Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, April 01, 1925, Page 6, Image 6

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• Change of Ownership ;
abased the
H s I m * Garage and invite lae patronage of me pool»«.
A.I Ford repair* done by F , r l acsedais m W a quarter to a
third off regular price*
I specialise in all masea of ears aad tractors. I aiaa repair
baiterT geaeratora sod sotla.
I nave had 15 years’ actual exper.encs ia the beat ahspa is
Port end aad western Canada. G »» we joba »Sara others fail
and aea for yovraelf
danday— M —1 .-rada/
April 5 — f t — i
was an
visitor Thursday.
Miss Mary LaRue was in A i- 1
M y Wednesday.
Gienn Hill of H arr.sburg was
.n Halsey Saturday. Dorrs Lake was a Eu­
gene vis.tor Thursday.
C. W. Gibson of Corvallis
was a Haisey visitor Thursday, i
M ss Bonita T u rin g , who
t Continued from page 3)
went to Portland -with her
T alco tt— I w-ec-o-
mother last week, is employed
double L "
' by the Meier 4 Frank company.
W ilia m Taleott bad aauwu Perr-ja.
Mrs. E sther Rike. hoosokeep- and f’e rrtw father before him. aad
adjudged them hones*. adm irable
er for the -Theta Chi” house ia bad
mea. But of their ^ar-lefi track be had
Corvallis, spent spring-vacation small opinion.
week with her daughter, Mrs.
Ia bla doorway, be eyed the spare
Charles Straley, and family.
little figure that appeared before hiss
all ia rusty black, w ith Ma «trained
George Chandler drove to Al­ anxious face, lta great <faefrsana eyes
bany Wednesday to see his wife
“DeJong, e b t Sorry to bear about
cjid little son, who had been your lose, ma am. P e rm » was a fine
there for a few days. Mrs. lad. No great ahakea at track farm -
Chandler was suffering with in­ lag. though. H-a widow, h 'a ? H m .'
he saw, waa ao doli-wlrted f a r *
jection in her hand and was Here,
wom an; ao atoild butch wom aif tr-ick-
under a doctor's care.
H e went out to her wagon,
Mrs. E. E. Gormley, who was tweaked the boys brown cheek.
on the sick list last week, is ~Wa-al ao-w, M.a’ DeJung, you got a
«mart lot of garden at off here and
eonaiderafcly improved arid her right
It look* pretty good.
le a a ir pretty
daughter. Mrs. George Alford, good. But you’re too la ta Ten. prat"
returned to her home in Irving near *
"Oh, no.” «triad Selina.
“Ok, n o '
Sunday, after having been with
Not ton la te l“ And at the agony la
her rnoter for several days.
So Big
A n u r u i i sweetheart ia « r t «I
bar great*«* prod je tic a a
Com ng,
“ H usbands and Lurent'.
HalMy Happening
(Continued from page 1/
D. K. Wolgaaooit and wife of
Brownsville were in Halsey F n
D. S. McWilliams was up
from his h<xne in Albany Fri­
Mr». L inn Norton succeed?
Mt»» Schroil as librarian a t the
public library.
The highway between Har­
risburg and Eugene is to be
paved with concrete.
ber voice he looked at her sharply.
The recently-organized Past-»
"Tetl you what, mebbe I can move
Grand club met Friday with 57-year-tM New«
k a lf of etn along for you. Bat stuff
Mrs. W. H. McMahan.
S. J. Smith sent to this office don't keep thia weather Toran wllty
some scraps of paper taken aad my trade won't tu u A 11 . . .
A lb an / m erchant* ara Conalderlng a i
from a wall in his home in F ir « trip In f"
boycott of wholesale firm s that re- I
her face that waa damp
cleaning. We presume sad She yet wiped
laao to ship mcrchandlae to local
-old to the touch. T lr s * — trip
thia paper had been covered In.“ Suddenly the was Sailing « ah-
customers by railroad
over many tim es since first aurdly bard to breathe.
R. A. McCully was here from used. This time it came off.
He called from the sidewalk to the
Eugene Wednesday. Business One item gives assurance th at men w ith in ; “George: Ben! Hustle
took him over Brownsville way. Yaquina bay ia to be surveyed. thia stuff la. H a lf of IL The bewt.
