News Notes From A ll Over Oregon G leaned by the W e ste rn N ew sapor U n io n fo r B usy People Molalla will celebrate July 3 and 4 by holding a round up. Several of the rural schools of Klamath county have been hard hit by a "fig" epidemic. The third annual Oregon state high school typing contest will be held April I I at Salem. Work 0» widening the McKenzie pass road In the Deschutes national forest is under way. The Corvallis Elks have voted to erect a new temple 100 by 100 and three stories in height. Approximately 105 Inmates of the state training school for boys at Salem •re 111 with la grippe or Influenza. A new stage service was started between Baker and Halfway April 1, which gives these places daily stages. F . 1. Marshall of Portland was re­ appointed a member of the state hoard of barbers’ examiners by Governor Pierce. | way. The Dalles-Callfornla highway and finish the Roosevelt coast high­ way from the Coos county line to the California state line. THOS. F. W00DL0CK M. A. D. ZIRUPA A lease to mine and dispose of oil shale on 2680 acres of public land In Jackson county was award« 7 by the. Interior department to the Hart­ man syndicate. The company must pay the* government a royalty of 2tfc per cent on shale produced Sales by 121 reporting mills of the West Coast Lumbermen’s association for the week ending March 21 were 104.801,140 feet. This was 3 per cent above production of 101.337,293 feet. Shipments of 89,928.551 feet were 14 per cent below new business. An entire stock of haberdashery valued at between *2500 and *3000 and bandied by Howard Hobson and Richard Gordon, students at the Unl- versiyt of Oregon at Eugene, was stolen from the little store which they operated near the campus of the uni verslty. German Politics Charged With A re Badly Mixed Landgrabbing Berll«.—The elections held through­ out Germany Sunday In the first popu­ lar balloting tor the president of tht republic/failed to elect, no candidate having the required majority. Dr. Karl Jarres, the candidate of the combined nationalist and con­ servative bourgeois parties, led the poll with 10,787,006. Otto Braun, the socialist nominee, polled 7.838,000 and Dr. Wilhelm Mhrx. ex-chancellor, cen­ tralist. 3,986,000. Approximately 27,- 300.000 voles were cast, or 3.000,000 fewer thaa In the parliamentary elec tions last December. This is equlva lent to shout 70 per cent of the electorate. The second balloting will take place April 26, and on that occasion the candidate obtaining the largest num­ ber of votes will be elected, the same candidates may be on the list, or the various parties or combinations ef parties may name naw candidates. In view of the Inconclusive termi­ nation of the election it is assumed that a new sat of candidates will be put forward by the nationalist bloc and the three constitutional parties for the election on April 26. The outstanding feature of the voting was the substantial gain scor­ ed by the socialist party, which again established Its title as the strongest Individual party In Germany. A C lttiu T h a t W h e e le r’« A c q u is itio n Was Too O ily * • uf*! ¿is« Washington. D. C.— A true bill In­ dicting Senator Burton K. Wheeler, Montana, democrat, on a charge of conspiracy to defraud the government in connection with Montana oil deals, was returned 6y the District of Co­ lumbia grand Jury. Edwin Booth and Gordon Campbell of Montana were Indicted with Wheeler on the same charges. The Indictment charges Wheeler and the two other man with “con­ spiracy to obtain illegally the use e f land In Montana which was part of the public domain of the United States." This is the second indictment of Wheeler in connection with his alleg­ ed activities as a lawyer before the In­ terior department fer Campbell, his client, for whom it was charged he was using his influence. The first indictment was returned last fall In Ureat Falla. Mont., shortly after Wheeler had become a candidate for vice president on the Independent ticket with Senator La Follette. Tha first Indictment bat never beta brought to trial. Senator Burton K. Wheeler appear­ ed personally before the District of Columbia supreme court and furnish­ ed *1000 ball for hie appearance fer trial on the Indictment. Trial will bo by Jury and probably will be held some time next summer. Rev. William