A g rc u ltu re H o rte u ltu r e L iv e s to c k • A \\ eekly Chronicle of D a i r y P o u ltry W ool HALSEY. OREGON H a ls e y H a p p e n in g s an d C o u n ty Events Doings of Our Populace Chronicled in Brief Paragraphs dly°re i’ at H#r' isburB. Weduee- Our cross-word puss's this week is a work of art. The fellow who growl» at this weather is a grouch. w hat ? Rebekah Carnival To H e lp O r p h ans B randon Bits of O u r V eterans A lfo rd A rro w s (Eatarprlee Correspondence) Uuder the above heading may (By an Enterprise Reporter) ' Glenn Chance and family de found oa page 4 an appeal that | spent Sunday in Corvallis visit­ Mr. A. E. VVhitebeck » being made to th> whole nation ing friends. ’ . and ... Mrs. , .— -.1 W - Drinkard and wife aud ...... spent Wednesday evening at f ir a $6,000,000 endowment fund M artin Koonts visited Eugene Henry and Mabel Weger spent Seth Mills’. by the American legion. Last Sunday. , , Sunday with their mother at -»a •» week we named President Coolidge A. H. Quimby is on the grand Brownsville George Wotkinger and family Mrs. B M. Bond and Mrs. D. M a y First, 8 p. m. and other honorary sponsors of jury. j ,, ?. ' . . "eie Sunday evening callers at ri- Sturtevant and Jeau were in t.ie movement. Curtis Veatch and family E. D. Isom's, The county lair premium list Albany Mouday. The Enterprise fears the over­ spent Sunday afternoon at Al- ■ a * ' is completed and will be printed head casts of this drive will ho ! bert Wagner’s. „ George Godwin and family op Harry Commons and his brother «OOB, „ ,, . , ; Buena Vista spent Sunday at away out of proportion to the net Kav of Suedi! were at Mount Au- Curtis Veatch attended lodge John Rolfe’s. f receipts aud we would like assur­ M i« Gertrude Porter has been gel and Scotts Mills Sunday. I. O . O . F H a ls e y . in Halsey Saturday night. So n r t , ances from some active (not engaged as organ soloist with a p - ’ oT ,do* n Eldon Cross and wife spent Sun­ merely honorary) sponsor that a did Chancy Sickels. touring orchestra. from Eugene Saturday for a day at Portland and in Hillsboro, detailed account of receipts aud A. H. McGee spent Sunday week’s visit at the home of her C. P. Stafford has filed his final where Mrs. Cross’ parents reside. expenses will be published at least with his sister, Mrs. W. H. Wal- son, E. D. Isom. account as executor oi the estate semi.annually, so that contributors ton. He is from Portland. A co-operative cheese factory, | v xt __ v i of Rose Ann Price. may know where their money I Joseph Nemchick. age 94, a owned and controlled by farmers^ goes. Mra. Lyman Palmer had nose­ under eonsideration at thè Mrs. Curtis Veatch taught resident of Harrisburg, was Probably half as much money school Friday and Monday while buried in the Alford cemetery bleed for a day last week and Dr. county seat. put into the hands of the Red her son Wayne was away. Marks had difficulty in checking > Monday afternoon. the Tuesday night movie at the Cross for the same purpose would it. city hall seems to have become au W H O 'S C O M IN G ? bnnfc twice as much relief to those Wayne Veatch spent a few Mr®- Chester Curtis w^nt to Saturday night, in honor of naii’.ntion. Next Tuesday’s of­ who actually need it as a result of days at Medford attending the Harrisburg Sunday to set her Mre. Jesse Cross’ cousin, Everett fering is advertised io the Enter­ Everybody Epworth League convention. , new nePhew, the 9l/z pound the world war. Gordon of Portland, Mr and Mre. prise. . I son of Mr. and Mrs. Landis Phil- Here follows some criticism from Crose had as guests Miss Leone 10c Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Chance pott, born Thursday. 