/< H a ls e y H a p p e n in g s a n d C o u n t y B v e n ts « D a iry P o u ltry W ool and chickens day. A. E. Foote has moved to Eu­ gene. Eugene tias Natural Gas B r o w n s v ille B rie fs (■ n ttrp rlM H o ls te in s H a v e C orroepondenre) Louie Giest of Lebanon spent Their Innings J. Skirvin visited Newport Doings of Our Populace last 1- week. Sunday in town. Chronicled in Brief • • Miss Gladys Hoy was a Leb- World Records for Price Glenn Chance and wife were i anon visitor Sunday. Paragraphs in Eugene Tuesday. and Yield Announced OLSON’S HOLE IN THE GROUND BECOMES AN ASSET Fred Harrison is driving a Within a Week W. J. Ribelin has returned to Miss Delma Wahl is getting ______ new sport model Chevrolet car. Cbimacum tierbeu, a state- Becktell of Portland spent rlu id T ap p ed T h a t M ay L ight and W arm ' the Mr- The duc week end at his large ranch owned Holatain cow at Steilacoom, T he Jersey jubilee of this county in the Ash Swale neighborhood. Waah, has sat a world record by th e W h o le C it y yielding 24,697.8 pounde of m ilk will be ut Bryant nark, Albany, Miss Ruth Finley is making late in M a». Jim Burson and Cecil Har­ and 980 8 pound» of butlerfat iu a Holley her home. rison attended the wrestling year. d“ " th'"0“ ) 01 di’“PP°inlmeot h‘ vebeeo ™ tch at Albany Friday m ght Mrs. Ida M. Cummings of ’ . ¿ ^ d ’ Dr. Marks’ home has the latest Albany Prince Angle of Berilwood, a 4. was here Friday and I announCed *hat he had a thing-[m g more vociferous. Mrs. Ida Hansen has return- year-old Holstein b u ll, was sold in oetnent sidewalk. J. C. .Standish attended Mrs. Kirk’s funeral. amaj.g wh.ch would unerringly But iu a moment, in the twink- ed to her home here after hav- put it where it is. southern California last week for tell whether or not there was pe­ ling of iu eye, the seene has j ing been absent all winter in the record price of >110,000. C L. Falk of Halsev, Ralph J. E. Southworth and Mrs. Bert troleum under it. His apparatus changed to one of joy and enthusi. Portland, Clark are recovering from the flu, Sbial er of Harrisburg aud J. P, indicated oil at several points asm and the sympathizers have Hunter of Brownsville are on the which had them near the grave. Mrs. Martin Stone is so much L a k e C re e k L o c a ls May jury list. south of here, one of which was become congratulators. The well better that she expects to be. Paul Papman and iamily are Eugene, and he organized com­ at Eugene has begun *to spout F. M. Maxwell, principal’ of taken to her home at Twin living in the Carey house, re­ (By Special Correspondent) cently vacated by G. R. Walker the Drain schools, and family, panies, soid stock, procured ma­ natural gas and the Register says Buttes from the local hospital chinery aud drilled for oil. this week. visited here and at Tangent and Helen Williams spent Sunday and family. there appears to be enough to sup­ at home here. Albany Saturday. Many who could afford it and ply all that city will need. The Egglestons hauled a ship­ Born, April 15, to Mr. and Martin Cummings drove to The hissing, roaring stream from ment of 200 fat hens to the Elmer Settles, son of Mrs. R. some who couldn’t bought stock. Mrs. R. M. Rode, a 6'4; pound Biver Sunday daughter, Jean Marie. Mother K. Stewart, is recovering from As the bores went deeper more the earth's ¡Dtestiuee sipge a song Portland produce exchange la s :' funds were needed and more stock his illness at Eugene and Mr. of gas, oil and prosperity. Wednesday for J. C. Harrison,' J&y Suitar loaded a car of and child are doing well and R. man north of town, baled hay at Tulsa Monday. M. is as spry as if he had had and