K U KAI. MNTfcKPKlSM p a i ; H 6 ■ I G LO BE ! ALBANY Sunday— Monday March 20— 30 : : RIVOLOUS: F S I AL w A picture that will please ev­ erybody. Made at Mount Rainier, Washington. Soon MARY BICKFORD in Dorothy Vernon of Haddon H ail Halsey Happenings (Continued from page 1) Carl Nichols got a new tractor last week. Hazel Arm strong was ill a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Ingold visited a t Horace Arm strong’s Sunday afternoon. Ralph Smith of Roseburg spent a few days with his moth­ er, Mrs. Curtis Veatch. Enid Veatch and Lottie Rich­ mond of Gardner spent the week end with Mrs. Curtis Veatch. Mr. Dannals and daughters Jane and Louise of. Albany call­ ed on Mrs. Marcella Kirk Sun­ day. E. C. McClain of Lebanon made the first application to en­ ter the ton-litter pig contest at the state fair. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Wahl drove to Portland Saturday to visit friends and relatives, re- turning Sunday evening. C. H. Koontz drove to Albany Friday and met his daughtei Alberta, who was returning MARCH 25, 1*25 TORRANCE Martiu Cu m in n[i uith Mm. April 2 Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Isom were Albany callers Thursday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Miller, Saturday, a daughter. Roland Marks, student at O. Our Spring Style Exhibit Mrs. I,- E. Walton came dow:. from H arrisburg Sunday even­ ing for a day or two a t her Hal­ sey home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kirk of Eu­ gene drove down Sunday and called a t the home of Joe’s brother, F rank Kirk. Mrs. Dorothy Ternan Tinick o f St. H elens arrived Thursday fo r a v isit w ith her mother. Mrs. J. C. Bramwell. Henry Zimmerman, B. M. Bond, D. H. Sturtevant, D. Tay­ lor and C. H. Koontz drove to H arrisburg Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Steven­ son of Brownsville called on their new niece a t the R. B. Miller home Sunday and also visited in town. W. L. Wells drove to Inde­ . pendence Monday _ _ _ and _ ___ ~ brougnt home his son Roy, who is suf- fcring with the grop. Mrs. D. F. Dean returned Friday night to her home in Bandon, after a six-weeks visit with her daughter here, Mrs. C. P. Stafford, and her son, C. O. Dryden, in Oregon City. • Mrs. A. A. Tussing and her daughter Bonita and Mrs. Edith Robnett drove to Portland F ri­ day. Mrs. Tussing will remain with her daughter for a short time, while the latter is seek­ ing a position. Mr. and Mrs. M agg arrived visits with their Bilyeu and wife and wife. They Noti by Mr. Ethel. Cecil Bilyeu of Saturday for parents, R. L. and A. Carey were met at Bilyeu’s sistei Mrs. F. W. Robinson return­ ed to her home near Junction City Monday, a fter a few days with her daughter, Mrs. A. R. Foote. Mrs. Foote has l>een oh th e sick list but is considerably improved. The Women’« Studv olub mst Thursday afternoon with Mr«. C. P. Moody. An interesting lemon on wild animal» and their habit« » » • given by Mrs. Shook. Plan» were mail« for a «ilver tea and cooked food and apron «a|e to he held the Saturday befoie Easter, pioceed« for the maintenance of the public library. Mrs. Shook assisted the hostess in serving at tablet daintily dteorated in spring color«. The club will meet next 212 » Parade begins at 7 :1 5 ; un­ vailing of windows at 8:15. Free balloons for the children. Lantern parade, band music, and in every window will be the spring s new­ est. A t that time in our windows will be seen A t the Haleny postoffioe mails close going north at 11:50 a. m. and 5:20 p. m. Going south, 11:10 a. m. and 5:20 p. tn. To Brownsville, 6:20 a. m. and 12 m. Morning stage to Browna- ville goes on to Crawfordsville, Holley and Sweet Home. and furnishings. THE SPRING AND AFTER N o m a n b u y s a s u it ju s t b e c a u s e it is s p rin g , b u t s p r i n g ea lso p r o m p ts th e th o u g h t o i new c lo th e s —a new , ire s h , b r ig h t s p r in g a p ­ p earan ce. Y o u ’ll p ro b a b ly b u y y o u r s p r in g s u it w ith in a iew d ay s,’’and You’ll w e a r it th is s p r in g a n d lo n g a fte rw a r d s w ith j u s t a s m u c h p r id e a n d w ith e v e n m o re s a tis fa c tio n if y o u r s e le c tio n is m a d e fro m o u r d is p la y o f s p r in g s u its f e a tu r in g K u p p e n h e m e r , M ic h a e ls S te rn , C lo th c ra ft a n d F r a t c lo th e s . A la rg e n u m b e r o f new s u its n o w o n d is p la y at Paid-for Paragraphs (5c a line) For rent— 100 acres best of grass, near Halsey. Sea Ben T, Sudtell, Albany, Ore. Old papers for sale at 5c a bundle at the Enterprise office. “ I don't see any use in this regulation for slowing down at railroad orossiogs. Any­ body knows he oan cross the track quicker going 30 miles an hour than he can at 15 miles. Now I am going 40 miles an h o u r.” Funeral next Saturday. $25, $30, $35 and $37.50 New models in Young Men’s Oxfords b l ä in Hats, Caps, Shirts and Sweaters CLOTH in g c o ] Ira Miner had some fun Mon­ day morning when he made Bine cattle swim the river to an island pasture. Some of them swam like experts and some, after they got into deep water, turned on their sides and were towed, their heads being held out of the w ater by a m an on a boat, with a halter. r e s s u» e / / and Succeed ” So Big (Continued from page 3) turnips, carrots. "And don’t leave liieui loose like that. T ie them tight at ’ ha head«, like thia. Tw ice around w ith the string, and through. Make bouquets of them, not bunches. And we’re going to scrub them." Sellnu, scrubbing the carrot« vigor­ ously under the pump, thought they emerged from th eir unaccustomed bath looking like clustered «pours of pure gold. Jan, by now, was sullen with bewilderment. H e refused to believe that ahe actually Intended to carry out her plan. A woman—a High Prairie farmer's w ife— driving to murket like a man! Alone at night In the market place— or at best In one of the Cheap l ooming houses I By Hundsy somehow, mysteriously, the news had Ottered through the d is tric t A flue state of things, and she a widow of a Week I High I ’ralrle called at the Dejong farm on Sunday afternoon and was told that Uie widow was over In the wet west sixteen, (Hiking about with the boy D irk at her h e e lt By Monday afternoon the parlor cur­ tains of every High P rairie farmhouse that faced the llalsted toad were agi­ tated ua though by a brisk wind be­ tween the hours of three and flve, when the market wagons were to be seen moving toward Chicago. (T o t«e continued» Rtcaivera for 8». Paul Railroad Named Halsey Never Licensed Saloons California Hard Hit Charity Grange Meeting I t was good for sore ayes to see Delos Wesley got home from California Thursday. During hew many young people arose in his stay of about three weeks a hwetnblage at the church of Christ last Thursday night when couple of sons took him aibout M r Herwig asked those to stand the state a good deal in their who had never seen a saloon, but a cars. fact which perhaps the gentleman There has been scarcely any himself didn’t know was that no­ body ever saw an open saloon in rain in the southern p a rt of the Halsey since the burg was incor- state, and this follows the re-i porated. No city council would cord drouth of last year. The I license one. "rainy season” is now past and Thera were blind pigs once or many farm ers are hopeless of twice, but, like most pige, they any crop worth harvesting. Wa­ were short lived. One of the keep­ ter for irrigation will lie short er«, undvr the inflnenc« of hie own in supply and many large towns medicine, committed a cold-blood will find the domestic supply a murder and was hanged Outstanding points stressed l>v problem. Added to the drouth has been M r. Herwig were that more people the unprecedented cold of