Z . (C on tin ued ) e v w v s - t s w ..- . SYNOPSIS • — -------- » "So Bl« mother, 8«lin» H e J o n t^ d /u g h t“ r of ofnf2?t'ur « ‘ 1CH » i, o 7 bl?r * nd B«ntleman iiood In C h ic a g o ln V'l» » |,y hX", b 7 « n °u n - 18 * hy ° f s tn i- he could not wltb- ‘,und her 1,J“ g. Together they dug in1es to asters; i« m j, but ' frf>nl purple iris to morning glories, la J u lie J H e m p e t'd a u g h 'ter hof ' fh e la8t nanled were to form the back- « « n Ir » itilv n ^ lA< • ° m , w h * t chum iu u V in «d b u tc h s r srnr : { . ; hn8 t ; ” f»ach«rB,ly X “ la S lm s o n r ^ 7 ^ porch vine, of course, because they < "”* 1 « * « , . Selina, dty-hred, was becomes a school* ' 'fDornnt of vurieties, but insisted she I reacted an old-fashioned garden— J * — S e lin a sec u re s a post* t i * atCi : r oS,, .i:ihre, . Hi f hc f 1^ “figolds, ¡»Inks, mignonette, phlox. 811 1 Roe!f du‘ ^ d* d- P '^ te d fa r m e r , “ er trous eao Was of the scantiest. K l ^ s . n ' n ^ V . r V s . v W ^ - P#r? 8' . buuss,“ '‘d ««• already her own little bedroom at the Pools', no longer hers, must be deliciously cool and still w ith the breese fanning fresh from the west. Pervus was putting the horse into i he bam . The bedroom was off the sitting room. The window was shut. This last year had taught Selina to prepare the night before for next morning's rising, so as to lose the least possible time. She did this now unconsciously. She brushed her hair laid out tomorrow'* garments, put on her high-necked, long-sleeved night gown and got into thia strange bed She .heard Pervus DeJong shut the kitchen door; the latch «Hiked, the lock turned. Heavy quick footsteps cross the bare kitchen floor. Thia man was coming into her room. . . . ' Vou can't run f u r enough," M aa rtje owl had. said. "Except you stop liv­ ing you can't run away from Mie.” Next morning It was dark «then he awakened her nt four. She at&rted up w ith a little cry and sat up, straining her ears, her eyes. "la that« you, father?'' She. was little Selina Peake aguin, and Simeon Peake had come in, £uy. debonair, from a night's gaming. 1 ervua DeJong was alreudy padding about tlie room in stocking feet. "W hat — what time is it? ' W hat's the matter, fatlier? Why are you up? H aven’t you gone to bed. . . .*• Then site re- membered. 1 ervua D ejo n g laughed and came to ..a rd her “Get up, little lo ry bones. It a a fte r four. A ll yesterday's "work I ve got to do. and all today’s. Break- last, little Lina, breakfust. You are a furm er’s w ife now.” i r Y i . f At5 l V * h,6 m t o f a t r u c k h irfJiT 1 D irk DeJong was born In the bed- “ lover of basuty, like | ®quIPPed with such linens as they I would need. The question of a wed- • r C ? A ^ Z 5 S „ I , I T T h ,? m o n o to n o u i I l f . d in g gown troubled tlm « la S e lln a 'a V b r U fh te n 'a ifa o J n e w h It 1 suk'KeStetl thut she ¿'J"7 l J * JoL“ " “ o r |K n ie n « il s o m e w h a t , , a rtlitlo boy^Ro0??hlp ot th* ,a n ,IU v ". M A R C H 18, 182ff This uun PAGE Î of romance EA ST Go by train and «hip, through the Southland to New Y o rk — it cote, but little more. The superb 5ha»r,i route to California — (four fine train« daily - thence the •cenic Sunset route through the South­ land to New Orleans. Yo u ’ ll relish y o u r meals in the S o u th ern Pacific d in in g car— fresh fruits and vegetables alwa> i a delicious mature. Connection at New Orleans w ith pa­ latial steamers fot N ew Y o rk — meals and berth included in the one fare. Ask about Carrijo fjc ’ . i route from San Diego—Apatite T ra il detour of Aritona. Stopovers en route. Fot tun her inform ation, ask “ Farm W o rk G ran d ! F a rm S lave W o rk ." W o rk la was because Pervus brought them the food that made them so. Something of this she tried to convey to Pervua He only stared. Ills blue eyes wide and unresponsive. “Farm work g ra n d ! Farm work la slave work. Yesterday, from the load of carrots in town I didn’t make ♦« bring you the goods for the her until M aurtle be m arried In the 0 d Dutch wedding dress tiiHt lay in 1 the bride's chest in Selina’s bedroom. “A real Dutch bride," M aa rtje said. a. — S « lln a h e a rs go ssip i P a a a a r r l le lS h & g r * ," ”* r » ic S h e c tio e “ W id o w a n n d o « f ¿ lh o . d • B k rle n n b b e e r rg . r ic h «nrt h -lo o k T n a I T out man w ill think that is floe." D « J o p a . p o o r tr u c k f a r m e r l 'ervu« was delighted. Selina busked la a ja a ik le tu tb s w id o w ■ a t - ™ — Fo T * c o m m u n ity s o c ia b le • In his love like a kitten in the sun. b u t rii>.P « V a r e * . * lo o c h b a s k e t, d a in ty , She was, a fte r all, a very lonely little - a ic t lo 'n ir t * m p ’ S f ’ P o rtlo n a . w h ic h Is a u c tio n e d , a c c o rd in g to c u s to m . T h e bride w ith only two photographs on iin n iOf t h * lu ,lc h bo* e x c lts s d e r i- the shelf In her bedroom to give tier fu n *he b id d in g courage and counsel. Tlig old Dutch u r » " r T i r«'“ d wedding gown was miiny Inches too a n d nV*! ‘J f- “ ? oh b“ " k a t - w h ic h B elin « lar„e tor her. T he skirt-baud over- ? « h a re t o g e th e r , th e s c h o o l­ te a c h e r a a . r r a -------- n g e s to In s . tr u c t th e g o o d - ! *a PI*lk Fine talk.” was heartbreaking. Selina hrfijtn ow n. and they were five-pound heads. I f you am driving home w ith my husband. held the dough mass in the other hand, " It isn't talk. It's plans. Yon've got during her w lite r at the I ’ixfi«’, that 1 feel his shoulder against mine. 1 Optonictrists. Jewelers drove home w ith ten dollars ln your then plumped it down and a gain ' be­ Klaas, lluelf, and old Jakoli- worked pocket it represented a profit of ex­ to plan.” wish he would talk. I wish he would and inauufacliiriBg optioiaoe gan to knead, both hands doubled Into “Fine talk. Fine tgHi.” early and late, but her months there actly zero. The sum must go above say something. S till, 1 am not flats. “Oh 1” Melina beat her knea with an ALBANY had encompassed whut is really the frightened.’’ that. N o ; one did not puy out twenty- 8he laughed a short little laugh. “I impotent fist. truck farm er s leisure period, «he hhd five cents for the mere privilege of Pervus’ m arket itagun was standing ran aw ay.” It was the nearest they had ever a rrltc d In November. She had m ar­ sleeping in a hed. in the yard, shafts down. He should "You d id ! Tou mean you really ran come to quarreling It would seem ried in May F rotn May tirui] October | have gone to market today ; would cer­ One June dayi a month o r more nft^r — but why? D id n ’t you lo— like that pervos hed Ihe best uf the argu­ it was necessary to tend the fields with tainly have to go tomorrow, starting th eir marriage, Selina drove Into r iil- Klaaar* LAWYER AND NOTARY ment. fiw when two years bad passed a concentration amounting to fury. cago w ith Pervus. an Incongruous little early in the afternoon so ns to get a M a a rtje Pool kneaded briskly, the the west sixteen was still a boggy day Selina had never dreamed that human figure ln her bride's finery perched on good stand In ti,e Haym arket. By the H a l . s h y . O h m i h color high in h er cheeks, w hat w ith mass, and unprolifle; and the old beings tolled like that fo r sustenance. the seat o f the vegetable wagon piled ligh t of Ids lantern tlie wagon seemed the vigorous pummeling and rolling, house stared out shabby and pal nt I ess. Toil was a thing she had never en- high w ith early garden stuff. It was, to Selina to he a symbol. She had and something else th a t made her look at the dense willows by the roadside. < ountered until coming to High Prairie. | In a way, th e ir wedding tr(p, fo r Melina often seen it before, but now that it strangely young for the moment— g irl­ They slept fhst n lrh t In one of the Now she saw her husband wrenching a had not been away from the farm since was to lie a p art o f her life— this the ish, almost. "Sure 1 liked him. I liked twenty flve-cent rooming houses. Rath­ living out of the earth by sheer mus­ j her marriage. DeJong m arket wagon and she Mrs him ” er, Pervua slept. The woman lay cle. sweat, and pain. During June, DeJong— she saw clearly what a crazy Ag they Jogged along now she re- “ But you ran away?” «wake, wept a little, perhaps. But In •July, August, and .