Miss i i fix lower prices on those prod- It chapter of Iealah. Thia la a most ex­ make a good pasture for geese. go to some atate where the burden icts. what woald you think? Hum, but they could have noticed cellent way to spend one’s time while you have low land pasture It Is prob- mine, squeal, squeal," said Brother E X E C U T O R ’S N O T IC E bearers submit to robbery uior Railroad ousts are as rtal as nbly abundantly seeded by nature w ith traveling. the grasses that thrive on speh soil ists in any other industry, and a Bacon. "But I think I could eat again Notice is hereby given that the final docilely tuao do the farmers of 2. Tho Absolute Need of a Preacher now." account of C live P. Stafford as executor and that w ill be good for geesq. tilroad must earn a reasonable (v. S I). Oregon. I have a springtime Rppetlte,” said of the last w ill and testament of Rose eturn in order to keep up its Sammy Sausnge. “ Squeal, squeal, 1 The Ethiopian was reading one of In small gardens where Intensive Ann Price, deceased, has been filed in the clearest testimonies to the Messiah plant and give good service. Pour men improved the average the County Court of Linn County, State most certainly have. fertilizing and cultivation is simple, In the Old Testament, yet be was un­ of Oregon, and that the Is td a v of June, "So have I, grunt, g ru n t" said little of morality at Minneapolis Sunday the jow s need not be as fa r apart as able to get anything out of It. The — r -------------- j i . Notwithstanding ’ -.n nun vogiiucilk Grunter. tbs iu investment 1 125. at 10 o’clock a. nt., has been duly In larger gardens Eighteen inches Is appointed by said court for the hearing by sitting around a table aod of »300,000,000 in eight years io tact that the Ethiopian, a great states­ 'I could eat a morsel o f food, too, ample for most of the vegetables, ot objections to said final account and drinking moonshine- They wert i uprovements, Southern Pacific*# squeal, squeal," said little Black man, needed an Interpreter of the e e • the settlement thereof, at which tim e Scriptures, even such a plain passage found in their chairs, three dea<< r turn on property investment in Squealer The taller-growing vegetables, such atty person interest*,1 in said estate mav as the 53d chapter o f Isaiah, allows the “Ah, for a nice rest In the mud and l;U4 was barely 4 per cent, and the other unconscious. Then us corn and pole beans, are usually appear and file objections thereto in absolute need of a preacher. The gos­ a good banquet," eald Sir Percival a riln s t 4.95 per sent in 1916. placed to w a rd /h e westerly portion of w ritin g and contest the same. pel must be experienced before one was plenty of kick in that liquor. Pork. Dated and first published A p ril 29, the garden, because they w ill cast can he a witness to its saving power 1925. Clive P. Stafford. Not a bad Idea, not a bad Idea, At Balt Lake April 26 Bob E m ­ shade then only during the hottest Investigation by the United said Sir Benjam in Bacon. The human mind Is blind to spiritual Executor Aforesaid. portion of the day. mett aod Sheldon Chalmers did a States department of agriculture things, muklng the work of an evun A m or A. Tussing. Atty, for Exr. Cock-n doodle-do, a pleasant day, gelist indispensable. I f a statesman similar service by shooting each h i three Indiana counties, which said Bed Top the Booster. of this rank was unable to grasp the -------, H1U *Cackle, cackle,” said Mrs. Hen. “s other to death while drunk. The nav, perhaps, he typical of the. meaning of such a clear passage, It A Question That is next day at Chehalis Jack Leon­ country, show that tho income oo pleasant day Indeed, Bed Top. HALSEY STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon H all’s Catarrh Medicine re n te d fa rin a , b e fo re d e d u c tin g * “Quark, . i n Mrs. Duck, t Quack, onaoir» quack," . said "I ard and Enoch Hainan, drunk, tuxes, was 3.8 per cent a year, on feel Just like a brook party. I do be­ failed to score as high with shoot- dty reai estate 4.6, on banking lieve I ’ll give one.’ AU the ducks waddled a fte r Mrs. mg irons. for only one was seri. ,ro perty 8 per cent and on mer- Duck, who led the way down to the ohauta’ and manufacturers’ prop­ ously wounded, but they may do pond, better next time. Let the good erty still higher. Ba-aa aa-a," said 8 tr W illiam Goat, otherwise known as Billy Goat, “I work go on. Automobil« Light L aw There were 14,682 automobile! icidenta due to improper liirhta ,, ; n the United States last year and 3651 deaths- The situation responsible for all this horrot is w hat led to the passage by y tr legislature of an automobile ÌRhtinjflaw which went into ef The opponents of the new aule and bus tax say that If it is not killed by the referendum it will put some of the cars out of busi, ness. Would that lie worse than the putting out of bulinata of s< many freight traina which func- tinned without increasing our rose I bills, or so msuy farmers who sink f * 't l*el week. All cars must under unfair tax and other loads? be equipped in compliance with with it before Sept. 1. Lights must be so placed as not to throw a glare above a certain height (below the eyes of ap­ proaching people) and m ust be dimmed when the pavement is wet, The catidlepower light permissi- n i . . i >n different circumstances is _pr°P?8‘?8 .