Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, April 08, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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    A P R II, t
• Change of Ownership
Halsey Garage and iuvite the patronage of the public.
All Ford repairs done by Ford schedule with a quarter to a
third off regular prices.
I specialize in all make« of cars and tractors. I alee repair
battery generators and soils.
I have had 15 years’ actual experience in the beat shops in
Portland and western Canada. Give me jot>e where others fail
• • p.‘ p X p m a n
Allee Samee Income
fax Is Proposed
Hals<?y Garage
W ho
W ouldn’t
S m ile H a p p ily
upon opening a box of the»e deli
cinus caudles? The wonderful as­
sortment, the delicious flavors and
the tempting appearance of these
“ lumps of d elig h t” win to us all
lovers of good sweets and judges of
confectionery exoellence. Try them
once and see if we exaggerate the
perfection of these goods.
Clark’s Confectionery
Tweedledum Is
Quarrel Over Paltry
N ot Nweedledee
$ 1 7 5 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0
Fall, Sinclair and Dohenys Win '
on Technicality in Wash­
ington Court.
Washington, D. C.—All Indictments
if Albert B. Fall. E. L. Doheny, Harry
S'. Sinclair and Edward L. Doheny Jr.,
trowing out of the naval oil reserve
¡eases, were quashed here by the Dis­
trict of Columbia supreme court.
Justice McCoy sustained the motion
sf counsel for the defendants to dis­
miss the Indictments on the ground
that they were violated by the pres­
ence of unauthorized persons in the
(rand jury room when evidence was
being taken.
The bribery charge grew out of the
delivery to Fall here while he wbb
interior secretary of $100,000 in cash.
The fund was advanced by the elder
Doheny and brought here from New
York by his son in the now celebrated
little black satchel. Fall gave his per­
sonal note for the amount, and Do­
heny, in disclosing that 'he had ad­
vanced the money, said it was a loan
to a friend and had nothing to do
with the leases.
The Indictments returned here and
ordei-ed dismissed are wholly apart
from civil suits which have been
brought by the government in Wyom­
ing add California for the recovery of
the Teapot Dome and California naval
In dismissing the criminal indict­
ment, Justice McCoy upheld the con
tention of defense counsel that the
senate resolution taking prosecution of
the oil cases from the department of
justice and placing them in tire Luud:
of special counsel removed the right
of the attorney-general or any of his
assistants to appear before the grand
Detroit, Mich.—A legal fight involv­
ing the estate of a deceased child
threa uned to prevent or delay closing
of the sale of Dodge Brothers, fttr. to
Dillon, Read & Co., New York bankers.
John Duval Dodge, cut off with a
$150 monthly allowance under the will
of his father, John F. Dodge, founder
with Horace E. Dodge of Dodge
Brothers, Inc., filed in circuit court
here a bill p( complaint seeking to en­
join his stepmother, Mrs. Matilda R.
Dodge, from disposing of any part of
the estate of Anna Margaret Dodge,
her daughter, who died last April at
the age of four years. Part of this es­
tate, young Dodge’s bill avers, Is a
l-18th interest in Dodge Brothers, Inc.
Judge Harry Dtngeman in the cir­
cuit court refused to grant a tempor­
ary injunction but ordered that Mrs.
Doiije appear before him to show
cause why an injunction should not be
Sale of Dodge Brothers automobile
concern to a group headed by Dillon
Rtad & Co., of New York, ie reported
to have been for slightly less than
$175,000,000 In cash.
Dillon Read’s winning bid for the
Dodge properties, involved payment of
at least $50,000,000 for "good will,"
which is believed to be the largest
price such aa item has ever command
ed in a cesh transaction.
Germany and Belgium have signed
a commercial treaty whereby com­
merce between the two nations will
be resumed.
Secretary of War Weeks suffered a
faint Btroke of cerebral thrombosis
which usually causes paralysis last
week, but is now almost completely
Jean De Reszke. fatnous opera
tenor, died in Nice, Franos. For many
years De Reszke we« the leading
BORAH FLAYS BUREAUCRACY tenor at the Metropolitan Opera House
in New York.
