HAGE 4 R U R A L EN T E K RR IS « RURAL ENTERPRISE A a In d e p e n d e n t—■Not n e u t r a l— n o v a papar, poblished eveiy Waduevdsy, wy waa. H. » v h e ic i . ick $1-50.0 year Advertising, 20c an inch ; no ditcoun lo r tim e or epace ; no charge for con eoeitO jn o r c leuges, Ba " P aid -lot Paragraphs." l e a llaa. * • a d v ertisin g d isgu ised a s n ew a MARCH 25. I <25 A slush fund for the anti-incomi tax cause is being raised fo use ii the Dext campaign. Where? Ip Portland, where the bulk of tin f fund was raised before. Portland invites the rest of the state to work with her for the common good, dhe bolds ont a cookie with ont hand aod says: ‘‘ Come, doggie! good doggie ! If I get you withii. reach I ’ll fasten this tax load on you so that it will not come ofi easily.” (» X B g V r B F I T Z W e T Ï R , D.D.. been at h . -----------. Svenine — S c h i.l, - t — . . . M o o d , B “ ib le le •U tuta Of CU1 wieso» Mw^nzts » Lesson for March 29 THE OLD ANDIRON CLOSING P E R IO D OF -CHRIST’ S M IN IS T R Y —R E V IE W For one hundred rears the old andiron had never gone out of the DEVOTIONAL HEADING— Rev. I:»- house. IS F or one hun­ GOLDEN TEXT— "Jesus C hrist th . WHERE AREJTHKY? .rr. yesterday. S id today and for- dred years It had ever."—Heb. 11:1. been, together PRTMART TOPIC — H ow F rien d . Where are those liars who sail with Its partner Cared for Jesus and Paul. they bad large lumi to invest ii JUNIOIl TOPIC— H elp in g the M is­ andiron, serving the flreplaee and sionaries by Our G ifts. industrial enterprises in Oregoi INTERM EDIATE AND SENIOR TOP­ remaining stout IC— L iving L essons Prom the Quarter as soon as the iucoine tax ebouli and strong and TOUNO PEOPLE AND ADULT TOP­ IC—C losing Beenes In C hrist's Life. be repealed and w ere only awsitiny beautiful. that event to establish heavy pay F o r the andi­ The lessons of the quarter have been Mr. Sanson’s statements, re­ rons were both rolls here? Have they gone bank "o rich and ftaJl that perhaps the best beautiful. This method of review w ill be to summarize rupt gambling in wheat on thi ported on page J in comments on special one, some­ the outstanding teachings of the quar­ Chicago grain exchauge? A gooi ¡lax, does not convince us that how, had always ter. The following suggestions are of­ «very farmer in this valley can been considered many people have. fered : more beautiful. Those who made similar state- jump in and clear *50 an acre Lesson I— The so-called triumphal Perhaps It was roams truthfully have anothei profit on his farm, but we do be­ “The Man Was because It was entry was the official presentation of Jesus of Nsxareth to the Jewish nation the one by which Very C areful.” reason for holding off. Thev lieve that with a linen mill at as their Messiah. H e was the pre­ Grandma bad nl Vancouver many an acre here can know that there was not a fair ex ways sat. And anything near Grand­ dicted king coming In the name of the Lord (Poo. 118:26). preseion of popular sentiment— he made to yield more dollars’ ma somehow grew nicer. Leteon I I —-Coming Judgment Is abso­ I f you stayed w ith Grandma any vorth of flax than of grain. that the 153,(XX) slush fund of thi The Judgment por­ length o f tim e you felt nicer. The lutely certain. dodgers brought out a full vote on dowers that grew under her bedroom trayed in this lesson Is that of the na­ About all the democrats in the window were always the loveliest tions living on the earth when Jesus their side, while on the other band eomes. The Judgment pronounced— re­ no money was spent to awaken federal senate could do was to dowers In the garden. The honeysuckle hush and the ward or doom— w ill be on the ground interest and many voters stayed embarrass their political foes wheo rosea that she planted were more of the attitude of the nations towards Jesus as expressed In their treatment at heme. A full vote in the farm there was a elose vote. Had they fragrant than any others. of His brethren, the Jews. So It was w ith the old andiron. country would sustain the income voted for Warreeo on bis second Ltseon 111— Before Jesus went to the T ile andiron had been there before tax. nitnination the rage of the repub Grandma. She bad loved It when cross He Instituted a memorial of His The people who pulled the wirei Loan leaders would have been she was a child. W hy she picked out broken body and shed blood. Thia this one particularly she didn't know. should be gratefully and strictly ob­ in that electioa understand the white hot. Perhaps because It always shone more served by believers until Christ coma situation and the men of big in­ brightly a fte r a cleaning than