I A A g rc u ltu re H o rtc u ltu re L iv e s to c k A cokly Chronicle of Local Events and Progress*on Linn County I^and APRIL 15. t»25 P a ir y P o il 1 t r W ool H alsey H a p p e n in g s Mrs. W. A. Carey was at Sa­ End of Ona of Life’s Tragedies A n g r y A ra b s M ost Im m igrants A lfo rd A rro w s lem Saturday. Mrs. Marcelln K irk died this an d C o u n ty E vents 0. W. Frum and Eldon Cross A fte r B alfour from N e a r N eighbors morning at 11:80 at the home of (By an Enterprise Reporter) were in Eugene Saturday. her parents, M r. and Mrs. J. J. Miss Gladys Will banks ia cavalry , .. S y ria . —Algerian . . _ New York. — During the first six I Corcoran. Doings o f Our Populace C. H. Koontz and 0 . W. Frum Damascus. visiting relatives in Albany. • and wife were in Albany Thurs- gallopln8I tbr°ugh the 8t«*‘8 Da“; months of operation of the new lniml- A few years ago she was u happy Chronicled in Brief day. J aacus with drawn swords and eight Doris Dykstra spent Sunday gralion law. Mexico and Canada pro- i »afl armored cars maneuvering with the Paragraphs vtded by far the greater part of the bride, flushed with health and the with Henrietta and Esther Htarnes. George Hayes and family and troops are credited with having saved total net Immigration to the United j° y of living In timecame root! - Mrs. Adda Rango were at Salem Ix,rd Balfour from the hostile mob of States and these countries now are efh o o d and fend hopes for the fn -l i soni and family visited Rolin Summers got a fine of Sunday. 6000 people Which attempted to attack $500 and a six-months jail sen­ the chief sources of the foreign labor I j ure to which she would train her al **'• K Isom’s, near Browns- v j Two were * rt th'o / d( u r f T l •, l r i i his " l“ hotel. r‘ d before “ >«’ killed and many was supply for Mie United States, the na tence for operating that Holley ville. Sunday. tional industrial conference board an spent the week end at the Eng- I quelled «still. And he lost his still. Then domestic trouble and sepa- Glen Hill and family of Har- lish home in Eugtne. The mob ajIDOgi succeeded In raash- nounced. The board had made an A party of Albany visitors at analysis of immigration from July 1, S Ä C spent one eventng ¡ „ t George Finley was in 'Halsey ln£ ,he hotel where the veteran Brtt- 1924. when the new law became ef- the Rebekah meeting Wednes­ world by taking a full trained week at Lee Ingram ’s. for a short time Thursday en iB h »tataBman was staying fective, until January 1, 1925. day evening were Mrs. Lillian E- nurse's course. That completed, to Coos Bay. The demonatrattona against Lord During the same period, there waa Mr. and Mrs. P. 0. Bowman Hiner, Mrs. ^H. A. Warford, route ■»r„„ T ... ..... , . . ' Balfour are due to his work In the “an enormous rate of return of itn- the future seemed to promise com­ and Mrs. C. B. Earl, Emma Smead . Ingrain in, "i Miller S sister, Pgtabllehment of a national Jewish mlgranta," from the United States to I petence and bappiuess. But about - Mr. and Mrs. „ M. L. and Flora Wheeler. the last work that oaioe to ber win olivet ton were Sunday after­ .I lS - h annie Buckner of Port- home in Palestine. Ho 1» the author J““ Europe. A total of 79,741 aliens ar­ when tbe hospital sent her aa cus­ noon callers at Lee lo g ram ’s. F. S. Gutibman has traded his land, has cotne to visit the M u- , of the Balfour declaration by which rived from the eastern hemisphere todian of a patient being trans­ Great Britain announced support to and 69,916 returned. At the same The Frank Kropf and Cersof- Brownsville place for one at lets. On tbe ... . . . ,, I 'he Zionist movement Lord Balfour time 88,948 aliens came in from the ferred to San Francisco. ski children were absent from Clovis. Cal. A Montana man is Mr. and Mrs. W A Muller went t0 PaleatIne refeBtly t0 partlcl. return trip she stopped at Halsev the new owner here. Mrs. Gutz- . J dinnei guests Oi Mrs- Mul- pate In the opening ceremontes af the western hemisphere—principally Can­ for a visit with ber parental family school last week on account of ada and Mexico— and only 6898 re­ sickness. man’s health caused the change lei s biotaers in Albany Sun- new Jewish university on Mount turned. and her little son. day- ■ Scopus. Hardly bad she gone again when to California. The infant