CAGE 4 • • • • • • • C > •* •« ••5 « • • • • < • • • • Q X A P R IL 22. 1925 M URAL K N T tK P R IM I G L O B E ALBANY >' / J>j > .■’ Vi COOLlbCE NATIONAL CHAIRMAN OF FUND ** (Continued from page 4) 8 d ay*, s ta rtin g J Friday A pril 24 Carnival M *v 1, I. O. O. F. ball, Halsey. Funniest fun for folks of all ages that you have bad this | eeasou. Public invited. 14 M urdock ’ ; Card ot Thanks I should spy, and Swine Tuberculosis Cure doors. to Eugene Wednesday. th< the farm Hpplled the tuberculin test to I the remaining hogs and found practi­ cally all of them tuberculosis. H e ulso found the chicken flock on the farm | badly affected. Acting on the In­ spector’s advice, the owner disposed of the entire flock of chickens, re­ stocking w ith day-old chicks In the spring. M eanwhile he had also dis posed of the tuberculous hogs and cleaned and disinfected the premises, especially the poultry buildings and yertla. A fte r a period of time the owner sold 32 hogs which went to the same I m arket as before. A report covering tbe postmorten examination of 27 of these animals showed that none was I Infected. W ith the source of Infection gone the Introduction of healthy stock n atu rally resulted in continued free doni from the disease. CROSS-WORD PUZZLE No. 19 Halsey city water has been tested and the expert« ad vis* us to boil it before using. Don’t k»ow what diseases have been caused by ii unless it has been tin or chicken pox or “ that tired feeling'’ some of ns have when we see a job of work ahead. land buyers are warned 8 p .o o la A d v l.^ f state Condem n. « o * Possible In Columbia Basin. Spokane. Wash. — W arning against J a a d »puoulatloa within the area of • he Colombia basin Irrigation project here by H arvey Lindley „ S u .ttle, president of the Columbia Basin Irrigation league, and Roy GIU of Spokane, chairman of ,„e tmard of directors of the league They Pointed out that under the law of eminent domain of Washington the land might be condemned at Its fair appraised value before, not after, the w ater had been turned on It They •la o predicted that the policy of the In te rio r dopartuient. which they aald had held Io the case of other irrlga Uon prelects, wonld be Invoked In the Columbia h a.ln project whereby In dtrdlual holdings would be lim ited In ; acreage and any surplus would have to be turned over to the department at a fa ir appraised value. Diplomats' Sohool Is Opened. Washington, D. U.— T w en ty ftm „ . plrunts »111 begin Monday a course of study In tha government's naw for •ig n sorvle, school. created ra.-ently by president C nolldg. to provide trained personnel fo r the American diplom atic service, rro m freshmen who compose tha first class of the new school, selections probably w ill ba « a d o for posts nt horns and more coin sent abroad ) Increaae m snt for t k . month or March total »4M .SOT.44, being a gain of epproxj inetMly »12.000 over March l»»«, which ixglo, liona totaled »20S.4J2 64 for sale tut «od vetch Baled Hay i l i ky W m i s t o N , “ w h » r . C a s to r , ( r > a r a a lle a v a «• c a t . Ir r a T * r .« l.a l lo tr r o r o t a t lr a o f t k . ■ e v lp tw r o a r o * . a < J a w la h r a k - 10— » la *4 — M .k o k a o .r * • " —< » . f a a v t l v a I » — M lU S a y ! • — A b a ro ro a t a a r r h ta « s o — N a t a a t m a . Ie a J « v a ia S I— » . r a m *•—Mae ralth ia •» — C .a r a g r L a I t ir o » • • * llm Ire A. Miner, •n a il ra rt at a u t- n a t i v a m e ta : •M a r B ra rv ry W b le tle e • » « . a . M b -rta e a ) al « w a re O v a r h a a t r la t t t l M a»— S a r r r S M a e o r r o a m » • — S h a k M o v o e ro a k la a •• B .v a r a e . ST— C l a t t v r r e ••— •< « k . w a rS a y m ava , • • ■ • • » e • M a g . 1 w h la h r»« t « a t k a . w a ll th a w e r e . 