Chapter VII a plantation s good for ten y e a r n otioe It's started. I’ve been reading up on It. The new way la to plant asparagus In row», the way you would rhubarb or corn. Plant six feet apart, and four acres anyway.” He was not even aufllclently Inter­ ested to he amused. “Yeh. four acres where? In the clay land, maybe.” He did laugh then. If the short bitter sound he made could be construed as Indicating mirth. "Out of a book." "In the clik — rncala and b e rth included in the o e fate. A sk about C arriso Goi; ■ route from San Diego— A p a rt e T r a il delour o f A riz o n a . Stopovers en route. Fo r fu rther in fo rm a tio n , ask Southern Pacific C . P. M O O DY,A gent FURNITURE • DEPARTMENT LUXE BEDSPRING • H IL L &<° (Continued on page 6) ; • built for comfort and durability FOR R E N T < Oregon Phone 226 risen at three in (tie morning, not only that, she bad got Jan up, grum­ bling Dirk hud Joined them In the fields at five. Together the three of them hud pulled aud bunched a wagon load. “Size them," Selina ordered, aa they started to bunch radishes, beets, • when your wants are in this line. Our stock is« • attractive in both design and price. ' £ We call your special attention to the ( •D E PAGE 3 8-Room House, 6 Acres aud Barn ’ within the city limits. >12 month. W . .1, Ribelin, Halsey. Z ^A S II P A ID for false teeth, den- tai gold, platinum and discarded jew elry. Hoke Sm elting and Refining C».. Otsego, Mich, H a ll’s C a ta rrh Medicine Treatment, both local and Internal, and haa been tucceae» ful In the treatment of Catarrh foe oves forty years Sold by all druggist». F. J. C H E N E Y fit C O „ Toledo, Ohio *Hs— H e’s Breathing So— " 8 h t Could Not Bring Herself to Say, “ So T e r­ ribly." la your child mckirig good prog­ ress at echool ? I f your child is not making a satisfactory average at school you should find out why. Defective eyesight is often responsible tor on or progress in studies Don’t □ wait longer. Find out for i o n - now. breathing so—" She could not hflng herself to say, "so terribly." The sound of the words wrung her as did the sound of bis terrible breathing. • • • • • • S' Perhaps the most poignant and touching feature of the days that fol­ lowed was not the sight of this stricken giant, lying majestic and aloof in hts unwonted black; nor ut the hoy Dirk, aystlfled but eluted, too, with the un iccustoroed stir and excitem ent; nor if the shabby little farm that seemed to shrink and dwindle Into further In- ■ilgnlticance beneath the sudden pub­ licity turned upon IL No; It wus the Ight ot Selina, widowed, but having no time for decent tears The farm was there; It must he tended. Illness, tenth, sorrow—the garden must be tended, the vegetables pulled, hauled to market, sold. Upon the garden de­ pended the boy’s future, and hers. For the first few days following the funeral one or another ot tlie neigh Optometrists. Jewelers boring farmers drove the Dejong team and manufacturing opticiaut to murket, aided the blundering Jan ALBANY in the fields. Bnt each had hts hands full with bis own farm work. On the llfth day Jan Steen had to take the garden truck to Chicago, though no! without many misgivings on Selina's LA W Y E R AND NOTARY part, all of which were realised when he returned late next day with lialf the H alsbt , O rboon load still on his wagon and a sum of money representing exactly zero In profits. Selina was standing In tlie kitchen doorway, Jsn In the yard with the team She turned her face toward the fields An observant person (Jsn Steen Motor Hearse. was not one of these! would have noted Efficient Service. l,ady Attendant. the singularly determined and clear-cut Jaw line of thia drably callcoed farm H row n aville..... . . . . . . . . ____ riragon woman. "I'll go myself Monday." Jan stared. “Go? Go where, Mon­ day?" w . L- W R IG H T “To market.” Mortician & Funeral Director At this seeming pleasantry Jsn SteeD lialaey and Harriabnrg smiled uncertainly, shrugged hla ahoul- Call D. T avi . or , lialaey, or ders. and was off to the barn. She W . L . W S IG H T. H a rria b n rg wsa always saying things that didn't make sense His horror and unbelief were shared by the rest of High Prairie when on Monday Selina literally took the reins In her own slim work-scarred h sudet "To market I” argued Jan as excited­ ly ss hit phlegmatic nature would per mlt. "A woman the don't go to market. W o rk A woman—" "This woman does." Selina had J. W S TC P H E ON. Meade & Aibro, Amor A. Tussi ng DELBERT STARR Funtral Director and Li­ censed Erabalmer BARBER SHOP Firsl-class