Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, March 18, 1925, Image 1

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    R ural
H a ls e y H a p p e n in g s
and C o u n ty Events
P in e G ro v e P oints
M i, and Mrs. Howard
Bootleg Tactic«, Failures
and a High-life Raid
at Local Church
The new law enforcement
film "The Triumph of Justice”,
will be shown in connectiion
with address by Rev. W. J. Her-
wig, Superintendent, Anti-Sa­
loon League of Oregon, in Hal­
sey C hristian Churdh tomorrow
The enforcement of th e pro­
hibition law is largely dependent
• Bro. Ross Guilly, Evangelist •
• w
Bancroft Optical Co.
313 West First street, Albany,Or.
bis dj^th. Her daughter, from
Rex, and a sister from Seattle are
here with her and Ruby, as is
also a ion, Jesse, from Rector,
(Continued on page 6)
M. V. Koontz Co.
Is prepared, in 1925. as ever, to serve custom­
ers frem a complete stock o f fresh goods
dry goods
Latest styles in dainty things for ladies'
Work garments for workers
Notions and novelties
Underwear for men, women and children
Men measured for dandy made-to-ordor
dress suits
Boys’ suits, ready to wear
Rain clothing
Brethren, the meeting atarts
next Lord's day morning. I know
you are sacrificing, working and
praying for a successful meeting.
The Lord wants laborers to.go in ­
to the field that the harvefA might
he gathered.
“ Look on the field« that they
are while already unto h ariest.”
AndChriet Is saying “ G o.” W ill
you go?
Brother Ross G u illy is to lead
us in the work, a man you cannot
help hut like because he has the
work of God at heart.
Clifford Carey, pastor.
HOES for the little folks
HOES for the big folks
* “ I f your fact hurt, come in.
a pair of RdwardA’ Foot F itte r» .”
We can relieve you with
Our goods give satisfaction because they
E. Church
Robert Parker pastor,
Sunday school, 10-
Preaching, 11.
Junior League, 3,
Intermediate League, 6:80.
Epworth league, 6:80.
Preaching, 7:30.
Prayer-meeting Thursday, 7:30.
A week-end convention of
gracious spiritual power was
held a t th e Methodist church by
a group of students from the
North Pacific Evangelistic In­
stitu te of Portland, led by Mrs.
Erskine and Rev. J. G. Bring-
dale, one of th e in fra c to rs . in
the school, who brought some
good messages during th e con-
vention. The m eeting in which
the students gave messages was
one of unusual blessing and
power. A mixed q u artet gave
many pleasing and helpful mes­
sages in song. The group, lie-
sides the leaders mentioned,
was composed of Jack Trachsel,
Mr. and Mrs. Tamplin, Miss
Arm strong, Miss
Amanda Mitzner and Gilbert
l Carey*
, ,•#
- .
• t>
record Io favor of conservation of the
forest» of California by passing a re-
forestation noaxure. which will be
submitted to the people In the form of
a conAtitutlotial amendment
(t pro­
vides for exemption of taxes (or a
certain period of growing of trees
planted on overcut timber lands.
Grand Jury to S ift Germ Case.
Chicago.— WIHIam D. Shepherd was
held In custody by the state'» attorney
pending presentation to a grand Jury
of evidence tending to Incriminate
him In the death of W illiam Nelson
McClintock, millionaire orphan, who
died In December after making Shep­
herd sole heir to hla fortune.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rickard
went to Eugene Saturday. - *
M r. and Mr». Landis Philpott
of H arrislxirg viaited a t Chestei
C urtis’ Sunday.
Thelma Ingram spent §unday
afternoon w ith h er friends, Kate
and Hazel Greene.
J. H. Rickard and sons Emery
and Jesse attended th e McFar­
land church Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. J. N. B urnett of
H arrisburg were afternoon call­
ers a t Lee Ingram ’s, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Isom and
Mrs. D. I. Isom w ent to Eugene
Tuesday of last week. Mrs. D.
I. Isom stayed for a longer visit
W alter Camp, Noted Athlete, Diet.
New York. — W alter Camp, noted
athlete, coach and author of the wide
w ith her daughter«, Mre. A . F.
ly used "Dally Doien" exercises for
keeping well, was found dead In bed Robnett and Mrs. C. E. Mercer.
in hla room at the Hotel Belmont.
Camp w»s in Now York aUeadlug the
Banks of the Sabbath
annual meeting of football ooerhna
The streams of religion run deeper
or shallower, as the hanks of th»
Lowell Smith Saya Mitchell I t Right. Sabbath are kept np or neglected. A
preacher In Holland called the ffshhath
Gleadale. Cal. — Captain Lowell
I "God’s Dyke." shutting out an ocean
Smith, commander of America'! world of evils.— (Jalcott.
flight, »Idee with Brigadier General
W illiam A. Mitchell In hie plan of a
Must Have Him in H earts
unified United States air service.
| They only can understand the Heiy
“It Is my belief that an air servloe. Ghost who have Him dwelling In their
a unit In Itnelt, should be e»tabllsbed,” ( hearts.
