(Continued) arm products and her pens. You saw Dejong asparagus" on the menu nt he Blackstone and the Drake hotels Sometimes Dirk'» friends twitted him tbout this and he did not always ac | Knowledge that the similarity of names wai not a coincidence. “Dirk, you seem to see no one but I iust these people," Selins told him In me of her Infrequent rebukes. “You don’t get the full flavor of Ufe. You've rot to have u vulgar cu^oslty about eople and tilings. All k/nds of peo- le. All kinds of things. You revolve 1 the same little circle, over und over md over." "Haven’t time. Can’t afford to take ue time. "You cun’t afford not to." Sometimes Selina came Into town for a week or ten days ut a stretch, and indulged In what she called an orgy. At such times Julie Arnold could Invite her to occupy one of the guest rooms at the Arnold house! or the face of a Da Vinci cherub und ihe Dirk would offer her his bedroom am) ooul of a man-eating shark. tell her that he would be comfortable Selina always talked to everyone. on the big conch In the living room, or She enjoyed listening to street cur con that he would take a room nt the Uni­ doctors, washwomen, Janitors, land versity club. She always declined She ladles, clerks, doormen, chauffeurs, po would take a room In a hotel, some­ licemen Something about her made times north, sometimes south. Her them talk. They opened to her as holiday before her, she would go off flowers to the sun. They sensed her roaming gaily as a small boy on a Interest, her liking. As they talked Saturday morning, with the day Selina would exclaim. “You don’t sa y : stretching gorgeously and adventure- Well, that terrible!” Her eyes would sounly ahead of him, sallies down the be bright with sympathy. street without plan or appointment, Selina had said, on entering Dirk's knowing that richness In one form or office. "My land! 1 don’t see how you can work among those pretty creatures mid not be a sultan. I’m going to ask some of them down to the farm over Sunday." “Don’t, Mother! They wouldn’t un derstund. I scarcely see them. They’re just part of the office equipment. Afterward, Ethelinda Quinn had passed expert opinion. “Say. she’s got ten times the guts that Frosty’s got I like her fine. Did you see her ter rlble hat ! But say, it didn’t look fun ny on her, did it? Anybody else lu that getup would ’ look comical, but she’s the kind that could walk off with anything. I don’t know. She’s got what I call an air. It beats style. Nice, too. She said I was a pretty little thing. Can you beat It I At that she’s right. I cer’nl) yam.” 9 T h ey found Dirk fair game, resent­ ed Paula'» proprietorship. S ukhus and Junes and K ates and Bettye and Sal lye—plain old-fashioned nuiues for modem, erotic misses—they talked to Dirk, danced with him, rode with him, flirted with him. His very unattnln- ubleness gave him piquancy. That Paula Storm had him fast. He didn't care a hoot about girls. “Oh, Mr. Dejong," they said, “your name's Dirk, isn ’t It? What a slick name I What does It mean?” “Nothing, I suppose. It's a Dutch name. My people— my father's peo­ ple—were Dutch, you know." "A dirk’s a sort of sword. Isn't It, or poniard? Anyway, it sounds very keen and cruel and fatal—Dirk.” He would flush a little (one of his assets) and smile, and look at them, and say nothing. He found that to be all that was necessary. He got on enormously. Between the girls he met In society and the girls that worked in his of­ fice there existed a similarity that struck and amused Dirk. He said, “Take a letter, Miss Roach," to a slim young creature as exquisite as the girl with whom he had dauced the day- before; or ridden or played tennis v'r bridge. Their very clothes were fault­ less Imitations. They even used the m u e perfume, He wondered, Idly, ÀH uncor.stlous, "Take a letter, Ml how they did It. They were eighteen, Quinn, sa.il Dirk half an hour lat nineteen, twenty, and their faces und In the mldot of this fiery furpuce • bodies and desires and natural equip­ femininity Dirk walked unscorche- ment made their presence In a business Paula, the North shore girls, well-bre office a paradox, an absurdity. Yet and professional business women b they were capable, too, In a mechanical occasionally met In the eouise e •ort of way. Theirs were mechanical business, the enticing little nymphs I Jobs. They