R U R A L B N I E K r M lo lS HACK 6 f look a,ad con«- qu-nfly considered her a plain womim 'there was urn.tiler silence between luxury of tue P rairie avenue house the two. T h e n : "Mother, what would ALBANY bis farm bedroom seemed almost star­ you think of my going east next fail, tlingly stark and bare. to take a course in architecture?” Sunday— M>nd»y •Tuesday Selina frankly enjoyed D irk ’s some­ “ Would you like that, D irk ? ” April 1 8 -2 0 21 what fragmentary accounts of these "Yes. I think so— yes." visits; extracted from them as much R ichard Barthelm ess “Then I ’d like it better then any­ Raybeatos Hi-speed Brake vicarious pleasure as be bad bad In thing in the world. I — it makes me ID Service Station (he reality— more, probably. happy Just to think of It." “Now. tell me w hat you bad to eat,” “It would— cost an awCui kit." J 12 East First st. A I bin y,' ihe would say, sociably, like a child. T ’ll manage, I'll manage. . . the skating r 'W hat did you have for dinner, for • ------------------------------------------- W hat made you decide oh architec­ Phon • « example? Was It grand? Julie tells 9 the greatest achievement of ture?" ne they have a butler now. W ell I I 5 hia career ”1 don’t know, exactly. The new •an’t watt till I bear Aug Hempel on buildings at the university—Gothic, the subject." you know— are such a contrast to tbe H e would tell her of the grandeurs Halsey Railroad TJme old. Then Paula and I were talking >f the Arnold menage. She would In­ the other day. She hates th e ir house North South terrupt and exclaim ; "Mayonnaise! • the famous White Mahatma on P rairie— terrible old lumpy graj No. 32, 3:20 a. ra. No. 17. 12:09 p. m. On fru it I Oh, I don’t believe I ’d like stone pile, w ith the black of the I. C. lb. 10:43 a .m . 33, 7 ,1 1 p .m . bat. You did I Well, I ’ll have It for d a y s, s ta r tin g i trains all over It.. She wants her fa 34, 4:25 p .m . 31, 11:34 p. next week when you come home, | tlier to build north— an Italia n villa or • F rid a y A p r il 24 $ zou No. 14, due H alie y at 5:02 p. m., stop* ’ll get the recipe from Julie." ' French chateau. Something of that to let off passengers from south of He didn’t think he'd be home next • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Eugene reek One of the fellows he’d met at < sort. So many of her friends are mov Nos. 31 and 32 stop only if flagged. Ing to the North shore, away from he Amolds"*had Invited him to th eir Nos. 31. 32, 33 and 34rnn between Port­ Halsey Happenings dace out north, on the lake. H e bud these hideous South-side and North- land and Engene only. i side Chicago houses w ith their stoops, i boat. (Continued from page 1) i and their bay windows, and their ter­ Passengers for south of Roseburg should 'T h a t'll be lovely I" Selina exclaimed, take No. 17 to Eugene and there transfer rible turrets. U g h !“ No. 15. W. M. Burbank proposes to lite r an almost unnotlceable moment "W ell, now, do you know." Selina stage meets trains wrack tbe old Henry barn and put >f silence—silence with panic In It. remonstrated m ildly, “I like ’em. I 18, Halsey-Prownsville 17, 14, 34 and 33 in order named. I'll try not to fuss and be worried up a concrete garage; also build « ike suppose I ’m wrong, but to me they an old ben every minute of tbe new and larger eating house, * Ime I think you’re on the water. . . . seem sort of natural and solid and unpretentious, like the clothes that old Outgoing Mail One week from today ie clean-up Vow, do g o on. Soblg. F irst fru it Auguat Hempel wears, so squarecut day, appointed by the city council vlth mayonnalae, b'm? W hat kind of and baggy. Those houses look digni­ At the Halsey poetoffice mails oup 7” at Monday eYeuing'a meeting. He was not a nattirally talkative per- fied to me, and fitting. They may be close going north at 11:50 a. in Nothing else but roulioe businett on. There was nothing surly about ugly—probably are— but, anyway, and 5:20 p. m. was done. its silence. I t wag a taciturn streak they’re not ridiculous. They have a Going south, 11:10 a. ni. and certain rugged grandeur. T hey’re Chi Some children playing around nherlted from his Dutch ancestry. cage. Those French and Ita lia n glm 5:20 p. m. ls time, though, he was more volu­ To Brownsville, 6:20 a. ro. and an auto Sunday started it and it Ih me th.