y (7 Z z . A V ENTERPRI T— ~ - A g r c u 11 u r e H o rtc u ltu re A \\ eckly Chronicle of Local Events and Progress on Linn County I,and D a ir y L iv e s to c k P o u ltry M A R Í.1 I H a ls e y H a p p e n in g s a n d C o u n t y E v e n ts Large and Small Events Chronicled in Brief Paragraphs were Albany visitors Wednes­ day. ' I Lei ma Wahl arrived home F ri. day for the vacation. Miss Gracia Thornton of Eu­ gene is visiting at W. Lila : C hurch S C h r is t L. W e ll.’. Dudley visited her aunt, Mrs. Pearl True, last week end. Mrs. la * French is the new dep­ uty county aseeseor. Sam Damewood of Cottage A. A. T u iiio g went to Portland Grove is working at Curtis Tuesday, returning Wednesday. V catch’s, « Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zitutuer- Lawrence Wells, who is at man were Albany callers Monday. home during vacation, preached Cooked food sale at Kooatz’ at Brownsville Sunday. Saturday by the Standard Bearrers. Lesley Greene of Brownsville Miss Nora nan & o n u i t A a m a n a g t on A it • A ta n t Pehrsson of W il-1 George Finley came from Port land and tbie morning took the east-bound stage. Jesse Dannen of Sbedd and Helen Beverly of A lb an y were married Saturday. fo n y o u J. C. Harrison has leased a forty-acre field of N. L. Burson in Ash Swale and is plowing it. preparatory to putting in small grain. Again we hear rum ors of a curfew law enforced in town is no better or no worse than any other town Our boys and girls are no worse- than the boys and girls of any other town. However, we do need the curfew law enforced. Here’s hoping it is. The Sunday school superin­ tendents and some of the teach­ ers from the several churches in town me< a t the Methodist church Monday night, and form ed an alliance of C hristian work- 9^ This town 9 B. M Bond and family and bm ette university came home' Mrs. M. C Bond were Albany Friday for a week’s vacation. visiters Sunday. W Reece Mallow expects to mow I to Alpine to work soon. Mrs. Weger died a t her home ' south of town last Tuesday of heart trouble. Belle Burson, who has beeh working in McMinnville all wire ter. returned home the forepart of the week. J (inclusive) • J Bro. Ross Guilly, Evangelist £ F. W- Robins and family spent was at A. H . Quimby’s Sunday. Sunday with Mr. Robins’ parents He will probably work there. at Lebanon. B ro w n s v ille B riefs ■ E n te rp ris e C orrespoedenee) S oul S aving S ervices 22— M A R C H — 22 u . i« s ® Thursday Will civ m o th er’s religion save® • me ? ” Among other things on the • Friday Blind m e n ” C harity Grange program Satur- j Saturday...Five m inutes after death " day was a stunt by Lawrenc» Kizer and a dialog, “S tu p id : • Sunday morning...“ Pleasing men or God ** B etty,’’ by Bessie and Pauline | • Sunday evening...“Smashing the devil’s mas- Smith. ® terpiece ” Helen A rm strong came home Mr. and Mrs. Weger, Mr. and Friday to spend spring vacation Mrs. Glenn Chance, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Fox of this community with her parents. . rrF. They elected Earl Loucki and Mrs. McGee and niece Sohool Notes' W. R. K irk and daughter Grace for president and Meda Forbes Frances McGee attended Wil­ A lf o r d A r r o w s and Redmond Pearl attended (be secretary. They meet the first liam W eger’s funeral. The Halsey-Coburg baseball ; f initial of Mre. Lyda Van Winkle Monday of each month and wel­ game a t Coburg Friday was a (B y an E n te rp ris e R e p o rter) la ’the Recorder, at Salmm, at Albany Sunday. come all Cnriatian workers to tie, 3 to 3. Halsey players were Mrs Bert Clark was seriously Idaho, where John Standish is I Corbin c., Norton p., Palm er lb., I W. A. Muller and wife were meet with them. ill (or a couple of weeks, but Sat­ employed, he conducts a depart Tussing 2b., Wooley 3b., Mailer Albany snoppers Thursday. Nelson Cruroe of N orth urday t®ori t >g took a turn for tbe muni entitled “ What I Think I s.s., Koontz r.f., Heinrich e.f.. Brownsville died at his home belter and is still slowly gaining. T h in k ,” in which he publishes Please notice the change of eon.e et raigbt.from-the-sboulder M iller 1. f. Palmer, Tuaaiug and Thursday afternoon. He died, the tim e of One evening service. Miss Ellen Vannice and ber ethical ideas. Muller made the th ree points. J as he always hoped he would, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Isom and I very suddenly, sitting in his cousin, Miss Mildred Hubbard of b atting won special Mrs. Eliza Brandon has been Corbin’s Payton, Wash., are bars from pretty low with flu, and, thought­ commendation. Koontz made » Mrs. E. J. Lanning went to Eu­ chair. He had been in pooi Willamette university for spring ful of her neighbors, uvked them to two-bag hit. gene Friday. health for a number of yfcara. vacation. for the The Halsey schedule ___ He leaves a widow and foui forbear coming to her assistance, Steve Hayes of Portland spent daughters and one son. A ll The competition for prizes for lest they might contract the di­ balance of th e season is: A t She is much hom e-Shedd April 3, Browns I several days with his brother- were present at his funeral but school exhibits at tbe couoiy fair sease from her. Miss Ruth Finley has ville April 17. H arrisburg April one daughter, Nellie, who live.