! The evenings turned out to be Tuee days. Thursdays, and Saturdays. Sup per was over by six-thirty In the Pool household. Pervus was there by seven, very clean as to shirt, his hair brushed till It shone; shy, and given to drop ping his hat and bumping (gainst chairs, and looking solemn. Selina was torn between pity and mirth. If only he had blustered. A blustering big man puts tbe world on the defensive A gentle giant disarms It. Selina got out her McBride’s gram mar and Duffy’s arithmetic, and to­ gether they started to parse verbs Paper walls, dig cisterns, and extract square roots. They found study Im possible at the oilcloth-covered kitchen table, with the Pool household eddying about It. Jakob built a fire In the parlor stove and there they sat, teacher and pupil, their feet resting cosilv on the gleaming nickel railing that enclr cled the wood burner. On the evening of the first lesson Roelf had glowered throughout sup­ per and had disappeared Into the work shed, whence issued a great sound of hammering, sawing, and general clat ter. He and Selina had got Into the way of spending njuch time together. In or out of doors. The boy wor­ shiped her Inarticulately. She had early discovered that he had a feeling for beauty—beauty of line, texture, color, and grouping—that was rare in one of his yeurs. The feel of u tHlln ribbon In his fingers; the orange aud rose of a su n set; the (olds of the wine red cashmere d ress; the cadence of a spoken line, brought a look to bis face that startled her. Since the gathering at Ooms' ball This way of romance EAST b? tra in and ship, through the S ou th la n d to N e w Y o r k — it costs b u t little more. T h e superb Shona route to C a lifo rn ia — (fo u r fine trains d aily — thence the scenic Sunset route th ro u g h the South­ land to N e w Orleans. Y o u ’l l relish y o u r me a lt in th e S o u th e rn P a c ific d i n in g ca r — fre s h fru its and vegetables always a delicious feature» C o n n ec tio n at N e w O rh -a n t w ith pa­ latial steamers fo r N e w r k - meals an d b erth in clud ed in th e • ..e fare. Aik about C arriso Qo>. .e T r a il detour o f A rizo n a . Stopovers en ro u tc.F o r fu rther in fo rm a tio n , ask the doorway, on the soap box, for all High Prairie to see, “Five cents I’m bid for this lovely AndB,hl . little mouthful put up by the school teacher’s own fair hands. Five cents I Five—” hood fn ^ h .çaro ln*-U S ,>'h"n., t,«n,n5S: “One dollar!” Pervus DeJong. un " s .’ n s « r Ï a Î lly ly ‘“in .» 'y £ a ïï b £ u Wh‘ The balloon faces were suddenly k . n lo .' " A î t . " o i o o i h a r C d a u g h te r o f c h hum u m la J u l lie H c m p e l punctured with holes. High P ralriel “Qonsl—for Tsn Dollars to Pervus k u ^ d ’ k I ?e m p * 1' b u tc h e r Sl’m eon ° i DeJong.” Jaw dropped with astonishment. Its a i d H i n , . QU‘ r r e l t h a t *’ n o t h1’ O'»» mouth stood open. go, now np to the hubs In mud, now a n d S e lin a , n in e te e n y e a rs old an d t a a e h e / X de« t lt u t a . becom es a s ch ool- There was nothing plain about Selina blinded by dust and blowing sand. A sale at Christie’s, with a miniature now. Her dark head was held high, t lA ? 1 A P r.K R J 1— B ,1 ,n a M c u r « a posl- ,nd his fair one beside It made a vivid going for a million, could not have met taatJh « r o a u t t , k th ig h Chtc‘ P r io s r i. nCv m a t * a i , n, h th#h ' r e t ’ H o? i foil. The purchase of the wlnecolored with a deeper hush, a more dramatic K ii« i h, ° ‘ n « o f a t r u c k fa rm o r . i cashmere was at Inst Justified. babble following the hush. K la A s P o o l. In K o e lf, tw e lv e y e a rs 1 “And ten !” cackled old Johannes They ate their lunch together In one • «■ • » » o f K'M». S e lin a p e r c . lv .» i ! h e r s e lf 1 B lo r 4 r «< b e a u ty , lik e Amhuul. hl# rheumy eyes on Selina. corner of Adam Ooms’ hall. Selina Art and human spltefulness struggled o eC ? A i > T ttB I H ’— T h e m o n o to n o u s -life visibly for mastery In Adorn Oom«.’ u n i . ¿ * M ! i i 7 . ’ w f 0!, I ’i.t M c h , r Bt th a t face—and art won. The auctioneer P . M O O D Y .A gent h i S e l , n a ’ - b rig h te n e d s o m e w h a t Phone 226 ^ t l t. « r c CboyP^ i ‘i ,,‘i hlW O i “ “ • • » » H iv e . triumphed over the man. The term “crowd psychology” was unknown C H A P T E R I V — S e lin a h . . e „ a . rs go ssip to him, but he was artist enough t o n c . r n ln g th e a g e c tlo n o f th e “W id o w to sense that some curious magic la a r le n b e r g . ric h an d good lo o k in g w h o 1 ?rV tU * Poo r t r u c k f a r m e r B.v the first of March ha could speak . mellow golden glow. process, working through this room­ ln ” n ’ lb l« to th e w i d o w » a t ­ a slow, careful and fairly grammatical ful o f people, had transformed tr a c tio n « . F o r a c o m m u n ity 'so ciab le ' “Yon didn't go to tile meeting,” S e lin a p re p a re » a lu n c h b a s k e t, d a la ty English. He could master simple I primly. “Mr. and Mr* Pool went.” the little white box, from a thing ^ e t i ° n „ ? ft ‘ ro p l* P ro p o rtio n s , w h ic h 1» sums. By the middle of March the les- | despised and ridiculed. Into an object a u « * o n e d ' . f o e o f f l n g to c ustom The “No. I didn’t go." s m a lln e s s o f th e lu n c h box e x c ite s d e r l- sons would «ease. There was too! of beauty, of value, of Infinite desir­ ”Wlty not?” f 1®.” ’ an,* J<; ne f ln a l|V fc o u r- n X i * « ? £ • • * ’ f t .r ,d Ic u lo u « ly h ig h p ric e night work aa well as day. She found through too late. We’re fixing to sow of admiration, ? n i r ? hr 1 ,u J?c h b a s k e t, w h ic h S e lin s herself trying not to think about the tomato seeds In th e, hotbeds tomor­ “One-ten I'm bid for this box all a n d D e j o n g s h a re to g e th e r , th e s c h o o l­ te a c h e r a r r a n g e s to Ti n s tr u c t th e go od- i time when the lessons should cease. row.“ tied with a ribbon to match the gown n a t u r e d fa rm e r , w h ose e d u c a tio n has She refused to look ahead to April > Selina opened McBride's grammar. of the girl who I r night It. Gents, you been n e g le c te d . On« night, late In February, Selina "Ahem!” a school-teucherly cough, get the rlblien, the lunch, and the girl. Adam Ooms scuffled about among wms conscious that she was trying to "llow, then, w ell mjrse this sentence: the many baskets at his feet. His nos­ And only one-ten bid for all that. control something. She was trying to Gents! Gents! Remember, it ain’t trils looked pinched and his skinny keep her eyes awny from something (Continued on page 6) hands shook a little us he searched for only a lunch—It's a picture. It pleases ( She realized that she was trying not ihe eye. Do I hear one— ” one small object. to look at his hands. ‘ She wanted, ’•’Five bits !” Barend DeRoo, of Low When he stood upright once more he crazily, to touch them. She wanted to (P A S H PA 11) for fa ls e teeth d en - ‘ralrle. In the lists. A strapping young was smiling. His little eyes gleamed | feel them about her throat. She want- V-' tai gold , plat.uu.i. aud discahled Dutchman, the Brora Bones of the dis His wooden scepter pounded for si ed to put her lips on his hands— brush ¡jewelry Hoke Smelting and Refining trlct. He drove to the Haymarket lence. High In one hand, balanced the hacks of them, slowly, molstlly, ' ^°«- Otsego, Mich, with his lead of produce and played daintily on his finger tips, he held he had been moody nnd sullen, had with her mouth, lingeringly. She -. ti '.-- - ards all night op the wagon under the opened the box and took out the Selina’s Uttle white shoe box, with its refused to answer when she spoke to terribly frightened. She thought to gas torches while the slreet girls of deviled eggs, and the efip cakes that red ribbon binding It, and the plume of had fallen a little, and the apples, and him of his bid for her basket. Urged herself: “I am going crasy. I am los­ the n •tghhorhood assailed him In vain evergreen stuck in the ribbon. Affect Six feet three, his red face shone now tbe sandwiches sliced very, very thin. he would only say, “Oh, it was Jusl ing my mind. There is something the *ng great solicitude he brought it down like a harvesi moon above the crowd. The coldly appraising aye of all High fun to make old Ooms mad.” marfer with me. I wonder how I look. i Now! with the advent o f Pervus De­ I must look queer.” Treatment, both then to read the nume written on it A merry, mischievous eye that laughed Prairie, Low Prairie, and New Haar­ Jong, Roelf presented that most touch- held It aloft again, smirking. At half-past eight she closed her local and Internal, and has been success* lem watched this sparse provenjjer at Pervus De.torg and his dollar hhl. ' Ing and uilserable of spectacles, a book suddenly.. T m tired. I think ful in the treatnernt o f Catarrh fog o v a He said nothing. Grinning, he held “Dollar and a h a lf!” A high clear emerge from the ribbon-tied shoe box. It high. He turned his body at the voice— a hoy's voice. Roelf. She .orty years. Sold by alt druggists. She offered him a sandwich. It looked small boy Jeuloua and helpless In his It’s the spring coming on.” Jealousy. Selina hud asked him to wnisr from side to side, so that all smiled a little wavering smile. He F. J. C H E N E Y fit C O ., T oledo, Ohio “Oh. no!” said Selina aloud. But infinitesimal In bis great paw. Sud­ might see. The eyes of those before