the again. Since the republican party in other. comes and small taxes are eon- Lesson IV — Many are the trials I t liked to look handsome and digni­ through which the believer m utt pass tributing to a new fund to fight he senate kicked out the insur­ ss he goes through this life. The sure Ihe income tax with at the next gents it has become so telerant fied and beautiful. Then Grandma, as she grew older, cure for "heart trouble" le the sasur- eleotion. “ Money for defence of toward them that it allows them had sat on the side o f the Are where ance that Jeeus has gone to prepare a our • vested rights ’ but not one to vote for its measures. this andiron was. Often she had place In H la F ather’s house, and will hung her mittens over it to warm be­ come again and receive H la disciples cent for avoidable taxes. Let the to Himself. fore she went out. little fellows carry the load,” it R ite in Postai Rates Lesson V— Jesus is the true vine and For one hundred years the old andl Is their motte. believers are the branches. Abiding In April 15 the Ufiited Stats» goes ron hod never left Its post. F o r one hundred years It had Him will result In fruitfulness, success Despite the fact that New York, u n d e r a new s system of postal served the lire fa ith fu lly and well. In prayer, fellowship in the love-life of most prosperous state, enjoys an o largoi. But now It had to be mended. Ood, fullness of Joy and love-life like Postmaster Bramwell gives us a It was going to be taken to the black that of God. inoome tax ; despite the fact that Leeeon V I— It Is not the purpose of Oregon's most presperous reoent «titement of th? new rates and smith shop to have a piece of iron year was when we had on income r ilcs, from which the following fastened to Its one-hundred-year-old God that Christiana should be taken out of the world at once when they be­ 4 immary is all we find room for : leg. tax, preparations are already F irs t C la s s - P r i v a t e m a ilin g Grandma told the man to be very lieve on Christ because the world needs ireful when he carried It up the , *“ uenc< “ nd testimony. Christ under way to send out an army ol ojrds —Sc. careful root p 1 8 I “«d » them as H U representative» and Second class — N e w s p a p e r s street. paid calamity howlers to tell us they need the trials of the world to “Remember,” she cautioned the hat if we make the profiteers pay by others than publishers—2c for strengthen the grace of Ood In their man, "to carry It w ith great care, etch two ounces or fraction of two hearts. Those whom Ood has given to any share of the cost of tin o inces up to eight ounces, Over fur the outside world w ill seem very Christ are eternally secure even though protection our laws alTord them * ght ounces, parcel post rates. vtrange to the andiron which has spent they must pass through great trials. Third class—Printed matter and Its whole life by the fire. the state will go to the dogs. Leeeon V II—-The agony of Oethsem- " It w ill be astonished by the ex­ Let the tax dodgers skulk away. oerchandise up to eight ounces_ citement o f a street. It w ill be a aae was due to the fact that Jesus was bearing the burden e f the sins of We cau get along without that 11« for each two ounces or fraolion little nervous. So be very careful. the world. p to eight ounces. Over that The man was very careful. The kind of bugs. Leeeon V I I I — The heart of thia lea- •«reel poet rates. andiron went Into the shop, carried Tourth class—Pareel post —Old by the man. The blacksmith shop son is that Christians should be obedl K G YPl’S LONGEVITY 'tea and 2c per parcel excepting and the Are looked natural. In a way ent to civil authority because human >ti matter mailed on a rural route to the andiron, and It was a relief government has been ordulned of God Hie more loyal the believer la to Jesus A recent writer on eugenics, •id plainly marked ” mailed on a fte r the excitement of the street. Christ, the more loyal he w ill be to A fte r the andiron was mended It apparently impressed by n«wi rural route,’• On suoh the extra was brought hack again. Its partner rightly constituted authority (Th ia i.a- is not required. If a parcel is listened to the accouut of the street son has no logical connection w ith the reports which depict some of the •narked "Special handling'’ under and of the shop. others of the quarter and should he glories of ancient Egypt, drawc the stamp or over the address, and "You've hud adventures,” said Its omitted where time Is lim ited). attention to the debased condition - • • extra is paid, it will be for- partner, as the fire crackled. Lseson IX — Jesus Christ gave clear of much