Centralized Government Characterlz
A total of 15,564 applications for
pd ae Expensive and Burdensome.
the citizens' military training camps
Chicago.—Bureaucracy at Washing has been received by th e war depart­
ton was characterized • by Senatqi ment. it was announced.’ On the same
Boraji of Idaho as the "most ezpen day last year only 8966 'hsd applied.
elfe, burdensome. Inefficient and arbi
Telephoto communication between
trgry form of government ever per the police departments ef New York.
matted to torture the human family.” Chicago and San Frsesaiece will be
He was speaking before the Izaak established April 4 to» flash by wire
Waiton League of America.
photographs of criminAfc immediately
International affairs were subordi­ after the commission of a crime.
nated to domestic questions by the
The Japanese navy! department an­
chairman of the senate foreign rela nounced plans for tier «»instruction of
tlobs committee, who declared that:
22 warships with a , total) tonnage of
"Our first and highest obligation Is J24.900, to include eight first class
her$ in America; our first concern is cruisers, three second clans cruisers,
our- own people.”
ten destroyers and fan airplane mother
The tendency to centralize govern- ship.
jMent at Washington, Senator Borah
declared, is "undermining the'eonfl-
Brodls Resigns *Po«t In Siam.
deni\ e and destroying the capacity of
Washington. D. C.—Resignation of
the c . \ llen t0 Assume and meet the Edward E. Brodie, American minister
obligations of citizenship.” to Siam, will be Accepted at his re­
C om int\ generations will denounce quest. His suqcafjsor has not been
Mr. Brfidie was appointed
those who hwve cowardly frittered elected
»way their
said Senator Bo by President Harming in 1921. He was
vice president «^ the Oregon State
rah, when .they t'fc’aken to the de
liberate ro*>tery, ai.'d unconscionable Chamber of Commerce and is & pub
devastation, of their heritage of local Usher of Oreg«afl City, Or.
self govern O ient
Smallpox 8pA-«ada In Philadelphia.
Phlladelphftu—Two smallpox quar
antiaes after! lug more than 2500 per
« «
__ _ will do whit we sons have beau established In South
Philadelphia. In the last few weeks,
if slC U D C claim ior it
system of Catarrh or Deafness a smallpoi baia has been established
in some sect) ons almost dally, and
| Catarrh.
is at the polri t now where It is said
I J *v Cm »« 6--«’" ’ <0
IENEY fit CO., Toledo, Ohio td be causing much concern to medical
1’1’a C a ta r r h
nent o f tne ownership, m an -
t, etc., of th e. Halsey Enter
ublleh-d et Halsey. Oregon,
red by Oie aot of congress of
, T»II:
ulsey. Oregon. April. 1, 1,24
. editor and manager.
H a m er,
L ia n
o o u n t.
Adders, mortgagees and oth-
■if y holder», noo*
fm H. WHEKLFP-. Edito".
Col. James Fecht, who was named
to succeed Gen. William Mitchell as
assistant chief of the government’s
air servioe.
Alfred P. Dennis of Maryland, who
was recently appointed a member ol
the tariff commission to succeed
David J. Lewis, whose term expired
1 ightening the Lines
Would Have All
Against Bootlegging
W ar Outlawed
Washington, D. C.—Official duties
assigned to the several treasury exec
utives were shifted about considerably
with the advent of Lincoln C. Andrew
of New York as an assistant secre­
tary, succeeding Eliot Wadsworth, re­
Forecasting efforts to bring about
more effective enforcement of prohibi­
tion laws, all agencies in the treasury
having to do wholly or in part with
this work, including the prohibition
unit, the roast guard and the customs
service, were concentrated udder the
jurisdiction of Mr. Andrews. For the
first time, too, the offloe of prohlbl
tion commissioner was placed undpr
control of one assistant secretary,
while the internal revenue bureau, oi
which It Is a part by law,' was gilen to
another official.
4' .