-in usual. "Paula . . .” came cracky things they— they’re incongru­ 12 m. Morning stage to Browns rao o»er and killed 2-year-oid ignln and again Info his conversation. ous. I t ’s as if Abraham Lincoln were Robert Scbimmelpftmnig at his Paula . . . Paula . . ." and to appear suddenly In pink satin knee villa goes on to Crawfordsville, home two miles south of Albany .ignln ", . . Paula.” H e did not Inmwio.» and buckled shoes, and laee Holley and Sweet Home. on the highway. ■eeru conscious of the repetition, hut ruffiea at (he wrists.” quick ear caught IL (T o be continued) If you have heard the music Selina's " I haven't seen her," Selina (aid, Paid-for Paragraphs , _____ • sent out by Weiner's old-9ime since she went sway to school the The bull in tliu China shop has noth orchestra of Forest Grove you may first year. She must be— let’s see (5c a line) Ing on the scrub bull In the good herd he glad to know that the Walkers she’s a year older than you are. She's when It comes to destroying profits will play at Tumble Inn a week nineteen going on twenty. Last time • • • \«w fence and anchor posts. C. from tonight. Ben Sudtell keep» 1 saw her I thought she was a dark E. Quiuioy, cart A. W. Dykstra H a saves 53 cents a ton who hauls putting» on attractive programs scrawny little thing. Too bad ahe his manure direct to Ihe fields, the there. didn’t Inherit Julie's lovely gold color-- Ohio agricultural experiment station Carnival— May 1, I. (). O. F. Ing and good looks. Inslend of Ku- lias found. Sheriff Richards is after delin­ sene, who doesn’t need 'em." hail. big time lor everybody. s e e quent taxpayers of two or three “She Isn't I" said D irk , hotly. “ She’s All you nave ever seeu at a car- Better gardens and home butchering years ago, under an act parsed dark and slim and sort of— uh— seusu nival, and more, loo. and canning may save more money at the last legislative session. Ih oua"— Selina started visibly, and raised the farm er than raising food, to del] cases where oertificates of delin­ her hand quickly to her mouth to bide for cheap. Old papers lor sale at 6c a bundle quency have not been issued all a smile— “like Cleopatra. H e r eyes e e • at the thuterprise office. penalties will be waived if payment are big and kind of slanting—not The best way to meet the dairy aqulnty I don’t mean, but slanting up is made this month. c o * ’s uilnerai needs la to-app ly lime a little at the corners. Gut out, kind H. C. Davis, Mrs. Hugh Leeper, of, ao that they look bigger thun moat and phosphorus. In the form of ground Baseball at Harrisburg Hmestone and Acid phosphate, to the Mr. and Mrs. C S. Davis of Shedd people’s.” At Harrisburg Friday tbe Hal­ soli, and thereby grow more high m in­ “My eyes used to be considered rath- and Mrs. Eltha Turner attended sey girls were defeated, 11 to »9. eral roughages, auch as clover and the dedication of a new Christian ar fine." said Selina, mischievously; a lfa lfa . The Halsey beys beat Harris­ mt he did not hear. •••••••••«•••!•■•••(••••« TORRANCE G LO BE Reconditioning Shop | C lassmates -, | “ M URDOCK” • 8 cbureh at Turner easter Sunday. The church was built and donated to tbe sect by Mrs. C. A. Davis of Turner and cost about 140.000. W. H. Campbell at d wife aT’d brother Jam es visited a t J. P. Templeton’s last week- W. H., who is a form er Uaiseyite, was on the way to California and Arizona, looking for a climate suitable to asthm a patients. At C. F. Morse’s Wednesday a t dinner were Mrs. Morse’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Davidson, their daughter. Mrs. Clara McCoy and Miss Lilia McCoy, all of Brownsville and Oral Davidson of Harrisburg. M. Arnold of Lebanon sued the veterans’ bureau for iiene- fits of his war risk insurance on the ground th at he was per­ manently