Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, April 29, 1925, Page 6, Image 6

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R U R A L K N T K ftP K I.S K
w « « « I t A c » •» < •••«
Sunday — Monday— Tussday •
May 3 —4—
A P R IL 299, 1925
Paid-for Paragraphs
Halsey Opera House
fence and anchor posts. C.
E. Quimby, care
W. Dykstra.
D O U G L A S . ,, M
M acLEA N in N e v e r b a y D i e
M ay 2
• If Laughing hurts you, don’t come
Old papers for sale at 5c a bundle
at the Enterprise'office.
A 2-reel comedy
Musio by the
line i
T u c s d a ) , M ay 2
B ig Carnival Dance at
S a t ’d a y N i g h t ,
Murdock at Albany
Reconditioning Shop
Raybestos Hi-speed Brake
Service Station
212 East First si. Albany
the lk a tir r u j .
Murdock, “ the white M ahat­
Hhuo» « t
m a , " bus been astounding people
Goes them all one batter in laugba
© all the week at the Globe theater,
Dancing every Saturday and
Albany, by the way he answers all
Wednesday night
kiuds of questions banded up to Halsey Railroad Tfme
him from the patrons of the place
N orth
Here is a sample of his work:
The funniest motion
How to Get Most Value
Q — W ill the San Francisco N° ' re i n « “• “ *■ N o ' 17' 12:v* P-
picture ever made
*• “ *•
(Continued from page 4)
Canada to Consider F urth er Im m igra
From a Good M ale Bird man ever keep the promise he
4:25 p. m.
J i, U ; 3 4 £
tlon Restriction.
The inale la more than h alf the poul­
, No. 14, due Halsey at 5:02 p. tn ,t n,
dlum hands and feet; skated well
A — He will not, as he has B u S n e
I » “ * - « « , from s o itt
try flock. An Inferio r hen w ill pro­
O ttaw a.— W h ile Canada w ill not of­ danced well, talked well. Read the
HalMy Happenings
fend Japan, there are evidence« that book« you had read, a companion­ duce poor chicks from only her own learned of your deception.
Nos. 31 and 32 stop only if flagged
the Japanese Im m igration question ae able girl. Loads o f money but never egg», but an Inferio r male w ill produce true to your busbaud, or you will
Inferior chicks from all eggs laid by realize the seriousness of your UnA J1d 3w' 33 and 34 rnn bet’f«vn Pori
(Continued from page 1)
land and Engene only
met yours firm ly— and it was Just a every hen in the pen. says D. J. T a y ­ mistake.
P as«ug er, for south of Roseburg ,houl,
come up for discussion.
hand A t the contact no current d art­ lor, poultry specialist, Kansas State ‘
This is forest week. Halsey
Q —Can you locate my brother?
1517 l ° Eugene and there ‘ """d»
Persistent demands from members
has no forests.
L. T . A.
of parliam ent representing British Co­
*i7 *erel 'lS Wn7 i.1i * •*“ * * me* t’ , r i ‘n
a little zing to your heart.
The selection of a male to head a
A.— Your correct initials are V. 181
P. H. Freerksen and wife lumbia constituencies for fa rth e r re-
18, 17, 14, 34 and 33 in order named.
But when Paula showed you a book flock of pallets requires a knowledge
were Albany visitors Saturday. st ruction of Japanese Im m igration Into her arm, as she stood next you of what his ancestors did In egg pro-
this country w ill, It is now understood,
ductlon. H e should be a good stand as to answering your question,
Standish and Mi's form the basis of an investigation by would somehow fit Into the curve of ! srd-bred
male from a high producing even if you had a brother, which Outgoing Mail
yours and yon were conscious of the
L. C. Merrian were in Albany a sub committee of the cabinet.
feel of uer soft «Urn side against you | family. I t is preferable to select a ■ you have not.
A t the Halsey postoflice mail
Friday will be Murdoch's last day
H e knew many girls. T here was a male whose mother, grandmother, '
The chief m atter for Investigation
going north at 11:50 a. u
a ” »<
’ Stevens°n and wife Is the charge, freely made by the B rit­ distinct type known as the North great-grandmother« and older ancea- I at the Globe. The afternoon ap- and 5:20 p. tn.
F r i d a y 8 BaSS W e r®
psarance will be for ladies oulv.
ish Columbians, that the Japanese are
Going south, 11:10 a. m. am
little fine nose, a high, sweet, slight­ shown a high percentage o f yearly egg
not strictly adhering to the restrictive
5:20 p. in.
ly nasal voice, ear rings, a cigarette,
production records o f over 200 eggs.
agreement between the Canadian and lancheon at Huyler's All these girls
To Brownsville, 6.20 a. m. am
The Lebanon straw berry fall Japanese
A male having consistently high rec­
Miss Amanda M itzer filled
looked am aslngl, alike. D irk thought • ords In all ancestors w ith high-produc­
12 tn. Morning stage to Browns
Will be June 5 and 6, weathei
the Methodist
pulpit morning
talked very much alike.