It “was declared that there was no
thought at the treasury at this time oi
displacing Commissioner Hayjies, but
that such changes as have been made
were worked cut In the belief that
greater efficiency might result in all
the work for which the treasury Is re­
Washington, D. C.—Joining of an
effot$ for international agreement for
the outlawry of war with that of
further armaments reduction in any
new arms conference called by Presi­
dent Coolidge was proposed in a mem­
orial brought to Washington for pres
entatlon to the chief executive by a
committee of Its signers, who includ­
ed many prominent in church, educa­
tional and other fields and several
state governors.
Viewed from the outcome of the ef
fort of the League of Nations in this
direction, the memorial said, “the
great cause of the outlawry of war
would seem lost unless a conference
called by you results in the uniting of
the nations in a practical plan of ag­
gressive war.”
The fact that in that movement,
the memorial added, the représenta
tlveB of 48 governments, "adopted by
unanimous and enthusiastic detailed
vote a plan for the outlawry of ag­
gressive war In the form of a draft
treaty for submission to their govern­
ment, shows that the time is ripe
for it.”
Planning the lioftie grounds should
Eliminate all diseased birds
precede planting in the spring.
the flock.
• • •
• « •
Beekeepers should plan their sea­
order for certified po­
son's work, and get everything in
tato seed.
^ i b a n y j/)ire c to ry
ub Candy Co., First street, next
Blain Clothing Co.
H door to Noon
Home made candv and ice Creatn
T h is is good advice: " I I you live
M P K R IA L C A FE , 20a W. First
in Albany, trade in Albany ; if yOu live
Harold G. Murphy Prop.
in some ether town, trade in thst tow n."
Pbone 665
Hut in these automobile days many re­
W e n e v e r clo s e
siding elsewhere find it advisable to do
at least part of th e ir buying in the
agneto electric o
larger town.
Those who go to Albany
Official Stromberg carimrctor serv­
to transact business w ill find the firms
Conservative prices. A ll
named below ready to fill their require­ ice station.
work guaranteed,
119-121 W. Second.
ments w ith courtesy and fairness.
Auto Supplies
J. H. A l l is o n
UJ.West First St______________
J. L IN D A H L, hardware,
Tin shop in connection
356 W. First St.
Albany, Oregon
A •
C .
lbany Floral Co. Cut flower-
Floral art for every M
A and and all plants.
Flower phone 458-f.
e u n s w i c k
Paris.— Premier Herrlot revealed to
the radloal socialist group of the
chamber of deputies that he plans to
meet the French financial ertsir with
a proposal fbr a long term capital tax
The exact extent of the levy, how­
ever, he' left unclear, saying it would
apply “only on acquired wealth," and
would not affect “Wealth in forma
Harriot made no definition of the
meaning of "wealth In formation," and
It was believed tbat on its definition
will rest the real policy of the govern
The chamber gave Premier Herrlot
and hla government a vote of conftd
ence with a vote of 530 to 0 following
close on the appointment of Anatole
De Monzle as minister of flnanoe to
succeed elemental, who resigned .
CJementel's resignation was the cul­
mination of his premature announce­
ment to the chamber tbat the govern
ment faced a financial stringency
•which made it necessary to issue addi­
tional paper francs.
W O O D W O R T H 'S
Frank G. W ill
Diamonds, Watches, Jew­
elry, Cut Glass
*820 West First
Albany I
Farm Property is
Taxed the Highest
Study of Three Indiana Coun*
ties Shows Rural Levies
Higher Than Cities.
Washington, D. C.—The farmer pays
more In taxes, based on property val­
ues. than hia city cousins, in the opin­
ion of the department of agriculture
economists, who have completed a
study of taxation in three Indiana
The study covered the tax records of
100 farms In Tipton. Miami and Mon­
roe counties, the first being chosen to
represent high value land, the second
average value, and the third low value
Rented farms were found to yield,
before deducting taxes, 3.8 per cent a
T em porary Deeroe Issued In Behalf
year. Rented olty real estate yielded
of Pacific M ail.
