CROSS-WORD PUZZLE No. 14 h s ä I MRS. 0. D. OLIPHANT WM. M. JARDINE MARCH 18. ftM AURAI. BNTEk PKItR Coolidge Stands Pat Germany Invited • So does Senate to Join the League President, Without Comment, Again Submits Mr. Warren's Name to the Senate. <£) by W w i e r i N e w sp aper Union. > Horizontal. 1— G l a r i n g ft— K l » « o f t h e b e a a ta IO — b a r e 12— R x p r a a s l n i n e a a t l o a 15— K a d o f d a y 15— D r a l a 17— M id d a y n a p IO — T o a f le e t w i t h p a (a 22— B ta r in a 24— P r o c e e d 25— C o w b o y * » r o p e 27— R o m » » e m p e ro r 2ft— B e e h iv e ( a b b r . j 2» P e rfo ra a 21— L ik e 22— W a t o a t 12— G r e e k l e t t e r 2 4 » S o a t b ▲ m e r l e a a I n d i a » 27— T e a r 40— S m a ll d iv a a 42— W e a r -F ra y 45— Poaeeeeed 4 2 - - F o r a a b o r t t im e 42 A hoy 2 2 — P e r io d o f t im e 21— C o a a a m e d 5 2 — S ta te B4-« V a r i e t y o f a p p le 22« G a e w h e h l r e a w o r k e r s 1 — A p p e n d a a e o f a fish 2 — W e t t lffh t 2— O p p o s e d to 2— F a c o n rn a e 7 — P e r t a i n i n g t o a fle e t o f s h ip s f t- —T o m u h e a k n o t 11— S a la r y 14— T o K e t ap 1«^— P l e n l e d e lt c u e y 12— E « a a l 15— F o r e x a m p le ( a b b r . ) 12— T h a a 22— In q u ir e 21— C r o o k e d IS — I m a g i n a r y b e l t I . t h e h e a r e a a 22— C o n f ir m 3«— O v e r »1— P a r t o f * t © b e " 35— B i b l i c a l c h a r a c t e r 92— F o o d b r n a if h r b a c k to he c h e w e d s e c o n d t im e b y a n a n im a l 3ft— U n i t o f m e a s u r e m e n t 3»— T i d y 41— W o m a n ’s q a a r t e r a In a M o I ir m e d n n r e s id e n c e 42— F J n c n la t l o n 42— T i t a n i u m m b h r .) 44— I n i t o f l e n e f h 47— T o t w i s t o u t o f s h a p e 4ft— H r s e m b l i n g lu c e 30— T h e t lr a t w o m a n 32— O r g n n o f h e n r i u g T h e e o la tio n w i l l a p p e a r In n e x t Is s u e . Washington. D. C — President Cool Idge threw down (be gauntlet to his opponents In tbe eeuate by aguin tub nutting the nomination of Charles B Warren to be attorney-general. Without a word of comment, the president sent the nomination back to the senate although ft had beau re jected 40 to 40, Vice-President Dawes falling to reach the capttol from bis hotel In time to cast the deciding vote. The president announced that be would glee Warren a recess appoint went as attorney-general If the senate again refused to confirm him. The nomination was again referred w illia m M. Jardine, president of to the Judiciary committee and an ad Kansas State Agricultural college who verse report was ordered by the com waa named secretary of agriculture by mittee. The vote was nine to seven Twice previously the nomination had President Coolidge. commanded a majority In the same committee. All of the democrats and Senators Borah of Idaho and Norris of Ne­ braska, republicans, voted against a favorable report. Mrs O. D, Oliphant, who is national president of the Am erican Legion Vertical. aux.ilary. School Law Before Still Hope for the Highest Court Arms Parley Washington, D C.—The compulsory education law of Oregon, requiring that after September of next year all children between the ages of 8 anti 16, with a few exceptions, shall kttend public schools, was reached In the supreme court Monday for oral argu­ ment in two cases brought by the slate to have set aside the lnjunc tlon of the federal district court against its enforcement. Although it was thought the dises might not bring a sweeping opinion from the court on the const>lonal right of states to control ti|q, educa­ tion of children within thslfborders, the controversy has attracted wide attention in education and religious circles. The array of counsel brought into court Included former Senator George E. Chamberlain, W. S. Moore, A H. Putnevy and P. Q. Nyce for the state, W illiam W. Guthrie, for the so­ ciety of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, and 'John C. Veatch, for the H ill M ilitary academy. Washington, D. C.