15c Sunset Magazjoe for May ; Karl Bramwell and wife, Mrs. Palmer of Lake Creek, Miss M M. Ward, Mrs Albert M iller r . c. * j ■’ We are wondering whether the and Henry and Mabel Weger spent Thursday In Albany. ^ ^ d a y ^ ’th T 'K -U Mearle Straley, Miss Louise Rob- American Legion is fooling itself and Mrs, T. J. Sgirvip were at A l­ School Baseball nett, Miss Cleona Smith and Carl bany Monday. or whether the drive promoters are Bob Miller and family and Rode home where she had been H ill, De Los Clark and George l'ha Brownsville school teams tooling the public. The income of The Albany Cannery expects to and Kenneth Cross, sent word that they would ohm» to •6.000,000 conservatively invested Mr. Bowman and family spent for the past week and a half put up twice as many strawberries Halsey last week Tuesday and play Sunday afternoon at Beulah taking care of Mrs. Rode. does not exceed $800,000 a year. Prof. English has been engaged as last year and to can a lot of ihe games that had been prevented ( Sunday afternoon callers at There are probably 200,000 more M’ller ’’ for next year as principal of the' string beans. u *■ rain. They came, but or less disabled veteeaus; the drive schools at Myrtle Creek. They Henry Weger robbed his bees I'ee Ingram’s were Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. H . W. Condra their letter had miscarried and no promoters place the number of have a fine modern schoolhouse the other day and didn’t get H any Holt and little daughter opponents were prepared to meet aud sou Clyde, formerly resident» orphans at 30,000 What's $300,- much honey but got several of Salem, , Edna ox-— there with eight teachers, four of Sherrill and •" — * them in the high school, and the near here, are here from Pilot them. Au agreement was reached 090 a year compared with these stings. Beulah Bennett of H arrisburg to play here one week later »hoOld numbers? The average commun­ principal’s salary is $200 a yaar Rocx on a visit, and Kate and Hazel Green. the weather permit. ity of $300,000 inhabitants lias a more than in Haleey. I t is Mr. and Mrs. Hiner and Mrs Hattie Saylor of Portland charity budget of several millions. There are to be all day ser­ reported that there were 25 appli­ vi-ited l.er mother and sister, Mrs. p ie Halsey-Harrisburg base­ And how is the Amerioan Legion daughter Gladys spent ealter vices at the Baptist church next cants for the job landed by Mr. Sunday at the Glenn Chahce M M. Ward and Mrs. Albert M i!-' ball games Friday were 7 to 6 going to divide the income among English. Sunday, Mr. Spriggs of Port- home. i“i, over Saturday nivht. for the boys and 25 to S for the t ie needy weterans and orphans of D . , land preaching. Come and Lincoln Overton died of fiu Is in favor of Harrisburg.'The fortv-eigbt states? K. A. M'cCulley was down bring your dinner, which will New strawberries from M yrtle gu Sarurday at bis home at Rogue lineup was: “ America has spent more thin from Eqgene Sunday and be Served in the dining loom of River. The remains were brought Crpelr have arrived io Portland. Halsey—Norton p, Corbin c, two billions, is still speending brought another cow to ith e the church. « Prof English’s prospective home here by train Monday and taken ^°°?,tz11lb ’ TussinK 2b. Wooley four hundred millions a year, for Glenn Chance ranch. i by Undertaker Starr to Browns­ evidently isn’t behind the times. ,„X!ler 38, Isom r f > Heinrich the disabled veterans. Three hun­ „ a *, ' Afternoon callers at J. H. ville* where the funeral took place Halgoy Epworth league brought ct, Williams If. aDd y ? - M u C P*e wnd ?