t New« Note» From A l l O ver Oregon Gleaned by the Western Newsa pur. Union for B u sy P e e p le Frank Delbert Jones, 41, painter was killed Instantly at Medford by a fall from a barn which he was paint lag. The graduating class of the Pen dleton high school that will complete Its work in June will Include between 65 and <0 students. Continued Iront column The Great Outdoors CaiUv-llus ot tfcs unpaid Penins ot tha stata toeomc tax (or tha year 19S4. begad os Inoooies for 1928, wtu gat aadar way srlthla tha next tew daya, acaerdlng to announcement mads si the eCfloee e t Ute atate tax ccmtalseiea at Salam. W here Bread, Meat, Clothing, Health and V igorous Humanity are Produced Linn Lincolns A re Money Makers And This Is a Year ol Pro tit in Sheep in This Country of milk to keep down high prices and insure quality. 7. Co-operative export as­ sociations for farm products. Copies of this report may be have decreased in sales in re c e n t mouths and exports of b utter from this country have in­ creased. obtained by applying to the fad- 200.049. The Linn county Jersey cattle Sa>aura or tbe new prohibition law, D. C. It comprises chapters on club has planned promotion ot providing for the distribution of mon­ consumers’, agricultural anti boys’ and girls’ club work. Wil­ Just a t present sheep are th t credit co-operative societies, co­ lard Brown, Edith Pugh an< Portland will be the greatest con The fa n n e r who buys much ey for enforcement purposes, and giv­ ing tbe atate agent 60 per cent of all rentioii city in the United States this mpst profitable four-footed stock operative banks and education, Harvey McConnell have been ap feed for the Glairy, the poultry flees 4r,lle6000. It. cost but 2.89 is widely known, having taken tus farm but the percentage of soiling highway bonds for >380,000. Sine January 1 23 new families of its wool and the heavy fleeces $31,000,000. The lower court held la favor of the it produces, averaging 14 or lb have been located In Jackson connty cents on each dollar’s w orth ot prizes at the fair and winning ir profit taken by every person plaintiff. lie started in about product to handle the big busi­ stock judgng contest. by the land settlement committee ot pounds, chrougm whose hands they pass, Orin W . Train, 69, well known In seven years ago with 20 animals ness. the Medford chamber of commerce. for these people are not working the Evans creek district, near Med­ Holstein Men to Meet. for nothing. 1’hosc in Oregon who have Portland again led the Pacific and no.w has 50. Until the last over fail­ On the ordinary farm all the ford, where be had lived nearly 40 northwest In value of building per year or two his sales of animals become discouraged Holstein breeders will hole mlts Issued during the month ot Feb­ have been mostly on the stock ures of co-operative organiza­ lood elements can be produoec years, was found dead on his ranch their county convention a t Har ruary, with 1236 permits, valued at market, but within a year oi tions, and wtho say “it won't and with a little care can be feu with a bullet wound through his bead. two, with the rise in the price work,” should get new hope risbutg next Frdny aud a basket in the m ost desirable propor­ Although the dead man had a 38-call- 13,604,660, ber revolver In one hand, from which government facts and lunoheon will be a feature. Out­ tions. Despondent over 111 health for more of sheep and wool, the demand from a shell had been exploded, there is siders will be welcome to come than a year. Mrs. 8. Kinser, wife of for registered stock has increas­ figures which state th at the In an address a t th e state some doubt of eulclde. and leam more about the big ed and he has been selling such i » . ‘ a well-known farmer at Needy, at dairy convention a t McMinn­ sales of farm er organizations The United States bureau of public tempted suicide by leaping Into the for breeding. this year will total more than milk producers and the business ville Clarence R. Brown of Shedd Molalla river. Mr. Munson mentioned as three billions of dollars. Farm ­ of handling them. declared hay, grain, succulenco roads w ill co-operate In a Eugene Bend celebration over tbs completion C. R. Evans is president ot others interested in the breed ers are realizing th at they have and pasture essential to succets- ot McKsnxle pass, according to Wc._ Two bond issues, 340,006 for add! the club and has secured outside Ernest Abraham, who has been the