and totally disabled while serving with the field a r­ tillery in France. On the first ballot it is reported th a t the ju ry was evenly divided. A fter 20 hours it reported a disagree­ ment, though Arnold’s friends were said to have won all but 2 of the jurym en In that time. So Big (Continued from page 5) Capper, enft-epoken, Ironic, In hla shiny boot» und hla hat alwaya a little on one aide Pervus DeJeng. a blue-shlrted giant with strong tender bands and U tile fine golden hairs on the backs of tbutn. lu strange contrast to these was the patient. Ureleaa figure of M iia rtje Pool standing In the doorway of Roelf’« little shed, her arms tucked In her apron for warmth. "You make Din. huh?" the laid, w lsifully. “you nnd Roelf. You make fun.“ And Roelf, the dark vivid boy, misunder­ stood. Roelf, ihe genius. He was always oue of the company. Oh, Selina Dejong never was lonely an these winter evenings before her Are. She end D irk sat there one fine sharp evening In early April. It was Saturday. O f late D lik had not al­ ways come to the farm for the week­ end Eugene sad Paula Arnold had been home for the Faster holidays. Julie Arnold had Invited D irk to the fe y parties i t the Prairie avenue house. He had even spent two entire FO R SA L E Da» end vetch Baled Ilay Also dry fir and ash 16-inch Wood Ire A Miner, OLD-TIME DANCE at 'F u m b le I n n W c iln e N tla y E v e n in g , A p r i l 2 2 M usic by w a|ker Brothers, old-time players, 9 € e & e « e th e b e s t in th o w e s t T h o u s a n d s o f p e o p le h a v e h e a rd th e m o v e r th e O re g o n ia n r a d io in th e p a s t tw o y e a r s E v e ry b o d y is g o in g C o in e a n d h a v e a g o o d t im o a t T u m b le I n n ’ W e d n e s d a y e v e n in g r c p u i» "She makee all the other girls look A Good Day at Shedd sort of blowxy." He was silent « mo­ C harity grange drill team, ac­ ment. Selina was silent, 'too, and It grange Samuel M. Nagle, who kept a w a . not a happy silence. D irk fpoke companied by several again, suddenly, as though contlgulng patrons, went to Oak Plain general merchandise store in Hal­ aloud a train of thought, "— all but her grange at Shedd Saturday af- sey, going from here to Sheridan hands." I ternoon and initiated 4 candi- in 1900, died at the lattar place a Selina made her voice sound la fu m l, ! dates into the m ysteries of the week ago Saturday aged 72. Mr not sharply Inqulsltl-e. "W h e t’s tho 3rd and 4th degrees. They Nagle »pen 30 year» of his life a» m slter with her hands. D irk?“ He pondwe-l a nuMueni. hla brows were given a very cordial wel­ a school teacher before coining to He is beet re me inhered knitted At lost, slowly, "W ell, 1 don’t come by tho Oak Plain grange, Oregon. ae the leader of a atuoufemale know. They’re brown, and aw fully which was highly appreciated quartet. thin and sort o f- grubby. I mean It by Charity. makes roe nervous to weteh them. And when the rent of her le cool The lecturer's hour, headed w aeningron U n iversity Craw W ins. they’re hot when you touch them." Oakland. C al.— T he U n ive rs ity of by the w orthy lecturer, Mrs- H e looked at hla mother’s hands W ashington row ing crew defeated the Shedd, was enjoyed, especially that were hnay with some sewing The well-prepared article on U n ive rs ity of C alifo rn ia varsity here stuff on which she was working was a her In the annual three-m ile race. The “Child Training.” l i t of satin ribbon, part of a hood northerners led tha entire distance Intended to grace the head of Geertje Mr. Saltsm an of Callipooia and crossed the line almost 10 lengths Pool Vander Sljde’s second baby, she grange a t Brownsville was ahead of the Bears. By tho victory, bud difficulty In keeping her rough present in the interest ot the Huskies w ill represent the coast fingers from catching on the soft sur­ "¡grangers’ day ” during the pio In the Poughkeepsie regatta. face of the satin Manual work, wa ter. sun, and wind had tanned th»»e near picnic at Urownsville iojuue. bands, hardened them, enlarged the Ice cream, cake and