l'A C lì 4 H L H r t t MN 1 L K fK IS R (Daddy s Evening RURAL ENTERPRISE 4 * < *» u t— X» m l 14« i/tra l—a < » • paper, published eveiy, Wednesday, # 7 W * . H. W HKKLKH i l 60 a year Advertising, 2 *. an inch ; oo discoun for lim e or space , no charge for cow I I*jei tfcjn or (.Manges. •a " P ala-foi Paragrapfca.** 5c a line. a 4 v « r tie ’n< d isgu ised a s o e w i flÜOO.PRIZS W k a n iL PÜK i L> “ SO BIG lit • I J International More than one hundred t.'pite- fa ir y Tale ml mid Jit-...¿jed and yoongtf men die suddenly every year. By Mary Graham Bunner. Copyrighted A record of many of these has by Western Newspaper Union hown th a t practically all are I heavy tobacco addicts. Below DEXTER AND CIRCUS 1are twelve expert testimonies as to what the trouble is. Heart- I t jo a asked little D e x te r what, he failure is the usual diagnosis. loved above everything In the world Dr. W. M. Gage— I have re­ he would a a y : "T he circus." cently analyzed ninety-nine I f you asked him why, be would say: "Because every year It Is bigger aud brands of tobacco, and have found all the advertised brands better than ever.” to contain the following: arsenic L .L ° *"i* th,t what the 6111 i rv W in n v r 1^ le u v e . ’ h hurzvin e tr ° in ’ llL r O lil, a « n „ .I d d 0 U ^ p<” ' tera " aald " ^ before the circus catne When the annual Pulitzer prisen hje-strength nicotine, J e -stre n v th m en tin e time. abou, clrcuf . 1»». weeten N«w>p*p«r Valoa.) L etton for M ay 3 THE C A P IT A L B E N E F IT * O F T O T A L 8 T IN E N C E AB > L.I!I0R INTERM EDIATE A ND SENIOR TOP- IC— A Sound Mind and a 8ound Body YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOP- IC—Soma B enefits o f T otal A bstinence. SU R PLU S $35,000 C om m ercial and Savings accounts Solicired LESSON TEXT— Dan. l i l - r # GOLDEN T k t X T - ' D .n l .l p u rp os.d 1» h la h e a r t th a t ha would not d ea lt h im self w ith the k in g 's m eat, nor w ith th« wine whioh he ttrank.”— Dan. 1:5. PRIMARY TOPIC— F our S en sib le Bora. k TOPI° —B .n .a t a o f T otal A b a tln « a o e . AND T o H e lp Orphans of O u r Veterans ______ fell Into the clutches of tuberculosis and other diseases, and In a few years have passed away, leaving their widows and children a t the mercy of I strangers Every Community Contributing °®°d H«n»d f®r Every Child j vuum uuuug The Legion Is determ ined th a t every XT A A M W 1 A —* . __ T _ --» J — -A.- — A A .. A I. Daniel and Hla Companions In To National American Legion child of a w ar veteran »hall have as Captivity in Babylon (yy. 1-4). good a home, and a real mother's love in th e E nterprise a . «’ the best tObaCC° “ ,n d n e“ ’ P a ra ly sis, j hundred, of p eo pl^ -hlg . .m a ll and la- Endowment Fund They were carried away to Babylon as that child would have had If hla Am ■ , „ , . , , . , cancer, apolexy. Everyone who «"‘wee. people-who win .a y : by Nebuehadaeaxar In the first siege fath er had not died fo r hla country Amenoan novel pub.i.bed during uses ¡t is killed by it sooner or “Ue du« “ ‘ » any more than I of Jerusalem. A t the command of the The U nited States V e te ra n s ’ Bureau the year whioh shall present the i later, unless he dies as the re- do'" king certain choice young men, Includ T his community Is expected to give estimates there are 5,000 orphans of tog the seed of the king and of the wholesome atm osphere of Ameri- >ult of accident or some acute nl. | ° f tobacco annually. will hear of thia dream. standing science so that thay might be States are doing. T he Income from this Endowment Fund is to be used to such dependent children are given .v „ . ‘ George Thomason, M. D.— All 10 Wa dream he thought he was In a trained to stand In the king's palace. When you get the E nterprise animals tested succumb to it. b*"u,lfuI flr‘d with soft, warm g r e e t II. Tha T ria l of Daniel and Hla Com­ assist and cure disabled form er good homes. O ther billets are being established and w ill be In operation - u get the best. “ The Secret Combustion destroys only ., P P ,in which to lie end, above w«« the panions (yy. 6-18). service men and to provide hontes for as soon as possible. In addition to A d v ersary ,’’ another copyrighted '>mall part of the nicotine. The dw T *7 *Uh th* *hlnln* brl*huT 1. Their Conscience Tested (y. 6). the orphans and dependent chrfdien By the appointment o f the king, a of w ar veterans, and the Fund, Itself, this, The Legion cooperates w ith eerial, publiebed in these