Send yop check tomorrow, 11.s’ De-
Tlje Methodist congregation It reads:
‘ Washington, June 10, 1868.
>rsh ipped with
th a t a t the
(T o be continaed)
Chureh of C hrist Sunday night.? I ° _ C h e n a w o t h , Corvallis:
“Departm ent telegraphed to­
Roberta, little daughter of day, ordering party to proceed D am aged C lover F ield s
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bramwell, immediately to make survey.”
’ W ill Produce H ay Crop
who was quite ill last week, is
Clover del da that have been dam
“ H. W. Corbett."
or deetroyed by freezing may be
much improved.
This paper was published at aged
made to prodn-e e good —op of hay
J. S. Nicewood, whose first Salem, apparently, but its- title by rht«rkenlng the stand with «eta. bar­
initial was given wrong in an does not appear on the fragm ent ley or sweet clover, or by plowing the
laad and plaatlag an emergency crop
advertisement in the Enterprise in question.
last week, nevertheless got th e . There . was also . . a . piece
. o f a of aoy beans aorghiuo. todao grass,
hogs he called for. Now he has 1 Portland paper called the Her- millet or oet* aad C m ad a peaa
I f the staad of clover Is very much
white seed oats for sale.
thinned oata or barley may be seeded
Elder H arry E. Tucker has
resigned as pastor of the Church
of C hrist a t Albany and will de­
vote his time to the insurance
business, to his herd of eight
registered Guernsey cattle and
to f »osti ng the Guernsey breed
in Linn county.
Mrs. A. A. Tussing and
Mesdames T. I. Marks, J. W.
Drinkard, C. P. Stafford and
H. McMahan drove to
Brownsville Thursday a fte r­
noon and attended a tea given by
the Women's club of th at city
for the benefit of the library.
Mr. and M r * . R 8 Ms raters
were the recipients of a com­
plete radio outfit on the 27th.
it was sent from Boston, by
their son Will as a birthday
present from their four son».
Tliey say: “Come, neighbors
Jind friends, and enjoy this
with us."
At the Friday night spring
opening show at Albany Th»
company, both of
tised the event in the E nter­
prise, stood high among prise
winners. Barclay Newman, we
suppose, was their artist.
Burglars who seem not to
have feared to get near the
courts stole apparatus for acet­
ylene welding from the county
repair shop Friday night, en­
tered the courthouse at Albany,
Short item* in tba paper a ra ;
Notice of the death of Ex­
president Buchanan from pleuro­
Statem ent th a t the tax of one
r '!nt a ^XjX on matches yields to
the government >l,500XXX>.
San Francisco has >60,000,-
<KK) worth of assessed persona;
Schuyler Colfax, being an edi­
tor, is a good candidate for vice-
I-ewia Washington, a negro,
was fined >5000 and sent to pri­
son for m arrying a white wo­
man. •
Qun p .^
There gvaa gun play in Halsey
the other day and the sound of
it excited many inquiries. Now
don’t get excited. It w asn't
rifles nor shotguns th a t played,
and there was no danger of
bloodshed. It was Frank Gan-
sle using what he calls a “chip-
piug gun” to cut one side and
part of the ends out of a tank
made of quarter-inch iron and
convert it into a w ater trough.
The "gun” ia primarily a rivet­
ing machine and strikes less
than a million blows a minute.
Substituting a cold chisel for
the hammer head Frank cut the
two gashes the whole length of
the tank and two across the
ends with a sound th a t at a
distance resembled th a t made
by an airplane but close a t hand
was more deafening.
blow torched their way into the
treasurer's safe and got the
princely sum of >293.67 for
their pains.
w h y i . II a. gnod le tte r in have at
» party?
Because It la always In
the middle nf fua.
Oregon City for
A germinati«!» tee* on teed rani
makea a pretty good Insurance peltry,
a visit with
L 4 w•? p 'jr*
W ho W ou ld n ’t
S m ile H ap p ily
at the rate of three or four pecks per
«ere with a disk drill In April or early
May and cut with the cieeer for hay
when the grain Is In tbe m ilk Mage.
