In Co-operation is Rural Salvation H alt of the Population is Organized. W h j not th e O ther H alf? The Great Outdoors News Notes From A ll Over Oregon Where Bread, Meat, Clothing, Health and Vigorous Humanity are Produced Gleaned by the Western Newsapop Union for Busy Peeple FOP S A LK men, one the tractor drivel, one yeoretary Jardine and President the separator engineer and Coolidge have lit tle aym patby w ith header tender and the other fa rm re lie f measures such a t the the separator tender. The grain M cN ary-H augan b ill, w hich h a d ' was hauled to the elevator di- the baoking of Secretary W allace. I Co-oporative m a rke tin g w ill be re c t fro m the machine with six fu rth e re d by M r. Jardioe. W a l- ' wagons. lace furtively frowned on it. j The Pacific Co-operative Poul- try Producers of Portland re- ceived 100,756 cases of eggs The Eugene Kegieter quote* R H. K ip p , manager of the m arket departm ent of P o rtla n d ’s chamber y e a r and s h j pped o u t o f oom m erce, thus : “ Co-opera live 138 of th about 105 m is more highly developed , Sales fl)J. th e 53 $942,496 White 0^ J. S. f S S S A LE W ANTED Nloewoot^ Sheep to Shear w ith a Power Shearing Machine Phone 12F12 H a rris b u rg or w rite J itn Greene, H a rris b u rg , route 2. Red K lu g Spring Wheat White Oats Building permits during March to­ taled »185,430 In JCugene. The First National bank of Ban­ don was closed for voluntary liquida­ tion. M rs. N ate C- S m ith Common Barberry Cause of Paralysis Greenhouse Tomato Is Readily Killec Is Lack of Mineral Superior in Flavor The state land department In March turned over to the state treasurer 1120.128.34. Out of the 70 teachers employed Iq Shrub Is Responsible for Lime and Phosphates Are the schools df Bend, all but 14 wm novt v»«* * Spread of Stem Rust. Needed for Strong Bones. Picked Unripe to Save Con­ return The state tax on gasoline and dis­ sumer Undue Loss. tillate collected on sales made during in Eugene and Lane co u n ty th a n (n(J i , / tim e g a s s *t3 . ’ T o , anywhere elae else in Oregon Oregon. L aae ’ T__ ® (P rep ared by th « U nited S tetee D ep a rtm en t Many hogs sufTer'from what Is com­ February aggregated »201,309.25. county in w id e ly known because of tai assets January 1 were $63,. o f A g ric u ltu r e.) by th e U n tied S ta te s D ep a rtm en t 611 and fully paid capital stock! The common burberry, which Is re­ monly called 'Vetting down behind.” (P rep a red i l l suceess w ith oo-operative m a r­ • o f A g r ic u ltu r e .) During the month of March Jack- Some scientists have for years been $64,890. Greenhouse tomatoes ripened on the son county expended »816 for boun­ sponsible for the spread of the black keting, and i t get. a eurprieing saying that this paralysis of the hind Several years of m istakes and stem rust disease of small grain, Is quarters In bogs la due to lack of vine are superior In flavor to those c e s on 8« coyotes, 81 wildcats and one am ount o f valuable p u b lic ity on failures in co-operative work very difficult to kill by digging but la mineral constituents In the feed. Oth­ grown outdoors In warm sections, and wolf. th a t accoant, ” The R egister adds : “ Co-opera­ have taught growers valuable readily killed by certain chemicals, ers have held to the theory that It was picked unripe In order to get them to Fourteen teachers and #4 pupils The co-operativeI saya the United S tate. Department of due to lack of vltamlne», in the ration, the distant consumer t\i®«out undue tiv e m a rke tin g has, a. M r. K ip p 1 lessons. Agriculture. Fragments of roots loss, the United States Department of have been reported out of school at resulting In a weakening of the nerves sa y., been h ig h ly developed here, I movement is fast spreading over | M1,„ er a lead u ,n the Agriculture finds In its study of green­ Bend because of more or less inijq and m any valuable lesson* have i th e country and during the past digging operation frequently have been On the other haod. many farm r.t be­ house tomatoes, just Issued us Farmers’ cases of influenza. lieve that this trouble Is due to kidn ty been learned in the hard school of year there have been compara- ! known to gprout, and even small chips National guard troops from all sec­ worms. Recently, however, the Ohio Bulletin 1413. Tomatoes marketed dur­ experience. P robably the m ost lively few failures- from the crown may do so when con­ ing the winter and early spring months tions of Oregon will start for Med­ experiment station has come to a defi­ im p o rta n t of these Iss.ons is: 'G e t ditions are favorable. The nse of nite conclusion as a result of a num­ when prices are high are usually served ford on June 12 where field m an.u the rig h t man and keep h im .’ ” chemicals does away with this dlffi ber of experiments. This station as a salad or as un Ingredient of a vers will be In progress for 15 days. culty and la strongly recommended Here are a few paragraphs •claims that the Immediate cause of salad. Thus a comparatively small A high school band concert will be f n e V / mik ,/» T V wherever other plants will not pe en- from recent letters of State paralysis In hogs Is lack of quantity is enough for several per­ held In Corvallis Saturday. Bands J.U1 I O U l l ^ I 12"S ‘laagered and where a slight steriliza­ posterior sons, making the tomato as economical mineral matter In the ration. Market Agent Spence: tion of the soli for a few years will not from Albany, Medford. Ashland and Whenever a bog does not obtain to the housewife us other available Many complaints have come be objectionable. Salem have served notice that they enough lime and phosphutes In its sulad crops. from shippers of farm products ’ Supply Must Not Only Be Th« department' has tested many ration to build strong bones on main­ The greeuhouse owner must make 11 expect to attend. chemicals in the effort to find the . best tain the bony structure already large investment In houses mid equip­ th a t dealers have not been at all < A m n le in A m n n n f K.,+ The Astoria school board has let a 1 r ’ with them, and in many j ™Ple but meant of killing the barberries. Sev­ formed, the lumbar vertebrae become ment, und he must be prepared to contract to Rohaut & Gearhart for eral have been found which are effec­ Also of Right Quality. cases no remittances have ever so weakened that they cannot sustain spend large sums for the maintenance the erection of a new Junior high tive, and the use of two of these, com­ been received. Recently the the tension of the powerful back of conditions suitable for this exact­ PlifR grow rapidly and require an mon spit and kerosene. Is described In muscles. Thus some lumbar verte­ ing crop, says the department. On the school In the east end of the city, m arket agent investigated the at a cost of <7»nn» abundant supply of protein in their Department Circular 332, Just Issued brae are crushed or shortened under other hand, a grower 2,000 or more case of a farm er in southern rations The Home Telephone & Telegraph by the United Stutes Department of to supply building materials the strain and bulging downward they miles from the markets must spend company, with headquurters In Med­ Oregon who last Novembet for this rapid growth. This protein Agriculture. cause Impingement upon the spinal large sums for picking, packing, trans . shipped his turkeys to a Port- must not only be ample In amount, but From 5 to 10 pounds of dry salt Is cord and puralysls of the hind quar­ portatlon, and handling before his crop ford. filed application with the public eland commission house and had must be of the right quality, advises sufficient to kill bushes having a group ter». If taken In time, this condition can be realized upon. The products of service commission for permission to never received any remittance, A. I* Du Kant, assistant animal hus­ of shoots at the base of from 6 to 12 can be remedied by feeding more min­ properly located greenhouse ranges Increase its rates on an average of 25 Jn this case the commission bandman, at Clemson college, who Inches In diameter. The plants may be eral matter and by adding a little where fuel, labor, auil other essentials per cent. cat down or left standing, but the salt olive oil to the ration, olive oil being cun w be obtained economically ure house had been out of business states that many of our protein feeds, should The tax levy for 1925, based oa surround all shoota and care such ns wheat middlings, linseed meal, for many weeks, the parties had soy-bean meal, peanut feed or ferm should be taken to surround any out­ rich In vltamlne A. Bnt this remedy usually able to compete successfully the valuations of all assessable prop­ will give results only If used Imme­ with tomatoes grown at distant points erty In Oregon for 1924, aggregates left the city and Nothing could oil