ENTERPRI A g r c u 11 u r e H o r t c u 11 u r e L iv e s to c k W eekly Chronicle of Local Events and P r o g n e on Linn County Î Z d Halsey Happenings and County Events MARCH 11, 1925 and her • mother, we e guests Mrs. Pennell, i M. L . Burson of Ash Swale wae in town Monday. Large and Small Events Chronicled in Brief Paragraphs H - C- lhottpson, president of *h* BrownsvUl. bank, was in Hal ssy yesterday. Deg owners are warned to p»v ¡m L "' u beep “re be' nK killed and ,he whole dog family ¡„ Oregon has to pay for ,hem I he oigaret and tobaoeo tax will probable be fonght in the courts io get a disinterested j U(j ge |ook for one who does not use tobacco aa auch a one would be mulcted by the tax, and who dees not pav other taxes, as he would be bene­ fited by it. Over *1000 in county warrant# .ssued a few years ago and marked not paid for want of funds” are •till out. Interest on them stopped when they were advertised for and County Clerk Rugsel, thinks the owners may have laid them away and forgotten them. Brownsville Briefs Court Action Starts Notes From the H a L xsv Q r k r - ^ L on Teapot Dome nateey S c h o o l s * iKaterprlM Correepoa«mo#> Morse is quite sick neta * ,tn B right’s« disease at his Cheyenne, W y o - W ith Teapot D o n . aonie here in north Brownsville. anil Its supposed vast store» of crude AJmarine H. Quimby of Hal- **'*' G'M‘ka*»‘» **"• little oil as the prise, the government en- tered Into a momentous legal battle sey has been drawn on the A di - h dau^ h te i Blanche spent a p art In federal court here Monday in an of thp wpplf i„ • -i-L I « «uurr oer« Monday io an grand jury. ¿ i « ™ Mk “ A to u ,f V‘a“ *n‘ •» - - I relatives the lease which was granted by Albert The $2000,from the°rtate. This may . J u “ S M,s f rank Newland B. Fall, ex-secretary of the Interior, 7- me sia 18 I and Mr. Newland’s m other, Mrs. to the Mammoth Oil company. h it it out of debt. Atlee Pomerene, asfociated with Rachel Newland of Timber, Ore., Mra. Schroll is ,tiU bedfast, or spent the week end here visiting Owen D. Roberts, as special counsel, able to sit up only for short peri­ relatives. opened the case for the government Mrs. Palm er’s about $3500. ! estate W- J. Ribelio came home two ods and Ruby i, far from Btroog weeka ago end seems coniented to dwell 10 Halrey. He had an in- L. L. Swan’s bus and truck lerest m e barber shop at Prine. vj 11« and be came home with the m easure becomes a law and its constitutionality wiU be settled smooth face of a boy. :i court, probably. . George H arding ¡s ¡n the county jail in default of a $200 nne for participating in a wild p arty at S. C. Baker’s, Browns­ ville, and having liquor there. Lee Walton closed a deal this week for the purchase of eighty acres of land adjoining his 420 acre tract two miles north of Halsey.— H arrisburg Bulletin. (We are informed th a t the pur­ chase was 44 acres. Ed. E nter­ prise.) Cnarles Howe and daughter, Emma drove over to Corvallis Si n lay to see Mrs. Howe, who is in a hospital there. Mrs. Howe continues to improve in health. Mrs. Lawrence Dawson took her infant daughter to Lebanon one day last week to consult a doctor. The little one has a bail case of eczema on its face and head. Neil Newland, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Newland, was operat­ ed on for appendicitis! a t the Lebanon hospital one day last week. While seriously iU a t the time, the last reports w ere he was doing nicely. The Brownsville Times has A. L. S tark of Newport has begun a serial story. sold his farm and has been visiting this week at P. J. Fo r #- D. E. W algamott is putting te r’s. He is going to California in eight acres of straw berries. to visit three children wno have Alice Groshang and Lester homes there and have been urg­ Northern, a lively youug Holley ing him to give up his lonely farm life. Mr. S tark and Mr. ago today. f o r ste r have been acquain­ Wayne S ta rr, recently prin- tances since youth, while resid­ crpal of the Biowtikville schools, ing in several states. has been arrested for stealing G eorg» Q 'leener has