A. Sunday, nationally known evangelist, over whom Portland ministers have debated for months in an attempt to determine whether he should be brought to the city to con duct a series of meetings, is coming He will be in Portland September 6 to Thomas F. Wood lock, of New York, M. A. D. Zlrupa, vice president of October 25. who was given a receas appointm ent the council of people's commissaries Collection of the unpaid part of as interstate commerce commissioner, of Soviet Russia, who is said to be the the state income tax for 1924. based despite the senate's failu re to confirm real force responsible for the down- Construction work on a bridge from on Incomes for 1923, will get uc.Cer his nomination. fall of T ro tzky. the Albany bank of the Calapooia to way this wi^ok, according to announce­ Bryant park will be started soon, the ment by Earl Fisher, state tax com city council has decided. missioner. He estimated that the A special election at Milton to vote unpaid portion of the tax would ex­ on the purchase of property for the ceed *600,000. city auto park was completely snow A decision to Invoke the referendum ed under, 35 for and 149 against. against the state law that provides WOMEN FILLING OFFICES Washington, D. C.—Admiral George Seattle, Wash.—»After being sustain Dewey Spencer, a 27-year-old boll that 10 per cent of the receipts from Dewey, naval hero of the Spanish- •d by an examiner of the interstate er maker of Bend, died following an 40 state commissions be turned o^er American war, sleeps in a new resting commerce commission, grain rates to N early 3000 Appointed Presidential Class Postmasters. automobile accident 12 miles from to the state's general fund was made place—the national cathedral. the Pacific coast from Montana, fought Washington, D. C. — Almost 3000 at a meeting In the Umatilla County town on the Bend-Bums highway. Simple rites marked the removal by Great Lakes interests and advo­ women were appointed as postmaster» Fish and Game Protective association of the admiral’s body from Arlington Major Byron A. Sharp, superintend cated by Pacific northwest Interests a t presidential class poet offices dur ent of the Umatilla Indian reserva held In Pendleton. National cemetery, Sunday, where he have been canceled by three trana Governor Pierce In a proclamation was buried eight year» ago with Im­ continental railroads, it was learned lng the year Just eaded. Postmaster FARMERS LOANED $289,331 tion, has been promoted to the super General New In making public statls issued, urges the churches, patriotic pressive ceremonies. . Intendency of the Yuma Indian agency here. tics of appointments emphasised the 402 Applleatlont far Seed Wheat and civic societies, all agencies of the la California. Only a company of marines and News of sudden action by the North fact that recognition of merit In the go\ eminent, the schools and the citi­ bluejackets served as a guard of honor Loans Hava Been Approved. ern Pacific, Great Northern and Chi Aaron H. McDonald, theater man ranks, ratentlen of experienced am Salem, Of.—Tha state of Oregon, ao and heavy owner of Eugene downtown zens of Oregon generally to Join in for the admiral from the mausoleum cago, Milwaukee A St. Paul railways ployea and consideration of women cording to a report prepared here, has property, died at the Pacific Christian the observance of "Patriots’ Day,” Sun to the crypt in the chapel of the cath­ came to the Seattle chamber of com and former service men had char loaned to the farmers In the frost de­ hospital in Eugene after a brief Illness day, April 19. the 150th anniversary of edral where the body was placed next merce. acterlzod the 18.124 appointments dur the battle of Lexington. to that of Woodrow Wilson. The body vastated districts east of the Cascadu Extensive hearings were hold’ two lng the year ending March 4. of pneumonia. was received by Bishop Freeman. years ago and Examiner Arthur R mountains approximately *289,331. Rhea Cupar, state engineer, is In A meeting of national forest offl Texas led la the number of women The removal was requested by the Mackley, reporting on these hearings The loans were made under a so-called cials, rangers and other employes of eastern Oregon making an inspection appointed, with 166; California wat widow of Admiral