nsenl, along with corn, do not make lying shoota as well. If there Is dan­ diately after the ppralytie condition out of doors. The vegetable-forcing be done. 142,660.338.65, according to a state­ an efficient ration for young pigs not ger of the salt belug disturbed by live­ hns been observed. Industry Is Increasing In Importance, Market Agent Spence thinks on pasture. These proteins are from stock, It may be covered by dirt or ment by Earl Fisher, state tax com­ 'Thoae who would avoid paralysis In and the tomato is receiving its full missioner. there should be a state law for plant sources and do not make a well- stones or brush, etc. The treatment the hind quarters of hogs should sea share of attention. successful at any time of the year to It that a good mineral mixture Is Copies of the bulletin can be had the protection of the thousands balanced ration with onr grains. Good Is Nearly 100 representatives from when the kround la not frozen. supplied whenever the ration fed is free, us long as the supply lasts, by Salem. Silverton, Hubbard and Wood­ of country shippers who ship pasture would Improve theife rations. Kerosene Is used to kill the bushes deficient In mineral constituents. Hogs writing to the Department of Agricul­ Efficient Rations. burn G. A. R. posts and Woman’s Re­ their products to the various On the other hand, Mr. DuRant ex­ by applying at the base In such a that are fed farm-raised grains plus ture, Washington, D. C. lief Corps attended a meeting of buyers and commission houses. plains. skim milk, bnttermllk, whey, manner that It wets the base of every all the tankage they care to eat do Marlon County Veterans’ association Any concern can rent a room, tankage and Hah meal, proteins from shoot and also the ground’ for 3 or 4 not-stand In as much need of a min­ at Woodburn. advertise in the papers and com­ animal sources, make efficient rations, Inches around each shoot. The amount eral mixture as those that are not fed Mammoth Clover Gives Biggest Yield of Seed mence business, And in 30 or " hen fed along with the grains. These necessary varies from 2 quarts for a tankage, yet In some cases the addi­ woman was killed, a man prob- Mammoth clover usually gives ably fatally Injured and two little 60 days they can be in some proteins are well balanced In composi­ bush having a group of shoots 6 Inches tion of mineral to a ration containing diameter to I gallon for a bush with tankage has given still better results little larger yleid of seed than medium girls badly bruised when the horses far state, with the form ers’ tion and are rich In the ataluu acids, a In 12-lnch base. This treatment la suc­ than when no additional minerals or June clover. There Is usually very " lilch are deficient In the grains. But of the Halfway-Cornucopia stage ran money in their pockets. cessful If applied at any time during these feeds are usually scarce or high were supplied. little difference In the price secured away at a point about 40 miles north­ (In recent numbers of ibe En In price. Mixture« of the proteins the growing season, but the action of per bushel for Medium and Mammoth east of Baker. kerosene la alow und Immediate results clover seed. terprise Page & Son of Portland, froin plant source and those from gnl- Manure Wasted if Left ■nal sources along with our grains should not be expected. An advantage Station KIJDJ, operated by the Ore­ Ttie first crop of Mammoth clover Is produce dealers, have advertised have Exposed in Barnyard harvested given good results, even better of kerosene over salt la In the fact that for seed. However, It Is gon Agricultural college, has bean for shipments. They are not than animal protein alone. live stock need not be kept away from Manure spread on the innd directly advisable. In early .Tune, to clip or pas­ dismantled to make way for the new lly-hy-night swindlers, t»ut have At Clemson college the pigs on a the treated bushes. from the stable lias given larger crop ture the field In order that the amount 500-watt class B station, which will four years.] A copy of the circular may be se­ tlelds than equal amounts of manure of vegetative growth may be held In mixture of half fish meal and half cured free upon request from the exposed In the open yard for some check This practice usually increases be Installed and ready for use in the soy-bean meal In sufficient amounts to been in the same business forty- latter part of April. a