were lovely creatures with encounter-d In his own office, all prie the minds of fonrteen-year-old chil­ tlced on hign their warm und perfume dren. Their hair was shining, perfect­ wiles. He moved among them cool an ly undulated, as fine and glossy and serene. Perhaps his sudden succès- tenderly curling as a young child’s. had had something to do with this Their breasts were flat, their figures and his quiet ambition for further sue singularly sexless like that of a very ceas. For he really was accounted young boy. They were wise with the successful now, even In the spectneu wisdom of the serpent. Their legs lar whirl of •Chicago’s meteoric flnan were slim and sturdy. Their mouths clal constellation. North-side mainma> were pouting, soft, pink, the lower Up regarded his income, his career, am a little curled back, petal-wise, like his future with eyes of respect am the moist mouth of a baby that has wily speculation. There Wus always i Just finished nursing.' Their eyes were neat little pile of Invitations In th< wide apart, empty, knowledgeous. mall that lay on the correct little con They' managed their private affairs sole In the correct little apartment like generals. They were cool, remote, ministered by the correct little Jnp on disdainful. They reduced their hoys the correct North-side street near (but to desperation. They were briguuds, not too near) the lake, and overlook desperadoes, pirates, taking all, giving Ing it. little. J They came, for the most purt, The apartment had been furnished from ^sordid homes, yet they knew, In with Paula’s aid. Together she and som e1 miraculous way, all the fine Dirk’ had gone to Interior decorators arts that Papla knew and practiced. “But you’ve got to use your own They were coj-setless. pliant, bewilder­ taste, too," Paula had said, “to give ing, lovely, dingerous. 1: the ladtvldual touch." The apart Among them Dirk worked Immune, ment was furnished In a good deal of aloof, untouched. He would have been ItpHan furniture, the finish a dark surprised to learn that he was known t a k e r walnut, the whole massive and among them as Frosty. They admired yet somehow unconvincing. The effect and resented him. Not one that did was somber without being Impressive. •ot secretly dream of the day when There were long carved tables on he would call her Into his office, shut which an ash tray seemed a deseern the door, and say, "Loretta” (their tion ; great chairs roomy enough for names were burhanklan monstrosities, lolling, yet In which you did net re born of grafting the original appella­ lax; dull silver candlesticks; vest­ tion onto their own Idea of beauty In ments; Dante's saturnine features nomenclature — hence Loretta, Imo- sneering down upon you from a cor «ene. Nadine, Natalie, Ardella), "Lor­ rect cabinet. There were not many etta, I have watched you for a long, books. Tiny foyer, large living-room long time and you must have noticed bedroom, dining-room, kitchen, and a how -deeply I admire you.” eubby-liole for the Jap. It wasn't Impossible. Those things Dirk did not spend much of bis time haiipen. The movies had taught them In the pincé. His upward climb was it that. Dirk, all unconscious of their treadmill, really. His office, the apart­ pitiless all-absorbing scrutiny, would ment, a dinner, a dance. His contacts have been still further appalled to were monotonous, and too few. learn how fully aware they were of his His office was a great splendid of personal and private affairs. They flee In a great spleulld office building knew about Paula, for example. They In LaSalle street. H » drove back nnd admired und resented her, too. They forth In a motor car along the boule despised her for the way In which she vards. His social engagements lay openly displayed her feeling for him north. LaSalle street bounded him or. (how they knew thia was a miracle the west, Lske Michigan on the east *n«l a mystery, for she almost never Jackson boulevard on the south, Luki fame Into the office and disguised all Forest on the north. He might haw her telephone talks with him). They lived a thousand miles away for all thought he was grund to his mother. he knew of the rest of Chicago—the Selins had been In bis office twice, per­ mighty, roaring, sweltering, pushing, haps. On one of these occasions she screaming, mqgnlflcent hideous steel had