Mrs. Stewart are home was sold. Time rolled on and no Linn county has a well at La- tbe from there. oil was pumped, and investors be­ comb, where boring has been hal - an overdose of goat glands- The special meetings being ! Mr. and Mrs. Waller Baum- came discouraged, in doing which ed by lack of fuuas aud faith. held at the tabernacle' closed, partner were guests of Roy Harold Stevenson and wife of That anchor which John Standish dropped in the news­ Brownsville and S. R. Stevenson latter their sympathizing friends Oily sands have been taken out, Sunday* night. The pohlic had Owens and wife Sunday, but not enough to coax the need, d a rare ‘ treat in the fine music paper office, contignous to the of Eugene, druggists, and the helped them. A meeting will be held at the rendered and the splendid ser­ school For several weeks the wailings dollars from doubting pockets. fish and wild game, at Sal mon, latter’s family visited the pareh- house Tuesday evening mons preached. - ■ Idaho, failed to hold, and he tal family, J. A- Stevenson and ' to discuss the high school dis­ floated away, we are not In­ wife, Sunday. trict. > Albany Bridge Enjoined Thev have a 7J-pound girl at BRIEF GENERAL NEW S formed where. One of Mr«. Wheeler’s hens has Judge McMahan has decided Ray Frufu’s. The many friends of Pete W. J. Ribelin reported him­ just hatch' d 13 chicks from some Charles H. Ebbets, president of the that the Ellsworth-street ap­ Settle are glad to he*r he is ftnd “ ' ftWe tO self pleased with the result, of of S. I. Sm ith’s eggs. Pullets Brooklyn National league baseball proach to the new Willamette LheTewVabyUHai p a r t Z r “ ' his auction sale, and buyers of hat, bed fiotn Sm ith’seggs the last club, died Saturday. He was 66 yeirs bridge at Albany unlawfully work and write letters to his days of November have been lay­ old. some of the elegant bric-a-brac ing trespasses on the rights of Bar­ Clarence Templeton 1» adm in!'• mother. the past week. These are bar­ and household goods there feel red rocks, usually expec-tedto lay The state department has notified rett Bros. Unless the Barrets trator of the Rebban citate. We are glad to hear Mr. and the same way about it. There their first egcs at 7 months, while foreign governments ot its desire to are compensated the approach, Mr». Harry Park’s mother, Mrs. George Ledgerwood are to abolish all vise charges except those now complete, will was a good attendance. have to be Mrs. Porter, is ill at the Park return to live on their farm Leghorns lay at 5. on Immigrant passports. , lu iIl o ul tom out. P. J. Ashton of Tangent and here. Mrs. Ledgerwood has M artin Cummings took his The American Automobile assoda-, Rather than settle with Ba,._ home. She is 83. wife visited Mrs. Bass, the motner, Mrs. Hannah Cummings, tlon estimates that summer tourlfis been teaching in Riddle for A lfo r d A r r o w s lady’s-mother, Sunday. W. C. to visit their brother and son, B A. will spend ft, 600,060,000 In the com­ rett Brothers for shutting oft S'linu time. She is to teach #1« access to their property, the , ■ 1.1^ . , . ■ Bass and family of Harrisburg Cummings, at Hood River Sun­ munities which they w ill Wait. school the coming year- state highway commission has President Quezon of the Philippine also spent that day there- So day. Returning, Mrs. Cummings (By an Enterprise Reporter) Mrs. Annie Jones of Corvallis did Eldon Boner and wife of Eu­ stopped at Portland with a daugh­ senate has protested to the war de­ been fighting them in the Fred Houck of Portland called spent Tuesday visiting her Mrs. B. A. partment against the sale of the Pa­ courts. It may find that it