They only can worship In
i he said at s business dinner here he Spirit who have the Holy Spirit
"It should be headed by a member of sa an abiding comforter.—N. H. Mack.
the cabloet and would do away with
the discord and lack of cooperation
Dublin.— EaibOB de Valera and htr
which are natural results of the four
republican followers have been sharp
air departments now extática.'*
ly repudiated by the Irish electorate
In nine bya-electleoa distributed abeu<
the free state the Ooagrove govern
ment swamped the Irraoencilable» by
It Is well to have a vision of s bet­
winning eeven aad so nearly wlnnlni
ter life than that of every day. but It
Is the life of every day from which
the other two that there can be m
elements of a better life must cam».—
question of the ae&Umeot af the peo
________ „
M o v in g P ic tu re
Free T o m o rro w
S oul
S aving
S ervices
(In tsrp rlM Correependeeve)
are back in Halsey.
E. S. Bass was an A
Large and Small Events Somebody is poisoning dogs
bany visitor Friday.
Chronicled in Brief
being bred1.
Mr. and Mre. Henry BrocL
drove to Corvallis Sunday.
A movement is on for consoli­
Our Sunday school is increas
L. H. Armstrong «nd wife dation of school districts a t H ar­
risburg, but not «ft Halsey.
in attendance and interest
were in Albany Thursday.
Mrs. Pierce . of Albany is
Albany’s city council bars
Seth Mills and wife visited at dogs from th e streets unless
guest a t the R. K. Stewart
22— M A R C H — 29
* home.
A. C. A rm strong’s Sunday.
accompanied by accredited h u ­
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Muller a t­ man custodians.
J. S. Nioewood and family
tended grange a t Shedd Satur­
attended the high school plat
Shedd raised $425 for the
at Halsey.
Methodist m inister’s endown-
H arry P o rter was ill Friday m ent fund. Rev. Robert P ark­
R«v. Mr. Tat« and wife and
and Saturday, but is reported er of Halsey helped in the solici­
were guests of Clar­
m an o f Sfo<)
a m essage on /iis
ence Williams Wednesday even­
A. H. Quimby and family
Mrs. Marcella Kirk has been
/leant fo r you
visited a t Mrs. Childers’, near nought from the hospital to
Mr. T arter proposes to con
Lebanon, Sunday.
die home of her parents, Mr.
movie films S at­
SUNDAY...“ What do you have in your hand?” urday showing
Miss Joy S ta rr of Bellfoun­ and Mrs. J. J. Corcoran, a suf­
nights a t Rialto hall In
‘ A door with only one knob”
tain spent th e week end with ferer from tuberculosis.
Miss Iona Albertson.
H arrisburg has agreed to pay-
MONDAY ..“ Four rounds with Satan”
T. J. Jackson and wife drove
Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Newman 15 per cent of the cost of paving
to Peoria Sunday to attend the
’TUESDAY...“A spiritual chameleon”
and daughter, from near Corval­ the highway through th a t city
revival services at the Free
lis, and Mrs. Logan of Halsey and the state board is expected
M ethodist church.
were Sunday visitors a t Chancy to have the work done this sum ­
Mrs. George McNeil, who has
evidence of its possession.”
been quite ill, is recovering
L ast Wednesday Lyle, 5-year-
Mr». Schick «•
A founders’ day program will
son of Mr. and Mrs. Georgo
Peoria, is with her.
be given next Sunday night at
the • M ethodist church by the Danuen, fell and struck on a desperado Taken After Gun Melee.
Eldorado, Kas. — "Big Bill*' La SIGNERS O
F RECALL WIN Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cummingr
ladies of the W. F. M. society. nail protruding from a board.
The nail pierced a rib. The. Trass«, nationally known train robber Kelso City Attorney's Charge of Libel of Corvallis spent Friday witi
Everybody invited.
and bandit, was captured by puller
Mr. and Mrs. M artin Cummings
wound is healing.
Not Sustained.
county officers and his co^pkblon,
Judson H . Barden of Port­
Hugh is recovering from ai
Seventy-five Albany, Oakville
Kelao, Wash.— Judge Campbell of operation for appendicitis.
land, brother of Mrs. A. M. and Shedd young women met at Claude Henderson, was killed after
Ternan, -and Miss M arie Lutz, Shedd Tuesday night a t the A gun battle five miles north of here. Grays Harbor county, sitting for Judge
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Owen visit­
Kirby, snstalned the demurrer filed b?
were Sunday m orning callers at United Presbyterian church at a
Attorney Casey for 14 defendants ed Mrs. Owen’s sistar and hus­
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Young Women’s Missionary so­ Church of Christ
a t Springfield Sunday
charged with criminal libel for sign­ band
Bramwell. They were on their ciety session.
ing the recall charges against City Mr. and Mrs. Logan were format
way to Eugene to visit Miss
Attorney Stone. Judge Campbell held residents of this place.