spent five minutes chatting socia­ giant that was Chicago. bly with Ethelinda Onlnn who bad Selina had had no hand In the fur­ nishing of his apartment. When It was finished Dirk had brought her In tri­ umph to see It. "Well,” he had said "what do you think of it. Mother?" She hud stood In the center of the room, u small plain figure in the midst of these massive somber carved tables, Floral and chairs, chests. A little smile had Music Shop Quirked the corner of her mouth. “I Alban >> think It's as cosy as a cathedral.” Sometimes Selina remonstrated with him, though of late she had taken on a strange reticence. She no longer asked him about the furnishings of the houses he visited, or the exotic fixai he ate at splendid dinners. The farm Laundry y n t Tuesdays flourished. The great steel mills mui I Igency Hub Cleaning Works factories to the south tvere closing In upon her hut bed not yet set Iron foot oil her rich green acres. She was rath ft lamoat uow t<2i the quallQ gf Us* CUT FLOWERS -S H E E T MUSIC HALL'S A Modern Barber Shop A B E 'S P L A C E * MAY <. Mrs Why suffer from headaches? Have YOUR EYES baixcas RURAL ENTERPRISE [T e r fZ e e ^ R o 1t F m i i a l , , J t u Examined Aluv 22nd— opening sale date Jewelers, Optometrists Albany, Oregon « A A /V W W S cents required for a box of these, charmed by their names—Adam and Eve roots. Master of the Woods, Dragon's Blood, High John the Con­ queror, Jezebel Roots, Grains of Para­ dise. “Look here, Mother," Dirk would protest, “you can’t wander around like that. It Isn’t safe. This isn’t High Prairie, you know. If you want to go round I'll get Sakl to drive you." “That would be nice," she said, mild­ ly. But she never availed herself of this offer. She would go over to South Water street, changed now, and swollen to such proportions that It threatened to burst Its confines. She liked to stroll On sale daily to and including Sep­ tember 15th. Return limit—October 31st. Liberal stopovers. Plan to include California’s varied wonders on your trip east. Go that way; return same way or some other route if you prefer. So plan your itinerary carefully. Let our agents help you. They are skillful, courteous and fully informed (On all travel matters. Ask for our "Vacation Journeys” Pamphlet.' Southern Pacific Michigan boulevard north. Its white towers gleamed pink In the lake mists. Dirk suld It was a terrible building, badly proportioned, and that It looked like a vast vanilla sundae. His new private domain was more like a splendid bookless library than a business office. It was flnlshell In rich dull walnut and there were great upholstered chairs, soft rugs, shaded lights. Special attention was paid to women clients. There was a room for their convenience fitted with low restful chairs and couches, lamps, writing desks, In mauve and Mae Paula had selected the furnishings for this room. Ten years earlier It would huve been considered absurd In a suite of business offices. Now It was a routine part of the equipment. Dirk's private office was almost as difficult of access as that of the na­ tion’s executive. Cards, telephones office boys, secretaries stood between the caller and Dirk Dejong, bead of the bond department. You nskeij for Iilm, utferlhg his name In the enr of whom you at n I the Entor* dSS the six-foot stutuesque detective who. In the guise of usher, stood In the prise after you have read it? If you mail the 62 flam . center of the marble rotuudn eyeing beta of the year it wilt cost $1,04 iu postage, under each visitor with a coldly appraising gaze. This one padded softly ahead the new rates, besidel the trouble of wrapping and of you on rubber heels, only to give mailing. For $1 in udvancathe publisher ’ wiH send you over to the care of a glorified it oae year to any address in the Uuited Stales or the office boy who took your name You waited. He returned. You waited. Pbillipine islands. Presently there appeared a young woman with Inquiring eyebrows. i$lie conversed with you. She vanlsbod. You waited. She reappeared, io u pepper-and-salt pants anfl'T est Cigar, were ushered Into Dirk D ejong’s large mother lies before him for tha Choos unllghted, In big mouth, the heavy gold and luxurious Inner office. And there ing. A sociable woman, Selina, savor­ formality fled. watch chain spanning hla middle. ing life, she liked the