PACK 6 MARCH RURAL ENTEKPRISB 18. 1*25 FOR S.vLE— White Leghorn G LO BE j • BABY ALBANY C H IC K S from two- and three-year-old hen> mated to cockerels haring dam1 Sunday— Monday— Tuesday <• with recorda of 247 to 308. N. Hedluiid, Halsey, Oregoo. March 22— 2 3 -2 4 Phone 55F52, Brownsville. The »vent of (he year • Sandy they are not ao regular, Douglas Fairbanks in « j I Where they spend the year out­ side of spawning time nobody knows, but the annual raid or them seems to cause no diwinu tion in their numbers. In frying them salting the fat ir which they fry and salting the fish when they are turned over w I Coming prevent them from sticking to thv pan, though salting potatoes wher frying has the opposite effect i T THIEF OF i pBAGDAD| : : “ Frivolous Sal” I like the traditional “ institution** than larger one. h il'teen tons of Oregon flax was hipped from Salem Ore., heart good pot of green» As soon as the trouble. logo with cow. B. M. M iller, H. L. Straley and wife and Mrs noming determined to end the m at­ DeJong farmhouse without eliciting a Louie S. Steiber, 336 R Buchanau, Phone 23, Halsey, Oregon. cry of warning from Selina. She outer leave« of the remaining plants Gordon Munker* of Brownsville ter once for all. Portland,(Ore., adeaoids and tonsils. get ten to twelve Inches long, they are drove to Albany Saturday, The morning wag balmy and the would actually have tried her hand at cut off done to tbe point o f’ attach­ Remember above date, that con. the outside of the house with a quart The well known and successful Mre. W. J. Moore of Brownsville water delightful and the president can and a three-lnch brush If Pervus ment at the base, and the central part sultatioa on thia trip will be free, calied on her mother, Mrs. M. M. laving le ft dressing gown and slip hadn’t Intervened. She hemmed dimity of the plant allowed to continue and that bis treatment is different. Minneapolis rupture expert, Mr. Ward, and sister, Mrs. Albert uers in the bushes, his usual attire curtains, made slip-covers for the hid­ growth until again large leaves are Married wonieu mutt be accompanied C. F. Redlich, will be in Albany >n such occasions, was disporting eous parlor sofa and the ugliest of the produced, when again these are cut by their husbands. M iller, Friday. on Saturday, March 28, a t the limself in the water all unconscious chairs. Address; 211 Bradbury bldg., Lot Albany Hotel. Subscribed for a magazine and used. Continued cutting of the Ruptured people P. H . Freorksen was here yeste • outer leaves does not barm? tbe plants Angeles. Cal. hat Nemesis was on his tra il— rath- called House and Garden. Together come m any miles to see him. at his old trick of listing onr be and they will flourish until October. she and Roelf used to pore over this Seme housekeepers strip the green Consultation is free. W atch Al­ longings so the tax collector can r, sitting on his clothes— until a hail fascinating periodical. I f High Prairie rom the clump of trees disclosed to cinch us. bany papers for special an­ had ever overheard one of these con­ leafy portions from the thick white is horrified gaze the elderly figure versations between the farm woman midrib of the leaf, use these as nouncement. » BANK RECORD RULED O UT Mrs. L. W. Shisler and two >f Anne Royall, whetting her tools greens’’ and serve the midribs In the who would always be a girl and the children of Harrisburg called at for an interview. “ Come here,” she farm boy who hud never been quite a same manner as asparagus. Attempt to 9how Liberty Bond Trade the C. P. Stafford home Friday 'rdered in peremptory tones. Swiss chard Is easily canned for Old papers for Bale at 6c a bundle 'blld, It would have raised palms high in Teapot Dome Lease Pall» afternoon. winter use, and Is successfully dried at the Enterprise ottiçe. Adams knew her. Being a mod- in an "Og heden 1" of horror. But Cheyenne, Wyo.— Evidence Intend­ Fred Schick is going to leave st man who sjyam before the fas High Prairie never heard, and wouldn't If the thick midribs are split thin so they dry evenly with the leafy portion ed toireveal the secrets of the bank Peoria. He offers car, cow and hion of bathing suits, he could only have understood If it had. Mr. and Mrs. H arry Chance As greens this vegetable Is most ex­ accounts of Albert B. Fall, former Sellua was up dally at four. Dress­ furniture to the best buyer helweei and grandson H arry havo all been pproach her until the water was cellent served with melted butter, ba­ secretary of the Interior, was barred ing was a swift and mechaplcal cover- now and Saturday night. on the eick list lately. hin deep. ng of the body. Breakfast must be con grease or cream dressing In the from the record In t^e Teapot Dome same way as spinach. “ What do you w ant?” asked the ready for Pervus und Jun when they 8. H. Hayes returned to hi» leosb annulment suit here. Mrs. Tvcer of Brownsville re­ “ I ’m Anne ■ame In from the barn. The house to home in Portland |the first of thi •ewildererd president The ruling barring tne evidence, turned Wednesday fiom a visit dean, the chickens to tend, sewing, week, after a few days «pent with Loyall,” snapped the old lady. / ‘I ’ve la n d lin g M ilk for Home handed down by Federal Judge T. with ber two sons and families at frieuds and