4.6 per cent, while bank property re­
Washington, D. C.—Justice Hits, In turned 8 per cent. The economists
distriot supreme court, issued a re­
pointed out that if a uniform 2 per
straining order against the United
cent tax were levied on the three
States shipping board, preventing it
classes of property, it would absorb 25
from selling the five great "presldont"
per cent of the bank incomes. 42.6 per
type liners now operating in the Pa
cent of the city rents and 62 6 per cefft
rifle, to the Dollar shipping line.
of the farm rents.
The restraining order was sought by
"Actual tax returns show," they add­
the Pacific Mail Steamship corpora­
ed. “that farm land does pay more
tion. which now operates the vessels
taxes in proportion to its annual earn­
under lease from the board and fol
ings than other real property. It re­
lows a bitter battle between the two
concerns over the right to purchase quired almost one-third of all net
rente from the surveyed Indiana farms
the ships.
The board a few days ago accepted to pay property taxes levied against
the Dollar bid, In preference to the them from 1919 to 1923."
Pacific Mail’s offer.
The order was made returnable on FLEET AT SAN FRANCISCO
April 13, at which time counsel for the
shipping board will go before Justice 107 Vessels, 2600 Officers and 33,600
Men In Armada.
Hits and argue the legality of the
board’s action in accepting the Dol­
San Francisco, Cal. — The Golden
lar bid.
Gate awuug wide open Sunday in wel­
come to the grand fleet of the United
States, which arrived from southern
Quadra Rum Captain la Found G uilty.
San Francisco.—Notice of appeal waters for 10 days of final prepara­
was filed in the cases of 12 persons tion fur the war game in Hawaiian
convicted of conspiracy to violate the waters, the greatest peace-time man­
national prohibition laws in the euvers In the history of the nation—
Quadra case. The verdict found the and the long liegira to Australia and
captain and officers, the agents and New Zealand.
The entire assemblage—the largest
operator of liquor running ships be­
concentration of aoa power ever as
tween the Quadra and shore, guilty
Federal Judge Partridge Imposed a snmbled In San Francisco harbor and
sentence of two years in the federal the mightiest naval feres ever, brought
prison at Leavenworth on Captain together at one time under the Stars
George Ford, as well as a $1000 fine. and Stripes--formed a procession 26
miles long The entourage consisted
Bring Battleship Oregon to Portland. of 107 vessels of all kinds and classes,
Salem, Or.—The battleship Oregon, carrying an officer personnel of 2600
for the raalnteaaaoe of which an ap­ and approximately 83,600 enlisted
propriation of $15,000 a year was auth­ men.
orised at the recent session of the leg­
Mrs. James Newman of Cor­
islature. will ba tew .4 to Portland
harbor during the Rose Festival tiers vallis visited her mother, Mrs.
in June, aocordln* to announcement Belvary Ixigan, who is recover­
made hern Saturday.
ing from flu, Wednesday.
Oregon Ex-State Teller la Indloted.
Salem, Or.—Clarence W. Thompson,
(A beauty aid for every need'
teller in the state treasury department
SL Francis Hotel
Prep., W in n if r b d R ose
here during the administrations of Jef­
ferson Myer* and the late Q. P. Hoff,
en and iiiuney are best when
was indicted by the Marion county
busy. Make your dollars work in
jury on a charge of larceny of
our savings department. A l b a n y S t a t grand
B a n k , tind er government supervisioi
state funds It was charged Io the
I Indictment that Thompson appropriat­
ias Sue Breckenridge
I ed $918. The apparent shortage In
Hemstitching. Stamped gocil-
333 West Second street, Albany, Oregon the stats fundi was discovered by
Phone 452R Thomas R Kay, state treasurer, when
be assumed charge of the treasury de­
G T IM 8 O N T H E SHOE DOCTOR partment last January
Ö Second street, opposite H a m ilto n 's
Brewer Advances
C M, Brewer, manager nt ti>«
Mountain State* Power coinpanv,
with beadquartes at Albany, ha-
been elected a member of tne
boardjof directors of the Standard
Gas uod Electric company. The
latter, with headquarters in Cbi-
cago, is the par»rft of th« Mountain
State« company. B/ew rr’e promo­
tion comes as a recognition of his
loog end successful’tiryice ae an
executive of the Mountain States
Power company.
