heard the advice given people who live A P R IL 2¿. 192Ó ; ri R A L enterprise said so. In glass houseel” PAG E J “I'll have to m arry money,” she de By his Junior year he w *s talking dared. “Now that they've finished In ». large way about the Beaux Arts But Selina did not laugh at thia "Per­ calling p o o r g r a n d p a a beef-baron and taken 1 don t know bow many millions j haps,’’ she thought. "W ho cun te ll! (hy suffer from headaches? A fte r a year or two In an office here, swey from Id in , we’re practically on the streets." why not another year of study In Purls "You look I t ! " from D irk ; and there I f he needs it.“ Though it was her busiest time on was bitterness beneath his fight tone “W ell, It's true A ll this slUy muck the farm Selina went to Ith a c a fo r his graduation In 1913. H e was twenty, raking In the past ten years or more. Poor fa th e r! O f course, granddad two and, she was calmly sure, the best was pur-ty rough, let me tell you I looking man In his class. Undeniably read some of the accounts of that last be was a fltnire to please the eye; Indictm ent— the 1910 one— and I must tall, well-built, us his fath er had been, say I gathered that dear old Aug made and blond, too, like his father, except Jesse James look like a philanthropist. (or his eyes These were brow n--not ILLUSTRATIONS I should think, at his age, he'd be a so dark as Selina's, but with some of ftY CLARK AQNPW. Albany, Oregon little scared. A fte r all, when you're the soft liquid quality of her glance. 1 hey strengthened his face, somehow; over seventy you're likely to have r .o „ > & S T % ,r a some doubts and feurs about punish­ gave him an ardent look of which he WNU (HrWc ment In ths next world. But not a was not conscious. Women, feeling (hat wns absurdly thickAngered In Its grnnd old pirate lik e grandfather the ardor of that dark glaoce turned fur-llned glove. H e 'll sack and burn and plunder until upon them, were likely to credit Uho "It's cold driving. Button up tight. (.Continued) he goes down w ith the ship. And It with feelings toward themselves of W here’ll we stop fo r your hag?" looks to me as If the old boat bad a three or rour years, ir s Angus, which he was quite Innocent. They H e climbed into the seat beside her- pretty strong list to starboard right Hempel's Idea. Hogs, I should have did not know that the glance and Its D irk could laugh at that picture H e r manipulation e f the wheel was said." But he protested, too. "But there'« effect were mere matters of pigm enta­ now. F ath er says himself that unless witchcraft. The roadster slid In and a war breaks, nr something, which H e echoed, “Hogs!" rather faintly. no native architecture, so what's to tion ant» eye-conformation. Ttlen, too, out of traffic like a fluid thing, nn Isn’t at all likely, the parking Industry he done! You wouldn’t call those “High-bred hogs. T hey’re worth the gaxe of a man who talks little Is Is going to spring a leak." enamel stream, silent as a sw ift cur­ their weight In (diver this minute, am! always more effective than that o f one smoke-blackened old stone and brick "Elaborate figure of speech.” mur­ rent In a river. W hen his house was will be for years to come. I won’t go who Is loquacious. piles w ith th e ir Iron fences and their reached, " I ’m coming up," she said. mured Eugene. T he four of them— in for them extensively. Just enough Selina, In her black silk dress, and conservatories and cupolas and ginger­ “I suppose you haven't any tea?” Pauls, D irk , Eugene nnd Selina— were bread exactly native, would you?" to make an architect out of Mr. D irk her plain black hat, and her sensible sitting on the wide screened porch that “Gosh, no! W hat do you think I “No,” Selina adm itted, “but those DeJong.” Then, at the expression In shoea, was rather a quaint little figure an,,ng al, those v ii,.clous, bevoVed* ' X “ am I a young man In an English Italian villas ar.d French chateaux in his face: “Don't look so pained, son -You Like Me Better Than Any Man novel corner of the house. Paula «-as. of north Chicago suburbs are a good deal There's nothing revolting about a hog nnd berlbboned mammas. But a dis­ You Know." "Now, don't he provincial and Chl- course. In the couch swing. Occasion­ like a lace evening gown In the Art- ■ — he’» a handsome. Impress!ve-lookin; tinctive little figure, too. D irk need ally she touched one slim languid foot cagolsh. D irk ." They climbed the not be ashamed of her. She eyed the animal, the hog, when he Isn’t trente ! have a lot of m oney!" tona desert. I t wouldn’t keep you l three flights o f stairs. She looked to the floor and gave Indolent impetus lik e one.” rather paunchy, prosperous, iniddle- cool in the daytime, und it wouldn't I Perhaps not simply because he had to the couch. about. H e r glance was not disapprov­ be warm enough at night. I suppose a lot of money But It certainly would. I H e looked dejected. " I ’d rather not nged fathers and thought, w ith a pang, " It Is, rather, Isn't It? M ight as ing “This I sd T so bad. Who did It? bow much handsomer Pervus would a native architecture Is evolved from go to school on— hogs." i She d id ! Very nice. But o f course well finish I t then. Darling Aug's been be a factor, among other things.” have been than any of these. I f only building for the local clim ate and the She took off the fe lt hat and tossed Six months later Paula Arnold was 1 you ought to have your own smart the grand old captain right through he could have lived to see this day. needs of the commun^y, keeping beau­ It over to the old couch by the win­ married to Theodore A. Storm, a man little apartment, w ith a Jap to do you the vl'age. Dad's never been more ty In mind as you go. W e don't need dow; smoothed her hair back with the Then. Involuntarily, she wondered If of fifty, a friend o f her father's, head