coffee Kid McCoy It Now In Prison. knuckles, spread them, roughened were heartily partaken of af­ San Quentin. C a l— “ Kid McCoy." them. Yet how sure they were, and ter the meeting and ail left once dapper beau brummel of th« strong, and cool and reliable— end ten day had been very prlxe ring, known to few by his real der. Suddenly, looking at them. D irk feeling the sold. "Now your hands. I love your well spent and also feeling very name, Norm an Selby, la now con much ashamed of th e amount riot No. 40,714. The e x flg h te r must hands, Mother." She put down her work hastily, yet the other fellow ate. Those serve an Indeterm inate term for man quietly, so that the sudden rush of present from C harity were, Mr. slaughter, aa a result of the death In bnppy grateful tears In her eyes nnd Mrs. Curtis Veatch, Mr. and Lee Angelas of Mrs Theresa Mora. should not sully the pink satin ribbon Mrs. Francis Kizer. Mr. and she was flashed. Uke a girl. "Do you. Mrs. Chancy Sickels, Mr. and SohlgT” aha said. N O T1C B TO T A X P A Y E R S A fte r a moment ahe took up her Mrs. C. P Kizer, Mr. and Mrs. Notice is hereby given (b » t in accord­ Sperling, Mrs. Nancy- ance w ith chapter 214 of the general sewing «gain. H e r face looked young, August eager, fresh, like Ihe fere of the girl Pence, Mrs. Doliie Pence and laws of Oregon for 1925 and an order of who had found cabhagea so beautiful son Lyman, Mr. and Mrs. Ross the countv court of Linn county, Ore­ gon. laaueil m accordance therewith *11 that night when ahe bounced along Dougherty. Mr. and Mrs. Harold interest penalties and costa which have Ihe n itty Halated road w ith Klaas Virginia, ! been or may he incurred on all taxes Pool, many years ago It ra m * Into Kizer and daughter , levied in Linn county Oregon on the her face, that look, when she was Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kizer, Mr and tax rolls for Ihe years |92t. io j j and hnppy. exhilarated excited T hat Mrs. Beryl Kizer, Mrs. Charles 192J, w ill be remitted if »och delinquent was why those who loved her and ■ Hamer and son Jam es Allen and taxes are paid on or before M«v 1 i - g This does not apply te t a r t,g „ brought that look Into her race j Lucile Sperling. which a certificate ef d e h .q lfBev ‘h thought her beautiful, while those Visitors were also present ,, Frank Richards. I who did not love her never saw the from Western Star grange. Sheriff of L isa county. Orego« — HALSEY STA TE BANK 4 at Halsey, in tbe sutc of Oregon, st the close of business A p ril 1)25 RES O U R C ES 4 1. Loans amidisconnts, lucluding rediscounts shown in items 29 and 1/1 i ll t «n - - - . $139,004.)J 30, any w ------------------------- ----------------------------------- . . a . - . - . - . - -------- 2. OverJratts secured and u n s e c u re d ....---------------------------- --------- . . . 455.43 3. U. S. government securities owned, including those shown m items 3d and 35, it a n y . . . . ------------ . . . . . — ------------------. . . . . . . . t, sotto 4. Other bonds, warrants and securities, including foreign govern­ ment, state, municipal, corporation, etc., including those shown in items 30 and 35, if a n y ----------- ------- -----------. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . n .a w .jo 6. S in k in g house, 52,606 ; furniture and fixture», $ 3 , 5 3 8 . . . . . . . . ------- - 4,144.00 9. (ab) Lash on hand in vault and due from hanka, banker» and trust companies designated and approved reserve agent» of this b a n k ................................................. ......................................................... J9.383.7t Checks on.banks oatside of city or town of reportiug bank and other cash item s______________ . . . -------------- ---------------------- ------- ------- - 31.44 Total cash and due from banks, items 8, 9, 10 and I I , >39,416.55 T o t a l ________ __________________________ ________1 .------ - "TyTTSoTl L IA IL IT IB S 16. Capital stock paid i n . . _____ . . . ________ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j . . . . . 