Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, March 11, 1925, Page 6, Image 6

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    R U R A L E N T E R PK 1 SB
Tbs greatest romance of
American history
? < mj * t f
P. J. Ashton and family ot
Tangent were guests Sunday at
the home of Mrs. Ashton's
mother, Mrs. Sophia Bass of this
Sunday— Monday— Tuesday
March lb — 10— 17
U. \ <5
Mrs. Fred Roberts of Eugene
! has been here on a visit to hei
parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J.
Forester. A little daughter ac­
companied her.
Announcement extra irdinary
The Thief o f
starts Sunday, March 22
Haliey Happenings
(Continued from page 1)
‘ t
«hirer« rh sted each
the store and James McWillism - Other, not and cold, up her aria», do* A
t e r lesa. over h«r «plu«. . . . “plu»
served when DeLos didn’t.
the square of the unit» 1« the same an
Always • good entertainment
David Froman and
niece, Marguerite Ward, return
ed to their home in Albany Sun
day, after a day with Mrs. Fro-
man’s mother, Mrs. M. M. Ward,
and her sister, Mrs. W. J.
Moore of Biownsville.
Mrs. Fred Applegate of Yon­
calla is the guest this week ol I
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Munson
were Albany visitors one day
last week.
Carl Hill, senior in commerce
at 0. A. C. was home for the
is ill in a sanitarium.
Mrs. J. J. Corcoran was an A
bany caller Monday.
William Corcoran went to
Milwaukie Saturday to see his
sister, Mrs. Marcella Kirk, who
Phyllis Holt was taken sud
denly ill Friday, but was much
improved by the first of the
(Continued from page 3)
1*>24 ShoW â DeCreaÔe
Eighty-four par < »nt of the acreage
grown to corn In 1U2-Î «us u»ed for
grain, as compared w ith SH per cent h»
1928, according to the United States
Department of Agriculture. T he total
urea for all purposes was 100,012,01X1
a eras of which ST.SfiiS.tXJii acres was
used fur grain.
Another 0.090.0UI
scree Were cut for silage. and 11,08* -
IXJU “hogged down" or u»ed for forage.
Much of the 1924 corn going Into
allot was unfit fo r busking, as It was
In mature or frosted, the department
aaya. O rdlnartlly much of the corn
cut for silage could he utUlxed for
grain. If desired. The Im m aturity of
the crop alto Increased the quantity
cut for forage.
Cheaper Grain Ration
The high price of corn has caused
cattle feeders to look about for a
cheuper grain ration. This situation
demands a careful study of the feeding
value of different feeds and corublna
tlons of feeds before investing. Al
prevailing prices of feeds, the cheap
est and best grain ration that can be
fed fattening cattle consists o f a com­
bination of corn, tlx parts, and cotton
seed cake or meal, one port, these pro
portions by weight. There are many
feeds now being offered that may cost
less per ton, but they cost consider«
hly more on the basis of actual feeding
is returning home from a two-
momba J stay
with bar niece
Mrs. Mayme Robinson, in P ort­
This here turkey stealin’s got­
ta be stopped. A m eeting will
be held a t the city hall Friday
night to take the necessari-
steps. If anybody has enough
to convict
Clark, Recorder Cross or Mar­
shal Rector or any other higher-
ups he is requested to present it
and 45 cents a t the hall door
before 8 o’clock th a t evening.
So B ig
the turn twice the ten« , . , twice
. . . the ten» . . . the tens."
voice »topped.
Selina’i eyes leaped from the book
to bla hand«, uncontrollably.
thin« about them »tartled her. They
were clenched flat«.
Her- eyea now
leaped from those clenched flat» to the
face of the man beaide her. H e r bead
came up. and back. H e r wide, »tartled
eyae met hit.
Hla were a blaae o f
blinding blue In bla tanned face. Some
corner o f her mind that was still work­
ing clearly acted thia. Then his hands
unclenched. The blue blare scorched
bar, enveloped her. H e r cheek knew
her sister, Mr*. T. I. Mark«, and
mother, Mr«. M. K. Bassett, She
Charles Straley drove to Al­
bany Tuesday evening.
Several people from here at­
tended the Pine Grove play Fri­
July 4 at Crawfordsville
A L ’T ffR jB l G l"U W M tO L G f T l
Eleven carloads of broccoli have
been shipped out of Douglas county-
up to the present, and the crop Is
m aturing rapidly. It is estim ated that
the harvest this year w ill yield around
35 carloads, praoticaUy the entire
crop being In the Riddle and M yrtle
CYeek vicinity.