of the population of that warded from one address to "You w ill have to tell me all about proof that H e was the Messiah prom­ land today, says It is the result of another, if necessary, the same as It at night when all Is quiet and when ised In the Scriptures, but the wicked nation rejected Him and chose a mur­ » letter. we’re here by ourselves." the mixture of ’patrician blood Both Pilate and t h . And the old andiron promised that derer instead. Registered mail, first c l a s s - 15« by marriage with that of inferior nation went down under the guilt of It would. f t r c Ah, yes, once more It was back In the rejection of C h rist races and warns Atneriosns that •t • 0 3c extra if return receipt is Letdbn X — Christ on the cross Is the Its place. Once more It was A t home. marriage with foreigners will lead required. " I in happy to be home again," the supreme expression o f unoelflsh love, to racial and national decay. s revelation of the moral nature of the andiron said that night after every one had gone to bed and ashes had world, and «and » a t an exhibition of We refuse to be frightened at been put over the Are so that no » cross section o f the world la any the prospsot this alarmist has generation. sparks would fly out. visioned. Nations have fallen as Lesson X I— Christ's resurrection la "Yes, I'm happy to be at home again. I'm not one for the outside an absolute certainty. This unquee surely as they have risen in all tinned fact certlAee that H e la the world. the past of which we have any Plorai and divine Son through whom we set “I t wna cold Music Shop eternal Ufa. history, and ho would bo a bold going u p th e Alban ►> Lessen X I I — The various appear­ street, very, very prophet who would declare ours an ance. of Jesus Christ a fte r HIs burial cold. I like the exception, but Egypt maintained demonstrate the reality of H U resur­ w arm th of my its greatuess as a nation far lon­ rection. confirm the truthfulness of the own Are. Scriptures and reveal Him as not only “I'm a home­ ger than any other in history and the supreme and grand center of the body. I love my some of its dynatics were the most Scriptures, but the supreme Interpreter * illiti.lr o ____ i own flrestde Just Laundrv »cut e T Tuesdays of them. euduring on record. Moreover, as some people 'gvney H ub Cleaning Works do. all available history gives "T he outside Goodness O u tsh ines G enius A B E S P LA C E at a uses ol mixed marriages among world may he Man la crested for virtue. It la his these long-predominant familits very fine, b u t nipreme endowment coupled with hla and serfs and foreigners. Fre­ glv» me my own •apsdty for affiance In God. Kver and hearth, w ith you, quently, too, the parents of one »non a trumpet sounds. From the dear partner, and llddcn battlements of Eternity , um. of thsse brilliant rulsrs were the fam ily and “ I'm Happy to nonlng him to noble living. I f he re- br dhsr and sister. the Are." Home.” fusee to obey the summons he sluks “I'm than kfu l,” Tha Chinese empire in its AU work done proinptlyjand reason- n the scale of being. He .urrsnJers said the andiron's partner, “th a t you uinnhood to accept animalism The grandeur extended away hack into •b ly. Phone 26« feel like this about your own home logree In which a man la striving i°r 'nd5moi‘y “ CROSS-WORD PUZZLE No. IS International S. S. Lesson »ray» mated ;.ccordir.g to Individ ual preference and their prog real, as a whole, tine« the day of thi uava man ba» not been downward. t £ by W t i U r n N ew sp aper U n io n .) Horizontal. P o r t io n D a p p le d I m p lo r e S u ffix d e n o t in g m o r b id c o n d it io n o f a o in e p a r t 14— » o f t d r i n k 15— P e r e o n u l p r o n o n n 17— N o te o f m U lric a 1 • < - • ! • IS — JMof o n t 1»— L i k e 20— A b a y w in d o w 22— /¿ r e e k l e t t e r 24— M is a n t h r o p e 20— R e c e p t a c le f o r flo w e r s 17— T u t 2 s— o n l y t o — M la e k le r o n a c k f ld a t — M e a n s o f t r a n s p o r t a t io n ( a h b r . ) -P n a t -llo d y o f w a te r -N e a r t o — V llla la o n a 4 0 — Im p e r s o n a l p r o n o n n 4 1 — In s e c t 4 2 — D o m e s tic a t e d os 43— P r i n t e r ’ s m e a s u r e 45— E l e c t r i c a l u n i t o f r e a ta ta a e e 4 7 — S m a ll b o d y e f la n d s u r r o u n d e d by w a te r 81— C r y o f p a in 8 2 — C lo t h e 88— Im p e d e s 87— F o u n d e d ( a h b r . ) 88— B o re d o m 8»— S u m » f o r m i n g a d j e e t lr e n 8 8 — P e r t a i n i n g to 81 — M u s ic a l n o t e • 2 — C o lle g e d e g r e e 03— F o ld o f e lo t b 84— D o c t r in e • 8 — I'a lt o f w o rk 8 s— D e p o t — S k e ll lin e d w i t h m o t h e r > o f - p e a r l T k e e o l a t io n w i l l of Hearing ef final Account Notiae is hertbv given that the final account of W A Allan . . executor * " 'l Lens Reene as snecutr.x of the last w ill and tesu m rnt of Emms C Allen, deceased, has hern filed in the County Court of Linn County State of Oregon and that the «th ,lev ef Apr a t the hour ef 1« «.