°n Ri-k-rd’a SiKday »ere E. M‘ dred thousand a year additional ie ri yesterday, with burial at the Kirk bom« the banner from the Grants a <• n « « » . H arrisburg— Burgess p, Rice a mere drop ir» the bucket; the Fletcher and daughter, Mrs. Lee » , cemetery. He left a widow aDd Pass convention, awarded for the fanoilyk ° ; American Legion has only to Steeprow of Alsea, spent eastet c, Wilhelm lb, Perkins 2b, children. Mrs, Mary Overton of largest combined attendance aud and Mrs. J. C. Jenks, Mr. prove the need of this sum to Sunday with Mrs. Glenn Chance Scott 3> b, Wefoer ss, Coates rf. Brownsville is bis mother. He mileage traveled. and family an<* Mrs. Charles Jenks of Tan- oongress to obtain it .” Morgan cf, Houston If.. gent and Anna and Joe Drin- was a native of thia county and There was much interest in L a-t evening'.» movie show drew Glenn Chance and wife spent kard. lived here until about 18 months B row nsville Briefs ago. He belonged to the Browns­ the largest attendance of the sea­ the boys’ game and several busi­ one day last 'week in Corvallis son. and there was a good deal of I ness places were deserted dur­ ville I. O. O. F. lodge. on business. Also took then (Enterprlae CorrMpoodonc«) b andd.ipping at various stage» * ing its exciting close. P in e G ro v e P o in ts sister, Mrs. Lee Steeprow of Al­ Mrs. M. C. Bond and M rs. Ralf of the patriotic play. It is prob- J The Halsey baaeoau teams want sea, to her daughters at Cor­ Jesse Bowers is plowing by Bond and baby visited a t J. W . able that the audience would not j to Brownsvilb yesterday. Browns­ tractor for Bruce Burson on the vallis. (By an Enterprise Reporter) have congratulated Hindenbutg ville girls won their game id to 8. Beck tell place. on his election if he had been The hoys’ game cam* out 7 to 6 The Southern Pacific announce» Iona Albertson has had the Albany’s Mrs. Ed Starr returned from ita intention to eeaee supplying It* chicken pox. present. for Browi'Hville. . only Portland this week, where she competitor» with an auto park at B. M. Wilson, 51 years old and The Halsey lineup was Norton p, has been visiting. W. E. Hover and family visit­ JnpctioB City. Corbin c, Palmer lb , Tussing 2b, unmarried, died suddenly Fri­ ed at Bert Haynes’ Sunday. EXCLUS 3b, M uller ss, Isom If Mrs Sam Sawyer entertained day at his home near Nixon. Wooley L. E. Eagy had his tonsils re­ Heinrich cf, Koontz rf. Relatives who came on the an- [ , Brownsville— Morse and Tycerp, her sister and daughter from Mosquito ba» a pair of wings OPTICAL PARLORS moved at Corvallis Monday. Oregon City over the week end. With which he fans the air aud nouncement were his mother 1 Sawyer c, Schildmeyer lb, Tycer sing», | Miss Nora Pehrsson spent the and a sister from Portland, his | ana Morse 2b, Cochran 3b, Belts as, Leon Elder of Shedd is run­ when he comes, he also brings week end at her home here. e v e r y t h in g o p t ic a l brother Clair of Seattle, Miss ' Hale If, Hedlund cf, Schick rf ning the tractor for J. C. Har­ And Alwilda Wilson of Albany, Mrs. ; Koontz, Corbin, Isom and rison. Mr. Harrison is putting A ggoboscis with which be stings. ' Mr. aad Mr», Gillespie of B ancroft Optical Co. Lilia Hathaway of Eugene and Palmer made 1 run each and M ul- in small grain. Peoria spent Friday at Grant 313 We»t First street, Albany,Or. Pine Grove Church Mrs. Frances E. Gray of Salem. ' ler 2. Mcfieil’s. Mist Marvel Lawrence spent Tycer made a spectacular three- (Continued on page 6) Sunday at home- Miss Law­ Sunday school 10. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc- base hit in the fourth inning. Preaching, 11, rence has three more weeks of manus and mother of Corvallis Prayer-meeting Thursday, 8. school in Pleasant Valley. W HEN ? W HERE? W HY? Just for Fun. L ook VbuTHFui, in G ingham for NATIONAL GINGHAM WEEK " Kalburnie ” 32-inch. fast colors. 