The Crawfordsville Roundup
association has named the 3rd
and tne 4th of July for the big
time this year. Duncan Mc-
Kercher is again president and
Elmer J. Henderson, secretary.
Ray beato« Hi-speed Brake
The management promises a
Service Station
bigger and more elaborate pro­
212 East First at. J.II m u z , atar
gram than ever before.
the ik a U n F r . -,
Numbers of Halsey people
each July enjoy the ruHMifig
races on the standard half-m>!e
track, the riding and bucking
contests, w ater sports, Athletic • H A LSEY RAILROAD TIM E
events, patriotic speaking ana
singing, parades and dancing in No. 32, 3:20 a. m. No. 17. 13:0» p. Œ
IS, 10:48 a. m.
33, 7;11 p. m.
the big up-to-date pavilion. O.
34, 4:25 p m.
p. m.
W. Frum of Halsey ha® taken a No. 14, due Halsey at 3:02 31, p. 11:34
m.. «top.
prominent p art in the annual •to let off passengers from south of
Crawfordsville event.
Reconditioning Shop
A t O. A. C. Ercell
ineed ha«
been elected president of the
Camera club. Inspired by the
balmy weather, the club mem­
bers are making plans for next
term hikes on which they can
te s t and develop their skill in
photography. The club was re­
cently organized to promote in­
terest in photography, to ac­
quaint members with new dis­
coveries and developments or
pertinent nature, and to assist
members in attaining profici­
ency in the photographic art.
Mr. Sneed is a junior in chemical
Roland Marks, Buss Fulton
and the Misses Cleland and Hob­
Dennis Nominated for T a r iff Post.
son, all students at O. A. C.,
Washington, D. C — A lfred P. Dennis drove to Halsey Friday evening
H er Cheek Knew the Harsh Cool Feel bf M aryland, was nominated by Presi­ and took dinner with the form ­
ef a Man’s Cheek.
dent Coolidge to succeed David J. er’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. T. I.
Lewis, also of M aryland, as a mem­ Marks, the occassion being Rol­
the harsh, cool feel of a man’s cheek.
ber of the ta r iff commission.
She sensed the potent, terrifying,
and’s birthday.
No». 31 and 32 stop only if flagged
Nos. 31. 32, 33 and 34 ra n between Port-
land and Engene only.
Paoeenger. for south of Roseburg should
take No. 17 to Eugene anil there tra o ife r
No. 15.
Halsey-Brownsyille stage meets trains
18. 17, 14. 34 and 33 in order named
Outgoing Mail
A l the Halsey postoffioa a i i l i
close going north at 11:50 a. w
and 6:20 p. no.«
Going south, 11:10 a. m. and
5:20 p. tn.
To Brownsville, 6:20 a. m. and
12 m. Morning stag« to Browns­
ville goes on to Crawfordsville
Holley and Sweet Home.
Paid-for Paragraphs
(5c a line)
The well known and successful
Minneapolis rupture expert, Mr.
C. F. Redlich, will be in Albany
on Saturday, March 28, a t the
Albany Hotel. R uptured people
come m any miles to see him.
Consultation is free. W atch Al­
bany papers for special an­
Blucber arrived on the field of
loo Just as Wellington Wat receiving
the last onslaught of Napoleon. 'Jti»t'
may be treated as a modifier of the de­
Oswald Koeppen of Santa pendent clause. T hat la: 'Just' weuus: pungent odor of close contact— a mix­
Barbara, Cal., and Miss Irene »1 the time at which. W ell. Just h -re ture of tobacco smoke, hla hair, fresh­
module» at the time. And Wellington
ly laundered linen, an Indefinable
Applegate of Eugene called at la
the . .
Another big
body smell. I t was a mingling that
T. I. Marks’ Sunday.
This for half an hour. Selina kept disgusted and attracted her. She was
E. G. Ward was down from
at once repelled and drawn. Then she went
w e n t on with
w in . the
toe dry
<iry bullnesw
ousiness of felt h„ Upi on hers gnd her
Eugene Sunday, a guest of his voice
Whole milk delivered, 8c quart
parsing and I t . deep resonance .tru ck credibly, responding eagerly, wholly to
Mrs. W. F. Carter.
mother. Mr*. M. M. W ard, and » response from her as a harp re- : that pressure
sister, Mrs. Albert Miller.
