News Notes From A ll Over Oregon high school building la Rainier, car By a vote of two to one. elector« of The Dallas school district have rati- | fled the action of the school board in NICHOLAS LONGWORTH Tentative plana for the new $165,000 transferring a nine-acre tract west of high school building to be construct­ town for the site of a proposed union G le a n e d b y ( h e W e s t e r n ed in Roseburg thia year were sub­ high school. mitted to the school board by the N e w s a p o r J U n io n fo r Radicals Are Classified By The Bank of Prineville has made architects. * application to the controller of the B u sy P e e p le House as Members of a An effort Is being made In Bend to currency to be converted into the secure a through mail stage to Klafh- New Fourth Party. Prineville National bank, with a cap­ ath Falls. Mall between the two places WIIII hb A. Masslngill was nomlnat- now goes around by Weed, Cal , and ital of $60.000 The bank haa $600. 0)0 dapoeits. •d by Präsident Coolidge as postmast Washington, D. C.— After wielding takesWour days. er at Lakeview. Herold Goldsmith, of the Bend Boy the "balance of power” In both branch Mrs. Jane Grant Rennie. 92, pioneer es of congress for the lest two years, Bombs tilled with tear gas were ef­ of Oregon and a resident of the W il­ Scouts, has qualified for the rank of the La Follette insurgents stood fectively used by the Portland police lamette valley for more than 50 years, Eagle Scout, the highest rank In the Boy Scout organisation. He recent shorn of their republican affiliations In raiding a bootleg establishment. died at the home of her son. John M. l.v passed successfully tests for three and herded by administration leadere The lumber market In Eugene and Rennie, in Eugene. merit badges. into the classification of a new fourth Lane county is looking brighter, ac­ George Neuner Jr. of Roseburg was party. Affidavits of prejudide against cording to lumber men of the county nominated by President Coolidge for This was the outstanding result of judges of Oregon courts to be effective During January the state game com­ United States attorney for the distrlot the republican caucus. must be made before the Judge tinder mission paid 13942 In bounties on 1209 of Oregon and the nomination con Those affected include Representa­ attack haa made any rulings In the wlldoats, 21 oougars and two wolves firmed by the senate. tives Cooper, Volght. Nelson. Shafer, case at issue, according to an opinion Telephone users Io the Tumalo and Lamport, Beck. Browne, Schneider. Raymond W. Hatch, Portland archi­ handed down by the supreme court. Freer and Peavy of Wisconsin; Sin tect, is drawing plans tor a new union Plainview districts have petitioned the A serious explosion occurred in the clear of South Dakota, Keller of Min high school at Molalla to cost $80.000. Bend commercial club to help them chemistry room of the Ashland high get direct connection with the Bend or nesota and Laguardla of New York. The Milton city council Wednesday school. In which one girl narrowly Congressman Nicholas Longworth Senate and house republicans acted decided to grade and gravel 2800 feet Redmond telephone exchange. escaped death and several others per­ Mrs. L. H. Hadley, wife of Repre­ simultaneously in displacing the In­ of Ohio, who was selected by the The state highway commission has of city streets. The work w ill cost manent injury. The material explod­ sentative Hadley of Washington, who surgents. in the house the rebels republican caucus to bs speaker of called for bids for surfacing the 21 approximately $2600. ed while a preparation was being heat­ was nominated without opposition to were barred from the caucus and In the new house of representatives. miles of the Roosevelt highway south The production departments of all ed. be president of the Congressional the senate they were denied party of Bandon. Grading and clearing a» units of both Bend sawmills are run­ Income from the Portland-Vancou­ club, the exclusive official women’s affiliation by a vote of the senate been going on all winter. ning full oapacRy six days a week committee on committees Recent high waters washed sway ver interstate bridge totaled $444,048 club of Washington, D. C. and on a two shift basis. The specific action taken against during 1924. according to annual fig­ bridge leading to Goodpasture Is­ Mguras recently compiled reveal the four senate Insurgents— Senators ures announoed by the Interstate land r j a r Eugsns. and now the school that municipalities In Tillamook coun ] La Follette of Wisconsin, Ladd and bridge commission. Totals for 1924 ty have approximately $2,600,000 out child.en of the bland are unable to show an Increase of $86.186 over fig­ Frasier of North Dakota, and Brook get across to attend their classes. Washington, D. C.