-, J- c - Porter. tbit )ear will be practically tbe belter. same at last, but the prizes have beeo with her part of the time. 24, Coburg not yet fixed. Leonard Ingram and fam: y in Montana. not been definitely determined. Away— Brownsville March I of Veneta called at Lee In- Mr. Ribelin did not have to ad*, We are sorry to have to an­ Principal Davie of the Jefferson vertise twice in the Enterprise th a t’ 27, H arrisburg April 10, Shedd • gram 's Sunday evening. nounce th a t th e Sunday school school« was here Sunday hobnob­ he would reel a 2-story hou«<“ and May 1. Lee Ingram and family visit­ fell back ju st a little last Sun­ bing with Principal English and, six aura.-, in Halsey fur $12 a nion .li. i ed Mrs. Ingram 's sister, Mrs. day, but th a t is all the mon- with Mrs. Davis and D. W Cum­ If Miss Finley do»' not take it) Husband Must Provide reason why we should have a Clover, at Springfield Sunday. mings, also of Jefferson, visiting when her father gets hack from larger attendance next Sunday. (Portland Oregonian) the Wheelers. M r. Davis made Crawfordsville, later iu the week, George Dannen of Shedd call- Bro. Ross Guilly has said th a t our butcher, Mr. Hoffman, will, HALSEY. Or., March 21.— another run up Monday evening. ed on nis sister, Mrs. Minnie he w ants to see 75 out to Sun- so pay uo aitei’tion to tbe adver­ (To the E ditor.)—Can a man day scnool next Sunday. Come Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Arm strong tisement which has already been live with his wife, let her cook Starnes, one day last week. „ A w T J ! ?“ ’ people; we can do it. p in lx l th morning and evening. Those of you who have not heard Bro. Guilly will want to do s o ; (hose who have heard linn will come back, we know. There is a fine spirit, and with work and prayer many souls ahitll be brought into the king­ dom. Clifford Carey, partoJ. M. E. Church Robert Parker pastor. Hunday school, 10. preaching, 11. Junior league, 3. interm edine League, 6:80. Epworth leas ue, 6:80. Preaching, 7:30. Prayar-mceting Tboreday, ger and children were dinner C. P. Gray got > 4 0 bounty on guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arch two bobcat« Monday. Handley of Albany Sunday. Philip Cogswell of Portland “ Heart Failure " Saturday, return, ug jo spueoq saoeid Xuetu ctm «1 Sunday, taking his father, B. E. uraitb or oth auihotiuues re ­ Cogswell, home with him. fuse to ao > p t •'heart failure'' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood of as a cause of death in a physi­ Albany drove up to E. D. Isom's cian’s certificate. It is a very Saturday afternoon to get Mrs. convenient term when one does Wood’s sister, Mrs. E. J. Lan­ not know or does not w ant to tell the tru th . There are few ning, who was visiting there. diseases th a t cause death w ith­ Guests a t E. D. Isom's Sun­ out heart failure. So much lee­ day were F rank Bond and fami­ way is taken by physicians in ly of Spr.ngfieM, Chester Sickels filling out death certificates that and family of Coburg and Mrs. a seeker a fter the tru th would L. E. Bond and son Lester ana do w dl to ignore them alto gether. In a case under the daughter Vera of Albany. w riter’s knowledge a patient Guestc a t J. H. Rickard s died from albuminuria, or Sunday n e re Mrs, Michael Rick­ B right's disease. Dropsy' was ard, ¿ : s . L. J. Jenks and Mr. one symptom of the disease but and Mrs. W. G. Jenks. certainly was not the cause ot death, but the doctor’s certifi­ E D lgetn and wife wert to . cate said ’ dropsy” . Albany Thrusday of last week. A report comes from Browns- Mr. Isom’s aunt, Mrs. N. J . ; voile th at five persons have dieo Lanai :.g. of Tacoma, arc mi- there from h e a rt disease within panied them home for a few a m onth. One was William da»»* v»a»t. Weger. who died Wednesday, a ■•eek a fter a stroke of paraJ vsis, I Fourteen members of the P o t-' a disease of the nevres. Mrs te r sewing d u b met a t the home Thomas G arrett died last week of Mrs. W. G. Abraham. TTie Tuesday. Nelson Crume, a afternoon wgs spent in fancy weH-known and aged Citizen, work, after which light refresh­ dropped dead Thursday