•pends when a hand la swept over Ita
Selina kept her eyes reso­
( T o be c o n t i n u e d )
Lost— In Halsey or Albany or
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hill and J lutely on the book. Yet she saw. s i
on the train between the two
J. Corcoran and grandson Billy though her eyes rested on them, hi»
places— An Eastern Star
Kirk drove to Portland Wednes­ large, stroug hands. On the backs of
Finder please leave at Enterprise
them wa» a fine golden down that
day, returning Thursday.
Cuban’s G ift Honoring Victim s of ex­
»thee and receive 11 |
deepened at bis wrists. Heavier and
¡Paper Hats etc. given away
plosion dedicated at Havana.
Mis. Callie Frum of Salem darker at the wrists. She found her­
was in Halsey the last of the self praying a little fo r strength— foi
H avana.— Under the b rillia n t tropi­
Rhode Island rad egge, 50a
Music by Param ount Players, Salem
week, extending her trip on t< striAlgth against thia horror and wick cal blue sky of Cuba, at the edge of
P. J. Förster,
Mrs. Frum owns a «■dne»». This »In, this abomination the ocean where the Ill-fated battle
People are still telling of the good time they had at o u r1
that held her. A terrible, stark and ■hip Mafhe went down to Its m arine
farm north of town.
last carnival dance.
pitiful prayer, couched In the Idiom ol grave, the M aine m em orial, erected by
Old papers for sale at 5c a bund!«
J. W. Moore and family of the Bible.
1 at the Enterprise office.
the Cuban governm ent to the victim»
"Oh, Ood, keep my eyes and my
Harrisburg were Halsey visitors
of the catastrophe was solemnly dedf
Sunday. They were accompani­ thoughts away from him Away from catod Sunday.
“The greatest attraction of
ed by Mrs. L. E. Walton, wno Ida hands Let me keep my eyee and
President Zayas of Cuba and Gon
th e age,” **The Hunchback o f
my thoughts away from the golden
remained in our city a few days. hnfra on Ms wrists. Let me net think eral John J. Pershing unveiled the
Notre Dame,” will be presented
Mrs. D.’O. Stevenson of Port­ or hla wrists. . . "The owner ef the beautiful monument and laid bare the
at our hall in Halsey next Sat­
land left the first of the week southwest quarter sells a atrip 20 rodf sculptor’s work, which represents a
urday night at 8. I t’s the last
for Albany for a visit with het wide along the south aide of hla farm woman In anguish and sorrow hold
in a screen story and 1»
How much does be receive at $1250 per
Ing In her arms ther w rith in g body
son, B ert Stevenson, after a few acre?’’
truly a dram atic gem in a
ot a man.
days with Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
glorious Betting.
He triumphed In this transaction
Atop the column of w hite granite
Stevenson of this city.
egan the struggle with the square
Is a mammoth bronze Am erican eagle
root ’ of 578.
Square root» agonized
Mrs. C. P. Staffoid and hei him She washed the slate clean with w ith wings spread, looking out to sea.
d ' '•>>><?>
« s ii
"T h is m em orial has been erected by
rhother, Mrs. D. F. Dean, re­ her little sponge. He was leunlng
turned from Oregon City Sun­ cloee lu hla effort to comprehend (lit the Cuban people to express th eir sen
ttm ents of affection for the victim s on
day evening. Mrs. Dean, while
Laundrv » e n t T u e s d a y s
ndlsh little figures that inarched so
»till rather weak, is recovering ractably under Selina’s masterly pen- the Ill-fated battleship Maine, and this
Kceucy Hub Cleaning Work»
day wbefi our memories of our strug
nicely from the removal of her
gle for Independence and the gener­
She took It up, glibly. * T h e remain
A B E 'S P L A C E
I der must contain twice the product of
ous aid of the N orth Am erican re­
public I t recalled w ill rem ain eternally
engraved In the hearts and minds of
- . iRlem Saturday,
S returning r Sun Ä
She was breathing rather fast. The
both nations,” said President Zayas
day erenipg. While there she lire In the kitchen etove snapped «ad In dedicating the monument.
i ¡sited several Halsey friends crucked. “ Now, then, suppose you do
' ho are attending Willamette Ihiit for me. W e’ll wipe It o u t There I
All work done prom ptlyjand reason­
University and attended the W hat must the remainder contain T”
He took It np, slowly, haltingly.
