It TERP A g rc u ltu re H o rte u l t u r e L iv e s to c k A \\ eekly Chronicle of Local Events and Progress on Linn County Land MAY 6 H a ls e y H a p p e n in g s a n d C o u n t y E v e n ts tically unhurt, ed. Booze is accus- There w ill be a party for young people et Mrs. E d ith Robnett's Saturday averring. B ro w n sv ille B riefs ICnterprlss Correspoodsnoe) Ralph Paine is fa rm in g w ith D a i r y P o n It r y W ool I9 'S Lake Creek Locals Brandon Bits Alford Arrows (By Special Correspondent) 'E nterprise Correepondonrat (By an Enterprise Reporter) N. H. Cummings and family i Wayne Vcatch was in Albany Mrs. Lee Ingram visited at L ittle Sarah and Cedrio Moody his tractor for Arvid Nelson. Thursday evening. were in Biownsvliie Friday. John Rolfe's Sunday aftvrnodh. stayed with Mrs. J. C. Bramwell _______ M r. aud Mrs. C. „ E .“ S tan ard Lee Ingram made a trip to The Quimby family viaited at George McNeil ha.3 been o* while th e ir mother visited Port- entertained Rev. Mr. Spriggs Eugene Friday la*t week. Paul Bicrly's Sunday. the sick list with sciatic rheu and- I over Sunday. matism. •C. E. Mercer of Eugene was Enid Veatch spent the v.->k Melba Neal was at Albany Mon* Jack Craig and wife of Philo- Mrs. Carrie, from Massa- a Sunday afternoon cauer at L G. Coldiron and daughter end herd with acr parents. O. math visited at R. K . btewart's chussetts, cousin to the Russes, day. D. Isom's. Tuesday. , were dinner guc3ts at the Ardry Mr. ai.d Mrs. Glenn Chance Halsey baeeballers play al Co­ is here visiting, and is quite Mr. and Mia. J. H. Rickard were in Harrisburg Wednejday. A couple of sets of valuable har­ favorably impressed with our home Sunday. burg F rid a y. and d. ighter Lillie attended Mr. and Mrs- Hugh Cumming ness belonging to H a rry Spreuger state, which is as it should be. Long spent the week church at McFariand Suuda’7 Mrs. C. P. M o od y viaited P o rt­ were stolen from a barn at Shedd were visitors at Martin Cum­ end Annette with her aunt,.Mis. Quan John Ro,fe nnd B E Cogsw#1, land M o n d a y an d yeaterd ay. F rid ay night. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harris*»» mings’ Sunday evening. by. 1 » pu t t«> G *” rg" M eOari’s, nssr District 51 is to build a new Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brock Miss M sry Young, a returned and son George drove to Riddle Henry and Mabel bel \.cgei Harris':uig, Sunday afternoon, school-house. missionary, w ill speek at the Saturday morning to visit Mrs. and Doris were Oorva'iis visi­ 3pent Sunday in ro.tnsvi e, Miss Thelma Ingram called on M ethod)« church Tuesday after­ Harrisons’ father. Jim Yokum, tors Saturday evening. with their parents. The grand jury advises that noon. who is very ill. They came her friends, Henrietta m d The L. C. and B. club wih the county jail be made prisoner home Sunday. Eivin Weger is here iron*. Esther Starnes, Sunday ufter- M uc i goed news came iu Tues­ meet with Mrs. Martin Cum­ Brownsville helping his brother, noon. pi oof. That’s a man-sized job. day and Wednesday thia week, too Mr. and Mrs. Tyler and Mi's. mings on Thursday, May 14. He.iry Wegcr. J m 1 ss Hattie Dannen of Shedd Miss Doris Lake has gone |ate to be sent to tbe linotype, aud Ida Hansen drove to Ashland home to Eugene and James Rec­ is le ft out of tbe paper. last Tuesday, returning Satur­ Those attending the Rebekah Glenn Ch: ice and family visited her sister, Mrs. Minnie Carnival at Halsey Friday ever. tor is filling prescriptions at the day night. While there they in» Un».