Sweet cl over sown with pie grain «dll
furnlah pastare a fte r the hay la har­
W here the d o v e r Is nearly all killed
out a good crop o f hay may be grown
by plowing the land, d rilling three to
e ll peck* o f soy beans to the acre, or
seeding sorghum at the rate of fifty
pound* broadcast or ten pound« In
tows. Osts and Canada field p«tae are
aee'lod In April at the rate of 1>4
bushels each per acre, and If ra t when
the oata Is In the dough, make excel
lent hay.
B elieve L egum es Enrich
S oil by U sin g N itrogen
The clover*, alfalfa, b rana peaa to
fact *11 tl»e leguroen, are believed te
enrich the aoll by taking part ot their
nitrogen from the 'a ir and leavinr
large »tores of th l* element of plant
growth In the soil for following crop*.
Tbla Is true If the legume be In
oculated with a bacteria w h l'h forma
nodules on the root* of tbe plant as
they gather nitrogen from tbe air.
The specie« of bacteria generally
differ for the different legume«. Tills
make* It neceaaary usually to Inocu­
late the seed or »oil for a legume the
first time It Is grown In s field. There
are a few exceptions to this rule, such
as a lfa lfa a fte r sweet clover.
Halsey Garage
18S Acres of Land
in Lincoln county
W . M Burbank
Reconditioning Shop
Shall Service Station, Halsey.
Raybestoa Hi-speed Brake
Service Station
Pine Grove Poults
212 East F irst at. , th a n /,
the akaU » M u , ’
(By an En tarptias R e p o rte r>
Fbony -
Myrei Settle was a Portland
visitor Wednesday.
Miss Anna Heinrich of Cor-
Sans Income Tax,
a few days last week.
Yet They Go Mr. and Mrs. Myrei Settle N«. 12, North
3:20 a tn.
No. 17. 12:0» o. m
18, 10 48 a. m.
3J. 7;11 p. mi
and daugter are spending a few
34, 4 25 p .m .
3 l, 11:3a p. ¡n
L o u rd a w , W ash.— T he Wayerhaaua weeks a t R. K. Stew art's.
No. 14, due Halaey at 5 0 } p. m , atop*
er T la h o r company w ill build large
Mrs. George Chandler visited to let od prtMcnger» from aouth of
lo r. ber manufact urtag planes la Long
view, and It la that eompaay'a latea friends in Albany several» gays En«^,e.i
and 32 atop only if flagged
tlon to «tart work on the project « u « d Last week.
Noe. 31. 32, 33 and 3» run between Port-
according th an announcement by vallis visited her parents, here
r'asaeugera for «oath of Roseburg ahoubl
George 9 bong, general manager ot
Miss P eaii Pehrsson came take No. 17 to Eugene and there transfer
the W eyerhaeuser company. In a letter
home froth normal eehooi
to R A . Loo«, chairm an of the board
of director» of the Long-Beil Lum ber i iiesday evening, returning
eompany, made public recently
The n a y .
p la n t, w in be located o . a . i t . , « t
R ev
M r
No. 15.
Haiae.-B row nsville stage meet« train*
IS, 17, 14, 34 and 33 in order earned.
Free I Outaoina Mail
aid* of Oregon way, with frontAg* on Methodist evangelist, preached
the Columbia river.
The announcement followed nn all
day coafereace of Lon«-Bell and W ry
erhaeuaer o ffic ia l.. M r. Long, la bla
letter, stated th a t it waa the Intention
of his company to puah forward with
the work with an “much celerity as
The aanounceaaeat puts at r» i!
numerous rum or* circulated in the
northwest la the last several months
as to tbo probability of the W eyer
haeuaer T im ber company's building
a m ill at v a r lo u place*.
A t the Halsey poatoffioe mail*
at the Pine Grove church Sun­
going north at 11:50 a. tn.
day morning.
tnd 5:20 p. m.
Ray Hover and A. L. Knigh-
Going eoutb, 11:10 a. m. and
ten went to the Sandy river 5:20 p. m.
smelt fishing last week.
To Brownsville, 6:20 a. m. and
12 m. Morning stage to Browna-
The Young Peopfb’a Miaaioo-
rille goes o« to Crawfordsville,
nry eocie ty met at W . G. Mc­ tlohey and Sweet Home.