relative« in tbie vicin­ been trying to see you to gelt an in­ washing. Ironing, cooking. She cun- Use Ia a Big Problem Blake Kennedy, deprives the govern Oakland, California. Mrs. Dean trlved ways of minimizing her steps, of ity. terview out o f you for months on inent of Its only known means of at Tycer was formerlv Janette Boggs, lightening her labor. And she saw Bw farm home has Its problems la the state bank question. W ill you clearly how the little farm was mis­ handling milk for family use. The tempting to prove an exchange ol daughter of Mrs. J. W. Morgan, K. P. Gross has resumed hie Liberty bonds between Fall and Harry rive it to me or do you want to managed through lack of foresight, fact that milk la produced In abun­ duties in the F ru m warehouse Dr. Titus and Miss Irene Apple- after a few days' absence on ac­ tay in there the rest of your life ? ” Imagination, and—she faced It square­ dance on tbe farm does not necessarily F. Sinclair, whose Mammoth oil coihj “ Let me get out and dress and I ’ll ly— through stupidity. She was fond mean that It Is used In large quanti­ pany was given the lease on the big gate ol Eugene on Friday evening count of an injury to his leg last There are Wyoming oil reserve. * >romise you the interview. Please of this great, kindly, blundering, stub­ ties la tbe farm home. weak. were guests at Dr. M arks’. Mrs. Attorney Roberts-snnounoed that he bred Applegate of Yoncalla, who to behind those bushes while I make born boy who was her husband. But farms where the production of milk la | she saw him with amazing clearness the principal line of work, yet there la H. F. English and family were my toilet.” would reverse ihe procedure previous had been visiting her sister, Mre, through the mists of her love. There but little milk used In the home. at Eugene a week ago Sunday. ly followed in an attempt to show the Marks, went home with hem "No, you don’t. I f you fr y Io gel was something prophetic about the it Is In the home on the farm where They heard Miss Gertrude Portei alleged passage of bonds between 8ln- mt and get your clothes I ’ll -scream way she began to absorb knowledge of only a few* cows are kept and where of Portland siug at the dedication olalr and FaJl by tracing the bonds —you don’t get out without that the farm work, of vegetable culture, of butter Is made and sold, or where cf the new Congregational church, from Sinclair to Fall Instead of from marketing. Listening, seeing, she cream Is sold for butter making pur- nterview.” the former secretary, to the head of teamed about soil, planting, weather, Mr. and Mre. C. P. Stafford pvtet. that the use ef milk Is often Adams was a statesman and a were guests Suuday of L. W . Shis liplomat and he knew when d|scre selling. The dally talk of-the house neglected. I t has been said that some the Mammoth OH company The court ler sad family of Harrisburg on « tion was the better part of valor, so und fields was of nothing else. Abqut such homes use leas fresh milk per had warned Roberts that he was ap Laundrv sent Tuesdays trip to Mt. Angel, where they spent he stood there up to his chin in the this little twenty-five-acre garden person than do many homes In the prosohlng the matter from the "back Agency Hub Cleaning Works the day with Dr. K. W. Barnum j placid waters of the Potomac and patch there was nothing of the mHjes- cities. The reason it apparent after a door.” ty of the Iowa, Illinois and Kansas moment'« constderation. The principal and family. A B E S PLAC E gave the first interview ever granted grain farms, with their endless billows cabse of so small a quantity being used Isle of P inos Treaty Ratified. to an American newspaper on a state of wheat und com, rye. alfalfa and le the fact that the farm does not have Washington. D. C.—The senate rati­ Smelt Smelt Good Frying question by a president of the United barley rolling away to the horizon. the equipment for cooling the milk and Everything was done in diminutive placing It on the table In a really fied the Isle of Pines treaty with States. here Selina sensed that every Inch appetizing condition. The city house­ minor reaervatlons; sent the Law P J. Forster and W. P. Wshl M r. Tucker’s movie censor bill was went to Troutdale Monday, not lieaten in the senate. For once that of soil should have been made to yield wife receives the milk In a clean, at- I aanne treaty to re-establish relations to the utmost. Yet there lay the west tractive-looking bottle. The milk la j with Turkey hack to committee and to r trout, m the name of the body objected to the creation of sixteen, useless during most of the voted 74 to 2, to make the world court place might indicate, but for new salary consumer at the public year; reliable never And there was cool when delivered. All work done promptlyjsnd reason­ question a special order tor next De sm e lt no money to drain tt or enrich It; no expense. • ably. Phone 269 Oiled Paper Wrappers cembor 17. Forster and Wahl got home st Voters will ccAitinue to get voters’ ready cash for the purchase of profit­ The vote of the senate. 