« «..I*, ,-<1wer® in Albany Wednesday . Starnes, several days the first After a visit with her mother, visited Rev. M. S. Woodworth, ing were loud in their praise o f, evening attend:ng the Odd Fci- of the week. Ringo drugstore. Mrs J. W. Gormley, Miss Myrtle who is pastor of the Baptist the entertainment given. “*•’ «..I.iver-«.» pioRisut. j L. E. Bond and” Lester Prospects are that there will be a Tobey has returned to her church there. Clarence Williams and wife bumper crop of strawberries and school at West Linn. M •. and Mrs. Glenn Chance *nd Vcra B?nd of Albany spore and daughter Sarah were in Al cherries In the M ill City vicinity this Saturday night and Sunday at Just two weeks u n til state bany Friday. They heard the ^nd gins spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allan B. Kirk year, the plants and trees being In a One notices the great mind reader at the Globe w. H. Walton and family. Mu. the E. D. Isom home. visited the Staffords over Sun­ examination. promising condition. Walton is Mrs. Chance’s sistei. rather serious faces of the theater. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Whitbeck day night and went to Eugene eighth graders- Strange Jefferson correspondence in the some The Brandon baseball team Lee Ingram and family and Sunday. Mr. Kirk is a Port­ B. L. Cummings of Hood Albany H erald-D em ocrat savs them .can’t learn to be ser­ River is a guest at Martin Cum­ played Kirk school last Friday George Bias attended the play land dealer in dividend-paying of that T. 0 . D avis, school p rincipal ious the first of the year, and It was a very interesting gam« at Harrisburg Wednesday. there, who bas been expected to oil royalties and has an adver­ then stay that way the whole mings’ . He w ill spend some tim e and many of the neighbors Sunday afternoon callers at tske ebage of the Halsey schools, tisement n the Enterprise. in the neighborhood visiting old were piesent. school year. The scoie was A. E. Whitbeck’s were Mr. and ii going to Salem uexi term . friends and relatives. He says 1 • ednesday evening an auto Mrs. L. Ii. Straley and Mr. and the crop of apples will be light Braixiu'i 15. kiik 13. Lambs were sold at Brownsville load of 11 persons, mostly chil- As in a ll previous recent years, Mrs. Hussey of Halsey and this year. last week fo r $9.90 apiece and dren. got a shake-up when the the Brownsville pioneer picnic Publls Lands Shrink lO.OCC.OOO Aerss Miss Viva - Green and friend, Washington D. C —Uncle Sam has Mr.3. Luvin of Eugene. • Waldo Anderson sold some three I car ran into a bank north of management ia asked by tbs Times Saturday was the last day of nioiub. old for 110 each which town. The lady who was driv- to try to provide cleaner e n te rta in ­ our school. Miss Palmer gave« been giving away his land to the peo went out in a shipm ent o l 600 ing got a gash in the forehead, ments tbau heretofore. the children a picnic in the pis at the rate of 10.000.000 acres an P in e G r o v e P o in ts from A lbany Monday nig ht. nually This was disclosed In a pur­ but the others were not much grove near by. Parents and vey the diminishing public domain Mias A lw ild a W ilson, teacher hurt. The car had a smashed other visitors came with well- which of has G o o d P a p e r is resulted In 33 of the 81 (By on Entsrpiise Reporter) filled baskets and a fine dinnei local land offices, in the Albany schools, has been arid fixed up at the Arrow gar­ located in the vur Mr. and Mrs. A /L. Knighten made a d m in is tra trix of tbe estate age and the party went on to P r e f e r r e d to S ilv e r was served; also ice cream and lous states and iu Alaska, belns eloi candy. The afternoon was i« re Albany callers Monday: of Bart M. W ilson. ed. Eugene next morning to get a ape11 in playing games. new top and other repairs. Mr. and Mrs. Will McLoren Washington. D. C. — The treasury Mrs. Frances E. dray was jn Next Sunday will be a big Sweet Clover Produces >ere Corvallis visitors Tuesday. town