— The postal pay standing bonds and warrants hart of Iowa— was to deprive them of and rate Increase bill waa signed by ures of the previous year. Mrs. Josephine M. Sale, widow of B. P. 8chleslnger. of Los Angeles, all committee assignments as repub­ President Coolidge. It increases the Construction of a new veterans' hos­ and his sons became owner ot the the lnte A. H Sale, died at her home licans for the next congress and to pital In Portland will ba assured pay of postal clerks and carriers num­ Mrs Eale crossed the pioneer Portland department store ot 1° Astoria. assign them as Independents, This bering more than 200,006 by about Washington, D. C.—Calvin Coolidge, through passage of the veterans' aid plains In 1968 and had resided on the Olda. W ortman A King, March 1 bill, even though the general appro­ SOth president of the United States, action will rank them lower than the $320 each a year, adding about $68,- H. H Sichel of Portland was elect­ Sale homestead at Astoria since l$70 priation Is reduced to $10,000,000. ac­ was Inaugurated chief executive in standing given Senator Shlpstead of 000,000 to the government payroll. Dr. Mary F. Farnham, former dean ed president of the Oregon Retail cording to a message received In Port­ his own right Wednesday, March 4 Minnesota, the "third party” farmer Revenue from postal rates increased Clothiers and Furnishers' association of women at Paolflc university, has At noon the 68th congress ended and laborlte. land from Washington, D. C. by the new law will bring In an addi­ donated a large collection of photo­ at the convention held In Portland. Senator McNary of Oregon was the tional $59,000.000. A large eougar, weighing between the senate of the 69th congress as Clyde Waterman, clerk of the Ban­ graphs of art studies and about 300 sembled immediately In extraordinary only member of the republican com A new 2-cent service oharge on par­ 80 and 70 pounds, was killed fa the croft school district, plsaded guilty volumes of literature to the college h llli northwest of MeMinnvill«' last session and its duly chosen presiding mittee on committees to cast a nega cels post w ill raise $13,090,000 and library. tive vote. In clreult oourt at Marshfield to em- sone rates on newspaper reading mat­ week. The cougar had been praying officer, Charles Gates Dawes, was in A total of 2760 students attended besslement of $800 of the district stalled in the office ot vice-president ter in the secqpd class prill be In­ upon a hard of goats and when killed Portland night schools during the funds. A few minutes later Mr. Coolidge creased considerably. The rate on had Just finished eating a goat Which month ending February >0; $3 teach­ was escorted by a distinguished as An election w ill be called in Marsh­ postal caiMs is Increased from 1 to 2 it had lifted over the pasture fence. semblage from the senate chamber to field during the latter part of March ers wore employed to give Instruction cents, but otherwise first-class rates An alleged shortage of $8000 in the to vote on a proposed bond Issue of ‘ and five prlhOpals directed the ac­ state’s funds, discovered by a eheck the east front of the capitol. where, are unchanged. tivity. in accord with the custom of more $36,000 for needed school improve­ The bill also carries a "rider” lim ­ attar State Treasurer T. B Kaygtook than a century, he took the oath of ments. Republican House leaders agreed on iting campaign expenditures of con­ office the first of the year, was con­ re mors Lasting From One to gressional candidates. A bond issue of $126.000 to be ex­ the selection of Representative Haw­ fessed by Clarence W. Thompson, office, kissed the Bible and delivered his Inaugural address. ley of Oregon as ohairman of the Under the new law congressional panded on the erection of a new union oaghler In the state treafhry under Five Seconds Are Felt Over W ith this simple ceremony conclud republican caucus. He w ill succeed randidates cannot spend more than Treasurers H off and Jeffdrson Myers. ed the president led the parade down Representative Anderson of Mlnne- Mr. Kay announced. Wide Territory. the amount obtained by multiplying Pennsylvania avenue to the White three cents by the total number of Chester C. Buchtel, who confessed House, where he reviewed the pro­ New York.