got a tools a t Oakridge from the \ erdici for $236 for damages in­ garage ol' Olaf Nelson, also late flicted on his person a t a dance of Brownsville. a t Lacomb by L. S. Clark. Don’t know w hat the trouble wa& Alford Arrows C. C. and Thomas Jackson and their wive, and R L. Bilyeu and wife and two daughters went to Stayton Monday to the funeral of John Msok, 66 years old, a rela­ tive of the parties mentioned Mr. Mack was a successful farmer and had built up a good farm home by hard work. Pneumonia was the cause of death. A regular meeting of the W o­ men's Study club was held et the home of the president, Mrs. 8. J. Sm ith, Thursday afternoon. A very interesting lesson on “ Women of the Stage" was given by M ri Klleworth Shedd, while Mre. Smith had that part of the after- hoen’s entertaininfcut pertaining to domestic art. A sopial hour was much enjoyed and • refreshments were served. Mrs. -Haroid Pugh D a iry P o u ltry W ool HALSEY, ORBttOp, »»bout. TTw '» '- ¡ r o r « ,,, WMtfcer e n - 'j ‘° * “ joyed last week called out We went down to a C afeteria Uipge lapge E num ber of students in- for our dinner. We had a nice in baseball. lunch. Then we returned to the The negro m instrel show will begin at 8:30 Friday evening, We went to the Asylum but we couldnt go in untill two o’clock so we looked the grounds over. It wasn’t quite two so we walked around awhile. We saw- some ? birds and rabbits ------ “'* *“ »a»ivs in some in some . ey bad some real beau- tIt, blrds in th er*- 11 was two o’clock by the tim e tb# show arc worth emphasising. ?Te ’ of«Hied. We went through lh » meiubur* of the Hanrooai . Asylum They had long hall- club are very musically inclined i kan<[ »ttlc l,edrooms off instead of 8 o’clock, as was first announced. The plans were al­ tered on account of a meeting to be held a t the M ethodist church. A lot of th e advertise­ m ents seen about town were made by tine more talented car- toon a rtists of the high school. Several im portant features or in a statement before Judge T. Blake Kennedy, reviewing the transactions between H arry r . Sinclair, president of the Mammoth company; Edwin Denby. ex secretary of ¿he navy; Mr. Fall and others, which led to the granting of the lease Prepared to defend at every angle the legality of the lease and to dis avow al) charges of corruption in connection with it, the Mammoth Oil - to * “ Mr. Fall and Mr. Sinclair have been aubpenaed aa government wltneaaea. °* l M l F ru m Washington Court to Settle Bond Row s ... . „ m . j . ¡ X her of the committee, did not vote on a . r - o lu ,,™ . . „ a. senior cl»#», Kulli They have a ^ la i ir e ' ir,>n c601*" Genevieve Wells, aroijnd it. ? f VlT h ^ . On the ffate ifc 3aid« "push the Tne fren ch I and n classes button and when you hear the were given a period Monday buzzer open th e gate. We heard afternoon in which they saw the buzzer before we pushed th e slides illustrating habits ano button and we were at f ir s t costumes of the people of the afraid to push the gate French nation. , We saw the prisoners cells and their room they have for their Wewent u» e . tor p , , „ . „ , lh, amaawnOTta. diM ing ¿ « « V “J Halsey, Oregon. room where they shaved. Dear Papa- Feb' Uary 17, keP* most of the doors ,ai rdP®.- locked#between the rooms trip to' Salem °f J e went into m o th e r’room Olympia, Wash.— At a meeting of the state capltol committee here a resolution was passed to Issue «600.- 000 of bonds against the state capitol timber, as authorised by recent legls latlve action. State Treasurer Potts met with the committee and offered to buy the half million issue at 4H per cent from accident funds in the treasury. got and ® „ 51, x down there “ a h o iit r„ X . d ' ed hom' , f , w ton re f-‘.5 le r # a - , , d ha » •" to signing the bonds ss state auditor. his load o f boys had to wart un t »orney-Oeneral Dunbar "win at' n n ^ 1 1,1 t h * ? ’ b U t * * u hart ■ bring a mandamus proceeding |n the * S? O rt W a ,t? th e V * Ot t h m May tie Quoener was pay­ ing to much attention to some of the queens there to please