grandchild of The net permanent increase in the word came that she was in a saui Alonzo Leach of Crawfordsville population of the United States . . . . . Miss Iona Albertson s p e n t --------------- At Brownsville Charles Fulls- .. . . . . . . „ . tannai, not . as , . a nuise but . as a . was buried in the Alford ceme­ gar's teHm ran Jaway Thursday the week end as a guest of hep COLO SUMMER EXPECTED through immigration during the fir»; ¡patient. And following this came six months of the new law was 104,- of last week. Mrs- Fullager friend, Miss Joy Starr of Bell-1 | the dread, tbe fatal announcement, tery Sunday afternoon. Aide to the Naval Hydrographer Pre­ 875. compared with 483.719 for tbe „nd two children were thrown fountain. j “ tuberculosis.” After a time she Lillie and Emery Rickard corresponding months of 1923, a de­ dicts Unusual C h ill. was brought home for the mmis- spent Sunday in Tangent visit- out but not seriously hurt. The Mrs. H. L. Wallace and crease of 78.3 per cent. Of this net team then smashed the White daughter Grace went home Washington, D. C.—Unless scientific Immigration, 22,825 oaine from the tratione of parents, brother ana ¡ng relatives and attended the hardware filling station and Sunday from their visit with signs fail, says Lieutenant-Commander eastern hemisphere — meaning prin-. sisters and for the closing days ol easter pageant in the evening, George E. Brandt, aide to the naval appreciation ot tbe lovable ebar- j stopped, slightly the worse for the Rectors. hydrographer. this summer will be a cipally Europe—and 82,050 came from aeierisiics of the child on whom j Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Whitbeck wear. Fullager got a thorough Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Freerk- cold one, and the summer of 1928 even the western htxnlsphere. her hope» and efforts hod been cen- and Miss Thelma Ingram at- shaking up. sen and Mr. and Mm. W- A. 1 colder. tered ’ tended the concert at Harris- attended Sandridge I A study of solar radiation and ocean THOMPSON IS SENTENCED Mr». Lillian Howe ol Browns­ Muller Aud then the end came. One burg Wednesday night of last > temperatures has convinced him that more tragedy rung off life’s stage, week. ville has been nursing Mr grange Saturday evening. Henry Zimmerman, June neIt year ‘'a»n»merl« a" 181« be Former Employe In Oregon State Southworth through the siege oi | An Easter party was held at dupllcated. Treasurer's O ffice Qets 9 Years. Hai»»,* Man’s Picture in S. F. flu and pneumonia which carried Layton and Ruth and Alice Lieutenant-Commander B r a n d t ' Chester Curtis’ Saturday night. Salem, Or.—Clarence W. Thompson. attended Easter him to the brink of the grave. Sturtevant Roland Marks’ picture adorns Those present were, Lee Ingram . , points out that cyclonic disturbances who was Indicted by the Marlon coun Dr. Marks is his physician. Mr. evening services at Shedd. are the u„itn0WD quantity in tb« Curtis ty grand jury on a charge of appro­ the report in the San Francisco and family, Ellsworth Southworth passed the crisis a Miss Ida Mitzner and Ken- weather equation, and that while the priating 83000 from ,u the tu . state treasury .rrusur, K e v ie w o f t h e drUir show at and family, Michael Rickard week ago and is slowly recover­ neth and Ellen Vannice were present outlook is for a decided tem- department, was sentenced by Judge ,t h ® ° ' , A , , C: ^ U^ iOnal «Ild ™fe, Miss Lillie Rickatd, ing. George Morse of Browns­ among those who came home perature drop, actual conditions at the Kelly to serve a maximum term of ! ,?itK>n* held >ast February. Mr. MIS. A- E. Whitbeck, E. A. ville drives the etage. for the Easter week end. llme may be tar <>»<«•»* because Of seven years in the state penitentiary H d ik 3 jisd charge of the ph&t- Starnes and family« E. D. Ison* I factors that are new known. He be- Thompson entered a plea of gnllly macy department and is given and family, George Bias, Ml'S. H. Freerksen of Shedd ]ieVes. however, that ocean tempera- to the charge In tha indictment. About the time the Enter­ much credit for its success. I Charlie Warden and Chester prise went to press last week had as dinner guests Sunday tures greatly Influence tbe weather, He is to have charge of pre- Curtis and family. Ice cream In passing sentence