ENTERPRISE A g rc u ltu re H o rtc u ltu re L iv e s to c k \ \\ oekly Chronicle of Local Events and Progress on Linn Countv L aih I Halsey Happenings and County Events Btow nsville were in Halsey M on- day. E. E. Carey has a new Ford tractor. j HISTORICAL ADDRESS Large and Small Events Chronicled in Brief Paragraphs Miss M erle Straley was in *a n y Saturday, A l- Jess Saflev and fa m ily were bany callers Saturday. Al­ J W. A. C arey was in Monday. M r. and Mrs. A . E. Foote drove to the county seat Saturday. Corvallis • White. *r' '"”h al hn ith and wife of ford and wife accompanied them Bierly and Mr. and M:s. Paul and -Dent the day w ith cousins in Bierly spent Sunday at the Eugene. Quimby home. Alba n v ’s Leonard L e rw ill of Brow nsville o ly was a caller at th is office Monday. J About 29 people from Charity visited the Creswell M r L e rw ill studied to be a news- 1 grange Grange Saturday. paper man and he is one, though unattached at present. He carried Enid Veatch of the U. of 0. on the e d ito ria l departm ent of th e 1 spent the week end with her Cottage Grave sentinel d urin g the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Veatch. late session of the legialature, while E V E R Y T H IN G O P T IC A L Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Chance E d ito r Bede was in Salem. Leon­ ard is a rather re tiriu g man. He were in Albany one day last did not give us any of the above week. 313 West F ir|t street, Albany,Or. in fo rm a tio n , but i t ia true. EXCLIIS ■ OPTICAL PARLORS Bancroft Optical Co. (Continued on page 6) Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cum­ mings were Corvallis callers Saturday. M. V. Koontz Co. DRY GOODS CLOTHING Men measured for dandy made-to-order dress suits Boys’ suits, ready to wear Rain clothing hoes for the little folks HOES for the big folks S “ I f your A h t h u rt, come in . a p air of E d w a ^ w ’ Foot F itte rs . We can relieve you w ith Our goods give satisfaction because they are I f 00NTZG GOOD GOODS Church of Christ Sunday School, 10. Preaching, l l . C hristian Endeavor, 7. Preaching. 8, The meeting* closed Suo day, a great succeae in every way. 1'here was greet interest -hown th ro u g h ­ out. The visible results were eeven confes-ions, There were 98 on lim e in the Snnday school Sunday m orning. We ere expecting a good attend- next «Sunday, and Kester Sunday w ill be another record day. C lifford CareV, pastor. M. E. Church Robert Parker paMor. Sunday school, 10. Preaching, 11. Junior League, 3, Interm ediate League, 7. Epw orth league, 7 Preaching, 8. Prayer-meeting Thursday, 8. The Halsey baseball team went Mrs. George Stone is visiting to B row nsville F rid a y . Two in ­ and helping care for her mother- nings were played and the game in-law at the Stone home at was called off on account of th® Twin Buttes. rain. The first inning resulted Mr. and Mrs. Joe Harrison en- * 3 to 1 in Brownsville’s favor tertained Mr. Woodworth and and the second 11 to 1. Carl Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison at Isom made the one point. The dinner Thursday. field was soft and the Halsey George Howe, teacher at boys had smooth shoes, while had the benefit of Ash Swale, took Cecil Gamble Brownsville . . home with him, to spend the, eat3, Lester W alker, of the Browns­ week end in Albany. v ille team, was h it on rhe head by The infant son of Mr. and a nail d urin g the game and at last Mrs. Darrel Sawyer is very ill reports remained uucouaciout and with complications following an i t was feared the in ju ry would ba attack of flu and pnuemonia. fa ta l. Little Blanche Gustavson has (High School Reporter) been very sick w ith the epi­ demic of “child flu” that has been going around, but is bet­ ter now. Rev. M. S. Woodworth, pastor of the Baptist church at Ash­ land, was shall lug hands w fih The awarding of letters to our pupils for participation in ath­ letics is now a permanent duty of the student body. In order to win one of these letters in the form of block “II” for boys and fancy block “H” for girls the student must play three whole Karnes in contests with high schools that are members of the athletic association. Those who receive letters in this school usually play in almost every friends in town Wednesday and Thursday. Jim Calloway of O. A. C. was home for vacation last week. His brother Warren, who has been employed in Portland; da game. The g ir ls ’ basketball team this year played seven also at home. . games and all bat one of the Mr. and Mrs. George Grume, girls receiving letters played in of Salem are visiting this week at least six games. at the home of Mr. Crume’s Before an assembly of the mother, Mrs. Sara Crume, In students Mr. English presented North Brownsville. letters to 12 players of this Mrs. John Jackson, who h a s’y e ^ ’s basketball teams: Helen been quite sick at the hospital . Carter, Agnes Chandler, Will- Guests at A. fi. Starves’ S' -U from a nervous breakdown, was mina Corcoran, Agnus,Hayes, day were Jake Dannen. wife able to return to her home in 5 Grace Pehrsson, Majorie Walker, Helen Williams, George Cross. and son and Miss Hattie Dan­ Ash Swale Saturday. F ra n k Koon is, W ilb u r N orton, nen of Shedd and Mr. Ralph Sheppard of Turner. Robnett and Philip Marcb 24 was tha hottest Truman Tussing. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Rick­ March day ever recorded at The members of the girls* ard and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Tay­ Brownsville—65 degrees. baseball team of ’24 received lor and two children of. Bruce With .her new and efficient letters at this time. Those and B. E. Cogswell visited at water system and 500 to 900 i their ^o whom they were presented Michael Rickard’s Sunday. feet of usable old fire hose, were; ¡ona Albertson, Agnes M r. and Mrs. Louie W allet and Brownsville has bought 500 feet Chandler, Willmina Corcoran, M is- E tta Godwin of Buena Vista more and proposes to be ready l Agnus Hayes, Helen Williams aqd Ecf W ill» and fa m ily o f W alls to fight fires effectively here- ’ an(j Rena Walker. Others who visited at John R olfe’s Sunday and after. The city has been a tWere not present to deceive Monday on th e ir way to C alifo rn ia, heavy sufferer from fires here- th, irg wa # Pan„ na Hardin' a„d where they are going t® reside. tofore- Ruth Frum. Mrs. C. E. Mercer, Mrs. Peggy Eight years ago Elias Hale; After ensuring one singing Newme®. Mrs. A F. Robnett and lost a gold watch. Monday of i period accompanied by an or- daughters D eE tla and Dofis of E u ­ gene and Mrs. D. I. Isom, who is ' last week it was plowed up in ’ *a n , borrowed from one of the v isitin g them, ell came down fo r a day at Mr?. Isom ’ s home and in Halsey M onday. Is prepared, in 1935, as ever, to serve custom­ ers frem a complete stock of fresh goods Latest styles in dainty things for ladies’ wear Work garments for workers Notions and novelties Underwear for men, women and children The English I class is study- • ot which th e c h u rc h e s a t H alsey, B ro w n sv ille,1 new Ford truck and trailer and ing “The Lady of the Lake.’’ Mrs. D. T avlor and her eister, Miss Anna D rin k a rd , were A lbany visitors Saturday. • Miss Id a M itzn e r was home Plan to attend the silver tea and A from A lb an y over the weak end. food sale Saturday, A p r il 11, and W. L. N orto n and W. A . A lie n thus help the public lib ra ry . drove to C orvallis Monday. This is all fools’ day, dedicated Mrs, G. T. Ray of Eugene is th e guest of bee sister, M rs. W . F . to people who do not take the Mi»« M a ry S m ith returned ber work in A lb a n y Monday. S this i N e x t S u n d a y ,( A p r il «"», a t 11 o ’c l o c k • D a iry P o u ltry W ool th . Roberteoo orenard in Browns- K™«« J ™ " 8’ t h « , , , . , v.lle, on land worked by Mr. Hale when it was lost. The case was in good condition but the internal department of the timepiece was badly demoraliz- ed. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jenks and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Jenks and two children of Tangent, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Rickard and Letha and Retta Taylor of Bruce and George ilouseholdei Halsey Anti-Saloon P|edQO« of Roseburg and Mrs. Michael Portland, March 31, Rickard were Sunday afternoon Io reply to your In te r w ill state callers at J. H. Rickard’s. th a t we secured 181 50 In pledgsn Jim Thomas, who broke his coverin'» a two-year period in the ,a t Halsey, March 19lh leg some time ago, is still in meeiiiig your item in the Enterprise the hospital at Eugene and on 1 I wi read h considerable interest. Of Wednesday of last week a crowd course, you understand th a t though of his neighbors met at his H»leey never bad saloons th a t ss- home and plowed forty acres of loons st A lb a n y or any neighbor- ground for him. Those taking mg c ity m ig ht have been quite as part in the plowing bee were: great a menace. I was very much Beryl Kizer, Orval Upmeyer and pleased to note the very great in ­ Wilfred Thomas with tractors, terest in our meeting in your com­ and John Willoughby, August m u n ity. W. J. Herwig, Sperling, Sam Green, Orval Sup’ t. A nti-S alo on League. Schmucker, John, Levi and Joe Kropf, Homer Drinkard, Bill Cooperation of shippers and White, Ed Nichswander, Emery Nichswander, John Yoder, Isom railroad employes has resulted Alford, Jay Scott, Waiter Long, in a 35 percent reduction of loss Champ Payne, Lee Ingram, and damage to less-than-carload Chester Curtis and Oral David­ freight handled by the South­ son w ith teams. ern Faoifio oempany since 1921. »tud ea tp de- cided to move the piano from the d ty ha), to ¡b r p|ace. There were no hesitating fresh- men thig tim i The puilish. ment ministered previously to Carl and Eliaa Robin, suf. ficed to indicate that seniors are not dignified when the frosh begin to shirk. At toast very little dignity was exhibited in the race led across vacant lots, muddy roads and other equally uninviting places which ended in capture and consequent pun­ ishment. Clifford Carey, pastor of the Church of Christ, and Ross (JuiMy, e va n g e list, addressed assem bly o f s tu d e n ts fo r a short time Monday morning. College students home on their vacations seen in or about the school were Kenneals Van- n ice, K reel I Sneed and Musas Nora and Pearl Pehrsson. Butb tha boys’ and girls* hasa. ball teams of the Shedd high school have games scheduled w ith the school here A p r il 8 Miss DeEtta Robnett, student of U. of O. visited tha high school Monday. She is remem­ Mrs. Cecil Quimby and little bered to haVe been an excellent daughter left Monday for Mon­ student when she started her »KMerprlaa Oorraapondeiwa) roe after a visit with her par­ high school career as freshman ents. A. W. Dykstra and wife. The Beatty sisters, who at- (Continued on page 6) . Brownsville Briefs