Clark. (School Reporter) We were there about half ai ,b ° Ur Then Wt> went int0 house and Stayed about another half an hour. (B y an Enterprise Reporter) Tour friend, Francas Norteo. •a few m m uts after. I D’ r> • We then went to the Senate to i 1 Hie LifOVe r OHltS heai- them passing bills and dis i ______ John Standish has jumped Mr. and Mrs. d ia rie s Jenks .of cussing them. We stayed in » Rntarprl»« C«rr»spoadenca> again, this time to the Salmon Tangent visited a t J. H. Ridk- there about fifteen m inuts, then (Idaho) Recorder, whose pub­ a rd ’s Sunday. Floyd Nichols was an Albany went to the House of- Rep. to Albany's lisher says: John K. Standish caller Friday. listen to them . There we staj-ed Boh Allen of Halsey painte*! onl, arrived last Friday to have about charge o f mechanical depart- the new play-shed a t the Alfora U7 tw enty " m 7 inuts. ------ -i. j ' A- Fnighfen was an We kt ss.n« then 4-1. w _ ent to the dome Albahy visitor Thursday. GOVERNOR'S WIFE IS DEAO »na'it of the Reuurdur office. school last week. "Il'zv r. t_ - J * -- . i which was th e most fun we had. ' Ml. ... ... _ . Miss H attie Dannen of Shedd Mrs. Laura M. ------- Standish has come to stay. The Piares Olas After Lon# We Went One story on the ele- ‘ , \ II*’, A i1 LUr *^Pn n fP visited her sister, Mra. E. a . outdoor life, fishing, hunting, illn ess. vatoi I- then Vliilted at Bert H o n e s ’ Illness then went went up up about about fou. foui etc., appeals to him. He had Staines, Sunday. ve flights of stairs. We unaa-'- or five .......... ............ .. Salem, O r — Mrs. Laura M Plerc#. E V E R Y T H IN G O P T IC A L heard of this country, of its Mr. and Mi’s. B. E. Cogswell wife of Governor W alter M. Pierce, stayed up there about ten John McNeil was in Albany soenery and natural a ttra c tio n s , and son Philip of Portland spent died et the family home here at it m inuts 1 guess. Of course we several day» |#st week, being B a n cro ft O ptical Co. o’clock Sunday morning. , and has been planning for some the week end a t their ranch. didn’t all of us »tay up there called on the jury. 313 West Firat street, Albany,Or. Mrs Pierce had been in ill health th a t long. - Ruth and I were the ' time to visit this section. Lee Ingram attended the for more than two years, v only . . . , * girls , a,a th a t could stand it any . lsae3 ,SoPhla *nd Mary Hein- funeral of his uncle, Lloyd In­ (Continued on page 6) , rich y» of Corvallis spent Funeral services were held from length of, time. »- a « v m i ii # n p e m the «1 week- gram , a t Hillsboro last week. the First Presbyterian church hkre ! We then went to the Hospital end nt th(!>r home here. Tuesday afternoon, with Rev. Ward 1 from the capital. We had to ’ The-Pine Grove orchestra-will Beverly Isom spent Wednes- W illis Long officiating. AU stale d r day night with her friend, partmrnts closed during thr funeral , wait for quite a while l»efore gt» to the Riverside community i we could go through, so wt> house to play for an entertain- Dorothy Corcoran, in Halsey. hour. looked around the yards. They m ent next Saturday evening. I-aura M. Pierce was born In what Mrs. J. H. Rickard came home j ,, Is now Wheeler county, near Monu­ ; iure are beautiful. from the hospital Wednesday It took us about tw enty . v ’ t Lawrence Zimmerman Is prepared, in 1925, as over, to serve custom ­ last week and is improving «low­ ment, in central Oregon, May 30, 1871. minuts to go through it 1 guesa. v,8,ted aer pai'ents, Mr. ant» Her parenla were pioneers, her father, er« frern a complete stock o f fresh goods ly. Peter Rudlo, crossing the plains in My they sure have it fixed nice Mr# N- E Chandler, over tbe in there for thorn. , week end. '♦P to t.Jie coalt. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Whitbeck From there we went to tho ‘ t l . x She was married to W alter M. spent p art of last week with he> Pierce In September. 