Judge Kelly Miss Ruth Finley took advan­ J. Tate, Mrs. Agnes Clark, Mr. and that the 1925-6-7 weather already also revoked the parole previously parations for convention of the and cake ware served. tage of her option on the lease and Mrs. John Hoffman and Mr. has been largely detennlned by the granted to Thompson when the de- State Pharmaceutical Associa­ heat of the sun that was stored up tendant eatared a pfea dr ÿutlty and tion, July 6, 7 and 8, at Corval­ of the Ribelin property, so Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Freerksen. P in e G ro v e P o in ts Hoffman will not take his chick­ T. G. Mitzner and mother ln, the “ ean durin’ l19US4' ’ hen was sentenoed to serve a term of lis. en« and aow to those six acres brought to town Monday morn- two years In the penitentiary on a Roland had Prof. T^tum *ot ______________ charge of taking 3981 from the state the O. A. C. chemistry depart­ (By an Enterpiise Reporter) after all. Rumor has it that ing a. carload of Willamette | Coolidge May Slash Boards. treasurer's office. The seven-year ment at home with him here J the lessee may take a partner. University students who had Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Berger oi Washington. D. C.—More than 40 sentence imposed on the defendant ‘ist Sunday There is room enough for that ixien with them over Sunday. Eugene spent Sunday at R. K- Independent commissions and govern will start when the previous sentence in the Ribelin house, and some. While Mrs. Frank Cameron raent boards have come under the of two years has been served. Final plans lor tha I.iun couaty Stewart’s. of Brownsville was cranking a foo“ of President Coolidge's economy day of tbs spring Jersey show will Bert Minckley shipped a car­ car Wednesday the crank flew progran. wlth 8 vlew t0 ‘»eir 8b«»- Extends Whipping to Money Offenses. be made in Albany Saturday, load of lajnbs and hogs to Port­ Albany’s back and badiy lamed her arm, “on <” reduction Some ef these in- land last week. Dover, Del.—The Delaware house April 18, at 1:30 at the city hall only I hut 110 Ibones were broken. I dependent establishm ents draw rathex passed two bills which would add A ll Jersey breeder« please come. Mrs. McLaren- and Dorothy heavily on the treasury for salaries. Mre. S- M . Holt. ’EXCLUS ■ and Ida Schick spent Sunday at Mr. and Mr», Kd Z im m erm a n , I among them the em ployes’ compensa- lashea to the punishment of embes- Sec. Lion C i. J. G. C. One bill provides that misap­ George McNeil’s- _____ went to Albany Saturday morn- tion commission, which requires »bout zlers. propriation of funds collected by exe­ OPTICAL PARtORS' ing to meet their daughter, 3i5o,ooo annually. Mr- and Mrs. L. E. Eagy and cutors. guardians and attorneys be Church of Christ | Mrs. WiH Priee, and children, Mrs. Floyd Nichols were Al­ punished by ten lashes and five years Dorothy E llin gton Taken to Asylum. Sunday School, 10. bany. visitors Saturday. imprisonment. By the other bill 80 Mrs. Will Price and children, E V E R Y T H IN G O P T IC A L , . , „ , . San Francisco.—Seventeen-year-old . 10 years' Imprisonment Preaching,* 11. who arrived on the stage from Doroth Elllngsnn, ,he pren, broBIP ‘“ h " Mrs. Charles Gibson of Cor­ B a n c ro ft O p tic a l Co. Christian Endeavor, 7. Monroe to spend the week end haired glrl who8e purgult of Ja„ and d be given ‘o « s h ie r ., servant. vallis visited Mr. and Mrs. Preaching. 8, ----- ,, . . . . . . . , or clerks convicted of embezzlement. Joy rides culminated last January in a with relatives at Shedd.______ Frank Gibson Saturday and J1J West First street. Albany,Or. quarrel In which she killed her mother Sunday. , (Continued on page 6) in a bedroom of their home, was ad BRIEF GENERAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. George Chand­ judged insane by a JuFy and taken ler and small soji attended eas« Treasury department officials ex­ to the state asylum for the insane ter services and visited friends pressed concern over tbe growing de­ at Napa Cal. at Shedd Sunday., mand for dollar bills, which has taxed Arsenic May Have Caused 6 Deaths. printing facilities. A. P. Albertson and W. G. Ex-Senator Sterling of South Dakota Gary, Ind.