17. Surplus fu n d .. . . . . . . ....... ................................ IS. (aj Undivided profits____ _____________________________ >4.745.89 (b| Less curreut expenses, interest anti taxes paid_____ ..2 ,9 6 6 15 U u ta N D DarosiTS, other than banka, snbject to reserve : 23. Ind ividu al deposits subject to check, including deposits due the state oi Oregon, county, citiea or other public f u n d s ____ . . . . . 24. Demand certihcates of deposit outstanding___________ . . . . . . __ . . . 25. Cashier’s checks of this bank outstanding payable on demand . . . . Total of demand deposits, other than bank deposits, subject to reserve, items 23, 24, 25, 26, >95,760 11 T im k a n d S a v in g s D k p o s its , subject to reserve and payable on demand or subject to notice : T im e certificates of deposit o u ts ta n d in g ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28. bavmgs deposits, payable subject to n o tic e ________________ . . . . . . . 20,000.00 15,000.8V 1,779.74 93.229,71 153.45 2,376.95 33,997.89 33,393.47 Total of tim e and savings deposits payable on demand or subject to notice, items 27 and 28, <67,390.56 T o U l - — ............................................................................................... i l 99,930.41 State of Oregon, county of Linn, sa. I, 8. M. Bond, cashier oi tbe above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of ray knowledge and belief. _ , B. M. Bond, Cashier, C orrect-cA ttest: C. H. Koontx, D T aylo r, L. D. T a y lo r, Directors Subscribed aud sworn to before me this 11th day of A pril, 1925 ,, Amor A. TuSsiaff, Notary Public, i l y commission expires 3-12-28. The Enterprise one year for one dollar The Pap er will Stop Coming at tha end of the term u u I shs the subscriptiou ig rvuewed. The money will be used in making a better paper for the subscriber diuqnir^thieJ^Hej^^hejMibscription, not io improving it for the beuedi of lotuebody else tbe next J ear. burg 4 to 3. 'Ihe math iuuiug hegau with that More aud waa ex- oiling, but Haleey was able to hold it down. Palmer made X of Hul­ sey’e 4 pointe, Corbin 1 and leoui 1. Morton struck out 7. The in­ nings stood: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Halsey 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0—4 Harrisburg 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 —3 World’s Record Held at Halsey D uring the Everding park shooting tournam ent of the Rose City Gun Club, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. D rinkaid were in Portland, returning Sunday. Jim made a world record at the shoot, when he made 81 targets straig h t, trapped from the tower. The form er record was 67, held by Ben Trenk'man wi Cutting Out W aste Credit is waste. Bookkeep- ing and collecting consume time, and time is money, Some debtors die, amoe move away, some go bankrupt and some are downright dishonest persoas. Those who pay $1.50 cover these losses. Any Linn County Farmer not now uki« tbe Enterprise can have it on trial 25 weeks for 25 cents . » and it will stop coming to him when the time expires unless he orders it eontiuued. One or two cople. might not give a fair idea of the work the paper is doing, but after 25 weeks’ ecqu .in t.n e. sub.rib.r can decide whether or not it is worth f l a year. Py C” h t0 ,eh* >1 pupil‘ who Procure these trial sobscr.pt,on. from farmer, in Linn county. Write or call for particulars. 1 Those who have farmed fifty year, haTe k#r(i#d thing e v e ry year. None of us knows it all Every I inn c u m , w «o r h .,h ,I, -o r lb , , p S to o m E ..., „ tb jf> eb„ L ... P , 0 |w ( ip ( . “ The Enterprise «¡11 coBiin». iWprov, „ "bi.“’“1’“ °“l‘' ‘“»"’•»•»i p«.- Linn County Farm Features .111 ...u.«. X i b « 7 J " " ' T E ’ " 1' something from some other farmer under In • '’ - » • ' I » " - » More than twioe'aa much local naw. gossip . . Can be found elsewhere a u . 1 - . good-natured Oregon n. Wi in br)ef p#ragraphg Caddy . evening fairy f . | ei , Join the Lucky Dollar Class» Have a share in making a better paper a sey - a credit tc» the community