1893, and waa State Prison. My it sure is dif- l 17le E Afiven at the school brothers, Chester and Ellsworth the mother of five children. ferent to go through, everything a H e n d ^ ^ T h ^ " 1^ T ’ We" Latest styles in dainty things for ladies’ Curtis. is built ju st as strong as they Pr/ ’ceeda wera wear can be built. » , whlch be used for Postal Receipts Show BI# Incrssse. Miss Thelma Ingram visited Work garm ents for workers While going through the p r i- , SCh2 ° l her friends, Helen and Sadie Washington, D. C.— Improved bust Notions and novelties Lpmeyfcr, Saturday night and neaa conditions are noted in the postal aon several of us saw Boggie a . " e Women’s Missionary so- Several of the children cl,e.t F ° f the Peoria South M eth­ Sunday. receipts of SO leading cities which , cell. Underwear for men, women and children odist church m et with Mrs. totaled 325.S43.947 In February. 1926. I »Ought rings, J. N. Burnett and fawiily of aa compared with <25,284 107 In Feb- I A t both of these places Wto I'loyd Nichols Thursday a fte r­ H arrisburg called a t th® J. H. ruary a year ago. an increase of 1.6b had to sign our names in a big noon. Members present were Meodairea J. 8. LaMar, J, W. and Michael Rickard homes per cent, the postoffiee department book. Men measured lor dandy made-to-order announced LaMar, H. R Tata, Alice riant), Sunday afternoon. Your daughter, dress suits Jennie Nice wood. ' George Githen«, George Bayne, Mrs. Guy Roberts and family Two Rwm Runnera Found Guilty. Boys’ suits, ready to wear N. E. < handler, L. E. Eugy and of Toledo visited Mrs. Roberts’ Halsey, Oregon. t E. E. Hovei'. Visitors present Ran F ru e la ro — Two men were Kain clothing parents, Mr. and Mrg. Michaei found guilty and 13 were freed of February 17, 1925. , ware Maedawee Charles Nichol«, Rickard, last Sunday. nun running chargee by a Jury In the Dear Mr. Nicewood: The school is w riting to you Beryl McNeil and Fred Hein­ for the little folks court In connection with the Mrs. M attie Householder ano federal on our trip to Salem. We had a rich. in trial ei m of the crew or of me the rum ram runner H O E S for the big folks little son of Roseburg spent ’OulUa Captain John O'Hagan of thv- wonderful tim e, Thursday with the form er# Guin» and Joe Campanelli ot . the ■ VA * craw We «4 started ahout half past A gospel team from the Bible aunt, Mis. J. H. Rickard. ware found guilty Charge# agalnct eight. We all met a t the post training school in Portland wilt If your feat hurt, come in. We can relieve yon with IS defendants resulted whun the oflice. A fter we all got there h° Id a week end convention a t pair of Bdwarda' Foot F itte rs .” Ix?wis, C harity Blanche and the crew of the Oullla waa brought ashore we started. the Halsey Methodist churcn M orris C urtis called on their here by the steamship Brookings, We went through Shedd. Tan- f^Xt Friday evening, Saturday Our goods give satisfaction because they friends, Aaron and H attie which had picked them up at sea gent, Albany and Jefferson be- afternoon and evening and Sun- are Starnes, Sunday afternoon. after the ram runner had boen »cut- fore we reached Salem. day morning. Ai-rangements Mrs. Chester C urtis and baby, tied with the greater part ot au alleg A fter we gift to Salem we all have been made for the Friday Mrs. Alice Allen and children, •d llgwer cargo In the hold. met a t the Capitol building on evening meeting to begin a t Mrs. Fred B urkhart and Mrs. the south side. |7 :1 5 and the high sdhool en- Tne annual meeting of the Linn GOOD GOODS We went into the Capitol and tertam m ent a t 8 :$0 so there w ill I>ee Ingram called on Mrs. County Holiteln Cattle club will be J.. H. Rickard last week. looked a t the things in there anti be no conflict. Evei zone come held at Harrisburg Frldav. A th4n we went up to th e senate, and te a r this group of w q rk ca. E. A. Starnes went to :Alh: anv Monday, supreme court compelling Claussen ‘ to ’ sign the hoods. It is understood the supreme court will hoar the matter and decide aa soon as possible, that, in case the bond law Is uot held un­ constitutional, work on the capltol tnay proceed. ’ EXCLUSIVE OPTICAL PARLORS M. V. Koontz Co. DRY GOODS CLOTHING hoes S _a e a . m a c c« ROONTZQ * 1 « I » . »