63 to 14, to Control Apple Scald 2 yesterday morning Everybody election pamphlets to replenish the able neighboring acreage. She did not N O T IC E TO DOG OWNERS know the term Intensive farming, but The use of oiled paper wrappers, de­ to ratify the pact by which the United got a good haul, waste basket at the expense of the this was what she meant. You are hereby notified to be prepared States relinquishes In favor of Cuba veloped recently by the bureau of plant Messn. Ieom and Starnes went state. . ’ « During that winter she was often Industry, United States Department of all claims to sovereignty over the Isle to pay to the Deputy Assessor your deg in auotlisr auto. tax st the time he makes your assess­ Thanks to a veto bv ’•Governor hideously lonely. She never got over Agriculture, to control scald In boxed S A. Mills and Reuben Ingold» Pierce, M ultnom A county is spared her hunger for companionship Here I apples, has now become common among of Pines, was described as highly ment. The license is $2.00 for s female and their wives made the trip and the expense of another judge, for she was, a gregarious and fun-loving 1 apple grower» These wrappers have gratifying to President Coolidge, but dog not spavrd and $1 00 for a male or .got home about noon. Mr. Mills whom work could have been found creature, buried In a snow-bound Illl- I not controlled apple scald completely, so the action In putting ever until the • payed female dog The Depntv Astee- next session consideration of the or will receipt you for vour moi ey and • lipped out a quarter of a ton in an nols prairie farmhouse with s husband ' but they have caused such s marked will then forward it to the County Clerk by increasing the loafing hours. Lausanne convention. who looked upon conversation as a ' reduction In thia trouble that the trade hour at night. By day the smelt who will furnish you with a license and ' The next W C. T. U. farm home convenience, not a pastime. She « lag If yon prefer you may seed VOur recognlzea them as an aeaenclal part of _ keen too far from the ehore for ------------------- ---------— •t+ building will be for a dozen children, learned much that winter about the the Industry. One-Third of Auto Victims Children. money direct to the County Clerk and such a haul. utter aordldnesa of farm life. She Another method of using oiled paper Chicago, B L -T hirty-tw o per cent of receive your license and tag without These fish come up the Colum- instead of twice as many. This will rarely taw the Pools; she rarely saw waiting for the Deputy Assessor to make 2oa_every_year to spawn In the be more like an ideal home and less any one outside her own little house­ developed by tbe department la In the the 30,000 persons killed In automobile the collection. shredded form for the prevention of accidents last year were children un­ B. M Payne, hold. The front room—the parlor— scald In barreled applet. Paper in thia FOR SALE FOR RENT County Judge. was usually bitterly cold, but some- form was tried out for some time ex­ der 15 years of ago. tbe National Safe­ J. D. Isom. perimentally and last year a number of ty council statement disclosed. c-ounty Commissioner commercial growers In the Bast used It Joe Hume, frosty window to watch for a wagon to a small extent It bat been found Jap Exclusion Bill Pasted In K.nea* County Commissioner, to go by, or a chance pedestrian up the that Its pounds of the shredded oiled Topeka. Kan.—The K a n ... i „ lrta. tur«. Must tie sold tbie week. within the city limite 11 J month. road. She did not pity herself, nor paper, well distributed through the bar­ U re p . . , « , the J a W M M Mci(jiion NOTICE regret her step. She felt, physically, ret produces fairly satisfactory re­ Fred Schieb, Peoria. W J, Ribelin, Halsey. of Hearing ef fins) Account bill, which prohibits Japanese from pretty well for a child-bearing woman; sult» owning or lesslsg land to j? Rttupn# AIL* d W’ ‘ I* 1 ,W Un,ent of Emms C. Sweets small decencies of existence. She hast called us te work for Thee, and Washington. D C . - Eight million The kind you eao be sure eon. loved the glow of Pervus' eyes when Coo,r‘ of L," n Connty. State of we pray that Then wtlt ehow each tain the finest quality of ingredi- «he appeared with a bright ribbon, a one of ue just what Thou wonldst have ottlsens have filed th tlr lnoome to £ T .r ' tha‘ ,he 6th d,T ’ f returns, Internal revenue bureau off! 1925, at the hour of 16 oclock a. m hat sots and the doubtful kind Cast n« to do. rials «»Umsted. been duly appointed by aaid Court for doubt aside and deal at C lark’s the hearing of objections to said final I f anyone ever tried to nee any­ for aceonnt and tbe settlement thereof, si thing but pure, fresh fruits aud FOR SAL« Ihe which tima any person interested io flavors in our spotless candy said estate mav appear and file objections street end convictlonjvf ta y per. '» writing and contest the same kitchen there’d he sucli a oom mo­ •on tearing down mv sign«' al , , J i ,ed * ”*• fir,t Published March 4. tion you'd hear it all over town. the highway W M BURBANK Plorai and W. A. Allen. Music »hop Kestaursot and Servi«,- Station. ’ , ,, Executor Aforesaid, Alban », Lena Beene Executrix Aforesaid, Htleey. Amor A. Tasting, J. D. Rode, 8 miles west of Halleey. Atty, for E>r. and Exrx, A Modern Barber Shop F. M . G R A Y , DRAYM AN ¡“'5 Car, Cow and 8 -R o o m House, 6 Household Furni­ Acres aud Barn £-S í CUT FLOWERS -SHEET MUSIC Clark’s Confectionery HALL’S $25 Reward BALED HAY îîî