gene, Mrs. Boner being Mrs. ter, Mrs. Hanna. Cummings and son Carl came cific Mall company’s Preaident ships would have been cheaper to pay at M e Ingram 's Sunday morning. , daughter, Mrs. Martin Cum- Bass’ daughter. the damage bill in the beginn­ to the Dollar Interests. r v . ™ ' mings. Other guests at the bon e with Martin. G. Hoffman, our butcher, gets Babe Ruth, baseball’s moat noted ing. ed nn " i £'urnm' nEs home this week in- edon Mra. A. E- Whitbeck Sun- dude<1 Mr and Mrs c R Ro_ the Ribelin house, after all, C. A Pugh of Shedd and A. M. character, underwent a. successful ay afternoon. J wan ¿ugene, Mrs. Alfred with its six acres for his cow Jenks and H . Blevius of Tangent operation for Intestinal abscess In a A t M r«. Kirk’» Funeral are among Linn county farmers report issued at St. Vincent’s hospital. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Isom and Clemehs of Monroe and Mrs. Rev. J. Hatton of the Good who try uu acre e»cb of flax thia New York, where the great slugger daughter Beverly went to Al- Walter Baumgartner and son. Samaritan hospital, Portland, ¡year under the auspices of O. A. has been eonflned the last 10 days. Albany's bany Saturday. where she graduated as a train­ G., which furnishes seed free and only ¡"•ill study the appearance of the P ine G rove Points Mrs. Mar­ Paulhamus Burled Near Puyallup. ed nurse, preached Mrs. E. A Starnes is nursing ! c op during the season. Puyallup, Wash. — More than 2400 cella Kirk’s funeral sermon at Mrs. Rode, near Lake Creek, EXClUSli# Inter­ persons attended funeral services for the Church of Christ. (By an Enterprise Reporter) Frank Porter, William McDo­ William H. Paulhamus, ex-state tana ment was at Pine Grove. She and caring for the new daugh­ ter. OPTICAL PARLORS well, C. H. Davidson, G. W. tor and widely-known horticulturist, was 27 years old. R. K. Stewart was in Eugene Laubner, W- P. Wahl, L. D. In a pavilion on the western Wash Beverly Isom was absent' and vicinity Thursday, » Mies Em ily L. Loveridge, super­ Taylor, A. A. Tussing and C. P. Ington fair grounds here Sunday. He intendent several days last' Misses Pearland llazel John- e v e r y t h in g o p t ic a l of the Good Samaritan from school Moody were at Sweet Home Sat- ! was burled in Woodbine cemetery hospital; Helen Von Clef, Miss week with chicken pox. , son were Albany visitors Satur- urday at the Linn-Benton I. O. j overlooking PuyaUup valley. Bancroft Optical Co. Kbumn and Mrs. Gates, graduate Mr. and Mrs. Bud Ingram and day‘ O. F: convention. nurses, and Rev. Father Hatton, 313 West First street, Albany,Or. ittle daughter of Coos county 1 Neil Cadwaflader of Harria- Food Prices Up C Per Cent, all of Portland, attended the fun­ visited at Lee Ingram’s several burg was in this neighborhood Washington, D. C. — Retail food eral, which was last Friday. (Continued on page 6) days fast week. I Friday. Prineville. Put on more postage. 15th is past. over the excision of her appen- r?l L ook VL uthfui , in G ingham «NQHAM W IX K tnciAui • i t - -. i a » ■ . , , prices Jumped 6 per cent during the last yeaP from March 15. 1924. to March 16, 1926, although there was a Fa mily Reunion decrease of three-tenths of 1 per cegt Last Sunday there was a during March as compared with Fsb happy family reunion at P. J. ruary, the department of labor an­ Forster’s, when all five of the nounced. 26,000 Fatalities In 1924 Auto Mishaps. Washington. D. C.