T hey all
ing sisters la better than a male with
ville goes on to Crawfordsville
Colorado Seeks Authority In Parks.
spoke French with a pretty good ac­ a much higher record mother, but rec­ and evening Sunday.
HoHejt and Sweet Home.
Night Howlers
So Big
J. W. Clark is painting and
overhauling a t the residence on
his farm near Brownsville.
Rev. Joshua Khamis, a refu­
gee from Syria, will speak at the
Chuich of Christ Sunday even­
f reda Koch and some friendi
from Portland called on Hans
Koch and wife Sunday a fte r­
Washington. D. C . ~ T h e right of
states to exercise police authority In
national parks was argued in the su
ords of sisters and others poorer ac­
dances; read the new books; had the
cording to Taylor.
same patter.
They prefaced. Inter-
Look to the male bird to furnish
larded, concluded their rem arks to
a higher degree of excellence than the
preme court In a case brought by Col­
orado against the auperlntendent oi each other with, "M y d ealt!" It ex­ females. Any Improvement Is largely
pressed, for them, surprise, sympathy
the result of his superior qualities.
-he Rocky mountain national park
amusement, ridicule, horror, resign«' Only one male need be kept to each
‘Jpectal stress was plaaed by the state tlon.
"M y d ealt.' You should have
ten or fifteen hens.
upon what It termed the monopoly seen her! My deeah ¡ " - h o r r o r Their
granted for the use of the highways slang was almost Identical with that
Good Silage Keeps W ell
to a transportation company.
Com M ed by the girls working in Ills office
She« a good kid." they said, speak^
Plaint was directed against regulations
When It Is Transferred
of the secretary of the In te rio r to be Ing In admlrutlon o f another girl. They
good silage can be successfully
In a dav
enforced by the superintendent of the made a fetish of frankness
. Mr». 0 B. Btalnaker of Cor park The « a te held the park roads h i m , • V ,r’ one ta,1“ ‘‘1 I” ».ream ing transferred to another silo If neceg.
was proved at the Ohio experi­
vallis was with her parents, T. were necessary connecting links o! haudllnes the, knew It was necessary sary
ment stutlou as an outcome of a Ore
to red Ink their remarks In order to
I . Patton and wife, here last atate highways.
which burned a large live-stock barn
gel them noticed ut all.
The word
rot was replaced by garbage and gar­ and two wooden silos in connection
No Relief Asked by St. Paul Road
with It. leaving the silage unprotected.
bage gave way to the nltlm ate swill
Mr. and Mrs- Frank »Zimmer­
The silage thus exposed was trans­
W ashington. D. C . - I n a statement One no longer said "How shocking!"
of Albany were dinnei regarding the receivership of the Chi but. How- perfectly obscene'" The ferred to empty and p artia lly filled
guest« of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. •ago, M ilw aukee A 8». Paul railroad words, spoken In their sweet d e a r •llos, being blown Into them through
• silage cutter. Three men In the silo
¿immerman Sunday.
the Interstate commence commission voices, fell nonchalantly from their
did a thorough Job of tramping
*iPS AU Very f,‘a rl‘‘ss and un
declared that no form al application for
Mre. Josie
H eckter
and financial re lie f ever was fU«d with inhibited and free That, they told
In filling one of the silos w ater was
daughter Rena of Albany called I* In behalf qf the corporatloft prior n i ; W7 h thr T ' n tl,lnB Suntetlmes added at the rate of one pound to
on Henry Abraham and family to Its announcement of in a b ility to D irk wished they wouldn't work so every thirteen pounds of silage- no
w ater was luUl.-d; to the silage In’ the
bard at their play. They were for
Sunday afternoon.
meet obligations. The commission ex ever getting up pageants and plays other.
Tha -silage from both silos
On if / ° U. a., e drivinff an auto plained that proposals looking to re and large festivals for charity; Vene­ which has since been fed, was of ex
and drunk, keep out o f AHwinv lie f had been discussed by President tian fetes, O rien tal bazaars, charity ceil «nt quality.
I t appeure from observing these
or they may fine and jail you Byram of the road w ith some 6 t the balls In the programme performance
tests that, i f the original silage was
commissioner«, but that the action had of these many of them sang better
under a new ordinance.
put up tn good coudltlon, that la, not
acted better, danced better than mo«
not been followed uft.
