APRIL 15, 1925 • H alsey G arage’ X T i i b"1 “■ipp*1 * • a s s i I “2 ! o u . 0' Tu- ' ’ A D M IR A L CO O NTZ A M B ASSA DO R S C H U R M A N • • • Ail work done ifl this shop is fully guaranteed I specialize in .11 make, of cars and tractors, magneter- starting motors and batteries. 8 1 _ I want jo b . where others have failed < '* I f you need me phone 16x6. ’ ( • J p papman News Notes From A ll Over Oreg on G le a n e d b y th e W e s te rn N e w s a p o r U n io n f o r B u s y P e o p le ¡¿IIK .U L.MtHl'XJSIl France’s Finances A re Scrambled Government Is Defeated in the French Senate By Ballot Halsey Garage PAGE 5 Frank G. Will JE W E L E R Diamonds), Watches, Jew­ elry, Cut Glaaa 820 West First Albany of 156 te 134. session of the legislature. The re­ port Indicated that the proceedings would attack the title of the act. The annual conference of county agents of the coast counties of Ore­ gon will be held iu Astoria again this year. The meeting probably will take place the latter part of June. Agents from Coos, Columbia, Lincoln, Tilla­ mook, Lane and Douglas counties are expected to attend. Governor Pierce has appointed the members of the - battleship Oregon commission, which was created by an i act of the recent legislature. Mem ) bers of the commission include Cora A. Thompson, Portland; Lafe Man ning, Portland; Colonel Carle Abrams. Salem; Howard C. Waddell, Rose­ burg; Colonel U. G. Worrilow, Port­ land. This commission will assume lull charge of the battleship after it arrives in Oregon waters. Jacob G. Schurman, minister to China, who hat been named ambass­ ador te Germany by President Cool­ idge. Paria.—After an adverse vote In tbe senate on his financial program, Prem­ ier Harriot resigned. Announcement of hto resignation came almost imme­ diately after the rate of confidence bad shown him defeated by 166 to 122. The premier and his cabinet walked out ef the chamber and there was not even so much as the formality of a cabinet meeting before a decision to quit wsb reached Denial of a vote of confidence ramp In the senate after hours of debate on the government's financial policy The government had been wavering for days because of the disclosures of Inflation and government burrowing and tbe final puah was given when Poincare rarried the senate with him after a blltqr duel with Herrlot over his government's record. This was tbe third time In French parliamentary history that a govern­ ment bas been overthrown by the senate. The debate had the senate tn such a state of effervescence aa is seldom seen among the staid and stable sen ators. Premier Herrtot tn his reply again mentioned France's foreign debts as weighing heavily upon the country's foreign policy and at times actually hampering her negotiators. So Big (Continued from page 3) uh-oh geometrical situation of the uh-uh-uh— He shifted restlessly in his cbnlr, found his hands clenched Into flsts. and took refure In watching the shad­ ow cast by nn oak branch outside the window on a patch of sunlight against the blackboard behind her. During the early spring Dirk and Selins talked things over again, sealed before their own flreplace In the High Coos bay exported during March lumber products valued at $137,735. Admlral Coontz, who la In command Willamette university elected Miss of the maneuvers of the United States Lucia Lucile Card of Dallas to reign fleet In the Pacific. as May day queen. A movement to have Jackson county di ted that an order In the case prob­ vote again on a proposal to remove ably would be issued within the next the courthouse from Jacksonville to 60 days. Medford ia under way. Washington, D. C.—The administra­ Poisoning instead of shooting will Mrs. Fred Wagner, wife of a rancher be resorted to in the effort to kill tion planned for a vigorous defense in residing at Cottrell, committed sui crows which are molesting the nests the supreme court against the attack cide by drinking poison. She had been A large tractor now being used by of water fowl near Summer Lake, ac­ by the senate upon tbe president's in ill health tor some time. the bureau of public roads in widen­ cording to a decision of the Deschutes power to remove front office his own There are 24 cases of scarlet fever ing the McKenzie pass highway be­ Rod and Gun club. The club had or his predecessors' appointees. In Clackamas county, 14 of which are The president’s case was presented tween Sisters and the snow line prob­ planned to organize a large party of in Oregon City, according to Dr. F. R. ably will be used soon' in an attempt Deschutes county folk to visit tbe by Solicitor-General Beck, who pre­ Wallace, county health officer . pared a new brief to oppose that of to break the road over the snowbound lake and shoot tire invading birds. The Salem city council authorized summit to the McKenzie river slope. Members of the tribal council of the Senator Pepper of Pennsylvania, for an* appropriation of $1000 for erec­ Rabid coyotes are resulting in a loss Klamath Indians appeared fejfore the