— A death toll ot 26,000. of whom 10.B00 were children, and property loss of between $700,- 000,000 and 11.000,000,000. resulted from traffic aacldents last year, ac­ cording to figures announced at the department of commerce. daughters were present, with their families. Mr. and Mis. Forster’s son, who is in Los Angeles, was the only absentee of the immediate family. There were Mr. and Mrs. Preston Newton, from Portland, Fred Roberts and wife and daughter and Algy Sweet and wife of Eugene and C. L. Falk and Herman Steinke and their families Judge Lindsey Wins Election Contes». Denver. Colo.— Judge Ben B. Lind­ sey ot Denver’s Juvenile court retains the bench seat he ha« bold for more The Study Club than 20 years. Judge Julian H Moore The women’s study club met ruled In district court. In throwing out the election contest suit brought by at W. A. Miller’s Thursd’ay af­ Royal R Graham, defeated candidate ternoon, with Mrs. J. C. Porter for the office. and Mrs AJiller as hostesses Mr. and Mrs Henry Brock I Mi« sta rr visited her and daughter Doris of Lake 1 fnend- Iona Albertson, over the Creek visited at Chester Curtis" i wee^ end- Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. | J. A Johnson’s recovery from Smith of Portland were callers. the flu has been very slow. He there the same day. ' is some better. Miss Thelma Kinghten spent Pine Grove Church the week end with her grand­ mother in Albany. Sunday school 10. Preaching, 11, bv Rev Mr. Gil Mrs. A. L. Kinghten 1 and leapie. Mrs. George Githens were Cor­ Praver-meeling Thursday, 8. vallis visitors Saturday. Mesdames N. E. Chandler, L- Church of Christ E. Eagy and Floyd Nichols spent Tuesday afternoon at J. S. Members responded to roll call Oil In Alaska to be Sought each with the name of a new Juneau, Alaska. — Papers on filo book and its author. hare disclosed that the General Mrs. Stafford gave a brief Petroleum company has contracted to ¡ sketch of the life of Edna Fer drill at least two wells is search of j ber and of her story, “So Big,” oli m the vicinity of ttfe Yagataga now running as a serial in the river, which Is 200 miles west of here Enterprise. and flows into the Gulf of Alaska. Mrs. Smith talked on home for NATIONAL GINGHAM WEEK “ K alburnie ” 32-inch. fast colors. 25c a yard “Toile do Norde ” 32-inch, 32c a yard ¿English prints, 36-inch. 50c a yard : M. V. KOONTZ CO. HALSEY, OREGON I f one has two rows of the samt- vegeta hie and uses a different sucres slon crop In each pow, the gardener niay note which was the more success ful combination. furnishing. Mrs. Pennell and Mrs. Fred Sprenger of Shedd and Miss Lillian Sneed were guests. Next meeting May 7 at Mrs. J. Asparagus sod rhubarb a rt ber plant»,! In spring when fresh roots are obtainable. The eae-jearold aspera gus roots seem to take hold better than the two year-old W Drinkard's. • » e I f c. Mr. and Mr». J. C. Bramwell visited at Guy'a, al Brownsville, Sunday. Sunday School, 10. Preaching, 11. Chrietisn Endeavor, 7. Preaching. 8. Clifford Carey, paaloJ. M . E. Church Robert Parker pastor. Sunday school, 10. Preaching, 11 Junior League, 3. Intermediate League, 7. Epworth league, 7. Preaching, 8. Prayer niceting Thureday, 8. LaMar'*, Peoria, where a number of ladies quilted two quilts to lie sent to people who lost their homes in the great storm in the east last month. The Pine Grove school has a new dictionary and stand, globe, thermometer and some play ground equipment, purchased from the proceeds of the play given recently by the Communi­ ty Club. Two or three other articles will be purchased soon- Mr. and Mra. I). S. McWilliams came up from Albany today to look after i heir property here. Mrs. J. A. McCullough came with them and visited at the H. W. Cnatice and T P. Patton homes. Mrs. David Promao same also and spent the dev with bar mother, Mrs. M. M. Ward. Bert Haynka Saturd«), went to A'b>oy