Mrs. Cecil Quimby and little
too m ature or dry. It may he trans-
professional performers, but the whole
thing always larked the flavor, some­ ferred without additional water to an­
daughter are visiting her par­
Court Suspends Packers' Decree
other silo when occasion demands.
ents. Mr. i,nd Mrs. A. W. Dvk-
W ashington, D. C .- lp d e fin lte sub how, of professional performance On
« I? '- J Cecil went home to Alsea pension of the operation of the con
u avern uivss Op B o d y T r Collins.
in costumes and decorations, receiv­
sent decree by which the big five meat
Cave City, K y.— The body of Floyd
ing In return other thousands which
Miss Ruby Schroll planned to packers agreed with the government they soberly turned over to the cause Collins, trapped In an underground
to divorce themselves from unrelated
return to Halsey »bout this time lilies of business was ordered by the they found notldng ludicrous In thia. cavern at Sand Cave the past tw<
Spasmodically they went Into busi­
month«, was brought to the surfact
to reside, but she writes that B strict of Columbia supreme court.
and brought to this place. Collins w a -|
ness or semi-professional ventures, de­
she has decided to prolong her
fying the conventions. Paula did this,
trapped January 30 a fte r he had dis
stay at Rex.
Governments to Survey 8t. Lawrence
She or one of her friends were
covered a new cave. H e met slow
" ushlngton. D. C.— Agreement be forever opening blouse shops; starting
« 5 ^ u ' V „ e a tc h a n d w i f e - M is 9
death while rescuers worked v a in l,
Beuhth Miller, H. C. Davis. E. iween the Am erican and Canadian U tfte Shoppes; burgeoning Into tea for days and a nation prayed that ht
b. I en and and H. Zimmerman governments as to the scope of the rooms decorated In crude green and might be rescued alive
proposed Investigation of a Jolgt board vermilion and orange and black • an
were at the county seat one dav of engineers Into the project of a St noundng their afflllatlon with an ad­
Recess Applontment Polley Dropped
early last week.
These adventures
Lawrence w aterw ay was anaounced vertising ageni^.
W ashington, D. C -P r e s id e n t Cool
FriJnv u
P arker and by the state departm euL
■dge has practically abandoned the
the result o f post w ar restlessness.
I” rank Hadley, with carloads of
Policy o f making recess appointment!
Many of theae girls had worked In-
K ello gg Favo rs W o rld T rib u n a l.
young people attended the Ep­
defatlgahly during the 1017-1918 pe­
of postmasters, allow ing instead tb.
W ashington. D. C. -
S e c r.ta ry of riod; had driven seVvice enra, nun-
worth league at Grants Pass,
fillin g of vacancies by appointm ent o:
State Kellogg, in an address bore be- •god ambulances, nursed, scrubbed,
r n d a y to Sunday.
acting postmasters by Postmaster
fore the Am erican Society Of Intern a
conducted canteens. They missed the
We Oregonians
find * fault Honal Law. declared him self unreserv excitement, the aattsfactlon o f achieve­ Oeneral New.
with the copiousness of the »'By In favor of submission of all In ment.
C alifo rn ia V o te . J-Cent Gas Tax.
(Penunuoo eq o x )
spring rains, but they have cer­ ternatlonal disputes to an Internatton
Sacramento. C s l.- T h e bill In crea. ,
tainly l>een good for spring «I tribunal. Kellogg did not refpr
lug the gasoline tax to 3 cents pei
" heat much of which was sown specifically to the world c o u rt “ I am
gallon passed the assembly by a voto
d ,* r ee of «“ ‘-cess In home gar­
where fall grtwn was winterkill­ h ea rtily ln « v o r of a Judicial tribunal
of 42 a y e . to 34 noes. T he raeasur,
to which nations may present their dening «nd also the amount of nh-ns
M. H. Shook and daughtet
Mirtle camo up from Portland
last week. The Shook family
are remaining in Mrs. Dean’s
house for the balance of the
school year, while M. H is in
the commission business with
nis father in Portland.
Attomoted Jailbraak
Thursday, H9 Sheriff Richard
was preparing to lock up the
prisoners a t the county jail tor
,t h * n»*ht. H arry T. Ramsev,
held for burglary, jumped on
him and he and another prison-
er had the sheriff down when
. date Prohibition Officer Duck
worth appeared, knocked Ram-
Bey senseless and put an end
to tne insurrection,
, R »!in Somers, Holley moon-
i Liner, was one of Richard's as-
ba lants and a third is believed
to have ticen Ehrenreich. a
chronic defendant in the courts
Ramsey has a lone California
criminal retx.d.
problems and th e ir International dis
put es.» he said.