Dewey, who' an­ advised the commission that a differ relief act approved at tha recent ses the service and of state forest fire of the Umatilla rapids project. The nounced that George G. Dewey of entlal of 7 cents on a hundred pounds seqoad with 154. Iowa ranked first stun of the state legislature. I purpose of the Investigation Is to de­ patrol workers is being held in Eu­ In appointment of former servlet) Under the provisions of the law termine the feasibility of including Chicagol son of the admiral, had con­ on Montana grain intended to cross man. gene this week. the money borrowed from the state the Pacific ocean, as compared with more land in the proposed develop curred. J. L. Franzen of Portland has been A crypt at the chapel will be the that consumed in the Pacific north must be used for purchasing seed tu raent In order to reduce the per-acre German Scuttled Ship It Tomb. appointed city manager for Oregon temporary westing place of the ad­ west, was Justified. rehabilitate lands which were devas cost of the improvement. Scapa Flow. Orkney Islands.—Work City by the city commission follow­ miral and when the cathedral is com­ tated of crops as a result of the un Montana farmers Joined Pacific Congressional appropriation of *7, ing the resignation of Louis D. Kel­ pleted a memorial will be built In the northwest grain men in upholding the m e i engaged In digging up a scuttled , usual cold weather that prevailed In 600,000 for forest highway construc­ German destroyer, beached la Mil j sey of Milwaukie. transept reserved for great military rates In the hearings. eastern Oregon a few months ago. tion for the two-year period will give deeds. bay, have discovered under a mass o . The paving of the three entrances A total of 436 applicants for these Oregon *448,500 of the total sum wood which completely conceal«'« . to Crater lake national park will start Ground is being prepared foi them the bodies of five German of 1 loans have been received, with an ag The money, for the most part, will be Just as soon as the weather permits, gregate of »327.613.49 Involved Of spent on a 50-60 basis. Practically all the buildings at the hew hatch­ fleers and sailors, who evidently werr these according to Colonel C. G. Thompson, applications 401 have been ap­ A p ril showers make—growl«»,' of Oregon's allotment has been plac­ net warned at tbo tlma the fleet wa; ery on Roaring river. park superintendent. proved. ed on a program which was decided sunk by the German crews. Members of the Multnomah Anglers' on by the forest service, bureau of k /h a n t/ & )¡M ctnrq— Continued and Hunters' club at their annual public roads aad the state- highway Turks Demand Change In Embaetlet NEW ENGLAND HAS FLOOD meeting went on record as favoring commission last month. Constantinople.—The Turkish gov the closing of the Willamette river MPERIAL CAKE, 209 'V. Fifpt emmeat has addressed a note to tbi Rlvora, Swollen by Rain, Infllot Word that claims of the state of Harold G. Murphy Prop. forever to all commercial fishing. Savors Damage. powers asserting that it cannot agre« Oregon to swamp land in Warner lake, T his is good advice; ‘‘ It you live Phone 665 Boston. — Damage running Into Governor Pierce appointed Mrs. W. Lake county, had been approved by 11 Albany, tra«Je in Albany ; if you live to a continuance of foreign einbaasiei W k n k v e r close S. Kinney, state senator from Clatsop the surveyor general fer Oregon has inxsotne other town, trade in that tbwn.'' in Constantinople. It demands tht scores of thousands of dollars was county, ss a member of the board of been received by Attorney General But in these automobile days many re­ TMTAGNETO electric co . transfer of the embassies to Aurora caused In Vermont and New Hamp­ siding elsewhere find lt’udvisablc to do Official Strouiberg carburetor serv regents of Oregon Agricultural college Van Winkle. The approval of these at least part of their buying in the la Astatic Turkey, tha present tesi shire when rivers, swollen by more ice station. Conservative prices. All than 24 hours of rainfall left their of the government. to succeed the late M. S. Woodcock. claims by the surveyor general Is ex larger town. Those who go to Albany work guaranteed 119-121 W. Second. banks, swept balldlngs sway, covered The Otter Rock-Rocky Creek sec­ pected to be followed by similar ap to transact business will find the firms lamed below ready to fill their require­ M A K IN E I.I.O P A R L O R S railroad tracks, caused washonts on Shepherd Held W itho ut Bond. tion ef the Roosevelt highway will be proval on the part of commissioner of ments with courtesy an t fairness. (A beauty aid for every need) Chicago. —Release from Jal) oa bhl railroads and highways, and flooded completed 30 days earlier than was the general land office, transferring St. Francis Hotel was denied William R. Shepherd lowland* Railroad traffic was daisy ACCESSORIES AixO TIRES anticipated, according to C. B. Sheik, title in the land to the state from the Prep., W innifskd R ose charged with tb* murdeP by typhoK ed. Anto Supplies superintendent on the Hampshire con­ federal government. J. H. At,t.I9ON At Manebeeter. N. H , a three-story IM eu aud money are best when of William N McClintock, his fustei tract. Distribution of receipts from motor 142£West First St. busy. Make your dollars work 1« father, to gain the boy’s million dol brick building collapsed under the The Brooks-Scanlon Lumber com­ vehicle licenses for the period Sep our savings department. A lbany S tatu weight of tons of water, which col- lar estate. pany has deeded 172.3 acres of land tember 16, 1924, to March 15, 1925, A lbany Floral Co. Cut« flowers B ank . Under government supervision. lecled on the roof. and plants. Floral art for every with water rights a little more than a have been completed by Sam A Kozer, >ud all occasions. White River Junction. Vt., report- Anti-Red Measure Killed In Ohla. T ^ iss Sue Breckenridge mile south of the Bend city limits to secretary of staff. Of the total of *3, Flowef phone 458-J. ed the White river 15 feet above Hemstitching Stamped good* Columbus Ohio. — The so-called the Bend Oolf club for golf club pur­ 891,377.59 to be distributed, after de­ 333 West Second street, Albany, Gregor callage red«" resolution was virtual normal and rising. Waters of the R U N S W I C K poses. Phone 452K ly hilled In the Okie ««Bate. The Connecticut and Merrimac and Moe- ducting refunds aggregating *2890 63 * I? * PHONOG RAPHS No time will be lost by the bureau and administrative expenses amount cotna fivers were also reported mount­ at GTIM 8O N TH E SHOE DOCTOR proposal that state «Diversity pro­ • of reclamation In getting ready to ing to *148,831.87. there was appor W O O D W O R T H ’S fessors with soslallstlc proclivities ba ing Urnftoa. Concord. Canaan and Second street, opposite Hamilton’s start development of the Owyhee Irri­ tloned to the various counties of the ousted was referred tp tha senate other points In New Hampshire re­ store. gation project in Melheur county. Sen­ state *995,344 40. The remaining three TAavenport M'wic coftipany offers "Sudden Service.’’ finance committee with tbe tael* un ported washed aut highways and ris­ Piano-case organ, good as new ator McNary was assured by the de­ fourths of the fund, amounting to *2. dcrstaadln« that tt would never oome ing waters covsrlag roads sad threap Estey organ, good as new ^ ^ a ld o Anderson dr Son. distrib out. Stormy l<»M> were enact?« when enlag railroads. partment of the Interior. 986.033.19, was transferred to the state Used Pianos. ’ ’ utors and dealer* for Maxwell, Chai Average family expenditures for highway department. inert, Essea, Hudson A Hiipmobile cars. the reselutlra Is brought ante tbe sen J astburn Bros.—Two big grocery P ra irie Firee Cauee Damage ta Parma. food In Portland decreased 4 per cent ate floor. Application for a certificate of pub­ stores, 212 W. First add 225 South Accessories, a pnbee. 1st A Broadalbin Norfolk. Neh.—After having burned during the month from January 15, lic convenience and necessity for the Mam. Good merchandise at the right V E SPECIALTY SHOPPE through a atrip of greis land 146 miles 1925, to February 16, 1926, according construction of 143 miles of railroad In prices. * M itohalt Given Texas A ir Pest. hemstitching and stamped goods long sad 86 tullee wide, the prairie to a report Just Issued by the United Klamath^and Lake counties was filed Washington, D C.