up. To do that for you, for example." than a p retty bum second mate. And turrets and towers any more than we flat of her paltn. Yon saw that the this day would ever have occurred, k es, grimly. H e was packing his as fo r you. Gene my love, cabin boy of so many companies, stockholder In need draw-bridges and moats. I t ’s all soft dark hair was liberally sprinkled had Pervus lived. Chided herself for bag— not throwing clothes Into It, but would be, y ’understand me, big.” so many hanks, director of so many thinking thus. right to keep them, I suppose, where with gray now, but the eyes were folding them deftly, neatly, as the son Eugene had gone Into the business a corporations that even old Aug Hem- When he returned to Chicago, D irk they grew up, In a country where the pel seemed a recluse from business In bright and clear as ever. of a wise mother parks. “M y sal­ year before. feudal system meant that any day went Into the office of H ullls A comparison. She never called him ary d Just about keep him In w hite “ You know, Soblg, this is what they "W hat can you expect,” retorted Sprague, architects. But his work your next-door neighbor might take it Teddy. No one ever did: Theodore linen house-coats." call a paying farm — as vegetable farms Eugene, “of a lad that hates salt pork? Into his head to call hla gang around Storm was a large man— not exactly go. W e re out of debt, the lauds In there was little more than th a i of And every other kind of pig meat?" "I'm golug to send you some things him and sneak up to stenl your w ife stn her head wus a battered black felt Its breakfast. municative, and noticeably moody, with paper doll* when you could be Pauls, but it sometimes seemed to •o ft hat (an old one of D irk 's ) much the shades. Paula, remarked IL "W hy the playing with a real live baby.” Selina that he avoided these meetings— " T e rr ib le !” D irk fumed. “N ot only Ilk» the one she had worn to the H a y ­ Othello brow?” The day was marvelously mild for these parties and week-ends. She w « i are they hideous In themselves, stuck market that day ten years ago. "You didn’t mean that rot, did you? March In Chicago Spring, usually »0 rontent that this should be so, for she I ve been thinking,” he begun, “the on the front o f those houses like three Motor Hearse. »bout marrying a rich man. You were coy In this region, had flung herself at Efficient Service. (’□eased that the m atter of money held pairs of spectacle«J but the lack of *xi'en»e— " Joking, weren't you?” Ladv Attendant. him back. She thought It was weM that them head first. As tbe massive re­ They do everything ' I ’lgaTl do It,” Selina said, calmly. decent privacy! “I wasn't. I'd hate being poor, or Rrownavilte..................................... Oregon he should realise the difference now. volving door of D irk's office building “I va been wanting to put them In for , but bathe In 'em. H ave they “ever even Just moderately rich. I ’m used Eugene had his own cat—-one of five fanned him into the street he sew to money— loads of It. I ’m twenty- In the Arnold garage. Pauls, too, had Paula In her long low sporting road­ four. And Pin looking around.” hers. H e r fascination for D irk was ster at the curb. She waa dressed In H e kicked an Innocent beet-top with strong Selina knew that, too. In the W - L. W R IG H T black. A ll fem inine fashionable snd his boot. "You like me better than last year or two he had talked very Mortician & Funeral Director inlddle-claas Chicago was dressed In any man you know.” little o f Paula and that. Belina knew, black. A ll feminine fashionable and I Halsey and H arrltb tirg “O f course 1 do. Just my luqk.” , to plea««1 young and old alik* must meant that he was hard hit. middle-class America was dressed In C a ll D. T a y l o r . Halsey, or "W ell, th e n !” Boinetlmes Paula and Eugene drone black. Tw o years o f w ar had robbed W. L. W m iu h I . H arrisburg bo perfeotly flavored with the fines' out t® the farm . Eugene would appeM “ W ell, then, let’s take these weg- Parts of Its husbands, brothers, sons f uit flavors. lee cream p»r ex­ In rakish rap, loose London knlrker*. glblea in.” A ll Paris w alked In block. America, She made a pretense of liftin g the cellence— that dies ns ours—must queer hrogans w ith an English loek untouched, gnyly borrowed the »mart heavy basket. D irk snatched It rough­ about them, • c a r e f u lly careless loose­ be properly Irozeo. Delicious, ness about the bang and fit of his ly out of her hand so that she gave habiliments of mourning and now -Michigan boulevard and F ifth avenue oooling and refreshing, it always Jacket. Paula did not affect sports a little cry and looked ruefully down walked demurely In the glo o m of crepe I rc ivsa the fatigued end often re­ clothes fo r herself. She was not the at the red mark on her palm. He and chiffon; black Jinta, black gloves,, type, she said. Slim, dark, vlvscleas. caught her by the shoulder— even black slippers. Only black was “good" , lieves bea lacks. »he wore slinky clothes— crepes, chif­ shook her a little "Look here, Pauls this year. fons. H e r eyes were languorous, Do you mean to tell me you'd marry Pauls smiled up at him, patted th e j 'ovely. She worshiped luxury and I s man almnlv because he happened to leather seat hes'de her w ith mje hand J- w . S T E P H E N TON. Have YOUR EYES Examined I . M, French & Son Jewelers, Optometrists We want you to investigate our J : FURNITURE DEPARTMENT • when your wants are in this line. Our stock is< • attractive in both design and price. < • We call your special attention to thé j •D E LUXE BEDSPRING • built for comfort and durability : H IL L & © « < ! Skillfit Temples E. C. Meade » H. Albro, Amor A. Tugging D E L B E R T ST A R R Funeral Director and Li­ censed Embalmer ICE CREAM BARBER SHOP First-class Work Clark’s Confectionery I