power in organization to tlonal fire equipment and 316,000 for lul dairying. Fall, he said, Is talent for the oratorical pro- the best time fo r freshening, received at Eugene from C, H. Fur- the construction of a new city Jail, raising them for about 10 years protect their industry. cell, district engineer. M r. Furcell ind has about 70 now, ano were defeated at a special election and «hat Miiviygiu through w the w inter inter suggested Frog camp as the celebra­ , ... , , . ("•*- e w C. E. Spence, held In Bend. Charles Pugh, who has been u. The club will have a business I months hay is th e basis of the State Market Agent tion site, and late August as the time. O P tin r v a lo n I ... meeting also. Robert Crumley, 60, operator of a the Lincoln business nearly tht ration. He likes to p u t his Definite plans have not been made, of time and ha.-> donkey engine In the camp of the same length clover in one corner of the bam however. Timely H ints From Contracts under which dairymen of and the vetch alongside of it» Crown Tl/nber company at Llnslaw, i>erhaps 40 of the animals now. Oregon dealers disposed of 6.311.- the west end of Umatilla county ex- The sheep is the most econo­ was killed when the disc on the en­ each hay in a place by itself, as 665 gallons of gasoline and 62,616 gal Oregon College pect to sell their cream co-operatively mically fed animal on our pas- gine broke and struck him in the side far as possible. Cows like a Ions of distillate In January, accord­ have been drafted, and a meeting to Sheep will eat ussrlr Work of laying rails above the pres­ ures variety, and if a cow is not eat­ ing to a report Issued by Sam A. Ko- put fhe plan into effect Is to be held ent rail bead at McCredle Springs on every weed th at grows, and are New Machine for Killing ing one kind of hay very well zer. secretary of state. Taxes rem it­ in.the near future. the Southern Pacific - company's Eu­ useful in clearing old pastures he would try her with another. ted on the January sales of gasoline Smut. Have Seed Early lambing results have bees Alfalfa, can be grown in some and distillate aggregated 8160.946.07, gene-Klamath Falls line will begin of weeds which other stock have Tested Free very satisfactory on the whole, though March 16, according to company of­ ivoided and perm itted to multi- parts of the valley and where An compared with January, 1984, gas ficials. * hot to big a percentage of Increase piy. th a t is th e case it is a wonder­ ollns sales increased approximately (By O. A. C. Expert») has been secured this spring as was 26 per cent while distillate sales ln- A hundred tons of road building Following the custom when ful dairy feed. .. A machine for treating seed born last spring, according to Dan machinery are at Bend, ready to be the price of a product goes up, Oats are the foundation foi rwased 18 par oent. P. Smythe, prominent sheep mau of rushed to the McKenzie pass and owners are increasing the size wheat Ts insure that Medford's cisan-up with copper carbonate Pendleton. his grain ration. He suggested placed in operation In an effort to of their flocks and new flocks for smut control, simple and in­ the use of brown oats ra th e r sad palat-up weak, designated by tbe At a meeting of the Oregon Jersey complete the road over the mountains re being started where there expensive, as devised by George ( attle club, definite dates were set than white oats. On the Brown city council as April 1 to 8. Is thor this season sere none. How long it will W. liable, agricultural engineer for the county shows to be held farm a little bran and oil meal ough. the Crater club, city booster or Tha Douglas county court has call take this process tp depress the of the O. A. C. extension ser­ throughout the state. The Columbia is led. It helps to balance the ganltatlon, has adopted the plan of ed for bids for the paving of approxl price of wool below the profit vice, can be made on the farm county show will be on May 18; Clack­ ration and make it palatable. displaying photographs of unsightly buildings sad untidy yards la tbs niately one-balf tnlle of Edenbower point cannot be foretold. in a few hours. It has a capaci­ amas county on May 20; Marion on He said; . chamber of commerce windows and road, which branches off west from ty of two bushels and will treat May 21; Polk, on May 22; Linn, on In w inter what pasture can be will award a prise to tbs persoa who the Pacific highway about a mile 15 to 40 