50— A .e it lv a < • a la tta r 51— T h ro w « r tta lr r o . m r a r m a h Ir o s 44— 40— **— » I— — "4« b e v ro y S a y ee—p»ai en— O m Vertlcal. >— T o m » e r e l a i (« b b r .) > —N la k a aa « er fa * « « « urtate* • —- • t a l a * — D e n tlm a e o m p o e ln « • In p h a n t 'a tn a k a T k l a , « le a d e r T— P la e e s l a t h è m id d le < e a r . a p .) -W o e d a f th è a « a U e c k • ‘ te r 13— <¿e u p aa—O n iPrrovhl S tarrreiaalr t.v •Paper Univa.) > 1 — f 'r e a e M a r t i c i « i> — n « i» t 1B— **r« « lle a IT — « c a re e r » •— W o rb as— F a t h e r ( C a l L , ’ • — a h i » ’« » r t a e a an— B a l a a g l a « t a r a w a»— P a r t a f t h a e a r • « —- F a b a l t a t a t a o t a Also dry fir and a»h 16-inch Wood w k e m a k ro a M rrtS ro > r ta e l» |e la a ■4— d « a r e e e f l e a f M " l.a a g a t lr k I T — B ib lic a l S ta a t M — O f e r p e r t a l a l a s < • t h e a id e l l — Refer m e a a * — lie r u r a l l y la w k lr k tro t » f r n w i la w a rd • d — L e s a l e a m f e la a t la a (a fe fe r.) • T — C a rd s a a te « • — M a r r o w » I m m a l e . a l h U m a la - r ia l dl — « M W ef fe«« rne| 4B— F l a w e r " U 8, „ H , r, of O —<■«»■ re « wfeeela — H la ta fe M W trl la p r la tfn * « felaw* À iln m a iU r •■ la ta r ta < m aat •Y — l* * r a a a a f a m a li « t a t a r a IW— < « a t r a d ie t • 1 -O fe J . a f «h a • > — W r t t l a o (a fe fe r.) •A — « „ .a f fe r r a « t a t a (a fe fe r.) • T — A a 4 < r * r« a r fe ) • a la tla a w ill T he commerce departm ent, which compiled tbe report, noted that »238 - 000.000 of t h . total o, foreign In v .s t m ent la .u o . , oid represented new loans, w hile during the same quarter Inst year »143.000.000 of the securities represented refunding Issues European borrow er,, .ith e r govern m ent or corporation, obtained »139 000 000 out of t h . ftrst q » . rt. r tota, of this year, while L « „ n American countries got »56,000.00«. Canadian loans amounted to »67 000.000. ’ ’ M other Admits Poisoning Fam ily Crown Point. In d . - M r s Anna Cun ningham. charged with the murder of one of five members of her fam ily who hsvs died la the Inst six years, confessed In the county Jail here to S h e riff strong that she had polaoaed thr«« of her children. » U n appaar la ta a tra - a a a t ia a a t 4 < |n q u a rte r of 1»26 to a total value of »279,000,000 as compared w ith a total I In j “ ^ 000 00° durln< the same period abroad. Washington Gasolina Toa »230.307. Olympia, W aah.— Oasollno tax col­ lection« by the stato license depart Shown Foreign Seevritlss W aahlngton, D. C .-F o r e lg n securl Ilea were publicly offered and aold In tho U nited States during the first Horlxsntal. Ray best os Hi-speed Brake Service Station • 212 Bast First si. A lb iu y , near th« ska U r - I l , Phon - Old papers for »ale at 5c a Bundle at the Enterprise office. my mother wouldn't think much of it." “ What does she know 1 Oh. I dou’i Halsey Happenings mean that she Isn't a fine, wonderful person. She Is. I love her. But sue (Continued from page 1) cess I She thinks success Is another acre of asparagus or cabbage; or Harry Park of Brownsville was new stove In the kitchen now that P R E S ID E N T C A L V IN CO O LID G E in town Monday. they’ve brought gas out as far as High Chairman of the National Honorary • Prairie." “ I Used to Ride the Old Nags, Bare­ Committee of the S5,0C0.00f American They have a Hauser gun store in He had a feeling that she possessed back, on the Farm." Legion Endowment Fund for disabled Albany again. L. J. Hauser if h im ; that her hot eager hands heli: sort of exercise. Sits In that great men and the erphana of w ar veterans. proprietor. him though they stood apart and eyed Associated w ith President Coolidge fa t car of his.” each other almost hostllely. ae sponsors qf the Endowment Fund They went Into the coach house, a T. G Mitzner, M'thodist pastor As he undressed that night he at Harrisburg, exchanged pulpits thought, “Now what's her game! great airy white-washed place with are the highest leaders of the nation In Industry,, labor, the professions, with Mr. Parker Sunday evening What's she up to? Be careful, D irk glittering harness and spurs and arts and sciences. Including Hon. John bridles like Jewels In glass cases. It old boy." Mesdnrnes A. A. 