PAO R * K l KAL SÄ i t - K i m s i Kl KAL ENTLKKKISE International S. S. Lesson SolBig - - - --------------- . 'Rotten.’’ ’You don’t like it? The work?" T like It well enough, only— well (fir acv r a m t c w a t b r . d o . d m * et tb« B .«■>!«< School. Moo4r Btbto !•- you see we leave the university arcbl t f j Was. H. *H*-fcU-AM • t t t u l a i t C n ic a c a ) tectural course thinking we’re all go *C. i r i s W a s ta rn N a w a p a p a r U n lo a .) By Mary Graham Bonner. Copyrighted lng to be Stanford W hites o r Cass Gil by Western Newspaper bn ion I l 50 » y e a r berts. tossing off a Woolworth build Lesson for April 26 lng and making ourselves famous over A flre rtis w g , 3üc an mch ; bo discour night. I've spent all yesterday and to­ DRESSING-UP for lim e or tpaae ; no charge for cou S T E P H E N , T H E F IR S T M A R TY R day planning a drygoods box th a t’s |puejtftüii or cjaugv» Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited going up on the corner of Milwaukee “Oh. how do you do, Mrs. Phelan. room she had called the library. D irk comes he doubles up hls fat white fist The New Y’ork Commercial in a And are your dear little girls well? new, and that the church would corns thought und mumbles, ’Ten million,' or ‘F if­ she looked very beautiful In out Into the liberty of C h ris t Chris recent issue said : Such charming little glrla. So pret that diaphanous stuff, with the pearls. teen million,’ and that settles It." tian lty did not destroy Judaism but Illy mannered. Ah, I wish my child D irk laughed to hide hls own little The Southern Pacific company » ere as good as yours. M ine gets caused It to blossom forth Into the Her heart-shaped face, with Its large mounting sensation of excitement. " It eyes that slanted a little at the cor­ glory of th^ new order. 'ia pushing through a development Into trouble all the time. ners; her long slim throat; her dark isn't quite us simple as that, I imag­ 3. Stephen’» Face Transfigured (v and expansion program of greater Aa I say so often. I f there's troll Laundry sent Tuesday# hair piled high and away from her lit ­ ine. T here’s more to It than meets 15). extent than is any other railroad ble to be found, that child finds IL" Agency H ub Cleaning Works tle ears. H e decided not to men­ the eye.” H e was so completely filled w ith I ’m Mrs. McIntosh now,’’ Brenda system in North America, gnd that “There Isn't! I tell you I know .the Christ that aa he saw the angry mob tion IL said. means in the world. I ’ve been D irk told himself that Fanis had whole crowd of them. and realized how soon he would be How do you do, M rs ., McIntosh?" known her huslmnd would not be home brought up with this moneyed pack all violently dealt with and puss Into the I hear your daughter la going to be presence of the Lord, hls face shone until ten and had deliberately planned my life, haven't I? Pork puckers and married, D o you approve o f the 18 ANTICHRIST HERE? a tete-a-tete meal. H e would not, wheat grabbers und peddlers of gus as the fuce of an angel. I t was the match?" therefore, confess himself a little net­ and electric light and dry goods. glory o f Christ shining through him. I wish he had more money, but Disbelief in the immaculate con tled when Paula said, ‘T ’ve asked (Jie Urandfuther's the only one of the H I. Stephan’s Defense (7:1-08), i hen they love each other," Mrs. Me- In refuting their charge he showed eeption and other miracles has iMoah answered In Ureuilu'a beat take­ Emerys in for dinner; and w e íí have crowd that I respect. H e has stayed the same. They can’t fool him. He by the history of God’s dealing with a game of bridge afterw ard. Phil received the O K of a modern off voice. knows he Just happened to go Into A ll work done proin ptly and reason the Jews that they had always resisted Emery, you know, the Third. He used "Oh, w ell.” aald Jane, In her best Him . Therefore their attitud e was be­ churob, and that church Presby­ to have It on hls visiting card, like (Continued on page 6) ably. Phone ?69 terian) The moderatore’ council hostess munner, "you’ll enjoy tbe wed­ cause of their unwillingness to move royalty." ding. They are so exciting.” forward with the divine purpose. As The Emerys were drygoods; had of the New York presbytery re­ Brenda trailed out of the room and Indicated by D r. Stiller, fou r points been drygoods for sixty years; were tained one pastor and licensed (•Imaged her costume now, June went stand out In hls defense: accounted Chicago aristocracy; pre­ 1. God’s dealing with the Jews a new one who avowed their dis­ too und picked out s second-best eve­ ferred E n glan d ; rode to bounds in pink ^ ^ ^ o n te c tio n e r y ning dress of her mother’s. showed progress. The end was not coats along Chicago’s prim and startled belief in the miracles, reached by a single leap, but by grad­ How they did love to lean up against suburban prairies. They had a vast an J In the same city ex-pastor nil the pretty clothes and almost fon­ ual stages. estate on the luke neur Stormwood. 