— An earthquake, varying votes cast In the last general election to setting 66 fires with property dam­ cession of marchers who came to In a general sway to a tremor of such for the office for which he le running, age nearly $600,000, while he was a Washington to do him honor. Intensity as to shake pictures from but In no case exceeding $26,000 tor member of the Portland fire depart­ the senate and $6000 for the house. walls, Saturday night shook an area ment. will be taken before a sanitary Soy beans are unexcelled for plant A flat maximum of $10,000 for sena­ commission, ff the board decides be ing in combination with corn for hog or approximately 400,000 square miles, torial races and $5000 for house cam­ Is unbalanced he will be sent to the or lamb pasture. They muke a heavy Inhabited by more than 35,000,000 paigns Is set for candidates from less state hospital tor treatment, it was yield of seed and their erect growth people, nearly one-third of the popu- i populous districts who would be re­ lation of the United 9tates. The trem said. I f he Is found sane an arson prevents trampling by grazing uni stricted to less than these amounts by male, so that the erbp Is eaten almost ore looted from one to five seconds. charge will be pressed.. three cents a vote. completely. The territory covered by the quake extended from Michigan to the A t­ lantic ocean, and from Naw England BRIEF GENERAL NEWS A/Aoziy fflir tc fo r y — Continued to the District of Columbia, West V ir­ The senate called upon President ginia. Lower Pennsylvania and Ohio. LTub Cleaning Works, Inc. Coolidge to make public the report The quake wae felt between 9:16 Cor. Secoond and Ferry This is good advice; “ i f you live Master Dyers and Cleaners and 9:20. Thousands in widely Scat­ of the federal trade commission on in Albany, trade in Albany ; if you live M ade-To-M easure Clothes tered communities rushed from its investigation Into gasoline prices. in some other town, trade in that town." Major-Oeneral James Harrison W il­ But in these automobile days many re­ m perial ca fe 209 w . First theatres and other places ot amuse­ siding elsewhere find it advisable to do ment, or from their homes into the son, U. 8. A., retired, last of the corps Harold G. Murphy Prop. at least part of their buying in the Phone 665 streets. The giant skyscrappers of commanders in the Union army dur­ larger town. Those who go to Albany W e never CLOSE New York swayed with the motion of ing the Civil war, died at hla home In to transact business will find the firms th e . earth. Manhattan island, upon Washington, D. C. -lamed below ready to fill their require­ kfA G N E T O ELECTRIC Co’ ments with courtesy and fairness. The appointment of James F. Bur­ Official Strom berg carburetor serv­ which these skyscrapers are built, is ice »tai ion. Couservative prices. A ll solid rook. Excavation Is such a d iffi­ ton of Fort Dodge. Is., as national ad­ A CCKtfSOKIKS AN0TIRK S work guaranteed. 119-121 W . Second. cult a ffa ir that a basement for an jutant of tbe American Legion was Auto Supplies apartment house Involves blasting. announced by James A. Drain, na­ J. H. AlAISON akinello PARLORS ISJJWest First St (A beauty aid for every need) But Manhattan island trembled before tional commander. St. Francis Hotel Vice Prealdent-eleot Charles O. the force of nature. No material dam A lbany Floral Co. Cut dowers Prep.. W innifbhd R ose . age waa reported as a result of the Dawns announced the selection of E * * and plants. Floral art for.