c o l.' carbon monoxide attacks the a . be m down in hl. beautiful field other child w elfare organizations, re­ dally portion o f the king's meat and of umne some tim e ago, had been 1 cd blood cells and prevents h* heart! the sound of music and it the wine which he drank waa arranged is to be perpetual. A tru st agreement alizing that every aincere effort to aid provides that when death has wiped children is of value, and th a t the field awarded first place among stories Lh^m ,f ™m, ' aking oxygen. «"Hided to him like a band. for them. Thia waa contrary to the * .............. p - - . H r custom among the godly Jew s Being out the membership of the present for this endeavor is unlim ited. W h ile under the care of th e 'L e g io n Am erican Legion, the income from contrary to the Jewish customs, they ' Thp music came nearer and nearer. competitioo in England. could not conscientiously partake of the Endowment Fund shkll be used the children attend public school, and tobacco. It gets into the hlû nri I r> * ?** m u,lc came nearer and nearer, tr a v e l the w l ^ m u S ' Æ them, it should ever be borne In mind for purposes most n early Identical to live In cottages on the fa m ily group tian. that conscience le the groundwork of those for which It is needed today. TOBACCO AND THE HEART system, interferes with the And there, before him was a circus human character. The person then president o f the Uv,™ u • .... , . I ht'a rt action and circulation, and p ,r,d* 2. Their Change of Name (yy. fi-T). U nited States w ill nam e a board to H indenburg has be»n elected From being third or fourth I affects every organ and fiber The *lpPhanto were there, swing Among tha Hebrews most significant determ ine the use of the income. among causes of death in the ' A. A. Woodhall M D —The ln< ,helr ,rnnk''- president of G erm an y and W il­ names were given to children. Daniel E v e ry person, regardless of creed. United States heart disease has tobacco heart is an irritahlA Th*?. wer* r” M ta wh,ch we,e "«•- means, “God la my Judge." The sig­ helm ‘is not m ournin g over the Is concerned in the w elfare of those advanced it occupies | heart» înfarm iti f on8, 1 ger"’ ,,on** leopard«, first place until now deaths in 5 i „ „ freouentlv T „3 " - " " « rhin- nificance of this name was that all the who gave their all in the world Mar. event. problems of life were submitted to God Especially Is The Legion concerned for His dectalon. Ood was made the attributed to it than to tuber-¡ed upon under calls for severe with those thousands of w ar veterans arbiter of hla life. Thia was the secret culosis or cancer, which for-1 physical exertion who are sick and helpless, but who, of Daniel's life. No doubt thia ex- merly were a t the head of the i Dr. W, M. Stone-Tobacco because Justice can never be made preases the purpose of hla parents In ghastly list. weakens the blood vessels. The giving him the name. His name was automatic, are unable to obtain gov­ ernm ent aid. The d> in m l for >iack an d cry s­ Every man in this country user’s chances of recovery from changed to Belteshaxcar meaning has a right to use all the tobac­ malignant tal oY ebony aim c ry sta l grows Thousands of Sick Aided Bel s prince,” the one whom the chief disease— typhoid, I hey have become a co he can pay for, and some in pneumonia, influenza—are les-1 Those who are fa m ilia r at all w ith daily. god of the Babylonians favors. Hana- nlah means, "gift of” or "beloved of The Am erican Legion work, know standard in the optical business. uctual practice use more- A sened fifty per cent. Jehovah,” and his name was changed w hat this great organization has done Ask to see the fram e called the healthy person can use a little to Shadrach which signifies, “illu ­ to aid the disabled. Cooperating w ith tobacco, or a little strychnine M ra . V irginia Booth Clibbern mined by the sun god, R ak.” Mlahael government agencies, officials of The or arsenic or opium, without ill D emarest, evangelist, a t Portland Legion have made possible the hos­ means, “who la as God” and his name results except for the unclean * a s changed to Meshach meaning pitalization of thousands o f sick and feature of the '’tobacco habit, Sunday .a id : “ T bs mass of the wounded boys wlio, had it not been “who la like the goddess Hheeach, the b u t use of any of these in ex­ people are idolators, worshiping gentle one." Axerlah means, "Jehovah lo r a helpiiffe hand, would have been la our