The state board of control has re
m ilted to the city of Astoria approxt
mately *28,000. representing the first
h alf taxes for the year 1*26 paid by
the property owners of the municipal
tty. Under a law enacted at the 1923
»'•salon of the legislature atata taxes
paid by property oWnert of Astoria
were to be rem itted to the city over
a oerlod of aevan veer«
Questions are being asked of other
railroads In this state to detannine
If there la any opposition to the ap
plication of the Oregon. C alifo rn ia *
Eastern railroad, known better as the
Strahorn line, to the Interstate com
mere« commission for the right to
extend Its line to l-akevtaw from near
K lam ath Falla, the system head
- .v ^ n n a lr e s from all American
Legion post« In central Oregon will
Join In an attem p t to make the Me
Kensle highw ay acrosa the T hree
Slaters divide passable before the
la tte r daya of June, when the state
convention o f the legion wist be held
In P rineville. T he legionnaires plan
to co-opt rate w ith the bureau otf pub
ure derived from working la «he
den Is largely determtosd by the kind
. h ’' ? '
»■>Ing hand tools Is large «n,l
a r - nexpenslve. Look over t h . «,UJ
to rn .r IO°
° “ h,*,“, • nd r'P«H'
them If ne,e».ary. In selecting xew
tools pmrtlculsr roll condition, should
»>* kept m mind, as all t,>ot. will n„ ,
work under all conditions I f your « ,r
den I . one-flfteenth of
acre or
larger In slM rou , llouW h>ve
wheel hoe.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Workin-
? ‘T u awd ch,ildren «P«nt Sunday
\ t 'th
W orklHffer’s parents,
Mr and Mrs. P. H. Freerksen
now goes to the governor for signs
Nsval Base at Victoria Burns.
V ictoria. B C . - T h . shore shed and
p a « of the Jetty at the Esquimau
naval base, which housed the Cana
dlan n a v y , P , ci „ c n „ , amm unltlon
torpedoes and other supplies, was gut
tod by a »100,000 fire.
It takes about «lx pounds o f seed
core to plant an sere.
This mean»
that about sixteen ears for each acre
to be pionted are oecesaary.
The Enterprise
one year for
one dollar
The Paper will Stop Coming at the end of
the term uuless the subscription is renewed. The
money will be used in making « better paper for the
subscriber during the life of the subscription not in
' 10p r° V 1
f “ r th e b e n ,-lit o f s o m e b o d y elne
the next
5 ear.
Cutting Out W aste
Credit is waste. Bookkeep.
ng and collecting consume time, and time is money.
Some debtors d.e, some move «w .y, some go bankrupt
P ^ o n s . Those Who
pay Jl.oO cover then© loaies.
A l]£ H " n County Farm er »»,
the Enterprise can have it on trial
25 weeks for
. 25 cents
In |L a t hWiI1 T P C0“ in* t0 hi,D WbeD the ,im * « P i t «
unless he orders it continued. One or two copies
might not gtvs . fair idea of the work t h . p .p e f is
domg b„t fter 2 5 . weekg, acquaiDtanoe p p r .b; ;
* " tlD r or not It is wort*, J i a year.
" ► tr lT
W ,t
C“ h t0 ■Cb° ° l P°Pik " h° P^cure these
n ' i ’ tiOn8
,r ° ° '
coU n t;
Write or call for particulars.
Those whe have farmed fifty rears k . . . i
thing everv u>ar
, ' y sre baTe learned some-
C»»»V’ X
,„ ,“ . 7
.T .’ "
L 1" »
te “
T h e Enterprise’ win continue to imprOve a,
« r.ce,pt. from it. patrons make improv.m.nt p "
Lmn County Farm Feature« •„
to be given™ ™
caiures Will
given prominence. Everv farm«
for him to kuow.
T h . paper w il|.lgo C4rry0‘ I,M ° n W,U ‘ P P --re g u ls rly .
g o s s iX in 'e
t o u i y X w h e r e * 1 n ’ W’ # ° d g ° ° d - n ‘ t u ^
W. A. Brock and wife visited
Brownsville Friday.
Orego. new, in b r i.f p .r .g r .p b ,
! -u i X
. . r .n " b . f X
J .'
T h
’ b Ì‘ , b * " '
B - f . f t . m e n t . o f important world s y .n ,.
Daddy s svenlnV fairy t . | eg
cost you a cent
I am h.-.. . .
■» v .
W " h a v e . f u l l lin e o f T u b e » * '’ ,' y ° U T Î * ' W‘ " ’ d
Gas and Oil
All work done in t h
- • cfei* orl®i - Vuion
•ped alile in' all makes of car« ? ' • ?h<M’ " ' ,u,1y «“ «ranteed. I
ing motors sud batterie» I w m t"
k’r’ ’
It TO» o.,d „„ p"o„"
L v . un«,.
H a ls p v
Join the Lucky Daliar
making a better p a p e r
sey—-a credit to the community