« duty oti j prescribed and the penalties hops th at may knock the sufT lor violations are heavy. It ing out of the price in the Unit­ will lie illegal to use a ’ light ed States.’ Well, let's grow alfal­ ibove 21 candle power or, on fa, flax or sugar beets, foi wet streets above 12. which there is a m arket at home. Over 15,000 garm ents were The tobacco tax, if it sur­ mat e last year by home econo­ vives the referendum, will not. mics students in the seventh and eighth more titan pay the losses bv I i1 ” , ‘‘' v ^ grades ' “des of the Port- Port­ fires ite rte d by carelesssm ok- *nd scho®l9i The pupils’ fami- «>rs. I i1®9 supplied the m aterial and the articles were Uken home Every tax measure defeated and worn. Will th e dressm akers by referendum is an additional and milliners denounce this bukden placed upon the mass of competition.” ns labor unions the people by their consent. do the m arketing of articles Vote whenever you ctwi. mad« nr prison to help lessen r~ — - he price we pay for the upkeep M r. Coolidge thinks the public of those institutions? The villainous look of some of the mugs of celebrities which we publish from week to week cause, us to eease to wouder at rascality in high places. Watches Washington too closely Opinions differ. The telephone line to Browns­ ville is being rebuilt. most have a w alk around the barn­ yard and see w hat there Is to e a t A walk w ill help ray appetite and make 11 ’ 0,ne,h!n« ° f which I may be justly proud.” "Baa. baa, baa," said th« little Iambi, “w e lovs to play this lovely day.“ 'Me-ow-me-ow,1 •aid Jota. the cat. '1 muat have a* nice sleep In the sunshine. It will do me good. Then a capful of warm m ilk and all w ill be well." " G o b b l e , gob­ ble." said the tu r­ keys. “the little turkeys are be­ coming stronger •very one of these One spring days. “O o b b t e, gob­ ble, gobble, they're “ I ’d Enjoy a flood • lovely little lot Meal Now of turkeyi. So, everything and everyone on the farm felt that Springtime had visited them, for though they didn't actually know of her visit to them the night before, they all said that spring was certainly In the air. G o o d Car “Pa. does the Lord ewn a Simple 81a. toor* “Great Scott, no son Whatever put that Into your head?" “W alt, a t Sunday school wa had a hymn that went. *If I love the Lord, when I die H e w ill take me borne on h ig h .'"— W allace’s Farmer. should not be thought strange that for the rank and file o f'm e n a guide It needed. God has designed that through the fixdlalineas of preaching the world should be saved./ Preaching the Word of God will always be necessary. 8. P h ilip ’s Message (vv. 32-35). H e began at the Scriptures which the Ethiopian was reading and preached unto him Jetus. This shows us that the person represented In the 53d chapter of Isalali aa suffering In stead of others was Jesus Instead of Isruel, also that the central theme of the preacher’s message should be Jeans. H e did not preach Jesus as a great teacher, hot a t a Savior who had suffered and died Instead o f sin ners. H e preached Him as the one who had offered H im self aa a ransom III. Philip BaptlasO the Ethiopian (vv. 36-38). As a result of Philip’s preaching the eunuch proposed baptism. When Christ Is truly preached, men naturally desire to confess Him In baptism Where this feeling la lacking, the gos­ pel in Its fnllness la evidently not preached. T he Ethiopian might have offered many excuse« for neglecting thia Im portant ordinance, but like every man who la honest before God. ha was w illing at any coat to render "bedlence. T he proof that men really helleva In Jesus is their willingness to render obedience to His Word It is I faith In Christ that saves, bat those who have geuulne faith desire to seal It In baptism. Having secured from the Ethiopian ths proper confession 1'hUlp baptised him. IV . The Ethiopian Rejoicing (» m ir - : e o n Any Girl in Trouble may communicate with Ensign L ~ of o , u rn ... ________ . ° f “he Sn,va,'un A r" D Bt the Sliicltl Home nome, 5 « M avfalr avenue, Portland. Oregon. The wisest girls "eep o ^ T r ’m’u'bÎê’**’* 1