as he corn, manifestly m ents were served. HtMwred rat shdkng guesU were Mrs. Mack Power» from heart disease. John Wolfe and infant daughter Donna ¿nd John Rc-bhan, wno«* deaths M ane, Mrs. Ruaad Grthens and been previously reported In infant son Ronnoid. Mrs. P e rc e * , P*J*r . are the others. Taylor and infant daughter Bet- -----— ty, Mrs. Frank W orkinger and Mrs. Schroll wen» t« Albany children, Mrs. Eimer Munaon, Sunday fo r more efficient Mr*. Jim LaM ar, Mie W»U La- treatm ent. H er daughter Ruby ap M«r. Mrs. Doon, Mrs Mrs. Kenneth Robgon. FrutU and i» » u h her sod other relative« ere ¡arriving Her eondftioo ia aanous W ool O v e r 8 0 0 L iv e s L o s t in S to r m Five ¿States Swept and Cities Wrecked and Then Burned Chicago. I U —( asualty totals report­ ed for tbe torsad e which «wept through aval bora lUtnoia. lhdtana. K e u tu ik y aad Indiana » tie r la th in g eastern Mlooourt showed MB billed la Illinois. BI ta Indiana. 1« la Toaneoooo, 12 la Missouri aad 1» ta Keatwehy. Murphysboro. IU , heeded ihs lis t w ith ISO kaewn dead. T bs exact to ll of tbs (to n s . Red Cress officials ad­ m itted. probably aevwr w ill be known. Thors wars ooms victim s ae ta a lly an­ nihilated la tbs wind terro r. Other» were removed to d iffe re n t towns, a n d there b ars bees scores of visitors la the section who w ill not be missed for weeks Saturday and Sunday tbe guant. hol­ low eyed survivors la tba storm ares of Illinois. Indiana. M issouri. Ken­ tucky and Teaoesses stood solemnly by tbs yawning death pita In Ib e lr last good bye to wives, mothers, chil­ dren. sweat hearts, snapped into e te r­ n ity in a tw in k lin g by tba a w fa l fores of tbe cyclone. Everyw here In the five states which felt the death laden breath of tbo storm, the victims, many unidentified, wore com mitted back to tbs earth from which they cams— laid to rest separately, by twos, by threes sad by dozens, la soldier dog graves. And simple w hits crosses, conjuring ap a picture ot other such symbols across tbs sea. stood forth ta m ark tba tra il of devastation. Property loss la all devastated dis­ tricts Is estimated variously between BB.OOOOOO end H 000.ee* Washington. D. C —O as of natare’s most deadly and costly freaks — the tornado— w ill never be understood nr investigated to tbs paint where art- saos can accurately (srseast Its bagtn ning or Its path, secordlng Bs C. L . M itchell, for scasi sc of tba United States west bar burean bere M ltcbail said weather bureau esperta were frustrated on all sides la Ibslr efforts adequately to acquaint then, selves w ith the “ w hirl».“ T bs only la form ation they ean aow obtain about tornadoes Is by lavaatlgatlag aad l a specking stricken areas “ I f wa could bs up Iu tbs sky." said M itchell, “at tbe srset spot where s tornado was about to be ooeeelvsd there is a bare possibility 'b a t * « m ight la tim e be able to «sabe a (airly tloee forecast of tornadoes But there Is no other way we cos Id “ Because of possible panics and riots tbe wwa'ber bureau dore not -te n e t tempt to forecast tornednse Tba ex te n t of tbe bnreaa't predictions of tor tadoes now la lim ited to unsettled diet a rte nere ~ Chicago, n i — Raddened by the final tragedy of Its greatest tornado die ester—tbs b a n a l of Its d ead —south­ ern Illino is and Indiana turned on- dusnted to the mammoth >aak ot to hebUHatloa. through which It Is plan­ ned every ewrvtvov of last week • ea- tastrogke wW ba re-ursed ta t h - same coadiUons that exltted before the ter rlto ry was laid la rains A ll Injured have received medical attention and all homeless have t-esu provided w ith tem porary sbelter. It wee aaaonaced. as plans got nader way for a v irta a l sebnfldteg of the stricken tre e s A-colossal 'Ssk faced the ageeclos P was agtBcfpeted th a t f -u r months or more wowid he raqnlr- ed to H ear head reds of acres of ru ts*, restore thousands of shattered homes, rebuild f«c "T le s and establish new systems of sanitation Prevtdlag deetltnte fam I ¡lee w ith means of mas ¡sg a living was eg im m ediate »»cd rw s lv in g a t'e n ’ lon Nebraska Dcy Lass le Dreetie. Ctmaba Neh.— Nebraska w lll be drlet tbaa tbe dz.wet boa* dry state ta th r V a io *, state officiala predici ac r rre a lt of tbe cwlebratwd "plnt of llqeot l a * . " wblcb pascei tbe Nebraska leg telature C ader tbe prwvleloae o f ’ > • bllL poeeeeriou of ««-re tkea • pie' of liquor *111 be prim a farle evtcencr tfcai It a poteeeeor la a boetlegger Wetaae Mewe«ely le Bwcepe Rwwcecwd Wfaafclagte«. O. C — O ffletal inform » iloa hae reeebed W aabtagtoe iBdlreZ lag that rre a c b aad German pwtaek ¡ataranta bave eatered la -e sa a g re * maat ea u» both m a r k e « aad pH« to n ti _a