bushels an hour. Need May 23, and Lane, on May 25. Other had is worth nothing. B ut State M arket north ot Roseburg. for an effective method of treat­ counties are scheduled, but definite there m ust be succulence. For submits s complete list naming those responsible for the eyesores. The Oates Mill company, whose be»» this, first in importance comes . A g e n t’s Letter ing seed wheat for a relatively dttor have T »»• sawmill Is located at Schroeder, about Governor Fierce announced that he' H E MARKETS small acreage is inert in this the silo. Corn can be raised • a- 1 a mile east of Oates, has started the had refused either to sign or veto nJ machine. The copper carbonate profitably and cheaply and plant for the first time In about two bill passed at the recent session of Portland Ileal Co-operation Fay? must- coat every kernel, which makes th e best w inter silage. tbs legislature Increasing materially years,, and It Is planned to operate Wheat — Hard white, 31.90; soft requires.som e sort of special " ut reaI succulent feed of tbe fees ou automobile busses sad if the Farmers Stay steadily from now on. white, northern spring and hard win­ machine. the Willamette valley is kale trucks operating on the highway« of , Together. Contrary to usual custom, the an Two oubces of the dust are ter, >1.76; western white, 31.89; west­ It can be grown and fed with tbe stats Unless srtacked In the ern red, 31.73. nual Polk county fair will be operated required for each bushel of less labor than m ost crops. It courts the bss bill wUl become ef­ with a free gate this year, according Hay—Alfalfa, 318.50019 ton; valley Portland, March 5, wheat. is also a good policy to have fective at tbs eiptrstlea ef the 44- to a decision made by the new fair Umothy, 319®20; eastern Oregon Of the 88 counties of Ohio, The seed laboratory at the timothy. 322@24. some horse carrots or half sug­ dsy statstory period The law re ­ board. The dates for this year's event state college tests seeds free of 84 have organized m arketing as­ ar beets. Silage and hay com­ quires busses to pay tbres-fourtbs of were set as September 10. 11 and 13 Butterfst— 47c delivered Portland. There is) no i^ecourse bined save hay. When we have s mill per passenger seat per mile, The Crown-Willamette Paper com sociations and nearly every farm charge. Eggs— Ranch, 25028c. a fter the seed is purchased un­ pany has lorn up two miles of Its Ne product is embraced. Over $12,- Cheese— Prices f. o. b. Tillamook: both silage and kale, cows eat while trucks would be assessed • too less they are guaranteed. Q u e * 1 mill per te« per mile. It has been less and give more milk. ■ anloum logging road track and la 000,000 of livestock was Sold must be taken to get a fair Triplets, 29c; loaf, 30c per lb. sending the rails to Cathlamet When we tu rn into the clover eeUms-ed that this law would return Cattle— Steers, good. 38.00 0 8 50. through the farm ers’ agencies -ample, getting it from all por­ . AVash.a where a logging road exten Hogs— Medium tp choice, 311.751» pasture we are nearly readv to to (be stata trass arv seproximstely alon la under course of construction last year; one local sold 2,000 tions of the sack or bin. Send 13.00. • quit feeding silage. The grain >»»e,»«4 during the biennium The tons of cabbage, and there are all samples to the seed labora­ Work Is balng rushed by the Ham Sheep— Lambs, medium to choire ration can be cut down, but w« •Horsey general la hl legal opH.lon Ike govevaor. held that u , Uw luoad Lumber company on tbe com 70 co-opei-ative profitable cream­ tory , a t the state college, Cor­ 311016. figure it pays to feed nearly as vallis. pletlon of several new bridges on their eries. heavy in summ er as in winter. • m «aoeaatltuUoaai. logging railroad to camp 24 at Mill Seattle We feed one pound of grain for Failure to separate the young Here are seven lessons the U. City, and as soon as finished the Wheat— Soft white, northern spring, one pound o f b u tterfat ner John B ull Shows cockerels from the pullets is S. 1 rade Commissions hantlR out • aitips will be reopened for the sum I think this is a bettei hkely to result in stunted p u l­ 31.78; western white, hard winter. week to the farm ers of this country mer run. 3177; western red. 3174; Big Bend plan for a Jersey cow than baa- lets. It may be advisable to sell bluestem. to study. Stubborn Phase 32. The work of paving the left span ing the grain fed on the amount 1. Bridge the chasm liefcween the cockerels at a lowi price as H ay—Alfalfa. 