'fussing, B. M. W. Oavls, candidate for president on As he lay in the soft bed with the gave D irk a little hopeless feeling. H e Bond, C. P. Moody and G. W. had never before seen anything like the Democratic tic k e t last year; the satin coverlet over him he thought i t * cabinet members, senators, heads of Laubner attended the Eastern “Now what's her little game! Paula laughed up at him. her dark the army, navy and marine corps, Star at Brownsville Monday. H e awoke at eight, enormously hun Cardinal O'Connell, Bishop Charles H. T. J. Skirvirf is giving bis whip gry. He wondered, uneasily, just how face upturned to his. Something had a'nnoyed him, she Brent, Julius K. Barnes, John Barton he was going to get his breakfast. Leghorns a quarter block and put saw. Would he w ait while she Payne, chairm an of the Red Cross, ting a fence around it high enough She had said his breakfast would be changed to walking things? O r per and fifty others. brought him In hts room. He stretched to stop them or goats or bounding luxuriously, sprung up, turned on his haps he'd rather drive in the roadster. deer. They walked up to the house together. bath w aterk bathed. When he emerged H e wished that she would not consult The play “ Topsy Turvy, or the In dressing gown and slippers his Ida wishes so anxiously. I t made 1dm Courtship of the Deacon,” by the breakfast tray had been brought him sulky, impatient. Pine Grove community elub was mysteriously and Its content! lay up- She put a hand on his arm. “D irk , petlzingly on a little portable table, eueh a success that it is to be re­ there were flocks of small covered are you annoyed at me for what I said Infected Fowls and Animals) peated. dishes and a charming Individual coffee last night?” W ere Disposed of. ’No.” service, a little note from P s u la : Mrs. Eliza Brandon and Mise 'W hat did you think when you went "Would you like to take w alk at about Beulah M iller went to Albany with ( P r . * * r « d b j t h . U .lt a d B ta tM D . p a r t m .n l half-past nine? Hlroll down to the to your room lust night? T e ll me • r A s r lc u lta r a .) Mrs. 0 . G. Osburn Saturday. On stables. I want to show you my uew W hat did you think?" W ith the widening knowledge con­ Monday Mr». Osburn returned to horse.” I thought: ‘She's bored with her cerning the nature of tuberculosis. 1 her home in Portland. The distance from the house to the hushapd and she’s trying t£ vamp me. uve stock owners are rapidly putting I ’ll have to be c a re fu l.'" stables was actually quite a brisk lit­ methods of eradication Into practical Miss Amanda Mitzner, who is tle walk In Itself. Paul«. In riding Paula laughed delightedly. “T hat's use The close relationship between I attending the Bible school in clothes, was w aiting for him. nice and frank . . . W hat else?” fowl and swine tuberculosis Is Ulus Portland, will bring the message “I thought my coat didn't fit very •She greeted him. “ I ’ve been out trated by a recent occurrence In Mich at the Methodist church next Sun i wo hours. H ad my ride. Yon ride, well and I wished I could afford to Igun. The facts were obtained by the have Peel make my next on».’’ day, both morning and evening don’t you?" Michigan Agricultural college In co­ “You can," auid Paula. “I used to ride the old nags, bare- operation with the United (Jutes De- H ill’s Hardware store has its. back, on the farm ." par tinea t of Agriculture. small hardware shelves converted “ You'll have to learn. Then I'll A shipment uf hogs from a certain | Kioto a handsome closed cabinet, have some one to ride with me. Theo­ Mrs. M artin Cummings went farm proved to be badly Infected with dore never rides H e never takes any , with attractively arranged samples tuberculosis. An Inspector who visited of the contents arranged on Reconditioning Shop Yew fence and anchor poet». C. E. Quimby, care A. W. Dykstra. He " I don’t know, Paula. TORRANCE , wholesafe beef and porn wflen whole- sale beef and pork was a new game In Chicago. Now look at h im !" "Still, you will admit there's some­ thing In knowing when,” he argued 4 J Paula stood up. " I f you don't know • the famous White Mahatma • r u tell you Now is when I ’re got : A S K H IM A N Y T H IN G j * * ° * <’ T ’, n * ' n u work with You can go on being an architect If you want to. It's a tine will tell you ! ! enough profession. But unless you’re » ***« *» » « » « *» » **•**» ** where'll 1 “ It get you : I Oo Oo In 5 1 A n n r e u A T i M c r * • a * genius wh*r«'1 * t-c A D IE .5 M A T I N E E * with them, and Dirk, In live years— J S (Children under 16 not * J "W hat I” They wets both stundlng. * “‘Uiutiedi * • J facing each other, she tense, eager; he » F R ID A Y M A Y 1 „ g j reluxed but stimulated. * * * « « « « » » « « * * .