this week- After selling Damage about $75. The car is has failed In its attempt to put 40,- her farm near Halsey and her registered in the name of J. T 000.000 more silver dollars in clrcula day at the Sunday school. Rev. Miss Peail Pah rason. spent Seed the Second Season Cottage Grove residence, she Hoblitt. Silverton, and the peo­ lion, it was announced. The silver J A. McKee of Walla Walla. he week end at her home her«. Sweet clover is a blehnlnl plant has just completed the building ple said they were bound from dollar campaign, which was started W ash.. conference superinten­ and therefore produces set-il the re r Dr. Rob nett of Albany was last summer, in order to save the Salem for Swisshome. «f a new home at Salem.* dent of Sunday schools, will be ond year after planting. Wlirn sown ailed to ?cc J. A. Johnson list government about $1,000.000 a year Tin H a rrisb urg pupils of Mrs. in engraving costs, has been definite­ here to speak at 11 r id to hold 1* early aprlng there may be a ero| Fred Bilyeu and his sister-in- • eel;. • council meeting in the after­ of hay taken from the Held the ticai law and a young girl were .in an Jess Cro*s w ill be presented in a ly abandoned. yeer or it may be pasmred. taking Bert M.nckley went to Poit- noon. A basket dinner will be core not to pasture It too short s, auto when it plunged ¿off a recital at. tbe H arrisburg M etho­ The silver dollar Idea was sponsor ind with u truck load of lambs grade at the Lebanon bridge d ist church. May 8, at 8 o'clock. ed by Assstant Secretary of the served at noon. Mr. McKee is that It will not he able to survive the Iondiy. The H Usey pupils w ill give th e ir Treasury Dewey, who has charge ol an able speaker and we are ex­ winter successfully. In the »prim ot Wednesday and all escaped' prac- recital in tbe Halsey C hristian E'nicr Ccttlo visited his the manufacture of currency. He fsv pecting a large crowd to hear the second year the crop thal Is In auriiters at the Stewart home church M ay 23, and the Shedd ored metal money becauss it lasts h i m . ____________ tended for seed should either he ] pupils ja t t i e Shedd Methodist Cllpped. pastured or a cutting of liny unday. Albany’s almost indefinitely w hlit paper Barrels of Fun made from It so that a less vlco'-iajs Doings of Our Populace Chronicled in Brief Paragraphs o nly EXCLUSIVE OPTICAL PARLORS E V E R Y T H IN G O P T IC A L Bancroft Optical Co. 313 West First street, Albany,Or. Ilt a i o buich M ay 22. C. A. Pugh. Shedd; M. C. Jenks, A lb a n y ; A. 11. Blevins, Tangent; O r v il’e E. G ilkey, Scio; Frank Groves, Lebanon; Leslie Cade, A l- i b m y ; A . E ‘son, A lb an y; 8. />. i j Simon, Tangent; G. E. Jackson, i | Halsey, ore among those who pro­ I pose to try an acre each of flax in this county, (Continued on page 6) LOOKh&UTHFUb in G ingham GINGHAM WWK SPECIALS money constantly wears out and hat There were barrels of fun at to be replaced. All the efforts of the hackers of the Odd F ellow s’ hall F rid a y n ig h t plan have failed. It has been found To describe the progr am and impossible to educate the populates give credit to all deserving par­ of the Eastern states to use sllvet ticipants would take more space dollars and most of the newly issued than we have available, but a coins have found their way back to few high spots may be mention­ the treasiurv , ed. The most perfect acting was FLIGHT SETS NEW RECORD that of Leila Ga-nsle as a demure matron and Vivian Frum as hei PN-9 Stays in A ir 28 Hours and gray-bearded husband. 