help,” and was changed to lost to society long ago. cess is injurious and dangerous pleasure,, sports, dancing, card Abqdnego which means, “the servant O ther thousands need that sum« to the average person. And the playing, gam bling, business, sex, Thay Bowtd Before Dexter. of Nego." Back of tha change of help today. M any of them cannot be average person, once the habit education, bninan iu te rjst, politics «nd monkeys and many, many other names was the attempt of Satan to given aid by the government under is formed, is almost certain to and even religion.” P rophets with animals. , wipe out the name of the true God, existing laws, and w hile officials of carry it to excess. and have these young men lose th eir T h ere were giraffes. T here were The Legion lite ra lly have w ritten fam es that did not fill half as 1 he numlier of tobaoco users lieautlful ladies riding In handsome separation nnd th u i become aeslmllat- most of the laws to take care of the ed among the heathen. in the country per capita is much spacs as hers talked about chariots and upon lovely ponies. disabled. It is impossible to make leg­ T h ere were many, many clowns. 8. T h e ir Religious Life (y. 8). probably double what it was the varue way thousanns of rears islation serve all. T h is Involved their refusal to eat T here was the hand, and In front of fifty years ago, and the amount "to . Is there nothing new under Many illustrations could be given. all was the drum m ujor very handsome meat and to drink wine which was con­ consumed per capita by users t l e sun? /r a < . ( ly dreaa.-d and perform ing In a splen­ trary to their teaching. In the case of Thousands of men have BH rried i T? since the war ended, when they -t-4* V/« iV lU H C lC - O p to m e tris t' has also probably doubled. Daniel, at le a « . It also Involved pray­ did manner. lnch -an d -a-q u arter Jimmy, seemingly w ere sound physically, but T T A ll . t This explains the enormous ing three times a day. As they approached D exter they In reality were in a weakened condl- 1 1 . A lD F O Man”fac,1"’lnlt 9 fortunes which have been built who confeMses about 100 Portland bowed. Even the animals bowed. 4. T h e ir Courtesy (yy. 8-18). tion from gas and exposure. They« ’ O ptician i D aniel seem« to have been the Greetings, our best circus greet­ up by m anufacturers and hand­ burglgries, is said to contem plate ALBANY , OREGON I spokesman for the company. Although lers of the weed. • ii insanity plea. Perhaps he has ings. D exter,” they said. Daniel's heart was fixed, he did not Then they went Into the field, with It also explains another m .de enough a t his trade to sot Iie x te r running along beside them. forget to be a gentleman. He request­ thing—the forging to the front ploy a few “ expert a lie n ists'” First he went along by the member« ed to be excused from this meat and of heart disease among our fa­ drink In order that be be not defiled. o f the band, then by the animals, then tal maladies, as will be seen be­ by the clowns, then back to the bund Christians should learn from this to is what to offer your lady friend in low. then by the ladles. be courteous «van In times of great th e wav of refreshm ents. Just They were all so wonderful. tria ls God had brought Daniel into Our lawmakers use toliacco bring her here and tre a t h er to favor and tender love with those who “W e’re going »to give you a private to such an extent that the legis­ some of our delicious ice cream . lative halls are blue with smoke w ill exhibit afternoon and night show,» they said. “ We are going to were over him. T h a t- h e will like It goes w ithout have a whole, three-ringed show, Just I I I . The Success of Daniel and His tiurng sessions, but they also fo r you." saying. Besides, she will appre­ Companions (vv. 14-21). recognize the evil of the habit No D exter sst now at one end of the ciate your thoughtfulness and gen­ 1. T h a ir Physical Health (vv. 14-lfi). mid the danger that immature field and all the clowns and animals erosity . A test was made fo r ten days, and It and horseback riders and trupexe per­ was shown that they were faire r in persons face of becoming its The annoanrem ent o f A l l formers set to work to fix everything countenance and fa tte r In ilesh than slave if they indulge, so they B A R N E S 4 R IN G C IR C U S «P- right and then performed th eir tricks. those who Indulged In the king’s meat. have passed laws forbidding the Ptare m this issue. T he