senate, which contends that con tion of a community building on the of many valuable sbeep dogs In the Hubert Work, secretary of the in gress has full power over all govern Salem auto tourist camp grounds. Hay creek country of Jefferson coun­ terior at Klamath Falls with an ment offices except those created by Kermit Roosevelt, son of the ex- ty. One sheep company has lost four urgent plea for his influence toward the constitution. president, will attend the 1928 Pendle­ valuable dogs in recent weeks. Rabid getting a $3,000,000 government loan. The controversy between the execu­ ton Round-up, H. W. Collins, presi­ coyotes have been common in the As spokesman for the Klamath tribe, tive atki legislative branches of the dent of the show, has been assured. stock country of central Oregon for Seldon Kirk, chairman of the coun­ government will be fought out on the Norton EddingS, 72, next to the last several months. cil, told of the hardships of bis people basis of a case arising from the re­ survivor of the old stage drivers who Berlin.—The nomination of Field Sustained yield of the forests o£ in their efforts to farm their lands dn moval of Frank S. Myers as postmaster were such picturesque aud Important Oregon has resolved Itself into mere­ the reservation, and declared that a of Portland, Or., In 1920 by President Marshal Von Hindenburg for the Ger figures in the early history of south­ ly keeping fire out of the reforested government loan appeared to be their Wilson. Myers, who sued for back man presidency continues the subject During the Early Spring Dirk and ern Oregon, died at his residence near pay, appealed to the supreme court of heated educational polemics In the land and an inhibition against prohibi­ only salvation. Selina Talked Things Over Again, Gold Hill. on the ground that his removal was Berlin and provincial press. Tbe or Following a conference of officials tive taxes, according to C. B. Neal, Seated Before Their Own Plreplaoe A young cougar which had killed supervisor of the Umpqua forests, who of the Oregon-Washington Railroad A Illegal because the senate was not’ad­ gang of the ODlted right parties, which In the High Prairie Farmhouse. two year-old heifers on the M. E. addressed a recent meeting of the Navigation company and of the state vised of the action until a successor have chosen the war idol aa their po­ Gruber farm was shot on the north Cottage Grove chamber of commerce. highway department, and an inspec­ was appointed. litical champion, are supporting their Prairie farmhouse. Selins hid had The senate intervened in the case nominee vigorously In the fsce of crit­ that fireplace built five years before fork uf the Trask river by William tion of the ground, it waB announced J. A, Churchill, for the past 12 and Homer Wilks and brought to years state superintendent of public that the rail line contemplates drlyjng with the assertion that congress can icism by liberal organs, which are re and her love of it amounted to worship. Impose the conditions under which the producing recent statements of con­ Site had it lighted always on winter Tillamook. instruction, was elected president of shafts and boring tunnels just east, of evenings and in the spring when the After tea years of effort directed the state normal school at Ashland at Mosier, where the action of subter president may remove from office per­ servative Journals opposing the nom nights were sharp. In Dirk's absence sons whose appointments must be sub­ ranean streams causes a constant lnatlon of Von Hindenburg. News to obtain a district office at Portland a salary of $4500 a year. The Con­ she would sit before it at night long of the federal bureau of foreign and tract covers a period of four years settling and shifting of the earth’s mitted to the senate for confirmation. papers supporting the candidacy of Dr. sfter the reei of the weary household domestic commerce, that , goal has dating from January 1, 1926. Mr surface over a considerable area. The As expressed in a brief filed by Sena­ Wilhelm Mara, ex-chancellor, nominee had gone to bed. High Prairie never been attained and the office will be Churchill’s term expires January 1 tunnels, similar to those constructed tor Pepper, it holds that in creating of the Weimar coalition, also are giv­ knew how many guests Selina enter­ west of Cascade Locks, where the an offiee, congress can fix the tenure ing prominence to comment from tbe tained tbdre before iter fire those win­ opened July 1. 