W. J. Ribelin proposes to stay
Lutz’ sister.
that the right to sign a recall charge
many friends of Pete
in Halsey several weeks before
Is the privilege conferred by the sta­ Settle
A t Junction City, the high returning to his new residence
a re sorrowing over tht
tutes and that a signer of recall affliction th a t has befallen him.
having become over-
in Prineville. Witbt other business
charges must not be guilty of libel,
ci-owded with outside students
During the years speat in Win
even though the recall charge is un­ I neighborhood h is kind manlle
so th a t the building will not ac­ th a t he has here is th e renting
commodate more, seven districts or selling of th e house and six
and honest character had gatti
The decision will be appealed to the
propose to consolidate and tilers
i ed th e respect of all.
supreme court by Mr Stone, who was
is very little opposition.
Ac been his home.
M artin Cummings and famlh
charged with “conspiracy with liquor
Halsey an attem p t a t consolida­
C hester Purdy, living north of
law violation” In the recall petitions. drove to Bellfountain Sunday ti
tion failed.
town, was boarding out a $500
attend the birth d ay dinner',ol
Sunday School, 10.
f t the county jail for main-
Preachinjä, l l .
Miss Catherine Sm ith of Al­
Arms Parley Resolution Is Offered. Mr«. Cumming«’ mother, Mr»
Christian Endeavor, 6:80.
bany is helping Mrs. A. C. A rm ­ t lining a nuisance in viola­
Washington, D. C.— Senator Ship- I Jones of Corvallis; The farfllly
Preaching. 7:80.
strong with h e r house work and tion of the prohibitory laws. He
sKad. farmer-labor, Minnesota. Intro­ gathered
at th e home of Mr
th e care qf th e incubators. She pleaded guilty. His m other paid
We continue to have a gtear duced a resolution declaring the sen­ and Mrs.
w ent to Albany Saturday even- the fine and got him out. Will Sunday school; everything is going ate In readiness to receive from Preai Every member of the family
he try It again?
along iu a fine way. We Will have dent Coolidge proposals for conulud- was present, including children
a large attendance next Lord’s Ing International agreements for the , and grandrhilnren and great
G. F. Schroll died a t the state day;
limitation of armaments, for the pro­
everybody is working.
grandchildren, numbering 30 In
hospit.'U a t Salem Friday and
On account of illness we could hibition of warfare and for codifica­
was buried a t Forest Grove next not be w<th the church last Sun­ tion of the rules of warfare The reso­ all. Mfs. Jones is 72 years bid.
day. His daughter, Ruby, went day, but we know both Mfvices lution was ordered to lie on the tuble.
from here to the funeral. The with Bro. Veltie Pruitt were en­
A lfo r d A r r o w s
Reforestation to be Tax Exempt.
widow, lying bedfast, was set joyed and were helpful to all who
Sacramento, Cal.— Without a dis­
senting vote the senate went on
(By an1 Enterprise Reporter)
C hurch
C h r is t
Jpou the prosecuting attorney
md sheriff. These officiale am
made the leading
characters in the play.
The picture brings out clearly
the reasons for the continued
operations of moonshiners in
certain districts, the failure of
crooked or inefficient officers to
enforce the law, and the p art
:hat good citizens should play in
bringing about better conditions.
Devices used in deceiving of-
’icers and methods of delivering
moonshine to avoid detection,
dso the filthy and poisonous
conditions under which it is
iii’-de, are depicted.
One of the interesting feat­
ures is tlte showing of a booze
party in a fashionable home, in
vhich one of the ladies becomes
Hilarious, ill and then permanen­
cy blind through th e drinking
( eo-ealled ** bonded,liquor.”
B ro w n s v ille Briefs
• inWrprloe Corrawpondoac«)
have put on
i night shift and now run twen-
y -four hours.
T h e woolen m ills
Miss Anna Booker of Port-
and is visiting relatives and
riends around town this week.
Miss Marvel Lawrence, who is
legali ing
school near Sweet
lome, spent Sunday with home
Mise Effie K irk
had a eerioae
operation performed a t the lo­
cal hospital th e first of the
Mrs. Emma Harrison is visit­
ing a t the home of her sister In
Lebanon, Mrs. K. Arnold, th is
Miss Gretia Harrison, who Is
Eugene hospital, is a t home for
few days.
Mrs. G ust Proebstel, who had
minor operation performed a t
the local hospital. Was able to
return home last week.
Mrs. Bessie Howe has return-
id home from th e hospital a t
Corvallis, where she h rs been
or treatm ent for a general
»reakdown which she suffered
about three m onths ago.
Little George Wada, th e
Japanese boy who has been
seriously ill with pneumonia,
was well enough to be moved
home the latte r p a rt of the
Dave Paine of Sheridan, who
formerly lived in the Ash Swale
neighborhood, has Iteen very
sick with flu, but is slowly re ­
covering. His little daughter
June was also quite sick with
the same malady.
The whole community was
shocked over the sudden death
evening of John
Rebhan. He was buried Sunday
afternoon a t th e local cemetery.
Mrs. Rebhan has th e sym pathy
of m any friends in her sorrow.
School Notts
The high »chonl took ia over
H l at the play Friday night.
The baseball team ie going to
Coburg Friday to «how the Coburg
boy« how to play the game.
Carl Iaom balked « te lan o mov­
ing. ao the movers moved him,
tod bow beoannoteay with Fatti:
‘Yet non) •• tbeee ib is « moved
\ f