—Finding enough arsenic McNeil and families attended to kill scorqp of persons In the home was selected as field secretary of the the quarterly meeting at In­ of Mrs. Anna Cunningham, an at­ commission which will plan the 200th gram’s Island Sunday. tractive widow of 50, authorities de­ anniversary of Washlngton’a birthday. The flu has been an unwel­ Dr. Herman Paaache, former privy cided to exhume the bodies of the Eaeter Sunday wal victorious in woman's husband and four children, co u n cilo r and vice president of the many ways. Tlierc were 86 in at­ come visitor at the Jim John­ all of whom died suddenly at Intervals German relchstag. died In Detroit fol tendance at Sunday school. A l­ son, Bert Haynes and John Mc­ lowing a sudden attack of pneumonia, during tbe .past six days. most 90 dozen eggs were brought Neil homes the past week, the while on a lecture tour in the United for benevolences. The rgu« and entire families, with the excep­ States. Poisoned by Mushrooms Sunder school offering amounted tion of John McNeil jr., having More than 31.600.000 for the per had it. I l everybody could ba made to to $25.20. L o OK VbuTHFUL in G ingham FOR NATIONAL GINGHAM WEEK “ Kalburnie ” 32-mch, fast colors, 25c a yard “ Toile do Norde ” 32-inch. 32c a yard English prints, 36-incH, 50c a yard M. V. KOONTZ CO. HALSEY, OREGON understand that all toadstools am intishrooms and that many tndzh- rooms are poisonous there might ! be fewer cases of mushroom pois- | oning. The papers continually ' prate of “ toadstools mistaken for j mushrooms" and some people, ; once certain that a plant ia a mushroom, eat it and die. Ona of Webster’s definitions el “ mush­ room” is: "A n y large fungus, especially one of the genus agari- i cus; a toadstool. Several species are edible but many are very pois­ onous.” Last Saturday E Jewett and Frank Massok of A lb in y became very ill after eating mushrooms, but tbair lives were ssved. The same day George Kt an, his brother Silas and a nepbew, Ken­ neth, aged 3, became iil after eat­ ing canned aorn, put up at a fac­ tory, but tbev recovered^ Alternate smiles and tears have greeted us from above tbe last few days, and bow the grass and gar­ dens grow l manent rehaimitation of the tornado- swept area in the middle west has been received by the American Red cross through Its chapters over the country. Six officers were ordered court marttaled by Secretary Wilbur in con auction with the arrival at Hampton Roads February 84 of the naval trans port Beaufort from the West Indies with liquor aboard. President. Coolidge appointed Fred erick C. Hick«, ex member of con­ gress from Port Washington, L. I., to he alien property custodian, suc­ ceeding Colonel Thomas W. Miller, who rea^ned recently. Degegations from Salem, Al­ bany, Silverton, Stayton, Aums­ ville. Gervais, Turner, Wood- bum. Aurora, Independence, Dallas, Falls City, Corvallis and Eugene are expected to discuss the proposed $640,000 linen mill with business men in Portland tomorrow. In tbe afternoon tbe women’s missionary society held it» regular i Easlor Birthday Surprise monthly meeting with Mrs. Carey Easter Sunday was Mrs. Hat­ as leader. The thank offering tie Quimby’s- birthday and boxes were opened and tbe offer­ while she was attending church ing Tha »mounted to $16 01. i . .. , , , , . . . preacher waa remembered | wiili many gilta during tbe day. I Ixirs and friends gathered in. Eggs, fr u it,’ meat? pie,B cake and j When Mrs Quimby arrived F money were verygenerouslv given, , home the tables were burdened for which we wish to thank the w*th good things to eat from givers. Be aure to b’ in Sunday next Sunday and on tim«. « achool 1 Clifford Csray, paeto-t. — M . E. Church Robert Parker pastor. Sunday school, 10. Preaching 11 Junior I.eagi.e, 3, Interm eduta Leagtie, 7. Epworth league, 7 Preaching, 8. Prayer-meeting Thursday, 8. | f»!<* i>askets of these friends. To «ay she was surprised would be putting it mildly—she was as­ tonished. Those present were. Mi and Mrs. William Pence and son, Mr. and Mrs. Chancy Bick­ els, Mi. and Mrs. Byrd Waggen- er and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blaess of Medford, Mrs. Charles Hamer and son James Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bierley and baby son, Madras Able, Bessie Palmer, Louise Seefeld, Irene and Ruth Quim­ by, Clarence Waggener, lis te r Green, Paul and John Quimby and the host and hostess-