Neil’s Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haynes
visited M^r'Haynes’ brother, A rt Schools Commended
Both Harrisburg and Halsey are
with first elans schools that
tal Sunday afternoon.
ire correspondingly well equipped
Haynes has been very low with tnd
conducted, Mrs. Edna Geer,
pneumonia, but is improving ■ouftty school superintendent,’ re-
Mrs. Geer seys that the enroll-
Will McLaren jr., accompani­
ed his grandparents, Mr. and nent ia all of tbe Harrisburg
Washington. D C — Despite the sen
Mrs. Fred Shick on their return -cboole is 239. one of the largest
I ata’s failure to confirm hta nomtna
rolls ever ocwurjng there.
| tlon. President Coolidge appointed to th eir home in the e ast and average attendance was 199.
little Mina Schick remained
Thomas 9. Woodloch of New York
Halaoy under the direction
here to make her home with d At
to succeed M ark W . Potter, resigned
English there arc
Mrs. McLaren.
nn a member of the interstate com-
51 in tbe sigh school aud 62 in the
merce commlsalao
grades. The average total attend­
Im m ediately there were indications MfS. Schroil is Gone
ance is 106, or 97.2 per cent. 9el-
ot a determined fight in the next i
lorn is this attendance record ex­
session of congress to prevent con -1
The Linn county Jersey jubi- ceeded, Mrs. Geer said The H al-
| lee will be at the J. C. I^rown ■•py school was found well equip-
The situation offers a strong prob-, farm, at Shedd, May 26. »«
ed and doing excellent work.
Hayuea, at tbe Corvallis hospi­
Coolidge Defies
the Senate
ability Of * ctaafa between the preni
dent and the saoate similar, nt least
in m>*e reapectn. to tha fight over the
nom ination . f C h a r i.. B W .r ra o of
Michigan, to be attorney g en e ra l
T w ice M r Woodlock’a nomination
wna sent to the senate only to be
pigeonholed la committee, while In
the W arren case the senate twice re
jected the nomination and the presi­
dent offered him a recess appointment
before appointing Attorney-General
M r Wood lock, who la a w rite r on
financial subjects, can take over his
aew duties Im m ediately, but there
Is a difference of opinion as to
w hether he can draw salary until sen
ata confirm ation Is obtained. In some
quarters the opinion Is held that. In
»»much as the vacancy occurred white
the senate was In session confirm a­
tion Is neceaaary before salary can
be paid.
General Lord Rawlinaon. command­
er In ijhlef of the British forces in
India, died at Dalhl. India
A num ber of court m a rtia l*, prob­
ably Involving five or six officers, w ill
be ordered a* a result of tbe liquor
raid conducted recently on the naval
tranaport Beaafort upon her a rriv al
at N orfolk from tbe West Indies.
M ore thee 10.000.000 Chinese are
reported to be In actual want of food
In eight provinces according to word
from Bishop L. J. Rlrney. of Shanghai,
received by the Chicago office of tbe
Labbylxg Postal Heads Oemeted.
Methodist Episcopal board of foreign
W ashington. D. C
Postmaster Gen I miaaloaa.
«m l Now diroctod tha' restoration to
No United State* troop* caa he used
duty, with dsmotleu of such ef tha six aayw here tn oembatlag forest fires
postal supervisory officials suspesd , ualesa th e ir aaslataaca 1* actually
ed January 2 for thm r coanectlos with needed and ualeae tha ataie ealiatlng
e ffo rt* te Influence legislation at tbe j th e ir aid can pay far th e ir mainten-
tim e of roastderatloa of the postal aaca, according to war departm ent
pay tncreaae hill.
orders from Washington.
French airm en of the world war
A ir M all «Ida te be Called.
brought tb e lr tribute te the A m eri­
Spokane. W ash.— Rids for contracts can
for carrying a ir m all between Elko
through the head of Captain Charles
N e t . and Paaco, W aah„ w ill be ad
Nungaaaar. famous French ace, who
vartlaed for by the poatottlra depart
placed a wreath oa tha unkaewn sol
m eat w ithin three weeks, aaya Inform
«- • d
at Ion from W ashington received here
As bad acraants baakrupt a busi­
It la hoped to make the award early |B ness an worthless cows w ill break a
May. It la declared
The department
- e e e
oateulatee that the contractor will
When the Enterprise was
i printed last Wednesday it s ta t­
th at Mrs SchroU’s condition School Notes
fh e
(Continued from page 1)
morning the end came a t the in this school.
quarters in Albany where she
The student* of tbe seniqr
had been taken. Her funeral
waa at Forest Grove, where her class have received their"calling
husband had been buried a few cards for their announcements
later on. Many friends and
weeks ago.