« .* » » * * » • -T r y It and see what, will you? A d u lt s 6 0 c ., C h ild r e n , 2oc » W ill yon, Dirk?” • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • (5c a luie) - il N O T IC E TO T A X P A Y E R S Notice ta hereby given fhat. in accord­ ance w ith chapter 214 of the general laws of Oregon for 19X5 and ,)ri1," i l h , . doe. not apply to any | „ ' upon I W h ic h , certificate of delinquency h. . X n .o f , Pr» " k R-eh.nlA Sheriff of U n a county, Oregon. Halsey Railroad Tjme We wish to express onr sincere thanks to our friends and neigh­ bor« for their many act» of kind­ ness and for the beautiful flowers sent during the illne»» and death of our loved one. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Corocran. Billitt Kirk. W illiam Corcoran W illm ina Corcoran. Dorothy Dorcoran. Defalcation at the C h em aw . School. Salem, O r.— Mrs. Sarah B. Cham ber lain, stenographer at the Chemawa Indian school, five miles north of Salem, is said to have adm itted in a signed statement, having diverted »2200 belonging to students at the school to her own use. M rs. Cham ­ berlain, who has been in the employ o f the school nine years, has been dismissed and her statem ent sent to the^ Indian service at W ashington, N orth South No. 32, 3:20 a. m. No. 17, 12:09 D m IN, WAS a. m. 33. 7;11 34, 4:25 p. m. 31, 11:34 p. No 14, due Halsey at 5:02 p. m., stop, to let on passengers from south of Eugene. f Nos. 31 and 32 stop only if flagged Non. 31, 32, 33 and 34 rnn between Port- land and Eugene only. Passengers for south of Roseburg should take No. 17 to Eugene and there transfer No. 15. Halsey-Hrownsville stage meets trams 18, 17, 14, 34 and 33 in order named. Outgoing Mail A t the Halsey postoffice mails close going north at 11:50 k. m. and 5:20 p. m. Going south, 11:10 a. m. and 5:20 p. m. To Brownsville, 6:20 a. m. and 12 m. Morning stage to Browns­ ville goes on to Crawfordsville Holley and Sweet Home. The Enterprise one year for one dollar The Paper will Stop Coming at the end of the term unless the subscription is renewed. The money will be used iu making a better paper for the subscriber during the life of the subscription, not in improving ij for the benefit of somebody else the next Year, * Cutting Out W aste Credit is waste. Bookkeep. • ng and collecting consume time, and time is money. ome debtors die, some move away, some go bankrupt and some are downright dishonest persons. T ho.. who pay $1.50 cover these losses. A ny Linn County Farmer ..ot the Enterprise can have it on trial now taking 25 weeks for 25 cents and it will stop coming to him when the time expires unless he orders It continued. One or two copies wight not give . fair idea of the work the paper is °m g, but after 25 ’ weeks’ acquaintance »ubsriber or not ¡t is worth J1 a , ear> 1 * We pay cash to school pupils who procure these trial subscriptions from farmer. ¡D Linn county W rite or call for particulars. Those who have farmed fifty years have learned same- th,ng every year. None of us knows it all. Every Linn wo t i ywH |mer inTited ‘ ° t#H En‘ - P ^ o» - V Z i « P e n e n c . Some of these m ak. suggestions worth more to you thsn several years’ subscriptions. The Enterprise ‘ i‘ b T ” P U ir ° m U' Will continue P“ ‘ r0 “ 8 m ak* to improve as fast iraPr“” “ «n‘ P«3- Lmn County Farm Features .m c.„u„, ' - . X Oregon new. i„ b n .f paragraph» B ri.f st.tement. of important world event. Daddy’« evening fairy tale» Join the Lucky Dollar Class ln making a better paper in Halsey~~a credit to the community