light» the color, Dirk was glad to see you; quietly, “Well, you certainly made good, Mrs. the rush, the noise. Her year»- of Interestedly glud to see you. As you grinding work, . « . h „ U e . p u f c . , stated your business he listened atten­ down to the very soil Itself, bad failed tively, as was his charming way. The Oh, yes. She remembered. to kill her zest for living. She prowls» "That boy of yours has made bis volume of business done with women Into the city's foreign quarters— clients by the Oreat Lakes Trust com­ mark, too, I see. Doing grand, aln Italian. Greek. Chinese. Jewish. he? Wa-al, great satisfaction baring a pany was enormous. Dirk Was con­ She loved the Michigan boulevard son turn out well like that. Yea servative, helpful—and he always got and State street shop Windows In slrree! the business. He talked Uttle. He Why, look at my dali which haughty waxed ladles in glitter wus utnazlngly effective. Car’llne—" ing evening gowns postured, ringers Ladles In the modish black of te- Life at High Prairie had Its savor, elegantly crooked as they held a fan. too. Frequently you saw strange vis cent bereavement made quite a somlcqr a rose, a program, meunwhlle smiling ltors there for a week or ten days at procession to hla door. H is suggestions condescendingly out upon an envious a time—boys and girls whose city pallor (often originating with Paula) made world flattening Its nose against the gave way to a rich tan; tlred-lookiug the Great Lakes Trust company's dis­ plate glass barrier. , women with sagging figures who drank creet advertising rich In results. Neat She penetrated the Black belt, where Selina’s cream und ate her abundant little pamphlets written for women on Chicago’s vast and growing negro pop­ A-getables and tender chickens as the subjects of saving. Investments. ulation shifted and moved and fliough they expected these viands to "You are not dealing with a soulless stretched its great limbs ominously, be momentarily snatched from them. corporation," said these brochures. reaching out and out In protest sntl Selina picked these up In odd Comers May we serve you? You need more overflowing the bounds that irked It. of the city. Dirk protested against tl^an friends. Before acting, yon Her serene face und her quiet manner thia, too. Sellnu wes a member of the should have your Judgment vindicated her bland Interest and friendly look High Prairie school board now. She by an organization of Investment sp e protected her. They thought her a was on the Good Roads committee and clallsts. You muy have relatives and social worker, perhaps; one of the the Truck Farmers’ association vul- friends, some of whom would gladly upllfters. She bought and read the ued her opinion. Her Ufe was full, advise you on Investments. Bnt pec hups you rightly feel that the less they pleasant, prolific. I ...................... a ... _______ — ___ ______i _ s L . 7 t il know about your flnunctal affairs, the better. To handle trusts, and to care Chapter X IV for the securities of widows and or­ phans, Is our business." Paula bad a scheme for Interesting It was startling to note how this women In h#>nd buying. It was a good tort of thing mounted Into millions. scheme. She suggested It so that Dirk Women are becoming more and thought he had thought of It. Dirk more used to the hnndllng of money,” was head now of the bond department Paula said, shrewdly. "Pretty soon In the Greet Lakes Trust company's their patronage Is going to be as valu­ magnificent new white building on able as that of men. The average along the crowded sidewalks, lined woman doesn’t know about bonds— with crates and boxes nnd barrels of about bond buying They think they’re fruits, vegetables, poultry. Swarthy something mysterious und risky. Tt ey foreign faces predominated now ought to be educated up to It. Didn’t Where the red-faced overalled men hud you say something. Dirk, about classes been alie now saw lean muscular lads In finance for women?" In old army shirts and khaki pants nnd "But would the women com e?" scuffed patteea wheeling trucks, load­ "Of course they’d come. Women ing boxes, charging down tlie street In will accept any Invitation that’s en­ huge rumbling auto vans. Tbelr faces graved on heavy cream paper.” were hard, their talk terse. Any one The Great Lakes Trust hud a branch i of these, ahe reflected, win more vital, In Cleveland now. and one in New more native, functioned more usefully York, on Fifth avenue. The drive to and honestly than her successful son, Interest women In bond buying and Dirk Dejong to Instruct them In finance was to take "Where 'ri beans?