—Brigadier-Gea Jlh W. Second pt. Albany, Oregon States department of labor. oral William Mitchell, assistant of fires to Nebraska and Seuth Dakota with the Interstate commerce com Teilte Cafeteria and oonfectiooery Owner, Irene McDaniel. -“-J Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ the army air servlea. will be assigned were reduced te essali harmless and Estimated by Income tax figures, mission by the Oregon, California 4 ings. Courteous, efficient serviee. oa April 14 as air ««twice officer of isolated biases. There was aa loss the population of Oregon gained 8 Eastern Vailway through Its Washing We make our own candies, W S. DtJNCAN. the 8th corps area with headquarters or life sad three towns In rii» Rose Per pent during the past year. There ton attorney, Eugene R. West. On« FURNITURE AND nt bud country were not destroyed ac­ were 72.337 Income tax returns filed line 63 miles long would extend from Epilnis developed and printed. u«d FARM MACHINERY Tex. Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio cording to authentic reports here. this year as compared with 66.665 Sprague river In Klamath county to •* We mail them right back to you. Three complete reach establishments, Silver lake In Lake county, A branch Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, Or­ Ixmgbt, sold and exchanged at all times last year, an Increase of 5882. however ware swept by the fire aid Opposes M ethodist Chureh Unien. egon. would project from this line at what Is Ic lieu of the verbal contract said Washington, D. C.— The Baltimore I several thouaasd head of livestock B E N T. S U D T E L L Ö K D 8 A L B 8 ANU SBRVxCE to have been entered lato between the known as 43-mlle poet to the Williams conference of tbe Methodist Episcopal perished Principal damage was sus- river, 15 miles distant Another line Phone 7b-R, 12.1 N. Broadalbin at, Alhaay Klamath county court and the Cen­ Tires and accessaries church South voted Wednesday talked la the de«tructi«n af tha Repairs tral Qrtgon Stage company permitting from Sprague river would be con against unification of tbe Northern prairie hsv orop, valued, according strncted to Lakevlaw. (5 miles, where K ir k -P o l l a k M otor C o . that firm to charge tolls on the Bend to estmlates, at over a million dol­ and Southern churches 141 to 137. Klamath highway, the Klamath court It would afford an outlet for the Cali­ ENirtmillen Furniture Co., furoi- lars fornia Nevada A Oregon railroad. has agreed to pay the stage concern * ture, rug«, linoleum, stoves ranges. Write lor booklet describing onr 20- *600 for keeping the highway open for Funeral directors. 427-433 west First street, Albany, Oregon. Auto Crashes Kill 12 In Chicago year Rural Credit Amortized Loans the next two months, according to aa- Tbe Ioan pays out in 20 payments, ye­ Chicago, III.—Twelve persons were nounrement. p i I.I.E R G R fx E R V . S B Lyon tiring the principal Cheap rales. No killed io automobile accidents in aad The new *280.000 temple at Astoria A (Successor to Stenberg Bros ) delay. II kam L and C o ., Groceries Fruits Produce • t.33 Lyon street, Albany, Ore. of the Elks' lodge was formally dedi­ pear Chicago Sunday. Eight of the U. S. A C. T. C. T iro s Now, lo w -p ric e d G ill cated with Barnett Goldstein of Port­ localities resulted when trains struck Phone 2o3R M ore aerviee B a tte rie s fo r l i o L M A S A JACKSON land, deputy grand exalted ruler for automobiles at grade crossings. N o m o re cost Ford, and «Oregon, north, presiding, and R B ** Grocery—Bakery Sheets Power Bide Sought. Everything in the line of eats Butler of The Dalles making the Star, o th e r S k ille d A u to re p a irin g Washington. D. C.—Bids for the pur- at lowest rate of interest. Opposite Poatoffice Principal address. C h e v ro le t s m a ll cars r'-.ase of hydro-electric power develop­ A uto accessories , Insurance ub Candy C o., First street, next teal Entate During the season ef 1*26. the stat ed 'by the Wilson daw at Muscle Prompt service. Courteous treatment. door to Blain Clothing Co. highway commission has announced Shoals, Ala., will be Invited by Sec­ MORE SER V ICE FOR LE SS MONEY Noon lunches. Wh B a IN, Room 5, First Savings Bank It will complete t|ie John Day high retary Weeks. Home-made candy and ice Cream. bnilning, Albany Dewey’s Body in ^acific Northwest New Resting Place is the Winne >any¿/?irectory I E r FA RM LOANS A R R O W G A R A G E , Gamie Bros. FA R M L O A N S H / * I