— W hile awaiting more complete and authentic advices concerning the disarmament situation abroad, President Coolidge believes recent developments there ss already Indicated have opened the way to a more definite approach to the pro Ject of Another arms limitation con ference to be entered by the United States. At present Mr. Coolidge favors sub mltting his project simultaneously to the various powers. This step would Involve action by the American am bassadors in London, Paris, Rome and Toklo under Instructions given them by Secretary Kellogg The procedure at that stage would be for the dlplo roatic representatives In the four countries to ascertain and report to Washington the reactions of the var lous governments. PACE 5 And tbs senate, in a rage, again jrej-cted it, claiming that Coolidge had insulted its sacred " d ig n ity .,” The awful load ot dignity car ried by the senate may swamp it some cay and i t may be abolished Meantime we are paying tbe ful Increased salaries for all tbia burse play. M r . Warren declined a recess appointment, under which he oonld have served until another session of congress, withont con­ sent of the senate and without pay, and Coolidge appointed at ex-attorney general of Vermont, whch act was promptly con­ firmed. So now the president and attorney general of the fatted States and the editor of the Bin terprise are natives of Vermttn and the country is safe, senate ¡at no senate. j Move Thought Significant in Developing Future Har­ mony in Europe. Geneva _ The league of nations oenarll. closing the most important meeting In Its history with what is generally admitted to be a construc­ tive move of great significance for future harmony in Europe, adjourned after expressing a sincere wleh to tee Germany associated In Ite labors by Jelntng tbe league aad thus play to the organisation of peace a part cor­ responding to Germany’s position in the world This action Is deemed significant because It represents the first word addressed te Germany by the allies on a basis of perfect equality Germans hare following the council proceedings are openly pleased at the phraseolegy of the letter which tbe council has sent to the Berlin government. The league of nations disarmament and security protocol, put out of pres­ ent consideration, at least, by the re­ jection of It, voiced by Great Britain on behalf of herself and all her do­ minions except Ireland, was referred by the council of the league to the next league assembly, together with the pronouncements made upon U by the British and representatives of other powers. ^rost Damage in Washington Severe Olympia. Wash — That the frost damage to fall wheat In eastern Wash­ ington. due to severe winter freezing, was decidedly spotted, but from pres­ ent Indications would aggregate a very heavy loss to the growers, was Solution of Puzzle No. 13. the report brought back from Spokane BriGge, timoor taller; Robert Crum E D flQ Ü by R R. White, aaslatant supervisor 4ey, Florence, donkey engineer, and of agriculture of the state department. N. C. Michels. Oregon City, chief elec­ In the northern part of the wheat trician. A total of 516 accidents was belt, said Mr W hite, there wee suf­ reported. ficient snow to give the necessary Oregon pensions have been granted protection and prevent heaving of as follows: Gerard Gerrltsen, Pert the ground and winter kUl. Practical­ land, >12; Elizabeth Swan, Tigard, ly all other sections, howsror, suffer­ Senate Confirms Fechet Nomination >30; H a rry O'Brien, Portland, >15; ed more or less severely. Washington, D. C.—The senate con Martha R. White, Portland, >30; David Tfie wheat belt as a whole, how­ Piles, Hood River, >12; William Mr. and Mrs. H. Kock, Mr. firmed tbe nomination of Lieutenant ever,' has sufered heavily, in some Colonel James E. Fechet to be assist Bchoabeln, Portland, >15; James S and Mrs. W. A. Muller and Mr. sections it being estimated at 100 ant chief of the army air service with Miller, Halsey, >12; Sarah Howell, and Mrs. Ottawa.— Canada's government does per cent kill P, H. Freerksen a t­ the rank of brigadier general. Col Springfield, >36; minor of Osear D tended a card party a t Amo» onel Fechet succeeds Brlgadler-Gen "not consider It In the Interest of Can It Is almost unprecedented for rye Wheels".-, Eugene, >30; Charles B Taylor’s, in Albany, Saturday eral W illiam Mitchell, storm centar ii ada, of the British empire or of the and alfalfa to winter kill, yet both Prewitt, Portland, >18; Myron E league Itself,” to recommend to par evening. crops have suffered severely In cer­ the recent aircraft controversy. Phillips, Dufur, >12. (lament adherence to the Geneve pro- tain localtttee. Altheugh It to too Newt Notes tocel tor the pacific settlement df In — 1 The contract for surfacing the Ban early to determine the full amount of ternntlonal disputes. Premier Ring damage to alfalfa. It Is already ap­ don-Sixes river section et the Roose ^ y ^ b a n y J ^ / ^ i r e c t o r y U *u b Cleaning Work«, Inc. (Continued from page 1) velt coast highway In Coes and Corry Cor Secoond and Ferry told the house of oommons. parent that It will be severe enough to T h * government’s attltede wee affect materially the leeal price or Master Dyers and Cleaners counties was awarded by the state Oregon City has filed a claim Made - T o - Measure Clothes mad* knows when the premier read alfalfa next fall. •gainst Clackamas County (or the highway commission to Simonson A T h is is good advice; “ i f you live a paragraph from a dispatch sent by recovery ef >38,836.49, alleged to be Hefty at >74,212. The contract calls Abeat LI00.900 acres had been mperial cake 209 Kirnt in Albany, trade iu Albany ; if you live him to Sir Brio Drummond, secretary- sown to fall wheat la this state. Harold G. M urphy due the city as a part of the regular for 11.2 miles of resurfacing between in some other town, trade in that town. ” A irphy Prop. general of the lengus of nations. T h * Phone 665 Raadon and the Curry county line, But in these automobile days many re­ t a i levy duytng the last six years (or Roughly estimating, on tbe face of Wa NKvaa close premier’s message, holding that Can­ present reports, that at least 50 per 4.8 miles of surtaxing between the siding elsewhere find it advisable te do the general; road fund. ada objected particularly to the pro­ cent of the acreage will have to be Curry county line and Denmark, and at least part of their buying in tbe LfAUNETO ELECTRIC CO. The treasury department has refus larger town. Those who g o to Albany ed authority to the somblned conven­ 5 miles of resurfacing between Bee to transact business w ill find the Ir a n A * Official Stromberg carburetor serv­ tocol's "rigid provision for applica­ reseeded, a very heavy lose result*. mark and the Sixes river. Conservative price*. All tion of noOnomlc and m ilitary lano- lamed below ready to fill their require­ ice station. tion committee of Portland to erect work guaranteed 119-121 W Second. ttons in practically every future b a r,” Haps Lovvold, a prominent Astoria ments w ith courtesy and fairness. , a temporary building on one corner BRIEF GENERAL NEWS added: resident, entered a plea of guilty in of the old postoffice building grounds a i parlors A C C E S S O R IE S a N P T IR B S "Among the grounds tor this Con * (A beauty aid for every federal euurt In Portland to a charge te be need as a place for registering very need) Auto Supplies Hoffman Phillip of Hew York was elusion te the consideration of the S t Francis Hotel of violating the tariff act of 1922, J. H. A llison convention guest«. nominated by President Coolidge to _________ P ro p ., W t N N IF K B D R 0S 8 . effect of the non-participation of the t42JWest First St . _ through the Importation of contra deporting mills of the West Coast - H * United States upon attempts Io force be United States min laker to Persia. Lumbermen's association showed a fa- band goods into the United States, A lb an y Floral Co. Cu>,[ flowers TLfeo and money are best when the sanctions and particularly in the A bill to restore wide open gamb­ and was fined >1009 and sentenced to busy. Make your dollars work in T * and plants. Floral art To vorable condition for the week ending ’Or every ling In Nevada was defeated in the case of contiguous countries llhe our savings departm ent A lbany S ta T r March ?, as new- baslnsee was 9 per three months In the Multnomah coun and all occasions. assembly at Carson City, There were B ank . Under government supervision. Canada.’* Flow er phone 458-tI, cent above production and 6 per cent ty jatl. Lovvold was charged by the 22 votes against It and 19 tor IL government with having brought fho L 7 is s Sue Breckenridge above shipments. Production of 119 Senator Reed «moot. Utah, repub­ r k k mills was 99,887,520 feet; shipments cases of whisky and 10 cases of beer Hem stitching. Stamped goods CHICAGO MALADY ON WANE lican. was takaa seriously lU In tbe PHO NO G RAPHS 333 West Second street, Albany, Oregon to Astoria from W illapa harbor. at were 102,084,224 feet and bookings ag­ senate. Smoot Is suffering from Phone 452R Falling Off In Influenxa-Pneuntonla W O O D W O R T H 'S The so-oalied Magladry blU passed gregated 109,004.109 feet. scute Indigestion and a general break­ Cases Shown. down. The certification of bonds by the at the recent session of the legisla lAavenport Music company offers G T IM 8 O N T H E SHOE DOCTOR Chicago.—Chicago’* InflueniSGpneu- state board of oontrol for both the lure, providing for the protection of Second street, opposite Ham ilton's An additional tax of >10,181,111.9« Piano-case organ, good as new store. motor vehicle owners through the monla attack appeared on tbe wane, bae been assessed by the treasury Malin and Shasta View districts Estey organ, good as new “ Sudden Service.” registration of titles, probably will Used Pianos. when reports to the olty health de­ against Senator Ootaena, republican. means that active construction work necessitate a special meeting of the partment ehoweri • marked falling off Michigan, on the sale of his Ford can now proceed without Interruption astburo Bros.