323; D. C„ 338; tim ­ of milk. of the new Lewis A Clark bridge at The grain ration on soon as the sex can be determ in­ othy, 326; D. C . 323; mixed hay. >24. Astoria has been completed and It Is farm ers and consumers through ed. cows drying up can be slackened J tb «f Great Peace Pact Da- co-operative sales agencies, Butterfat— 46c. announced that the bridge will be and the cows still be built up for to the urban house­ Eggs— Ranch, 28030c. Soon a fte r the foal is bom opened as soon as adjustments to reaching panda ea Action of the Ir e th tm u g io f a jj hold. Warehouses and elevators Hogs— Prime mixed, >13.80013.90. the navel should be painted with the span lifting machinery had been are a part of this plan, coverinu iodine, says the Oregon expert, ct mpleted Laapae A etem bly., Cattle—Choice steers, >7.7508.50. A total of 347 sppitauinss for loans Cheese—Washington cream brick. ment station. The navel should Vara Kloro Of Looking Glass and entire states. 19c; Washington triplets. 19 0 20c aggregating 8197.7M67 hare bees re­ 2. Credit unions of a simple mu ba lied • lth Wendell Smith of Klamath Falls re string Q««ev» pese» pr» Washington Young America, 11022c. ceived by the state hoard of contra! t a s t a i br t t , BaUoM to oui reived grades of 100 per cent In ex type to provide loans for farm handled by the caretaker. under a law eaacted at tbs recent aminations having to do with the Old communities, • « '• » ‘• ‘»ta to the session of the legislature »standing ■ L - T * ' U Spokane. Many peach trees are showing 3. Distribution of electric Testament, while Winton Erickson of ¡ J ¡2 A« ‘’ n Chamberlain, financial relief to farmers In the frost Möge— Prime mired, >11.75 0 18 14. rural communities •lead buds scattered along the Oregon City scored 100 per cent on P Aver in •rinsè tor, , o , . creUry aBn<>uace4 infected areas of «astern Oregon. 0MMe— Pvlase «ceara >7 1107.7». branches, and sometimes numer­ tbe New Testament, according to a through farm er organizations. t s j h . couscü of Uta „ Mue « report prepared by J. A. Churchill, 1. Retail consumers’ cd-opera- ous dead twigs. These effects atate superintendent of public In tive stores in thickly populated are due to peach blight and • lottgiky proaouacsmsnt Mr. styuctlon. The examinations were fnrm districts. peach blight and peach die-back el~'>7 - t forth .ho bold In connection with Bible study In Co-operative distribution of fungus. It is too late to do any­ the high schools for which the stu coal, thing for this year’s attack, but dents receive credits for graduation ^ • r It WUl b . possibl. to S .re Co-''iHr.itive distribution almost 100 per cent protection | T o reduce your present high cost of feed can lie obtained in the future The weekly lumber review of the v iL ^ * ? #ffort br »♦ »ton and amendment so that lt con . if Bordeaux 4-4-50 is applied West Coast Lumbermen's assoclattou thoroughly before the fall rainy * ing use showed that 120 mills reporter! for the •»•¿HtaTÎ ,upi>ort wWcb «• week ending February 3» the menu season starts. July or August U «uecs««. will depend T his is A lfa lfa M eal and pure Cane M o - torture of 100.414,»67 feel of lumber are the best months for this « * C” “ cU' bu‘ ••woltllr spray. aale of »1,000.10» feet and shipment ta. J^L ***” •'••■ *’* ‘0 »kick of 1O6.961.3SJ | lasses. A really good dairy feed .T * ~ * * « t o t ! , , W1U prs.U B .b ly b< For January 2399 cows were tïIT .A «*•« James 8 Stewart of Corvallis wss tested in seven Oregon associa­ “ tot serious remodeling would be appointed special Inrestlgstor for the shipment just received _ tions, with 15 detected as loaf- Fresh shipment iust rp r.lv . atate land board Mr Stawart will W e want your produos and guar­ era and killed. The average Investigate all applications for school antee the highest m a rk et prices production was 606 pounds of • B,‘ « » I «’ - • s«d^? ? Of • fund loans, aud arrange for tha sale O u r business ••ta b lis lie d 44 years milk with 25.3 pounds of fat. o f lands on which these loans have ago. t o .. . bf Ih« dotata- Of the cows tested, 253 produc­ i n f delinquent. borotne, Reference, Hank of California ed 40 or more pounds of fat. (Çoptinued in eolumn 6) PA(iE & SON P o rtla n d , 0 r . Substitutes lor genuine hotter “ "•A ue« imgitgrettaa. Ï X î ’ES " "• VEAL POULTRY EGGS CAPONS HOGS 4 Alfalfa Meal Molasses I I o . AV. F R IIM I ******vw*l«VV*W««»««