** on almost national proportions. There “In th' ol' beanery." was to be newspaper and maguzlne ad­ "Tough.” vertising. “Best you can get." 1 ae Tulks for Womey on the Rubject "Keep ’em." of 1 Insure were held evsry two w eek s Many of the older men knew her, In the crystul roorn of the Blackstoue | shook hands with her, chatted a m o­ snd were a great success. Paula was Shs Liked to Stroll Along the Crowded ment frlendllly. William Talcott, a right. Much of old Aug Hern pul's Si do walks. ' Uttle more dried up. more wrinkled, hrewdness and business foresight hud Independent. the negro newspaper In his sparse hair quite gray now. still descended to her. The women came which herb doctors advertised magic leaned up against the side of hla door­ —widows with money to Invest; bus! roots. She even sent the twenty fife way In hla shirt sleeves and bis neat 7 FURNITURE • DEPARTMENT; » when your wants are in this line. Our stock is ® attractive in both design and price. • We call your special attention to the • > DE LUXE BEDSPRING built for comfort and durability » Hal sey H IL L Have You a Friend to V Oregon u -jo ] Summer Excursion Fares F. M, French & Son We want you to investigate our PAG E J ness women who had thriftily » „ ..J a portion of their salaries. moneyed women who wanted to manage their own property, or who resented a hus­ band's Interference. Some came out of curiosity. Others for lack of any­ thing better to do. Others to gas i on the well-known hanker or lawyer or business man who wns scheduled to address the meeting. Dirk spok r three or four times during the winter and was markedly a favorite. The women. In smart crepe gowns and tail­ ored suits and smHll chic huts, twit­ tered uud murmured about him, even While they sensibly digested his Wel1- thought-out remarks. He looked very handsome, clean-cut, und distinguish' I there on the platform In lilt admirably tailored clothes, a small white flower In his buttonhole. He talked easily, clearly, fluently! suswered the ques­ tions put to him afterward with Just .he right mixture of thoughtful hesi­ tation and conlldence. It was decided that for the national advertising there must be an lllustra tlon that would catch the eye of worn en, and Interest them. The person to do It, Dirk thought, was thia Dallas O’Msra whose queer hen-track signa­ ture you saw scrawled on half the ad­ vertising Illustrations that caught your eye. Paula had not been enthusiastic about this Idea. "M-m-ni, she’s very good," Paula had said, guardedly, “hut aren’t there others who are better?" “She 1" Dirk had exclaimed, “la It a woman? I didn’t know. That-nam e might be anything.’’ "Uh, yes, she’s a woman. She’s said to be very—very attractive." Dirk tent for DuUas U’Mura. She epi led. suggesting an uppulntvuent two reeks from that dute. Dirk decided lot to wait, consulted other cornmer- lal artists, looked at their work, liedrd their pluns outlined, and was vatlsfled with none of them. The time was short. Ten days had passed. He bud hls secretary call D allas O Mara on the telephone. Gould she come down to see him that day at eleven? N o : she worked until four dally at her studio. Could she come to hls office at four- thirty, then? Yes, but wouldn't It be better if be could come to her studio w betephe could see something of the jjurfous types of drawings—oils, or bfbek-and- wblte, or crayons. She w as'w orking mostly In crayons now. All this relayed by hls secretary at the telephone to Dirk at hls desk. He (Continued on pare 6) v o id . PAID for false teeth, den- la tin illll a n d a lia s '« tai n gold , platinum anti discarded jewelry, lloke Smelting and Refiawg Co.. Otaego. Mich, Amor A. Tussing LAWYER AND NOTARY H alsky , O k boon D ELBER T ST A R R Funeral Director and Li­ censed Embalmer Efficient Service. Motor Hearse. Ladv Attendant. llrownavilte____ __________ . . Oregon w . L. W R IG H T Mortician & Funeral Director Halsey anti Harrisburg C a ll I). T a v i . h r , Halsey, or W. L. W right . Harrisburg BARBER SHOP First-class W o rk J. W- S TE P H E N S O N .