1927. rail line had to fight these same con- and determine how the appointment United States and from London. The ter evenings—old friends and new. 8o- Four of the five state deputy fish The Medford city council has voted litions, will control the underground shall be made and how Incumbents Held marshal's campaign managers are lilg was there, thd plump ettrth grimed wardens at Oregon City recently ap­ $250 to be used to pay the expenses may be removed. ¿low of water. It 1« u t or.t.xl displaying abundant optimism In re baby who rolled and tumbled in the pointed by Warden A. C. Ross, have of Oregon Agricultural college and fields while hla young mother wiped gard to his prospects of polling the the sweat from her face to look at him turned in their stars. The appoint­ University of Oregon experts in mak ub Candy Co., First street,, next highest Individual vote in the elections with fond eyes. Dirk Dejong of ten ments had been protested by the state ing scientific surveys for public build door to Blain Clothing Co. of April 26 hence w as there Simeon Peake. gtme commission. ings to be erected in Medford In the Noon lunches. Thetr campaigning effort will be Home-made candv and ice Cream. Rids for construction of approxi­ near future, including the sites for concerned -chiefly with locating the (Continued on pare 6) mately 60 miles of road and con­ the proposed new $300,000 high school This is good advice; "it you live 13.000,000 ntiglhle voters who were M PERIAL OAFS, SO B W . First struction of several bridges will be building. in Albany, trade iu Albany ; if you live etay-at-bonies during the elections to Harold G. Murphy Prop. considered at a meeting of the state H. L. Neel of Fort Rock lain a Bend in some ether town, trade in that town." Phone 6Z>5 tho reichstag December 7 and In the 3ut in these automobile days many re- highway commission to be held in hospital, the victim of a sage tick W r never CLOSE -iding elsewhere find it advisable to do preliminary voting for a president on Portland April 23 and 24. carrier of the greatly feared spotted .it least part ol their buying in the March 29 I agneto electric co . Bids on the new union high school fever. So far as known, this is the larger town. Those who go to Albany Official Stromberg carburetor serv­ building at Molalla will be opened first case of spotted fever, known to to transact business will find the firms ice station. Conservative prices. All lamed below ready to fill their require* by the board at that place April 20. medical men as the Rocky Mountain nents with courtesy and*fairness work guaranteed 119-121 W. Second. AWARD IS DECLARED FINAL1 Cheyenne, Wyo.—Fear that "some The structure is to be of brick and spotted fever, reported in central Ore outrage” would he perpetrated against, ARINELLO PARLOUS President Coolidge Replies to Peru's two stories In height and will accom­ gon this year. The fever frequently ACCESSORIES ANO TIR ES the person or property of Governor (A beauty aid lor every need! Protest on Deoltlon. Auto Supplies proves fatal. modate approximately 400 students. Nellie Taylor Rose caused a guard to ÊL Francis Hotel J. H. A u. ison Washington. D. C. - President Cool Prep., W innifrmd R ose . be thrown around the Wyoming exec­ Governor Pierce sent a telegram to 442jWest First St. Mgr. A. Millebrand, vicar general of tdge Informed the Peruvian govern utive mansion, N. (*. Wachtel. state the Catholic archdiocese of Oregon Governor Richardson of Californio moDt that he was constrained to re en and money are bgsi when J. LINDAHL, hardware, commissioner of law enforcement, City, was named administrator in urging him to sign a bill recently busy. Make your dollars work in gnrd hla award as arbitrator in the • Dinnerware stated. place of the late Most Rev. Alexander passed by the legislature of Californle our savings department. A lbany S tate Tacna-Arlca dispute between Peru and Tin shop in connection Violence, according to Wachtel, waa Christie. He will serve until an including In the highway system ol 3Jt)'W. First St. Albany, Oregon B ank . Under government supervision. Chile aa "final and without appeal.” expected to come from quarters where archbishop Is selected by the Vatican. that state a road from Beaver, Cal., The communication pointed out that ins Sue Breckenridge A lbany Floral Co. Cut flowey« Oovernor Roes' activities agBlnst liq­ An enlargement of the educational to Malin. Klamath county, Oregon this action agreed with the terms of Hemstitching. Stamped goods and plants. Floral art for evefy 333 West Second street, Albany, Oregon auhmlaalnn as signed by the two gpv uor and narcotic vendors have been facilities at Chemawa Indian school This proposed road would connect and all occasions. • with The Dalies-California highway. Phone 452R ernments and also with the general most strongly felt. Underworld char­ Flower phone 458-J. At Salem was aanounced by the in acters who have been operating In Wy­ R B. Reeves of North Bend was terlor department. The grades taught QTIM SON T H E SHOE DOCTOR principles of International taw r u n s w ic k oming oil fields are at the.root of the will be Increased from 10 te 12. The elected prWudent of the Brotherhood WKh reference to the request, for P H O N O G R A P H S k-7 Serond street, opposite Hamilton s trouble, Wachtel Indicated. school has an enrollment of 959 pupils. of American Yeomen for Oregon at the American forces to supervise the store. at Governor Aosa baa been guarded slate convention of the order at "Sudden Service” plebiscite, the