For several years the old gen­ near friends in the high school
delighted in receiving
tleman had been failing with were
softening of the brain. His these favors.
wife and daughter Ruby strove
to care for him a t home, but fi­
Com ng to Albany
nally both of them became so
weakened w ith the strain th at
they consented to his removal to
He did not long survive there
and Mrs. Schroil, already serl-1 .
ously ill, never recovered from | ,n In tern a l M ed icin e fo r th e
the shock of his death.
past tw e lv e y e a r s
The Sdh rolls came to Oregon
fourteen years ago and Halsey
has been their home .since then. 1 D o c s N o t O p e r a t e
Mrs. Schroil was 68 years old. ]
W ill be at
Miss Ruby and five other chil-
dien survive: Mrs. J. H. Sturgis LT/A'T’f T
4 T r» a a t v
ot Rex, Oregon; Mrs. C. E. Carl-
ton of LaJdoma, Mis*. ; G. W.
Wednesday, April 9
W inter
Office hours 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Florida: J. B. Schroil of Rector,
Oregon; and E. K. Schroil ot
Akron, Colorado; Mrs. Lillie
Randke of Seattle, Mrs. E. M.
Dr. Mellenthin
Sturgis of Idaho, W. Clayvills of
D. C. Clayville of N o ( h a r g e fo r C o n su lta tio u
H onda, C. Clayville of Nebras­
Dr. M ellethhin is a regular grailuate
ka and J. Clayville of B&se,
m medicine aud surgery anj „ JJ.
Idaho are brother and sisters.
censed by the state of Oregon
does not operate for chronic appendi­
citis. gall stones, ulcers of stomach ton­
sils or adenoids.
He has to his credit wonderful result*
’ ? d2!ea,es of the stomach, liv e r, bow-
Of approximately 80,000,000
meat animals passing under the
scrutiny of Federal inspectors,
during the last fiscal year, the
vKasi . n,ai’ i ity
>» ’i^
healthy and went into the vari-L | tai .‘5 un?
at1’ ® ’ #c,at|c*r leg ulcer* and i
ous channels of the meat trade
Below are the names o f a few of h i*
But the fact th at slightly more
than a third of a million car­ many satisfied patients in Oregon
Hedrick Wallace, Gold Beach, Ore.,
and nearly 1,500,000 varicose ulcers
parts of carcasses were con
F rank Koehler, T h e Dalle», O re.,
demned at slaughter in d ic a te d ,t\? ’ach„,r? ,b,?
M y rtle Point.
the searching character of the Ore goiter Hammock,
John McCue,
U|K»a opening a box of these deli­ eqalp hla plane* to perm it carrying
That onora nf prevention— look op
H r» n
. ,
Oktirio, Ora-, ulcer
ri ma candiesT The wenderful aa- passenger« and expreaa to augment the latent control measure* for in­
H. C. Davis and his sister,
u ’“ ? 1
sect peats and plan for them before- Mre. Hugh I^eeper, drove to A l-1 o
sorlmrnt, the delirious tiarora and hla revenue from tha m all contract.
E C. Rates Baker. Ore., eczema
■ .
Rlclley. Boring, O re., heart
the tempting appearance ef theae
bany Thursday.
| trouble.
“ lump* of d elig h t" win to u* all
lorns S Steiber. 326 E Buchanak,
lover* of good sweet* and judges of
J t ortland [Ore., adeaoid* and tonsil*.
confectionary exeellenne. T ry them O»t and Vetch
Remember above date, that con-
H ating »old the Halsey garage
onre and see if wa «xaggerata the
sultatioa on thia trip will be f r a t *
Also dry Hr and aah
a'l person» knowing themselves in.’
perfection ef theae geode.
p n d that his treatment is different
debted to me are requested to settle
M am ed women must be accompanied
aa promptly a» Mnvenieot.
| ‘ v their husband*.
Ira A Miner,
E . F'^ots.
Baled Hay
Clark’s Confectionery
16-inch Wood
Brown Seed Oats
Stock Hogs
J. 8. Nlcewood.
Address; 2 U
Angeles. Cal.