Mr. Brew.-r joined the Ryllesby
organization in 1909 at Muskogee,
Ok., end a year later was trans­
ferred to Mankato, Minn. When
the company purchased its first
bolding» in the northwest he was
<enl to Everett, Wash., but after
a few months was given the man­
agement of the Sand Point, Idaho,
division of Ibe Mountain States
Power company.
In 1912 !>•
look over the management of the
Byllesby company’s holding« at
Richmond, Cal., and in 1919 was
appointed vice-president and gen­
eral manager of the Mountain
Stales Power oompauv with bead-
pmrters at Albany, where lie bes
«iuce resided.
Doheny Salta te Big Combine,
New York, N. T.—Control > f the
aldo Anderson & Soil, distrib ­ Pan America! Oil A Transport com
avenport Music com pany offers
utors and dealer» for Maxwell, Chal­ pany passed out of the bands of the
Piano-case organ, good as new
mers, Essex, Hudson A Hupniohile cars.
Eatey organ, good as new
Doheny family for a price estimated
Accessories, cs polies. 1st A Broadalbin
Used Pianos.
in financial circles at $40,000.000.
Blair & Co. of the Chase hanking
l’astburn Bros.— Two big grocery
hemstitching and stomped goods. group, British Interests represented
J stores, 212 W. First and 225 South
Albany. Oregon hy Lord Inverforth, and the Standard
Main. Good merchandise at the right 318 W. Second st.
Owner, Irene McDaniel.
Oil company of Indiana joined In the
which will become e part of
lite Cafeteria arid confectionery
FURNITURE AND a purchase
new organization.
Home cooking. Pleasant surround­
Courteous efficient service “ d
d FARM MACHINERY Fifteen and a half million feet ef
We make our own candies.
W S. D u m c a n .
txxigbt, sold and exchanged at all tunes government limber In Coos county,
tributary to Cooa bay. was sold at
[p ilin g developed and printed.
B E N T. S U D T E L L
Roseburg In four separate lots The
* We mail them right back to you.
four tracts, all of which were O. ft C
Woodworth Drug Company, Albany,’Or­
grant lands, carried 4,000,000 feet of
_ _ _________
Fori Orford cedar, which sold for $7
tier 1000 feet
Tires and accessories
W r ite tor booklet describing onr 20-
K i b k -P o l l a k MoTon C o .
year Rural C redit Amortize«! Loans
The loan pays out in 20 payments, re­
jrtm iller Furniture C o., furni­ tirin g the principal Cheap rate». No
ture. rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. delay.
B e a m L a n d C o .,
U . S. & U. T . C . T ir e s Now, low-priced
Funeral directors 477-433 west First
133 Lyon street, Albany, Ore.
B a tte r ie s f o r
street, Albany, Oregon.
M o r e s e rv ic e
"Sudden Service.”
A R R O W G A R A G E , Gande Bros.
One good apple suggests anotheV—
uller g r <>< BBV, mb Lyon
to the consumer.
• • •
(Sncceaaor to Stenberg Bros )
It's time to prune the grapevines
at lowest rate of interest.
If you want the largest yields and the Phone 2l>3R
1 nest fruit.
olman & jackson
• e e
Grocery—Bakery Prompt service. Courteous treatment.
The pwwence of certala weeds, meh E very thing in the line of eats
W « B a in , Room 5, First Taxings Bank
as sour dock or yellow sorrel. Indicate
Opposite Postoffice
bnilning, Albany
an acid confiltioo.
F o rd ,
N o m o re coat
S ta r,
S k ille d A u t o r e p a ir in g
C h e v r o le t
A u to a c c e s s o rie s
o th e r
s m a ll c a rs