«very and all occasions. IMJen and money are best when quake several hours after the first Ross Bartley, member of the Wash < 1 by W w t i n NwwRp«k|»«r U n i o n s ington staff of The Aasoclated Press, Flosrer phone 431-1. busy. Make your dollars work in tremors were felt. Horizontal. our savings department. A lbany S tate as bis secretary. Vertical. Police In hundreds of cities and B R U N S W IC K 1 ~ -L e < « n d B ake . Under government supervision. towns were ewainped with telephone The German government has sent 4— T o a t r i p o ff PHON O Û RAPES - S t ill 8— E f i u a l a note to the secretariat-general of the calls of Inquiry. at ft— P r e s id e n t w i t h a t a a a o a a g r i n GTIM8ON THE SHOE DOCTOR P o rfo n u a « W O O D W Û R ïi’S ft— B o y *a a a a a e The section rocked has been singu­ league of nations protesting against Second street, opposite Hamilton's 11— -B o m b a a t i e l a t p l k O — In d e f in it e a g e store. r& — N o t a a y larly free of earth tremors in the past. the maintenance of French troops In 7— S ig n o f t h e a e d la a TAavenport Music company offers 1ft—Like “ Sudden Service.” Saar valley. A— B e f o r e n e w 1ft— H a d a f f e c t i o n f o r Piaao-case organ, good as new 1 0 — B ro k e n to o th United States Senator Medill Mc­ Bridge Over Columbia Authorised a . We make our own candies 000 for tbe construction of the bridge to Albany college library last week. «•— rbua >S. B o a t 7 ’ F U R N IT U R E A N D 'W S. DVNC a N. 4 0 — M a w E a g la a d a ta ta (a b b r .) and the rest of the cost will be con They gave 60 volumes and several »7— F rr k r a i.a a la c aot u^i F A R M M A C H IN E R Y tributed from federal aid funds 4 1 — ftc lo c t b o d y hundred msgaslnea of historical ami S’* — l a w n n a a l h T o a o a a 4ft— B o y ’a a l e k a a m e G^ilnos developed and printed. < • — C o n ta la e r t a r v a lu a b le * literary value. Eleven volumes hail 4ft- B o y *a p l a y t h i n g * We mail them right back to you. 44— D l c l t bought, sold and exchanged at all times 4ft— B a f f a t •a in ts Lire Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, Or­ 40— A c * 4ft— Gama egon. 40— F o r e o v e r It Is In this life alone we can learn Foundation of Peace B E N T. S U D T E L L •O — D r i l l 47— I.a r a e eas e ftl— f t w l r l * I neons uf patleuce und selfdrnlal, for The Divine benediction Is pro­ 4»— l a ia c la a r y f a r e * RD 8ALES AND SERVICE Phone 76-R, 123 N. Broadalbin st., Albany £ * « t « r a a ta ta (a b b r .) there are no sick-beds to watch by, no nounced upon peacemakers. But Ibeu SO— E e l . t Tires and accessories sufferers to soothe, no mourners to pence, to be of vaine, must be per­ T b a e o la t io n w f l l a p e a r la a a s t t a n * . Repairs comfort In tbe mansions of the Fa­ manent; und tp be permanent I« must K iuk -P ollak M otor C o . ther's bouse.—George Mscdonuld. Solution of P u z z le N o . I t , be founded on sound principien. Pullman Car O h a rg e to Stay. pVirtmiller Furniture Co., furni- E Washington. D. C.—The 5(1 per cent U ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. W rite tor booklet describing our 20- Pullman surcharge collected by rail­ Funeral directors. 4 $7-433 west First V year Rural Credit Amortized Loans roads for sleeping and parlor car ac­ street Albany, Oregon. The loan pays out in JO payments, re­ commodations w ill continue in force. tiring the principal. Cheap rates. No uller grocery 2.% Lyon The house by a vote o f, 123 to 255 re­ delay. B eam L and C o ., (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) 133 Lyon street, Albany, Ore. fused to accept a senate amendment Groceries Fruits Produce L . S. A C. T. C. T ir e s N e w , lo w - p r ic e d G ill to the independent offlct -s bill abolish­ Phone 263 R M ore s e r v ic e B a t t e r ie s f o r ing the surcharge Repulicans & Sinners Cast O ut Devils riud. 218 to eighty, ta the special election. Vlail Charges and W ag es Go up Inauguration is Simple Affair Great Shakes in the Elast CROSS-WORD PUZZLE No. 12 ^ ^ lb a n y j^ ire c to ry I , TM E po FA RM LOANS □ B □a 0 H DDE YT E mwi IC □0BD0 E can g S ans bei El ^X T ?R J The Multnomah couaty farm at I : routdale totaled a profit of »7652 en products during 1981. according to the annual report of the institu­ tion. filed wtth the ccain| y commie lioaers. , i .< H olman A R R O W G A R A G E , Gansle Bros. , F a jackson Grocery—Bakery Everything in the line of eats Opposite Postoffice FA R M LOANS at lowest rate of interest. IT ub Candy Co., First street, next Real Estate doot to B liin Clothing Co. Noon lnOches. Home-made csndv and ice Cream I- r*' • i- X» Prompt service. Insurance Courteous treatment. N o m ore co st Ford, S k i l le d A u t o r e p a ir in g S ta r , C h e v r o le t A u to a c c e s s o r ie s and o th e r s m a ll c a r s M O R E S E R V IC E FO R L E S S M O N E Y W m -B au ». Room 3, First Savings Bank bnilning, Albany I