coining of They bowed before D exter and be Godly aud tem perate living pays. It is this organization is welcome news, sale of it to minors. In this the clapped and clapped. Oh, It was so obligatory upon God's children today as the A L . G. B A R N E S C IR C U S lawmakers are ahead of the is one that alw ays presents a elean. wonderful baring a circus Just fo r him- to conscientiously abstain from that mass of the people, for the lat­ KrainCSOme aelf alone. en* * r ,* ' B‘n« P r°- » Dicta la contrary to H la law. it means ter, given the law, fail to enforce Yet. be did keep thinking how he total abstinence from Intoxicating Diis year, according to an- wished his different friends could be liquors, and everything which would it, and most boys are allowed nouncementa the circus has been with him They would have enjoyed It Injure the health. Crow ns, bridge wtfrk and fillings. It will to form the tobacco habit be­ n ?,n li r " r< i and ■" addition so much 1 io th e -a ll new spectacle of Poca- 2. M ental Growth (vv. 17-20). fo re they Teach the age when pay you to get my prices on your dental work. L/ , r '*- i 0* M , r , m fh " " - rus train and It was early In the morn tues of these wares set forth in Lein self), The Giant G orilla M an. L o ­ 3 T be Social and PollHcal Prefer to« attractive advertisements in a tus. the ooly perform ing hippo- sunt (v. 18). Tbe rtrru s was to be that afternoon w " , ,k * w orM ’ a"d «h* m ajority of the newspapers, the parade that morning. They «cod before the king. ram ous Exclusive Al. G. Ramcs and, together with their elders, D exter hurriedly got dressed. 4 T betr Temporal Influence (v 21) I ra tu re —40 Dancing Horses and Then he rushed up to the railw ay They were all a d v .n e ^ l to positions pay the high prices from which * ’ Dancing Girls, and Al. G. station. There was the d r e u , train of Influence and Daniel became presi­ come the funds for such adver- ^ X : ’ma, „Pct; • r • ’ ■* T hey were unloading. dent o f the college of wise man and tising as well as for the for­ t ’ wmg to the enormous tiae a t And every one would be seeing the the prime minister o f the nation. tunes of tobacco-handling mil­ *h,‘ Te,r> , h i manage- 5. Spiritual Insight (v. IT ). circus In the afternoon. H e had loved lionaires. n snt announces that no street his private dream circus, hut he was Because of Daniel's loyalty to God I he same money paid for glad, a fte r nil. that the real circus, visions embracing tha entire history of o A i . t i l how* ver P i « " o f the fruits and wholesome confec which waa to he bigger and better than the world came to him and Nabuchad « pvocessnwi. . mammoth •v e r, would be for every one! nezsar'a dream was revealed. tiona m ight give them as good a • ’ pen A ir Free Exhibition w ill take T* The Vogue for Eiack and White Newport Shadow A Question That is Easily Answered A L G. B A R N E S ’ 4-R1NG CIRCUS AT EUGENE Wednesday May 6 c. u r. c . “P L A T E S Dentist TH AT F IT ” A m e ric a n E ag le Eire Insurance Co. liny is worth ju st as much in storavo ^ ° “ , In'ght «et ¡‘ >■> case of fire. Th^ » HI pay you 85% of the cash value <*>mpan»J in easel of loss by fire. return in enjoyment and greater in health, but these a re not ad­ vertised on every fence and in every newspaper. Physician« know something of the toll in broken health and shortened life paid by the American people for tobacco. Here is some of their testi­ mony’, which we copy from a publication of the No-tobacco league of America: 1 aC* » * S ' Row • r<’ «"ds at I (W 5 P. m .. im m ediatelv pre- ,h* »hr doors to the circus, and the la rg » ,t trevel- >ng menagerie in the w orld, com- Pr.,ain« » » *' 400 rare aoimals fro m all quarters of the earth i he circus perform ance starts prom ptly at » (fc , nd g oo p y Am ple parking space for aatoa is 7 r il’ r t fo u n d s and • V ity Ticket Office, where n um ­ bered reserved chairs m a, he ob­ tained at same price charged on * e«3^«Vr‘>0B<,•• w c. P. STAFFORD, Agent Do Right F. M . GRAY. DRAYM A N A ll work done prom ptly ’ »„d ablv Phone .'s4 reason- Do right, YOU w ill be w m L ^ * r u t “ * « folUw and God s recompense to I l b . power of dolkg more ± * * °f m* r* w '»h- * " rt ' h* ,ccountto« win J---------------- --------------------------- --------------------- A n y G irl in T rouble Society Society Is a more lerel xurface f h , B wa Imagine. WL»e mea œ - a , fools are hard to b» mp, ¡ “ " « . - e ......... L A n ./« ’ 565 1,a»f