A p r il :*», i».ff • Halsey Garage •Ull the btut-wi|uipptd — - ehop io town w .h » » « • f»H H o. of T ub«, fir « , aud M?e..o r m . J ohn c. M c K enzie R. W. DUNLAP U nion O m < qu Otle. All work done in this shop is fully guaranteed I sp eein lii. io .11 m ake. of car. and tractor., magne.er- starting m otor, .h d b a tten ... " I want jo b . where other, have failed. If you need me phooe 16x5. Halsey Garage P. P A P M A N News Notes From A ll Over Oreg on Gleaned b y th e W e s te rn N ew sap o r U n io n fo r B u sy P e e p le La Grande’» first observance of a community music week will be May 3-9. The Lutheran Brotherhood of Ore­ gon will convene in Silverton May 2, 3 and 4. P. A. Elliott, B«ke forester. Is at­ tending a series of forest fire con­ ferences In eastern Oregon. The annual meeting of the Oregon State Retail Jewelers ’association will be held In Salem May 11 and 12. By a vote of 53 to 8, a commercial course was voted for the Cottage Grove high school at the hudg'et meet­ ing The new 395,000 depot of the Spo­ kane. Portland A Seattle railroad at Astoria will be opened to the public on May 4. The load limit for motor vehicles on the Old Oregon Trail In the Blue Mountains, recently Imposed by the state highway commission, has been lifted. Members of Capitol post. American Legion, with headquarters in Salem, have launched a plan whereby they expect to erect a home for the organ­ ization. The Clatsop county court has award­ ed a contract to John Slotte A Co. for the grading of three miles on the Ne­ halem highway. The contract price wa, 351.131.54. John Day highway Is to be finished without delay. The last gap, 21 miles, has bee. ordered advertised tor grad­ ing at the May meeting of the high- WSfr commission. fw o hundred members of the Bap­ tist churches In Lane and Douglas ccjinUes convened at Springfield for thjs annual meeting of the Umpqua .ptlst association. budget of (25,000 for the coming y . Graat Falla, Mont. — Burton K Wheeler, Montana senator, was acquit led of a charge of unlawfully using hie influence as a senator before the de partment of the interior by a jury which reported tn federal court her* The accused senator received two pieces of good news simultaneously— the acquittal and that of birth to Mrs Wheeler of a daughter In Washington But one ballot was taken, tn spite of Judge Dietrich's order against demonstrations there was a rush to­ ward the bench when the verdict was read. Friends of Senator Wheeler crowded about him and offered double congratuations, on the birth of a daughter and his acquittal. The Montana senator was charged with appearing before the department Renniek W. Dunlap of Ohio, who to prosecute oil prospecting claims of hat been appointed assistant seers Gordon Campbell. Montana oil oper tary of agriculture. He was formerly ator. after his election to the senate secretary of the Ohio state board of The government charged hte appear agriculture. ance was a violation of nectlon 113 of the United States pennl code. Earthquakes Shake Mothers Day to be Eastern States W id ely Observed Chicago.—Earthquake shocks w en felt throughout parts of Qhip, ken lucky, Indiana and Illinois Sunday, night. There were three distinct tremors, but no damage was done, ex cept for slight Interruption to wire service In a few places. According to seismograph records, the first shock lasted five seconds at 10:08 o’clock The second, eight minutes later, was of like duration, but the third, begin Ding at 10:30, lasted half a minute. The disturbance was the most wide spread of any recorded in this region for many years. No reports of the shock were received from points north of Central Illinois, and apparently the belt did not reach soufh of the Ohio river to any extent. Small articles were upset at Spring field, while only slight tremors were felt in and near Cincinnati. At Indianapolis slight damage was done to bric-a-brac, but In most places within the seismic zona the disturb ance was so slight that It was not even noticed by most of tile inhabl tanls. In many places only the third quake was felt, while in others two of the threo tremors were felt. Bert (Oregon) Jones, who with other convicts made a sensational es­ cape from the state penitentiary at Salem on the morning of March 28, 1924, was returned to the prison from Sacramento, where he was arrested ub Candy C o., First street, next on a charge of stealing automobile at* door to Blain Clothing Co. cessories. Noon lunches. Home made candv and ice Cream. The heaviest sentence ever given In Umatilla county for violation of pro­ hibition laws, as far as records dis­ i „ s u a Ä . / V i i v s ; k : Harold G. Murphy Prop. close, was imposed at Hermiston when in some other town, trade in that town." " Justice West sentenced Art Spinning Butin these automobile days many re- siding elsewhere find it advisable to do NBVK> CLOSE snd J. D. Fshlen to serve one year each in the county Jail and fined them h. transact busmess will fi.d the firms Strömberg cgrburelor terv 51500 each. named below ready Io fill their require-'*« Conservative prices. Al| Buena Vista addition of Oregon City I ments with courtesy and fajrneM. ^work guaranteed 119-121 W. Second. has the honor of producing the first M A R lN E L L O PARLORS roses of the season In Clackamas A CCESSOKIEb ’AND TIK ES Anto Supplies 1± beauty aid for every need) county. Mrs. Eva Williams of Six­ I H Arrian* St. rrancie Hotel teenth and Division streets has a beau­ HJjWcst First St ___________J Prep. W .NNI-.gP Ro»«. tiful climbing Hermosa rose In bloom, en and money are best when LINDAHL, hardware. the blossoms making their appearance busy. Make your dollars work tn Dinnerware Easter Sundav our savings department. A lbany S tate Tin shop in connection Crater lake national park, will be lit) W. First St. Albany, Oregon H ank . Under government supervision. ready for opening on the regular date. i . . Sue Breckenridge July 1, C. O. Thompson, superintend­ lbany Floral Co. Cut flower, Hemstitching. Stamped goods and plants. Floral art for every ent has announced. Mr. Thompson 33.1 West Second street, Albany, Oregon and a crew of men are on their way and all occasions. Phone 452R Flower phone 458-f. into the lake and with high explosives C ÏIM 8 O N TH E SHOE DOCTOR will clear away the snow from the en­ U N S W I C K Second street, opposite Hamilton’s PHONOG RAPHS trance so that cars can reach the store. • st ( lodge. "Sudden Service.’’ W O O D W O R T H ’S Unless Governor Pierce reinstates Ben Dorris of Eugene to the state fish fbavenport Music company offers V ^ n lilo Anderson^A Son. distrib- ’ ’ utors «ml dealers for Maxwell, Chal­ commission a recall movement will ” l’iann-cate organ, good as new mers, Essex, Hudson A Hupmobile cars. Eatey organ, good at new be Initiated and prosecuted to com Accessories, a pnlies 1st A Broadalbin plellon by the sportsmen of Oregon »Used Piano». This was the announcement made pub E.SPEC IA LTY SHOPPE astburn Bros.—Two big grocery hemstitching and stamped goods. lie in Klamath Falls by R. J. Kirk­ •tores, 212 \V. First and 225 South 318 W. Second st. Albany. Oregon Main. Good merchandise at the right wood of Portland, secretary of the Owner, Irene McDaniel. prices. State Sportsmen’s association. An initial petition looking to the plito Cafeteria nnd confectionery New F U R N IT U R E A N D -J Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ snd referendum of the tobacco tax l.w ings. Courteous, efficient serviee. used F A R M M A C H IN E R Y enacted at the last session of the State legislature was filed in the of We make our own candies. bought, sold acd exchanged at all times W S.'D unca N. fiees of the secretary of state at ilms developed ami printed, Salem. The petition was signed by Of B E N T. S U D T E L L We mail them rtgl ight hack to ycu. ficera of the Oregon Retail Clgai Deal Phone 76-R. 1X3 N. Broadalbin st.. Albany era* association and Individual to Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, Or­ egon. t ' _______ __ bacco dealers In the city of Portland )R1) SA L E S AND fiERViCE Rhea Luper, state engineer, has fil­ Tires and accessories ed in the circuit court of Malheur Write tor booklet describing our 20- Repairs » county, an order in the Owyhee river K ibk -P ollak MoTorf Co. year Rural Credit Amortized Loans water adjudlehtion There are 217 The loan paysrout in 20 payments, re­ jrtmiller Furniture Co., fnrni* tiring the principal Cheap rates. No water rights IntoRred. with 29.250 ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. tur delay. B kam L and C o .. acre, of Irrigable lands represented 133 Lyon streel, Albany, Ore. The order provides that the water Funeral directors. 427 43.3 west First street, Albany, Oregon. shall not exceed three acre feet an I L L fiit G ROCERY, m Lyon acre during the Irrigation season. April (Successor to Stenberg Broa.) 1 to October 16. Another limitation Is Groceries Fruits Produce that no0 more than one acre foot ol At lowest rate of interest w ater shall he used on any single acre’ Phone 2h3R Real Entate Insurance of land during any one month prior OLMAN A JACKSON Grocery—Balt ery Prompt service. Courteous treatment. to June 1. and not more than three Wli' B ain . Room 3, First Savings Bank fourth, of an acre foot during any Everything in the line of eats Opposite Postoffice builning. Albany calendar mwa’-fc AlU't June E ^ y ^ b a n y j^ /jire c to ry H i t t Ä T t S T Ä An-; MA,;NK™ E^c™c ,co- A.J Me A M B1 E Y I F F Republic. FA R M LOANS Washington, D. C. — A nation wide demonstration by the army to express Its affection and appreciation for the mothers of the soldiers of America has been ordered by the war depart ment on Mothers’ day. May 10. Inatrnctions to commanding gen erala of all corps areas and independ ent army commands, ordering them to arrange nultabe ceremonies at posts, camps and other stations, were for warded by Major General Robert Davis, adjutant general of the army. Wherever practicable, the orders said, a ceremony by the personnel of the army In honor of attending and absent mothers shall ba held and the graves In post cemeteries where .ol diers' mothers are at rest shall bo decorated. Commanding generals were Instructed to Issue Invitations to mothers of soldiers to attend th ceremonies and It was suggested that special invitations be presented to all Gold Star mothers who could he reach­ ed. BRIEF GENERAL NEWS B. J. Henning, assistant secretary of labor, was appointed to the federal bench for southern California. Erection of a 32.000.00« auditorium In Washington, D. Cw was voted by the Daughters of the American Revo­ lution. The April 13 Issue of the Lampoon, a publication conducted hy Harvard college students, was held hy the PdSt- atlve bloc to replace Dr Karl Jarrea, who failed of election la the first bal­ loting on March 29. His opponent wae Dr. Wilhelm Marx, candidate of the republican bloc, ^d- herenls of the Weimar coalition, com­ posed of centrists, eoclalleta'and dem­ ocrats The third candidate was Ebnst Thaelmann. communist Von Hindenburg triumphed In his race for the presidency with a plural­ ity close to 845,000. The official provisional figures ol the presidential election follow; Von Hindenburg. 14.639,399; Marx, 13,762,640; Thaelmann. 1.931,69^. Votes declared Invalid, 21,910 To