the and more oouimonwsalths in the past winter. In Los Angeles union— all but the little Mates of county Mr. Wesley saw the Conoectieut and Rhode Island— indorsed the prohibitory than any ground covered with frozen other constitutional amendment; oranges in many large areas. that the persisteut and well- A “ Busted ’’ Boom ________(Scio Tribune) The coming to Scio Thnnem7 of CO,m P°?,ed finanoed efforts of the whiskyites to weaken tbs lew only resulted in making it stronger, both at 8«lem end st Washington, and that tbs the greatest nsed of euforcemsnt offi the « r . is the presence in the court. w as!of Isw-abtdiug men and women to felt prevent the packing of Juries with Thomas Creek Lumber Co. hailed with delight. It was th at real lumbermen had now bootleggers. taken hold of a worth while _______________ sawmill and would make good. Miss Emily L. Loveridge, The company was composed superintendent of the the Good of J. K. Elder, Claude Hickey Sam aritan hospital, Miss Louise and A. W. Sharpe. The form er Dannals and Miss Helen Van had himself elected treasurer, Cleff, graduate nurses, and Dr. find from reports he made a Max Simons, all of Portland] good one— for himself. j visited Mrs. Marcella Kirk Sat- Hickey and Sharpe have been urday afternoon. made the ’’goats” of the com-| pany. and when the 10th o f On the evening of March 17th March rolled around and no twenty-five neighbors of Mr. There are Two Kinds of checks came. Mr. Hickey went and Mrs. Chancy Sickels sur- to Portland to see why, but he prised them, it being Mrs. Sweets could get nowhere with Elder, j Sickels’ birthday. The evening The kind you can he sure cob . and on Wednesday Mr. Sharpe «l*nt playing card garnet tain the tinest quality of ingredi­ »rent down. By this time Elder aIwl visiting. All enjoving ents and the doubtful kind Cast had dropped out of sight. themselves until late. Chicago, ill.— Application for a re­ ceivership for the Chicago, M ilw aukee A Si. Paul Railw ay company was grunted In the United States district court. The recelverehlp la the clim ax of weeks and months of uncertainty marked by steady and heavy declines of the m arket quotation« of the road's securities as to the refinancing of the 000,000 of 4 per cent bonds due next June. Under the receiver­ ship a drastic reduction In the capital «•rueture now exceeding »'OO.OOO.OOO Is expected. doubt aside and deal at C lark’s. I f anyone ever tried to use any­ FOR SALE thing but pure, ftesb fruits and flavors in our spotless oandy Oat and Vetch kitchen there’d he euch a commo­ Alan dry fir and aah tion you’d hear it all over town. Baled Hay Clark’s Confectionery N orth South No. 32. 3:20 a. m. No. 17, 12:09 p. m 18, 10:48 a. m. 33, 7; n p, 34, 4:25 p. m. 31, U :3 4 p. in. No. 14, due Halsey at 5:02 p. in., stops to let off passengers from south of Eugene. Nos. 31 and 32 stop only if flagged. Nos. 31, 32, 33 and 34 rnn between Port­ land and Engene only. Passengers for south of Roseburg should take No. 17 to Eugene and there transfer No. 15. Halsey-Hrown«ville stage meets trains 18, 17, 14, 34 and 33 in order named. Outgoing Mail the newest styles and colors in men’s clothing feriog with the grip. neat HALSEY RAILROAD T IM E co-operative spring opening, Friday evening, March 27th. Bast First st, Z .lb iu y , the s ta ll r g it -i„ Phon. • , W e invite you to attend Albany s big Mrs. Florence Leeper and son Francis came down from their home in Eugene the last of tht- from Willamstte university. week for a visit with the form ­ er’s mother, Mrs. Albert Miller. Mrs. M. M. Ward went to Brownsville on the stage Friday Miss Cleona Smith returned for a few days’ visit with her to her school in Sweet Home daughter, Mrs. W. J. Moore. Sunday evening, after having The State Game Commission spent the week-end with her is paying $25 on wolves, $25 on father, W. L. Sm ith of Halsey cougars and $1.50 on wildcats in addition to the county bounties. Wednesday evening, after the Enterprise was printed, a number of Brownsville Rebe­ kahs arrived and gave the local lodge a surprise. Raybeatoe Hi-speed Brake Service Station Friday Evening. March 27 A. C., ii heme for spring vaca­ tion. Walter Frum and family of Crawfordsville were in Halsey Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Carey and Ross Guilly spent Sunday at A. C. A rm strong’s Mrs. L. C. Merriam left F ri­ day night for Marshfield for a visit with friends and relatives. Richard Paul and Miss Jessie Stevens, nurse, of Portland, visited Mrs. Marcella Kirk Sun day. Reconditioning Shop 16-inch Wood |r< A Miner, $25 Reward for the Charity grange held its meet­ Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Carey ing Saturday, the 21st, at t he are spending th e week w ith Mr. ball, near Bond’s butte. After Carey’s parents. the. regular business in the morning a recess was called for Coming to Albany dinner and all repaired to the dining room, where tables were groaning under a load of good things to eat. It wasn’t long before they (the tables) got re lief. A fter dinner the grange was called to order and the lecturer, Sister Lenjt Veatch, had charge of a good program. Several visitons were present and as­ sisted. There were songs, dis cuasions and comic dialogs. Curtis Veatch, Francis Kizer and Mina F ruitt were appoint­ ed committee to arrange for the annual picnic and have charge of the same. An invitation from Creswe grange to meet with them on Saturday, the 28th of March was accepted p jj Freerksen, M aster of . Onk Plain vdK C haritv rta tn c r r a ¡Trance, n J ^ T ’ invited m ‘ ange officers and T ‘embers to meet with them on j second Saturday in April j put on the third and fourth wor^- This was accept , ... • es Ftzer and Mrs. Min- j 'T ^ izer were elected alternate to state grange at 1 ie ^>a' ‘es- Dr. Mellenthin Specialist in Internal Medicine for the past twelve years D o e s N o t O p e ra te W ill be at HOTEL ALBANY Wednesday, April 9 Office hours 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. ONE DAY ONLY No Charge for Consultation I»r. M ellethhin i t s regular graduate in medicine and surgery and i t l i ­ censed by Ihe state of Oregon. Its does not operate for chronic appendi­ citis. gall stones, ulcers of stomach, ton- •ii» or adenoids. . He has to his credit wonderful results , * ease* ° f the stomach, liv e r, bow- e s blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidneys, bladder bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rlieuniatisin. sciatica, leg ulcers and rec- lAl ailments. Below are the names o f a few of his „ , , , be Merged. many satisfied patients in Oregon Washington. D. C . - T h a consolida Hedrick W allace, Gold Beach, Ore , tion of eight Indian agencies Into varicose ulcers. F rank Koehler, T h e Dalles, O re., four jurisdictions In Washington. Ne stomach trouble reds »ad Nebraska with t n attendant Mrs B. C. Hammock, M y rtle Point, estimated annual saving of »50,000 Ore., goiter. Mrs. John McCue, Lakeside, Ore., was announced by the department of appendicitis. the interior The Spokane. Wash Henry Westfall, O ntirio, Ore-, nicer agency w ill be consolidated with Col of stomach. i n t a,°R,0*k W' ,h ' ’ ^ M e n c y remain 5 : fbten. Baker. Ore., eczema log st Spokane. ’ • M. Richey, Boring, O re., heart trouble. reuis S. Steiber, 326 E Buchanan. for SAL1 I ortland,{Ore., adenoids and tonsils. arreet and conriotioojof any p«r. j ton tearing down my sign« alone the highway W M Ml’ RBAXK Restaurant and Sernas Statioo, ’ Halsey. 1 B ro w n S e e d O a ts W ANTED Stock Hogs S. S. Nlcewood. Remember above date, that con­ sultation on this trip will be free, nd that his treatment is different- W arned women must be accompanied by th e ir husbands. Address; 211 Bradbury bldg.. Los Angsles, C