«epfember ihe good I vealed magnificent plans that had been disreputable and poverty-proclaiming "Not far. I came back. Nobody the morning Pervus might have noted I fficicnt Serviee»! Motor Hrarse. black p rairie soil for miles around was forming In her imagination during the old vehicle It was, in contrast with the ever knew I ran. even. But I ran. I Lady Atteadant. teeming, h hotbed of plenty. T here I past four weeks« It had not taken tier G f be Und been a men given to noting) neat strong wagon in Klaas Pool's knew.” was born In Selina a b th ls tim e a feel­ four weeks— or days— to discover that that the fine Jaw-ilne w u sat as de­ Brownsville___________ ______ tfis ^ -.r yard, smart w ith green paint and red "W hy did you come back?” ing for the land tiiHt she was newer to this great broad-shouldered man she terminedly as ever w lpi un angle that ---------------- 1 '■ lettering that announced, “ Kians Pool. ■' 11 M m rtje elucidated her philosophy lose. Perhaps the child w ith in her ! had m arried was a kindly rrenbtre, spelled Inevitably (silnt, drainage, hu­ Garden Produce.” W ith the two sleek TV without hejng in ihe Jeaat aw are th a t - farm horses the turnout looked as had something to do w ith this. She tender and good, but lacking any mus, potash, phosphoric acid, and a It could be called by any such high- prosperous and comfortable as Kiana was aw are of a feeling o f kinship w ith | vestige of Initiative, of spirit She horse learn. W L. W R IG H T sounding name “You can’t run away the e arth ; an Illusion of splamkor, o f marveled, sometimes, at the m e m o rv Hbe rose before fou r w ith Pervua himself. Mortician A Funeral Director fa r enough. Except you atop living of his boldness in bidding for her lunch glud to he out o f the stuffy little room Pervus swung t e r down from the fulfillm ent. Halsey sod H arrisbu rg '. you can't run aw ay from life ." with Its spotted sad scaly green wall As cabbages had been cabt>a(Ca, and box that evening of the raffle. It seat of the buggy, bis hand a^out her C a ll D T m c n . Halsey, nr The girlish look had fled. She waa p i | * r . Its rickety bad und chair. They no more, to Klaas Pool, so, to Pervus. seemed incredible now though he fre waist, and held her so fo r a moment, W . I.. W a iG w r, Harrisburg worid-old. H e r strong arms ceased these carrots, beets, onions, turnips, bad a cup of coffee and a slice of bread close. Selina said: “You must have quently referred to it, wagging his • heir pounding and thumping fo r a mo­ th a t wagon painted. Pervus. And the i nd radishes were Jnst so m v h prod­ head doggishly and grinning the broad­ in the eating house on the first floor. ment. On the steps outside Klnas and Selina v u ite d w h llt he tended the seat-springs fixed and the sideboard uce, to be planted, teoded. gathered, ly complacent grin of the conquering Jakob were scanning the weekly re­ marketed. But to Selina, during that male. But he was. a fte r all, a dull horse. It waa scarcely dawn when the mended." porta preparatory to going into the city Selina, watching It He stared. “W a g o n !" • summer, they became a vital p art In fellow , and there waa in Selina a dash trading began. •ate that afternoon. the vaat mechanism of a living world of fire, o f wholesome wickedness, of from the wagon sent, thought that thia 'Yes I t looks a sight." Selina had the difficult task of w in­ The house was tidy enough, but none Pervua. earth, sun. rain, all elem ental adventure, that he never quite under­ was a ridiculously haphazard and peril­ king Roelf to her all over again. H - force* that labored to produce too rood stood. F o r *h e r flashes of fln m e he ous method of distributing the food for too clean. Pervua lighted the lamps •a s 111--- a trusting little anim al, who, for millions of human«. She thooxht had a mingled feeling of uneasiness whose fru itio n Pervua bad tolled w l’ h There was a fire ln the kitchen stove. ssundtd by the band ba has trusted. It made the bouae seem stuffy on this o f Chicago a children. I f they bad red I and pride ai tilng buck and tired arms, But she ebeekn, clear eyes, nimbi« b rain» i t 1 In the mild M ay night- Selina thought that mapner of all young brides, «old nothing. when your wants are in this line. Our stock is • attractive in both design and price. # We call your special attention to the J DE LUXE BEDSPRING built for com fort and durability H IL L &c° . • • ? H a ll’s C a ta rrh Medicine Meade Aibro, Amor A. Tussing D ELBER T STA R R Funeral Director and Li* censed EmbaJmar BARBER SHOP First-class Work J. W STEPME ON.