-—Two big grocery Y V a ld o Anderson 50,000 and >160.960. It was announc­ prices. total or 300 death* elaee March 1. Ap­ expressed by Thome* B. M arthsil. ex- acres, with construction werk cost ap­ ed by the secretary of state that the administration of this law would cosi tplil«- Cafeteria and bonfectionery V K S P E C IA L T Y SH O PPE proximately 100 new ceeet of the vlce-presideat, who oeisbrsted his 71st proximately 9200,000. A-J Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ hemstitching and stamped goods. the state department more than >50,- birthday Saturday la Indianapolis. Albany. Oregon malady, which affects the respiration- ings. Courteous. efficient servie*. 31« W. Second st. The personnel of the oommlttee 000 during the first year of its oper W e make our own candies. al organs and brings on Influeasa and Owner, Irene M cDaniel. authorised by the recent legislature W. S. D onc an . a it on. No appropriation was provided pneumonia, were reported during the General MRehell Loses A ir Joh. to Investigate and recommend im in the measure to care (or this ex same period: provements In the workmen’s ootn- Washington. D Cz—The name of Ip iln is developed and p rin te d , New F U R N IT U R E A N D penee. and •k We mail them rig h t back to you. pensatlon law, has been announced. Colonel James E Fechet wee sent to F A R M M A C H IN E R Y Members of the state Judicial ooun Woodworth Drug Conitxny, Albany, O r­ . X Mack Powers left for Carlin, the W hite House ae the war depart­ The committee It composed of Sena­ ell, which was reauthorised at the egon. tors Ous Moser, W. W. Banks and Mrs. Powers ‘ ment's choice to aacceed Brigadier- bought, sold and exchanged at all times Nev., Wednesday. recent session of the Oregon state Charles Hall and Representatives and little daughter, Donna Marie Oenerel W illiam Mitchell, naeletnnt PORO SALES AND S E R V IC E legislature, were appointed by Chief Denton Burdick, John Coffey, Lloyd B E N T. S U D T E L L Tires and accessorie« are spending a few more weeks 1 chief of the air service, whose public Justice Thomas A. McBride of the Repairs Reynolds and W. V. Puller. utterances In the controversy over sir Phone 7S-R 111 N. Broadalbin st.. Albany with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. supseme oourt. Members of the coun­ K irk -P ollak M otor Cd. < power have kept official Washington Colonel Creed Cbeelre Hammond, In­ cil Inoinde John L. Rztnd. justice of P H F»*erks«ii, before relum ing on edge for several weeks. fantry reeerve. Oregen national guard, the supreme court; Fred S Wilson, D V rlm ille r Furnitute Co., futni- ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. baa been appointed chief of the rtrenft Judge of Waeco souaty; C. M * bureau of m ilitia affairs, war depart- Thomas, oiroult Judge of JackeoD Funeral directors. 427-433 west P in t W r ite lor booklet describing our 20- street, Albany, Oregon. taent. with the rank of major general year Rural Gredit Amortized l.oans county, and W alter H. Evans, circuit Th^ Appointment la for foar years, ludge ot Multnatnah oounty. The pur P U L L E R G R O C ER Y, 2H6 Lyon The loan pays out in 20 payments, re­ tirin g tiie principal. Cheap rates. No from Juoe 29, 1925. Colennl Ham (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) pose of the council la to Investigate * delay. B kam L and C o ., Groceries Fruits Produce mood has been assistant shlef of the and recommend uniform and more U. S. & C. T . C. T iro s N ew . lo w -p ric e d G ill 133 Lyon street. Albany, Ore. • bureau for thre« year«. He sarcasde simple rules of judicial procedure in Phone 2o3R M o ro service B a tte rie s fo r MaJer Oeneral Oenrge C. Richards. IJ O L M A N 4 JACKSON the Oregon courta N o m o re cost F o rd , and Grocery— Bakery Three fntsB’ lee due to industrial ac­ of eats cidents In Oregon occurred during the S k ille d A u to re p a irin g S ta r, o th e r Mr. and Mrs. Percy Taylof Everything in the line at lowest rete of interest Opposite Poaloffice week ending March 18. according to : nd infant daughter Betty Ion»- C h e v ro le t s m a ll cars A u to accessories Insurance • report prepared by the state In­ and Mrs. Frank W orkinger and ub Candy Co., Firat street, next Real Estate , Prompt service. Courteous treatment. 1 door to Blain C lothing Co. dustrial accident commission Th M O R E S E R V IC E F O R LE S S M O N E Y Children were callers a t th% Noon lunches. .- vtcoma Included Wesley Carlyle. ’ w « ' B ain , Boom 3, First Savings Bank Peter Freerksen home Sunday. Hume-made candy and ice Crtani builmng, Albany 9 Canada Supports British Attitude I , IM R NELLO n ü a w i c E FA R M LOANS A R R O W G A R A G E , Gansle Bros. FA R M LOANS H :4T