ration of corn gained 1.89 United States Department of Agricul­ time before spreading, In the many seed production. The Saskatchewan Co-opera- bnlance A hearing will be held in Portland pounds per pig per day and coat »6 66 ture, Washington, D. G, tests at the Ohio agricultural experi­ Mammoth clover Is approximately tive Elevator company is fast per 100 pounds gain, while those on ment station. April 6 for the purpose of prescrib­ two weeks later than June clover, so The stats livestock sanitary board becoming a powerful factor in corn and fish meal gained 1.88 pound» The average Increase of crops in fa­ that the clipping made In early June ing freight classifications aifectlag Canada- It has 435 elevators in [ST pig per day and coat »0.98 per 100 has refused to modify the quarantine vor of stall manure over yard-exposed will not he.large enough for hay. If auto truck owners performing the pounds gain. against the Importation of California manure, both applied at the rate of Saskatchewan owned and the season Is somewhat backward and service of common carriers oa the cattle, sheep and swine Into Oregon Economical Mixture. eight tona. was »3.40 per acre. operated by farmers. the growth produced Is short, it Is highways of the st»».s Coos county’s cheese output will At the Wisconsin station a mixture Tn this experiment extending over a Unless at least 200 more acres can not advisable to clip or pasture, The grape growers of Yaki­ of half tankage and half linseed meal probably be standardized thia year of 28 years the stall manure —C. R. Megee, Associate Professor*of be produced this spring for sugar beet ma have a co-operative selling with com lias proved decidedly more under the Melowest brand. A session period Is spread on a one-year-old sod In Jan­ growing, a beet expert from California agency that works. Memlrers economical than tankage alone for of cheese makers, dairymen and sell uary to be plowed under for corn in Farm Crops. Purdue University. »ill not remain at Klamath Falls for received 90 per cent of the price pigs on pasture. That station also ers was held recently at Coquille, with early spring. An equal weight of ma­ George S. McCord of Baker was paid for the grapes—think th at found that the addition of 5 per cent this matter In view The county has nure Is taken from the stalls at the appointed a member of the state the experimental work, the chamber over you farm ers who have of chopped alfalfa Improved the ration a great dairying area, but the trouble same time and exposed In flat piles board of dental examiners to succeed of commerce officials have announced of corn and tankage ta t pigs In dry until April when It Is spread on ad­ P. W. HolllBter of Portland. The Coos county court has set the had from 25 to 75 per cent held lot. In the past has been to organize the X joining plots, after which the treat­ out on you. This association The Iowa station h ik . found that Individual makers and ranchers su a ment of all plots Is the same. . ,rhe state Irrigation securities com­ 8770.0O0 road bond election for May 12. The ejection hag three measures, m arketed a crop valued a t $46, pigs on pasture made ellghtly more standard product could be sold and Tests at the station show thut ma­ mission has extended for a period of one lor state ma^ch money, one for 000 and it cost but $5,700 to rapid gains when fed a miltin'. of 40 guaranteed. nure thus exposed In piles lost 35.6 six months state guarantee of in­ laterals and a third for construction m aiket it. And further, 99 per to 50 parts of tankage end the balance per cent of the original nitrogen. 22.11 terest on »550.000 of bonds issued by Clean up around edges of fields and of a bridge acroa« the bay in Marsh- corn gerin meal along with corn, than cent of the season’s output was per cent of Its phosphorus, anil 51 per the Tumalo Irrigation district. other places where needed. field. rent of Its potassium. This Is nbtwf m arketed without a dollar loss, when fed only tanknge and corn. The Eugene chamber of commerce Mne trials at other stations show oneMhlrd of Its fertilising value and has appointed a committee to inveati The Coos county court has Voted due to efficient packing, grading thnl T H E MARKETS for hogs arentglng over joo readily accounts Mr the difference In I’ - an appropriation of »2000 for advex- and shipping. And another pounds, wheat tnlddllngs added te eoru gate flax-growing conditions In the '■rop yields In favor of direct applica­ W illamette valley and to act in con­ tialng the county, which will be used amazing indorsement is that and tankage Increased the gnlna. but Portland tion. In the construction of a proposed junction with a valley committee. w ithin 30 days from shipment for young pigs It did not make much Wheat — Hard white. 