-lock a. m 1, been dnly appointed by said Court for the hearing of objections to said Anal “ '»»<■• and the settlement thereof, at which tim e any person mtsrested in said estate ntav appear and file objections in w riting sad contest the tame * D< fir8‘ Pwhl.shed March 4 W. A. Alien, , „ Knecntor Aforesaid, le e s Reese. Caecutrta Aforesaid Am er A. 1 nssing Atty far £ny, and K ara (S c u t.) 33— D e c a y 34— 4 'o ll e c t lo a e f b o o k s e r I n f o r m a ­ t io n 88— F r e e s e n t l y ( p e e t l e ) 88— C h in e s e e a s e s 87— i n q u i r e 38— F o r e v e r 40— S le n d e r m e s a o f te e ( p L ) 44— T o s e t a a a n s e d la r y 48— N a t i v e m e t a l 44— P a d 48— C r a f t y 4»— B e h o ld ! 8®— 82— 83— 84— 8«— 8H— — «4— 68— 67— d p e e te e e f h e r e u K n o t la w eed P r e p o s it io n To sm ear P r e f ix d e n o t i n g h a l f O re e h sch o o l p h ilo s o p h y S h o rt la u g h e r e x c le m e t le u P r e p o s it i o n P a re n t P ro c e e d p p e a r I n n e x t le s n e . n e t Id e a o f P la y Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L AN D SU RPLUS $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited Dr. C. FICQ, Dentist “ PLATES that A m e ric a n E a g le Fire Insurance Co. you might I A n , i J X in fS«°rage 83 of A "- Th , r '* j'" Lu pay you 85% of the ca»h v.'h 'o f loss by fire. h alue ,n case •wwnea, L L D. Riddle» When Is T like a boxer? When It Is In training. W bst moves all the time, yet t l ways remains Is the same plsce? Tour heart W hy are loose pest like a house ruined by gunfire? Because they have both been shelled c. P. STAFFORD, Agent G o d s B e st M essages God sends His beet 2*e who are faith fu l and busy.-1'res ■•ytertan of tbs South, I-------------- ----------------- -- Song o f tho Stora All the atara of heaven sing th« foirti >f Bethlehem.— Western Christian A A. Any Girl in Trouble recato Modesty and hum ility are the -V W hy Is an author more free than a »rlety of the m lodi temperance ong Mng? Because be can chooee his own * 0,8 subjects. f it i »» Growns, bridge work and fillings. It will Pay you to get my prices on your dental work. Cusick bank building, Albany A ifte r virtue and obedient te the law of "There In nothing like It," said the lu ty determines hla reel value "Good- one hupdred-yearold andiron, and Its ires." esys Emerson, “outshines brass face glowed in the dying em renlun, ee the sun makes the electric here of the Are. lght rest n shadow."— »«v k P • — Mesa d u ty In a r m y ( I n i t i a l s ) 10— D e g r a d a t io n 13— C h a n g e e f f o r m e r s u b s ta n c e 18— P e r io d o f t i m e 19— I n d i s p o s i t i o n 21— E i l s t s 22— . \ I « k n a m e o f e a s te r n u n iv e r s it y 23— V i p e r 2fV— W e g a t lv e 2 k — D e p u ty 81— O ne w h o h o ld s a la u d te n a r e HALSEY STATE BANK Modern Barber Shop Are." 0— -’’Sote o f m a a f e a l a o a le 7— N a r r a t i v e p o e m H— E u r o p e a n r n b b l t e Jean Frances has been taught al­ ways to put her to js away. A t grand­ ma's she hud to take them upstairs. .Cue day during her visit she was playing with her toys when she called to grandm a: "Don't you want to play house with me?" O f course, grandma agreed. “W ell, be my little g irl," said Jean Frances. Grandma agreed. "W ell, then, get busy and gather up those toys and take them upstairs," sahl the child. HALL’S N O T IC E 4— T h e aam n an (a b a .) 8— T o w a r d î f I l ] âmbîrïàînît 1 CUT FLOWERS --SHEET MUSIC tho ages and many royal consorts came from humble and obscure families. In Hpaita, probably more than in any other autonomy, the plans of the modern eugsoists were in practice. The Spartans prided themselves on the superiority of their race, and to perpetuate that euperiority ware wont to mate as a cattle breeder mates stock, with a view to reproducing e e l intensify Ing desirable «haracteristlce. Their descendants are shovelers on American railroads. I The mass of mankind has al- 1— R u s s ia n a r n 2— B r it is h e m p ir e f a b b r .) 8— F r a y Solution of Puzzl« No. 14. 0 >* ,° ; 20 F. M. GRAY. D R A Y M A N Vertloal. 1— •— 11— 12— msy communicate with Ensign I ee of L . ........................ “ 7? e . ......... ,................. he wisest girls keep out of trouble