36 Minutes. There were also plenty of Philadelphia. — The all-metal hull stunts by grown-ups. The dy­ PN-9 built to fly from California to ing wife who couldn’t die Honolulu, made a new world's record (M sarle S tra lsy) and her husband for non-stop Hights for seaplanes failed to when she dipped into the Delaware (Kern Miller), who river after being 1n the air 28 hours book Agnes Hayes as her suc­ and 36 minutes. She came down only cessor in advance of the event, were among them- because she ran out of gasoline. Alberta Koontz pleased with The flight, to test her rapacity fot the cross Pacflc hop, was pronounced some songs. a euccesB in every way by naval of The Charity Grange quartet, ! ficcrn. Chancy Sickels, Curtis Veatch, The PN-9. observers said, flew st E. D. Isom and Francis Kisei, en average speed sufficient to carry when they responded to an en- her farther than from han Diego to co re, had a difference, Kizer stem growth may be secured. There Is a great deal of danger to the atarid In both clipping and cutting for ha' and therefore It Is not usually ad vlsahle to use either of these. I'er hups the safest nietliod Is to pastur. the crop until about June 1. Tin crop will be ready to harvest for seeo lute In August as a rule. Air for Tomatoes Give seedling tomatoes sir whenever tt is possible to make them stocky, N< plant goes spindling faster tbau the tomato. Open the window a little way on any day when the temperature Is shove freezing but do not expose to cold winds Fresh air whenever pos- slide goes a long way towurd making fine, strong tomato plants in tbe seed boxes and frames. Pine Grove Church Sunday school. 10, Preaching, 11, Prayer-meeting Thursday, 8 Church of Christ for NATIONAL GINGHAM WEEK “ Kalburnie ” 32-inch, fast colors, 25c a yard Toile du Norde ’’ 32-inch. 32c a yard English prints, 36-inch, 50c a ta rd M. V. KOONTZ CO. a . 'r e HALSEY,’OREGON Dignified United States sena­ tors think it is none of our busi­ ness how they waste the time we pay them for. Mr. Dawes t h i ii l p d iffe re n tly and is urging voters to demand a, reform. «Maun >p friends of tha children end bsing |.r^»<-nt, «ml a very pleasant tima was hftd. ing a beet from it with the re­ mark. “That’s i one ” The balance of the quartet did not 1 that the former senator had keen ar­ rested and fined fo r drunkenness The state proved th at It was another Magnus Johnson. t l - ii m c n picnic May dav. 26 jmrwflts and teaebsr the Hawaiian islands. At the end insisting that there were “three Of the 25ih hour it was announced beats in the measure,” and she had hown just far «“«»»«J1 to, finally flooring his opponents by equal the distance between Ssn Diego picking up a measure and tak­ aud Honolulu. Magnus Johnson Wins Libel Case Minneapolis.— A. N. Jacobs, cam w a il to r the fu ll co u nt. palgn manager for United States Sen Mrs. B. M. Bond wan mana­ tor Thomas D. Sclmil of Mlnnesot'g In ger and Bali, being a banker, the last campaign, was found gn’lty i t criminally libeling former Unit*vl looked after the receipts. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Skirvin Sues Senator Magnue Johnson In dis , trlc t court here. Jacobs published an and C P. Moody were active. Side shows were numerous, i article in a local magazine stating M l— .roni Coivallis Friday evening j visit over the week end at home. The Pins Grove school will ose next Friday. There will 3 a piogram by the school at o'clock. Ray Hover and R. K. Etew- t . t went to the Stewart place, neur GoMien, Monday to plant oral kale and late giirdcri. Mr. and Mis. Myiel Settle, Mrs. R. K. Stewart and Ray Hover visited Pete Fettle at Sa­ lem Sunday. Mr. and Mre. Pert Ilaynn and Mrs. E. E. Hover attended tbs funem I «( Mm. Eases and made home run and 2 base hits. Palmer made his home run first man up. Shedd made 1 double play and 5 stolen bases. Elder struck out 4. Lineup—Halsey, Norton p, Corbin c. Palmer lb, Tussing 2b, Wooley 3b, Miller ss, Isom If, Heinrich cf, Koontz rf.