»Ay 'IT *— ________ RURAL ENTERF A g rc u ltu re H o rtc u ltu re L iv e s to c k A Weekly Chronicle of Local Events and Progress on Linn County Land HALSEY, ORBUCtt MARCH 4, 1925 *? V Halsey Happenings and County Events and both have been around during the week. EDITORIAL BRIEFS When, io the News of Monte­ M E. Gardner was jpn the sick list video, Minn., after a reporter had last week. Lake Creek Locals Alford Arrows D a iry P o u ltry W ool Notes From the Halsey Schools (By an Enterprise Reporter) E. R. Cummings and daughter pi Jo« Drinkard was a visitor at Bert W. P. Wahl and family drove to' had writeo that the pride’s cos- (School Reporter) Albany were Sunday guests at E. D. tume '* was trimmed with reel Midckley’s thia week. Eugene Thursday. Isom’s. The sixth victory for the girls’ lace,” the article appeared with W. H. Cumming and family spent Mr, Bacey of Salem visited at J. C basketball team was won at Scio Roland Marks came over from Cor­ an ” i" instead ot an “ a ” in Sunday at Walter Baumgartner’s. Porter’s a few days last week. vallis and spent pie week end with Friday evening, 22 to 18. The Halsey " lsce ” the lady may fie excused his parents. P. H. Freerksen attended the dep- Jay Curtis of Lebanon visited his team led with the highest score dur­ Golden sunshine. Mr». Charles Poole of Lebanon and for thiukiog the subject was not | uty assessors’ meeting in Albany brothers, Chester and Ellsworth Cur­ ing the entire game, which was play- Everybody ia makiDg gardan. tis, Sunday. - ,, Saturday. her sister, Mrs, Allen, recently from esthetically treated. d on a large floor. This was a John Wolfe, Browasville pion, Canada, were in Halsey Friday. Clarence Evans and w ife and M rs. Mr. Wilson of Nixon visited his Senator McNary’s was the only landicap to the boys' team, as well eer, died Monday. Woodward attended church in Har­ daughter, Mrs. Ellsworth Curtis, and A. W. Dykstra was an Alsea «tal­ is the girls’, because the home floor The Armatroog poultry farm ler the last of the week, the guest voice raised in the naaibflal coth- risburg Sunday. family Sunday. mltlee on committees against giv­ chipped 1000 baby chicks by mail of his son-in-law, Cecil Quimby. is so small in comparison. The Hal­ Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Starnes visited Martin Cummings and family spent to Red mood yesterday. ing LaFollette and his followers sey players were: forwards, Walker Sunday visiting , M r * C u a a in g s ' sis­ Mrs. S ta rn es’ sister, Mrs, C lan* Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Stevenson and Mra. H- M. Heory baa been here son of Eugene were guests of the for­ the free ad\ertisement of expul­ ter Mrs. C. R. Rowan, in Eugene. (15) sad Hsyts (7); scoters, Chandler Spreuger, at Shedd F riday after giooe last week and thinks ot ind Pehn son; guards, Corcoran and mer’s parent«, J. A. Stevenson and sion from ths republican pasty. noon. * > The bridge has been repaired. Mr. changing her residence from the wife, Friday. »Villiams. The line-up for Scio was: Leonard came up from Albany Thurs­ coast to Halsey. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burkhart ot guards, Tuchek and Wesley; centers, Governor Pierue tbie week with day and attended to it. M. H. Shook »pent last week in Salem are spending the week end Frances Norton won the first lutherlin and Culavan; forwards, Ibany, looking after the Swift 4 his veto ax chopped about half a it their farm. Nicawood essay prize in the grade Bert Minskley toek from here to Flannigan (6) and Miller(4). Subs- o. station while his brother, Olin million dollars from the load the schools and Ruth Sturtevant and Chester Curtis and family called on itutes, Zysset. the packing plant in Albany last week late lamented legislature prepared Edna Vaoxice tied for the other Shook, went to Portland. The boys' team was defeated, 7 to one load of hogs for O. G. Colderon Mrs. Curtis’ parents, Mr. and Mrs two. Mrs. Fred Taylor of Portland was for Oregon taxpayers to carry. Charles Tandy, Sunday afternoon. ’5. The Halsey team was: forwards, and two for Martin Cummings. Judicious advertising was one fac­ the guest the first of the week of her Mrs Wallace Hawk, Ways», B«r M. Koontz, and F. Koontz (1), center, P. H. Freerksen and wife, Mrs. The mors attempts at tbe Salem tor in the Rebekah lodge getting $100 father, J. C. Standish, and wife on nice and Donald Hawk and Mrs Clo -'orton (2) ; guards. Tussiag (I) and Frank Workinger and children and free-fot-all are compared with re­ at the social last week. her return trip from Corvallis. wee) Cress )i) substitute. Robnett. All Mrs. H. Freerksen had dinner with ver of Springfield spent the sults the more compelling beoom>e the baskets mad« by the Halsey play- end at the Lee Ingram home. Mrs. Davis of Albany was the At the last meeting of Charity Mrs. Clark and Jim Tate Sunday ev­ irs were from the front line W ilk in - grange there were seven visiting guest of her daughter, Mrs. L V. tbe thought that the farmer made ening. DeEtta and Doris Robnett returned his city hecklers look ridlo t « . on from Albany refereed both games members from Brownsville and P. H. Chance, the first of the week. to their home in Eugene Sunday, af­ Mrs. Thomas Ardi— and Mrs. Mar­ hese games end the basketball sea- Freerksen from Shedd. The third Brandon school district No. 134 has The republicans threw ^¿»Fol­ tin Cummings returned Friday from ter spending seveial days with theii on, and, although the boys have not and fourth degrees were conferred on a new hone and car shed, built by lon„ so well, the girls have had only three candidates. The usual good the patrons last week, and it is hoped letto and his followers out of the Roseburg, where she had been a t­ grandmother, Mrs. D. 1. Isom. ne defeat, which was at I-cbanon at An Endeavor business and social party h st week and an eartnquake tending the district conference of feed was furnished by the ladies. The it will have a play shed soon. . meeting was held at E. D. Isom’s le first of the season. lecturer's hour was devoted to inter­ shock wt« felt from Washington to our church. Mrs. J. J. Corcoran went to Mil­ Labrador, About twenty- The domestic scienco class of the esting topics which included the lives Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dethman of Thursday evening. live young people wore present ant Icio high school gave a reception for of Washington and Lincoln. The leg­ waukie the last of the week to see her Hood River, who were visitin Trotsky showed such symptoms Mrs. Dethman’s parents, Mr. and ifter the business session games were he teams after the games. Several islative committee promises some daughter, Mrs. Marcella Kirk, who ia played till a late hour, when a taffy ill in a san iia rin m . Mrs. Kirk is of a streak of political sanity peeches were mad« by students of thing interesting for the next meet­ Mrs. Hans Koch, for the past week, ,ull was indulged in. reported «till fa iliu g this naek. uth schools. M ia (Thayer, the girls* ing. It was declared a well spent that the Russian government left for home on Monday. jaeh at Scio, acted as toastmistrsss. Michael Rickard went to Roseburg Mrs. C. P. Stafford left for Ore­ threw him out—told him day. to i.arl Albertson, senior of last year, gon City Sunday evening to be with Mr». Esther Bass and family and Friday, returning Sunday with hit Thursday night the state highway her mother, Mrs. D. F. Dean, who trotxky. isited the school one afternoon last Mr. and Mrs. Perry Taylor and daughter, Mrs. Mathin Householder commission in Portland received pe­ was to have her tonsils removed visit veek. The Oklahoma Press association daughter were dinner guests of Mr. and three children, who will titions signed by more than 2000 Linn Monday. dm for several weeks. Her husbant . • • and Mrs. Elmer Munson Sunday. Sulphnr, Gk. ’The name of the county people in regard to the Santi- (By an Enterprise Reporter) Mrs. J. O. Porter and son Harry mssed away last week at their home The new movie man takes snap- place suggests tfist the printers' am pais road, the route to be made in Roseburg after an illness of mor< spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. We have a them« written by « official from Lebanon to the highway hots of people around town, throws devils might attend and feel at than a year. ophomore as * sample of hir»o religion» service for members ling up” to make herself look like lot of truth was flung in the faces of Give these youngsters 'he wnuld-he bosses and a small mi­ Prayer meeting, Wednesday even­ of daaomlnatioM of the city will be a heathen. ing. held Darter roaming. with a pastor more work to do, more good reading, nority showed that it had the negative ooovpytng tbe same natural rock pul more regular attendance at Sunday power, if not positive. “ If your feet hurt, come in. We can relieve you with pit used by Jason Lee la hl* talks school and church, and less time for M. E. Church a pair of Edward»’ Foot Fitter«.” cheap novel reading, attendance at tn the red men 9 • * Robert Parker pastor. Movies are moving again in Hal- questionable shows and public dance This year, as never before, a farm­ halls, and we shall have better, clean ley. Sunday school, 10. Saturday night "The Little er with a program will be a farmer Prsacbing. 11. Church around the Comer” was pre­ er young people. with a profit. Junior League, 3, sented at the movie house Next Sat­ e e e Intermediate League, 6 80 Prof. J. B. Horner was the princi­ urday night there will be another Trimming out fence corners with n Epworth Isague, 6.80. pal speaker at the Brownsville teach­ »how and s week later tint greet scythe ha» rather undeservedly bi GOOI» GOODS Preaching, 7:30. come a lost art tn many sections of the ers’ institute, talking of Oregon his "lassie, “The Hunchback of Notre Prayer-meeting Thursday, 7 30, country. tory, recent and ancient. Dame.” (By Special Correspondent) Large and Small Events Chronicled in Brief Paragraphs ’ EXCLUSIVE OPTICAL PARLORS Bancroft Optical Co. Brownsville Briefs M. V. Koontz Co. Is prepared, in 1925, as ever, to serve custom­ ers frem a complete stock fresh goods dry goods Latest styles in dainty things for lathes’ wear Work garments for workers Notions and novelties Underwear for men, women and children CLOTHING Men measured for dandy made-to-order dress suits Boys’ suits, ready to wear Rain clothing hoes for the little folks HOES for the big folks S Our goods give satisfaction because they are J^OONTZg