Glee club concert.
Phone ?«» ‘
The house was terrib ly «till except for
Firs» President of German Republic
Mr. and Mrs. Bert S. Clark
Berlin. — Frlednrlch Ebert, first
were both on the sick list the twice . . . product . . . tens .- , .
units . . . ” A soiuetldug in his voice
are hereby notified to be prepared
last of the w eek.x DeLos Clark, —a note— a timbre. Sbe fe lt herself
*° pay to the Deputy Asa visor yohr deg
who was home from O. A. C. for •w nylng queerly. a t though the whole from p eritonitis which followed as
tax at the tim e he makes yonr assess­
th e week-end was looking after house were gently rocking. L ittle do- operation for appendicitis.
ment. The license is $2.00 for a female
T here was probably not another
dog not tpavrd and $1 00 for a n-al- or
•payed female dog
The Depntv Asset-
leader In G erm any, hie enemies ad
or w ill receipt you lor vour mime? and
T h o io ’s a su re euro to r
m ltted, who could have succeeded
C litc
w ill then forward it to the County C la rk
where he did, and his death four
who w ill furnish you with a license * Bd
C o n fe c tio n e r y
months before the presidential elec
* tag
If you prefer you may send VOUr
money direct to the Ceuaty Clerk , . d
tion produces more confusion In e
receive your license sud tsg without
an rt
polltlasl situation already badly mud
" " 'lin g for the Deputy Assessor to w ake
C a fe te r ia
Ebert started life a» a »addlemaksr
B M Poyae,
but years of experience as a labor or
County Judge.
Best cuisine
J. D. Isom.
ganlaer and official ot unions, togethet
County Commissioner.
w ith his wide tra in in g in practical
Joe Hume,
politics developed him.
"The Hunchback” is coming by the police in American cities
C o u n ty Commitstoaer.
Hie lack of early opportunities war
Albany, Oregon
compensated for by the tra ln ia g hi
won In the world of affairs
He war plot of the play is an ambitious Chaney from a normal man into
ol H eaneg . ( fia. i Ac* , nBt
described as no dreamy gheorlet. bur one and has been so successfully a. STotesque deformity, even im
th a - t it stands
clud'ng a big mouthfull of bad
— ..-o c among
She'll Be T h a n k fu l to You a hard headed, tactful leader, whe carried out
made a gallant fight tn behalf of thr the m ost popular th a t have ever teeth, and the maintenance of
lor a box of C lark’s catndy, Get German republic and the Gertnas been filmed. It shows law en­ the contortion«
during a long
her a box of those dainty, luscious, masses under £ e a rt breaking condl forcements as cruel as the ille­
Play and even during acrobatfc
sxqniaitely flavor ’d chocolates and tlona.
ii?°aDt th^h'b“ 7” “ h dav
gal ’ Xhird dogroe*’ perpetrated
performances, are worth going
hour ° ' * • «c'mcls a. m.. has
richly blended bon Sons. Every
far to see.
he h e ir i.w ,PfPO,K” ed by “ ,d Coort ,o'
box la purity personified, yet the
icconnt ra I
ject,?u* ,O , , , d “ »»'
flavors are unmatchably delicious
wh’ h
th e rw f. at
1’ut up in attraetive boxes to suit
per,OB ’"«»rested in
•aid estste msv <ppo,r .n d fiIe objections
your wishes. Get some today and
arrest and eoavictlon’of any per­
\ Dd eon,w < the seiae 1
y« u’ ll wish you had done it sooner
son tearing d ow n tny , j g n ,
Hated end first pnblished March 4
th e h ig h w a y
W . A. A llen,
Plore! emi
and » IO a ton ; s|.o Colts
Restaurant and Servite Station. ’
I •« . H
R’ rrv to r Aforeeeid.
Music shop
I D R |0T
C^ ap
A m lr V T Bn.*.«.gW H , n ’ AfOre" U
All»«« »,
H a ls e y .
T u m b le In n
S t. P a tr ic k N ig h t , M a r c h 17
y^M odern
Barber Shop
*/ The Greatest Screen At tract ion of theA^e?
sä ■
h unger at th e
Heat sweets and soft d rin k s,
at the
Eflicient service
P leasan t surroundings
Clark’s Confectionery
$25 Reward
J u. Kode, 3 toile* west of Halsey.
A tty, lor E sr. and E x rx ,