2. T he temple w as dbt the only holy They arrived a trifle late. D irk had Brown, excommunicated for her­ dle them. There weren't very many. _ C a fe te r ia esy, comes back and occupies the June's mother only had a amull ward­ place. God appeared at different seen pictures of old P h illip Emery robe but It wna very Interesting—so places and at different times ( 1 hlllip the F irs t,” he thoughL with ]>olpit, with tlih oonsent of bis entirely 8. Israel Invarlbly opposed God as different from Jane's own an Inward grin) and decided, looking succosser and the oongregatiou clothe* H e tried to lead them on. at the rather anemic third edition, that 4. H e showed hls loyalty to Moses and in defiance of the interdiction I shall give a ball now,“ Brenda the stock wus running a little thin by constantly referring to him. said. But Just then the clock struck 1 he dinner was delicious but surtirla of the bishop. five. IV . Stephen Stoned (7:54-60). Albany, Oregon Ingly simple; little more than Selina Are these some of the signs Hls words were too much fo r them "Brenda, would you like to stay for would have given him, D irk thought certain Adventists ought to have supper?’’ so they gnashed upon him w ith their had he come home to the farm thl.- My mother aald I could I f I was teeth. week-end The talk was desultory and waited for instead of aunounoeng 1. He Looked Steadfastly Into I asked her to make sure be­ rather dull. And this chap had ml] that the end of the world would Invited. Heaven (v, 55). fore I le ft.” Hons. D irk said to himself. M illions oome some months ago? Instead of looking about upon bis No scratching In an architect s office ’Just a moment then,” Jane sold. And with Brenda a little behind her, murderers In th eir raging fury, be fo r this lad. Growns, bridge work and fillings. It wifi At bridge a fter dinner P hillip the Oh, yes! Oregon, too, has June went Into her mother’s room and looked up to heaven. T his was the secret of hl» calm. I f he had lookod T hird proved to be sufficiently the son pay you to get my prices ou your dental work, cyclones. One blew off several said In a loud whisper: Mother, in»y Brenda stay fo r sup­ about him, he might have been afraid. of hls fath er to win from D irk more Cusick bank building, Albany roofs and gashed a couple of 2. H e Saw the Glory of God (v. 05). money than he could conveniently af H er mother saya It's all right hoys with broken glass when it per? A vision of God'a glory can only be If she's Invited." ford to lose. « blew in a window of the school- seen by those who are loyal to H im , Theodore Storm came In at ten and June’s mother ev.-n unto death. house at Condon last week. It smiled and said: stood watching them. When the g u e sts i 3. H e Saw Jesus Standing on the had left the three sat before the fire I suppose so. wasn’t much to brag of, com­ R ight Hand of God (vv. 55-56). ' Something to drink T' Storm asked pared with what they have in She seems to know T h e fagt that Jesus was standing D irk. D irk refused but Storm mixed the east, but it is the worst we you're asking me shows that He was actually Interested a stiff highball for himself, and then though I have told can do, it seems. In the suffering of His faith fu l » Itnesa another. The whisky brought no flush you, dear," her 4. They Cast H im Out of the Q ty t v t u «u u al— papar, published eveiy. Weduesdsy, Daddy’s Evening Fairy Tale HALSEY STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon CAPITAL AND $35,000 SU R PLU S Immigration ant\ Markets CUT FLO W ER S SHEET MUSIC I 1 r \ L L j Mu,icbhop A Modern Barber Shop A B E ’S P L A C E F. M. GRAY. DRAYMAN There’s a sure cure tor hunger at the C tite f ‘ * Best sweets and soft drinks at the Best cuisine Efficient service Pleasant surroundings W. S. DUNCAN Dr. C. FICQ, Dentist “ PLATES THAT F IT ” A m e ric a n E a g le Fire Insurance Co. Ha.v is worth just as much in storage as you might get for it ia case of fire. Thj | American Eagle Fire Insurance companr pay you 66% of lit-* cash value in case of loss by fire. C. P. STAFFORD, Agent • Any Girl in Trouble I he wisest girls keep out of rrouble*