president points out that W O O D W O R T H ’S Klamath Falls mall carriers are constantly during the last week. Salem. Other officers were: J. J. tinder the terms of the agreement al saw carrying pistols on order of John At the office of Oovernor Ross It aldo Anderson A Son. distrib­ ready signed by Peru, the Chilean ad avenport Music company offers McCall, postmaster, because af at­ Welch of Medford, vice-president; C. utors and dealers for Maxwell, Chal­ ministration of the disputed territory was said ahn refused to take the mat­ Piano-ca9e organ, good as new tacks by vicious dogs. Six earriers E. Albin of Salem, treasurer; Fred E. mers, Essex, Hudson & Hupmobile cars. Kstey organ, good Ll new ter seriously. Rfforts to get her views Accessories, a pnlies. 1 st & Broadalbin. shall not be disturbed have been bitten during the week, so Schmidt of Pendleton, secretary, and Used Pianos. Julia E. Moore of Eugene, chaplain. The finality of the president's ac­ were unavailing ”1 have nothing to they have been instructed te shoot E SPECIALTY SHOPPE pastburn Bros.—Two big grociM tion te further stxoosed by a state­ way becauee I’ve had nothing whatever Cancellation of state liens on un all offending dogs. hemstitching anil stamped goods. stores, 212 W. First and 225 South ment that he regards It as unseens to do with it," she said. The Michigan-Oregon Trust com­ occupied lands of the Deschutes coun­ Albany. Oregon Main. Good merchandise at the right 318 W. Second st. nary to afford Chile an opportunity ty municipal improvement district Owner, Irene McDaniel. prices. pany of Muskegon, Mich., has bought to present views In relation to the U. 8. Par .Capita Circulation (41.99. a tract of timber one-half mile from was favored at a meeting of settlers plite Cafeteria and confectionery New Peruvian memorial to which his com Washington. I). C. - Every man FURNITURE AND tnunleatloa Swlsahome, on the lower Siuslaw of the Tumalo irrigation project with ■4 Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ and to a reply woman and child In the United States river, from Mrs. Marie White of Rhea Luper, state engineer, in Turn ings. Courteous, efficient service. used FARM MACHINERY Bellingham Sew Mill Burna would have $41 $9 If tbe Antal of Duluth, Minn. The tract contains alo. The cancellation of liens was We make our own aaMlies. Bellingham, Wash.—Fire of nnd* $4.778.167.000 In circulation April 1 recommended for the purpose of mak bought. sold aOd exchanged at all times W. S. D uncan . about 6,000.000 feet. termlned origin caused damage estl were divided, the treasury announced ing the unoccupied lands attractive George Putnam, editor and pub­ I ms developed and printed. B E N T. S U D T E L L mated at between $260,000 and $300. Figures show a slight decline of to settlers. lisher of the Salem Capital Journal, We mail them right back to you. 000 at the plant of the Puget 8ound money In circulation over March 1, Phone 7b-R. 123 N. Broadalbin st., Albany Aerial photographs of the city of Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, Or- has -demanded that John Carton, dis­ Haw Mills A Hhlngls company Is when the figure was $4.807.000,000, Portland which will be made into a rifon. _______ _ trict attorney of Marion county, start and from April 1, 1924, $4,812,000,000. Bouth Bellingham. map showing 107 square miles of ter mandamus proceedings looking to the ?ORD SALES AND SERVICE ritory will be provided by the F. O return of the state banking depart­ Tires ami accessories Mercer company, tbe city council de Write tor booklet describing onr 20- Repairs ment ta tbe state capital. cidlng that auch a map should be In K ibk -P ollak M o TOX C o . year Rural Credit Amortized Loans It was reported at Salem that an tbe bands of tbe city engineer and The loan pays out in "20 payments, re­ attack may be launched In the courts that the price of $200 was less than jrtm iller Furniture Co., fnrni- tiring the principal Cheap rates. No to annul the so-called cigarette tax the city could have the survey work ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. delay. B eam L and Ce.. U . S. f t C. T . C. T ire « N e w , lo w - p r ic e d G ill Funeral directors. 427-433 west First 133 Lyon street, Albany, Ore. law which was exacted at the recant done for by its own office. street, Albany, Oregnn. , M o re s e r v ic e B a tte r ie s f o r H. ti. Corey, member of the public i l.l HR GBO4 KRV, 286 Lyon and • F o rd , service commission, has return Prompt service. Courteous treatment. MORE SERVICE FOR LESS MONEY the direction of the Interstate com­ I M h A» ***" Everything in the line of e«to IW ir B ain , Room 5, First Savings Bank P. J. C H E N E Y &. C O ., Toledo» O hio merce commission. . Mr. Corev pre- Opposite Postoftte ‘ builning, Albany Meyers* Fight for His Salary For Hindenburg und der Kaiser ^/^¡bany^7)irectory H I M M a Ferguson is Under Protection M A M M B D W i Y F F FA RM LOANS A R R O W G A R A G E , Gansle Bros. F H alFs C a ta rrh Medicine F FA R M LOANS