25<* a yard “Toile dn Norde ” 32-inch, 32c a yard English prints, 38-inch. 50c a \a rd M. V. KOONTZ CO. HALSEY, OREGON spent Sunday at E E. Hover’s. Mrs. R. K. Stewart went to The family of R. K. Stewart, Eugene Thursday for medical ■ a renter in the Lake Creek coun- attention as she was worse ti*y, has been having a run of again. ' hard luck. Mrs. Stewart had Mr. and Mrs. McClasky of just returned, improved, from On account of a severe cold, Corvallis and George McNeil a term under medical treatment and family visited at John when her son, young Settle, George Howe closed his school McNeil’s Sunday. whose removal to the state hos­ last week at Ash Swale and However, this pital for the insane was report- went home. Lulu McNeil suffered a dislo­ ' ed in these columns at the time, week he is back at work again. cation and fracture of the el- went insane and attempted to There are just four more weeks i bow in a fall from the teeter of school in Ash Swale. kill his stepfather. ■ lioard at the school Friday. Mrs. Stewart succeeded in Sunday School, 10. Miss Elaine Woodworth has I • Our teacher, Mrs. Inez B. summoning help but the shock finished a successful term of Pmachitig, J i C ' Smith, having accepted the pri­ ! and excitement gave her a set­ school at Brush Creek. Miss ClirtHtiau Endeavor, mary work in the Tangent back and she is again away un­ Woodworth expects to spend Preaching. 8. der a doctor’s care. m ere were 70 ru at Sunday Ml” n "Aln* D*nn“" ha* There the summer with her father, Another son lost his wife and school and a fine attendance at keen engaged as teacher for the I his two girls are at the Stewart Rev. M. S. Woodworth, at Ash­ morning and evening services , conr,inf< «year. land. home- Work for next Sunday to The community club pr-ae fad Another, Merle Settle, came make it a great day. | P’v , **T"P«y Tnrvv.” it th? Rare specimen» of flower» and home from the war with tuber­ Rev. Joshua Khamis is to Riverside community house Sat- tlirub» in Earle Stanard'a ground» culosis and, after a time in a attract speak for us in the evening. He urday evening for the benefit of attention. government hospital, was dis­ is a Syrian refugee, from the the Pine Grove orchestra. The They catch good string» of trout charged as cured. He went to very country where St. Peter play was well received by those work at a lumber camp at within thenity limit» at Browns­ prerched. He is a man of present, tho the attendance was ville and the other day a jack rah Reedsport and an accident sent learning. You will enjoy hear-, not as large as expected, him to a hospital. Now, out of bit traveled through M ’ iii street ing him. and was not caught. T h at’s truly ! th at,“he is reported lo b e again Tho r>ebanon cannery was Clifford Caray, paatoi. rural. afflicted. with tuberculosis. • processing rhubarb two days last Mr. Stewart has just bought Suit has been filed for annul­ week. It has contracted for a a ten-acre place near Goshen ment of the marriage, which M. E. Church goodly acreage of vegetables to and hopes to get his famtfy to­ took place last August, of D. C. Robert Parker paaror. fill the time that a short fruit gether in the fall and make a McReynolds and Oveta M. Sunday echool, 10. crop is likely to leave available. start in chicken raising. Smith of Halsey. Both parties Preaching. I l Cherries promise a big crop, but were under the age for marriage Junior League, 3, other fruits will be scarce. Mr. end Mrs. Fred Sprenger wthout consent of parents or Interm edin« League, 7. There will be 10,000 acres of of Shedd spent Sunday with guardians, but both filed what Epworth league, 7 beets, the Express says, for the Mn. Sponger's parents. Mr. purported to be such consent in Pregcbing. 8. cannery to handle, besides other and Mrs. J. C. Porter. Prayer-meeting Thursday, 8. writing. crops. A Streak of Misfortune f Mrs. Lawrence Dawson spent Church of Christ a part of the week in Lebanon visitfbg relatives and friends. “Smoke” bached while she was gone.