ffew< N iin low Oakridge, to prepare ballasting material for the Klamath Falls Eugene (Continued from page 2) betw e.« lTu per cent reduction In power ra te. r “ "v.?. .Z r ld g e a n ®0U? ? « : ern " J proatleee » . patrons a cheaper , The Columbian “'g'iounu squirr,, ----- —— »MUtiivi, rate for lighting. also called the big red squirrel b, ' • Twenty-eight local land offices have ' farmers In the wheat belt, is b, ing • been abolished In an executive order attacked by the method of usii cal signed by President Coolidge. The cium cyanide, according to Fred Ben order Is effective April SO. The of­ nlon, Umatilla county agent. Demon 0 fices to be closed include those at stratlons were conducted last fall and La Grande and Burns. the results then were sufficiently en Opposition which had developed to couraglng to cause the campaign to defeat the confirmation of Colonel be continued this spring. Within four years smelt may be Creed C. Hammond of Oregon for chief of the bureau of militia affairs, running In the Clackamas river as was withdrawn and the senate ap­ well as in the Sandy, if the united efforts of the state game commission, proved the appointment. The city of Gearhart has filed with state fish commission and the United the public service commission applica­ States bureau of fisheries are sue A transference of 100,000 tion for permission to construct an cessful. nndergrsds crossing involving the sm elt from the run In the Sandy was tracks of the Spokane, Portland & made under the superintendence of Hugh Mitchell, director of commer Seattle Railroad company. 9 cial fish hatcheriea. The transfer Coos bay's estimated dredging for 9 ence will be repeated each year until, 1925. set at 400,000 yards before in­ © vestigation of shoals was made, is as it is hoped, an annual run in the Clackamas will be established. 9 found to be only a sm all project, and Many curtailments of expenses are 9 40,000 yards probably will be the ex­ recommended by Game Warden Burgh tent of work done this summer. 9 duff In a report which will be sub­ Approximately 100 students In the mitted to the state game commission • George A. Parks, for several years fraternities, sororities and Lausanne at its next meeting. The total con 9 Department of the Interior aupervieor hall, the girl’s dormitory, are con­ templated reduction la $56,797. Re of survey In Alaska, who will succeed fined to their beds with the flu epi­ ductions recommended follows: War • Scott C. Bone as governor of tho demic which has Invaded the W illam­ den service expense, $19,000; pr, la territory. 9 ette university campus at Salem. ; lory animal control work, $5000; a’‘° n c f the ^<’at lamed below ready to fill their require- jU A R lN E LL O PARLORS 643,97 to tax upon 1924 Incomes for aemlarid Portion In the south central nents with courtesy an t fairness. •I” (A beauty aid for every need) against Mayor A. Rurlc Todd were Houghton as ambassador to Germany. A1 O. Barnes, well known circua filed at the city clerk’s office charg. St. Francis Hotel Individuals and corporations, accord- • part of the 8tate of Washington. ac A CCEtfSOKIEb ANO TIKES Prop., W in n i f f i d Ross. lng Todd with misfeasance, malfeas man, was Indicted by the federal grand Ing to the audit of the Portland office cordlng t0 a resume by the depart­ Auto Supplies ance and violation of his oatn ot Jury In L ob Angeles on chargee of de J. H. A llison of Internal revenue, which, however, ment of the Interior. In addition to I M e o aud m on ey are best w hen office, alleging that he attempted to [ frauding the government out of more finding no difficult engineering fea- !42;West First St Is not yet fully complete. busy. Make your dollars work in The Oregon-Washington Railroad * I ,'Ur° 3„ *“ tba pr°Ject ,h e r«P°r‘ ° f ,he our savings department. A lbany S tats oust G. H. Norris, city englnnnrj at- ! than $100,000 In Inoome taxes for 1921. Albany Floral Co. Cut flowers Navigation company has aoqcired a I b° ard lnC,udea 8 groater area ,ha" -*■ and plants. Floral art for every B ank . Under government supervision. tempted to force In C. M Thomas ! Official etatletloe Indicate that farm as city engineer and one Abbott as ■ ers of the country plan to plant spring one half Interest In the branch rail- I bad been proposed by sta,e en*ineers md all occasions. l ^ i i s Sue Breckenridge chief of police, though neither was ’ Flower phone 458-J. road from Prunedale to Umapine from i and other au,horitie8' A total ri’ Hemstitching. Stamped goods legally qualified; unlawfully appoint-! wheat to the extent of 118.0 per cent of what waa planted last year. Plant­ 333 West Second street, Albany, Oregon the W all, Walla Valley nallroad com- clalraable area of 1.883.000 acres of D R U N S W I C K ed divers persons as officers; r«»fus ings of durum are plaoed at 113.6 per Phone 452K P«ny. according to a deed filed In of- I flr8tcla8S agricultural land is held PHONOGRAPHS ed to revoke the police commission eeaC flee of the Umatilla county recorder | to be feaslble by tb0 us0 of a gravity at GTIM8ON THE SHOE DOCTOR granted Charles Hall, although Hall W O O D W O R T H ' S TBe controversy between President In the first two weeks of March "■riga,ion 8>'RteI”’ 8“PP>emented with LJ Second street, opposite Hamilton's admitted liquor to be stored on hie Coolidge and the senate over tbe at­ mill, of the W es, co a st Lumbermen’s Sb° r? ’ 7 PiDg *‘7 ; , „ , store. prem ises, refused to sign warrants, torney generalship ended with the riuvenport Music company offers “ Sudden Service.*' association sold considerably more The tOlal c08t oi ,be propoi,ed *’laD *-r pjano-case organ, good as new and la not a legal resident of Kelso. nomination of John G Hargent of Ver­ 'umber than they produced ThT re ta e3t,ma,ed 81 »1M’359’596- an Estey organ, good as new AA^aldo Anderson » » Our Annual Spring Opening • Friday Evening, March 27th • Our window» will be unvailed promptly at 8 :1 5 o’clock Fri- day evening. thoughts of spring draperies, intermingled with our i t Shop wares, are displayed in connection with the furniture for every room. A living room, sun parlor, bedroom and dining room are displayed in our three windows. 0 We also invite vou to inspect our interior (within the ooming week) and see the many comfortable and lasting pieces ot furniture. You ui I ftiid our prices are always low, whether you want a complete outfit or just an odd piece oi furniture. Broadalbin Will Probe Gram Gambling, and ? ? GEORGE A. PARKS • Fisher-Braden Co. L C. C . Orders STATE HELD NOT LIABLE Rail Rate Probe • J < < < e e Albany Oregon Quiz of Northern Pacific Land Grant [JAMES BARTON I. : BRIEF GENERAL NEWS rectory BASIN PROJECT IS FEASIBLE I RECALL OF TODD SOUGHT E F F ^d FURNITURE AM) FARM MACHINERY FARM LOANS S ARROW F H FARM LO ANS H e i G A R A G E , Gansle Bros U. 8. A C. T. C. Tires New, low-priced Gill More service Batteries for No more cost Ford, and other -Skilled Alito repairing Star, Chevrolet final, cars A uto accessorie« MORE SERVICE FOR LESS MONEY