21.«0; hard Owing to the addition of moisture archway at the intersection of the Improvement. Ry using these mixtures <•> per PCI cent Cent of the mnnnv waa in winter, soft white, northers spring, te manure exposed to the weuther this money was Poultry production will be greatly the growers’ hands and final set­ of protein feeds foe costa of producing sod western white, »1 45; western red loss may be unnoticed. K 1? * ta , e hi 8 hway and “>• increased in the Pilot Rock district p X D°,U I aclfic highway Junction. »1 42. tlement was made within 60 pork can be materially reduced. this year. It is reported. Indications Hay—Alfalfa, 819019.50 ton; vsllev A l l O t h e r ¡ S d l e i l l The Marlon county boundary board days. Farm ers can do for are that 10 or 12 carloads of chickens timothy, » 2 0 ® 2 i; eastern Oregon authorised an election to determine anil turkeys will be shipped this year. themselves w hat big money con­ Timely Suggestions on Li non Mill? Poultry Given by Iowa timothy. »22® 22 50 cerns do for themselves any Salem. Or.—The proposal submitted whether the Gervais union high school Mors than 4700 Inquiries relative to Buttorfat— 48c delivered Portland by D M. Sanson, president of the district should be dissolved. P etition , tim e they will get together and j Tbs following suggestions arc of­ agricultural opportunities in Oregon Dominion Linens. Ltd., for the estab asking for the election were signed Eggs—Ranch. 28® 26c. be determined to run their own fered by the poultry department of the lows State college extension serv­ Chssse- -P rices f. 0. b. tlRsm ook: were received during the 30-day period . s'” 60 <" ’ trlCt' conjPr l*- Ishment of a linen mill In Salem to ln e ’th business. ice, at Ames, lows. ending March 30 by the Land Settle­ Triplets. 27c; loaf. 28c per^h cost approximately »600,000 was ac­ ing the union high school unit. One group of the Wisconsin See that the mash hoppers are well ment Department of the Portland Cattle—Steers, good. 88 26 0 900. cepted by the Salem chamber of com- All building permit records In the f o-Operative Creamery associa­ supplied and feeding properly. Hogs— Medium to choice. »12.760 Chamber of Commerce. merco. history of Portland were broken dur tion liegan shipping b utter in See that the birds are supplied with 1400 ng March, according to a report Is­ carloads March 18, 1924. Be­ a sufficient smount of clean water. Sheep— Lambs. Medium to choice Feed milk In some form to all birds sued by the building Inspector’, of- tween March 13 and January 1, 811016.69. Cull ont doubtful bens continually. ¡ people's flocks; spply that theogbt te æ by Judge Kendall, who for th . H a y A lfalfs. »14; D. C.. »2«; tlm cents per hundred- improve your own. second time pas.ed the death penalty otby, 824; D C.. 82». mixed hay. 824 ” •. Hyulop, farm crop • OS ButterfBt— 46e. up ™ the two men who were conrfct specialist of the Oregon Agri­ T o p drees small two Tears ago . f f|r, t degree with nitrate Eggs Ranch. 17 081c. culture college, writes: of soda. Murder. Hogs -Top hogs. 814 50. Sam ( ullcy of Weston, Ore­ Protein Mixture ▲ For thrifty, healthy chicks feed ISHER’S CIICK FEED 3 and gon. with a combine harvester, tracto r drawn, harvested 250 acres of federation wheat that went 55 bushels to the acre in five days. This is approximately 2750 bushels a day. The ma- ClUttV wu* operated with three Plow every day the gv.-tmd Is dry enough. • • • Order any repair parts needad for farvi Implementa C attle --C h o ic e steers. 18 2 5 0 8 00. Cheese Washington cream brick 19c;> W a s h in g to n t r lp l e t a 18020« Washington Young America 11022c Spokane. High quality in moi ' than It costa seeds Is worth * Hogs—Good to choice, »18 25018.80 Cattle—Prime steers. »S0S5O y Developing Mash j o . W . FRIJM 2 th . H "" ° f ' h* , U t « * he license of a person guilty of drlv- Ufl •« automobile while under the influence of i,qUor , re rle#rIy mM(1> °ry. and the license can only be re- Ge0« .4 I% * , ',Uln* » P‘ rdon. Attorney Ío r7 “ WÍnkle h l* • dTÍ'” <’ O«” «nor Pierce t Continued on page 3) 1